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((Y/N)'s POV)

Toriel was holding me in her arms while I could barely move. I felt much warmer, but I don't want to be held by her when I know my mom is here too. We were in what she said was her room and did not want Asgre to come in. It was just the two of us in here and she wanted me to drink from her boob, and actually got me to do it when I got tired of fighting. She walked around to bounce and feed me in her room until someone opened the door, and she looked mad until she saw it wasn't Asgre.


Alphys-H-Hi, your Highness... Am I disturbing something?

Toriel-I can feed my baby as long as I'm not stressed. Just no bad news.

Alphys-Right... I was just here to do a qu-quick check on him. I-If I may hold him.

Toriel-Check up for what?

Alphys-He was out in the snowstorm and nearly got frostbite. I-I j-j-just wanna see if he caught anything else.

Toriel finally let me stop but kept the ring gag in my mouth. She put me on Alphys's lap on her bed when she put a bag down to pull stuff out for the check-up. I was still too tired to fight when she took short breaks to cuddle and coo at me until Undyne came in.


Undyne-Hey, Asgre wants to see us in the throne room... It's time to gain our freedom.

Toriel got a little mad and took me from Alphys to hold me again. She held me as tight as she did when I was fighting her.

Toriel-Tell Asgre that the two of us will not be attending. I will make my way to the surface afterward.

I tried to beg them to not do this with the gag still on, but all I could do was cry while Toriel tried to make me stop. I hate them! I hate them all so much! Alphys and Undyne left the room and Toriel lied on her bed with me to cuddle, but I turned away from her. I kept on crying because they were going to kill my mother.

Toriel-Hey, it'll be alright. We'll be free and I'll give you the best life I can. It'll be much better. You'll be adored every day, whatever you want, I will get for you, and you won't ever have to lift a finger... Some of us dream of that kind of life. ~

She took the gag out but left the ropes on. I was not talking to her. She kept on trying to make me feel better until the door busted wide open and vines came in to grab us before we could do anything.

(Frisk's POV)

My head was strapped down to the throne for what Asgre calls, 'a fitting death'. She wants to sit on me to suffocate me with her ass and kill me in the most humiliating way possible. She wanted to do it while holding my son, but Toriel refused to come and kept him. My death means their freedom, but at least (Y/N) won't have to watch it. I was still crying to at least see my son one last time if this really was the end for me. Everyone was in here and the robot had a camera to broadcast this all over the underground to watch me die like this. Asgre was giving a speech about freedom and all females of humankind playing a new role as either toys, cattle, slaves, or anything less than human. Finally, she turned to me.

Asgre-I would have loved to put you on display in honor of giving me a child again, but... I don't have anything against this outcome.

She moved her bottom skirt or pelt or whatever before she walked over to me and sat down. I could not breathe as her weight crushed me and she even wiggled around a little to bury me deeper into her. I was about to black out until she was suddenly snatched off of me and I was ripped away from the throne too while gasping for air. I saw lots of vines around the room and someone was laughing. I felt dizzy, but looked for the source and found...


???-Oh I'm sorry. Did I interrupt anything? Hehehehehe. ~

Just then, our mouths were covered and filled with vines to keep us quiet, and 2 more people were brought into the room... The psycho goat and my son!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I hit the floor kind of hard when the vines ripped the ropes in pieces to let me fall. I saw that my Mom was still alive and the others were tied up with vines like Toriel and I were. Flowey popped up in front of me and I backed away while she laughed at me with a creepy smile.

Flowey-Oh look, everyone! The idiot realizes that he's in real danger! Hahahaha!

I tried to run to my mom, but Flowey stopped me and push me back to make me look at her.

Flowey-You just couldn't accept how futile it was to fight back here. You only kept getting out of every situation because you got lucky, and your big plan from your mommy had you run out in the snow like a moron!

(Y/N)-Put her down! I didn't do anything to you! What do you want from me?!

Flowey-What do I want from you? Hehehe, why it's you... suffering.

Just then a bunch of white pebbles or something came at me super fast, but a bunch of bones came up, so I looked at the sisters.


Sansa-Not happening, pal.


Flowey-Oh yeah.

More pebbles came at me and this time a couple of spears and electricity stopped them. I saw Undyne look mad and Alphys holding a remote to control Metaton.


Undyne-I don't know who you are, but that is the property of the royal family!

Alphys-I-I still got Metaton t-t-to take care of you!

Flowey-*Grunt* Would all of you just shut up?!

Flowey shot my pebbles at me, but this time a wall of fire come out of nowhere and they melted when they came out the other side. I looked at Toriel and Asgre who were both very angry.



Asgre-You... will not touch him.

I saw Flowey getting angry and pulled my mom underground before I could see her again, slammed everyone else against the wall, and threw more pebbles at me. This time, more monsters came in to stop the attack, and I know some of them.


Monster Kid-Stay away from my boyfriend!

Muffet-I'll make a lovely botch of poison cookies out of you for the females on the surface. ~

Napstablook-Hey... that's my friend... Don't hurt him.

???-Hoi, I'm Temmie! Hoi!

Lots of other monsters come in and one of them picked me up while Flowey just got super angry before she smiled.

Flowey-I... Hehehe. I can't believe you are all so stupid. ~ NOW YOUR SOULS ARE ALL MINE!!!

Everything was happening so fast that before I knew it, I was dropped to the ground, there was a bright light before all the screams and laughing... Suddenly stopped. I looked up to see we were at the barrier and when I looked up... I saw the girl from those videos... Toriel and Asgre's daughter.


???-Howdy there... You remind me so much of 'them'. I wonder... Don't you recognize me as your best friend and sister? It's me...

Suddenly, there was another flash of light and I saw her as a whole new monster.



She floated in the air to fly over to me to pick me up by my shirt with one arm. A smile curved on her face when she pinned me to a wall and leaned into me.

Asriel-Oh, this is just perfect. Right where your kind belongs... In my clutches and at my mercy. ~

She put one of her nails to my cheek and I screamed from her touch to call for help, even from another monster...

Asriel-Nobody is coming for you... Little 'toy'. ~

She dropped me to the ground and stepped on my chest to pin me down for a bit before she got off.

Asriel-Enough stalling. I wanted to prove one thing for a long time now... Rather if you're a boy or girl, a human loves to FIGHT!!!

She summoned a glowing weapon and tossed it to me, and it stopped in front of me while I was on my hands and knees.

Asriel-Humans love knives, right? Chara did... Pick it up.


Asriel-I'm going to crush you completely before I do what my people dreamed of doing to men for a 'long' time now... You'll die by it. You should feel honored. ~

(Asriel's POV)

He looked so scared and horrified, shacking there like a leaf or a whittling flower, but I know it's all an act! Chara was a liar, monsters, human men, and women are only hateful, and (Y/N) is no different than those sluts that died here! I saw all of them die and each time, they would always fight and hurt others, even when they do nothing. (Y/N) picked up the weapon and I smiled, but... he dropped it.



Asriel-Ugh! WHAT?!?!?! *ECHO*

(Y/N)-I-I can't. *whimper*

Asriel-What happened to all that tough guy act?! GET UP AND FIGHT!!!

He fell to his knees and looked at me with tears in his eyes before he curled up.

(Y/N)-*Sobbing* I-I can't d-do this! MOMMY!!! *echo*

... But nobody came.

Asriel's mind-...

(Flashback Start)

Asriel-*Hic* *hic* I can't d-do this! *sobbing* MOM!!! MAMA!!!

(Flashback End)

I snapped out of it and walked over to (Y/N) and he tried to crawl away before I picked him up to hold him in front of me. His whole body was shaking while I looked into his eyes, trying to find anything that reminded me of Chara, those humans from that village, and those sluts that came here... No hate, no more boldness, no arrogance, and no fight... Just fear and sadness... Like that day.

Asriel's mind-No! Don't let him trick you!... I know how to prove it!

Males love this and when he shows his true nature, I will knock him down a peg and have him fear his desires! I put him down and got an attack secretly ready behind him while his eyes were on me, in confusion.

Asriel-Alright, I'll humor this little act before you die... ~ Consider it a parting gift!

I used my hyper-chaos magic to vaporize my clothes that I can make appear again in an instant and thought about using this trick with others on the surface. They can drool all over me before I reduce them to ashes!

Asriel's mind-This is gonna be rich. I haven't had this much excitement in a long time!... Hey!

He was not even looking at me and this got on my nerves, even when I have the upper hand.


He only cried to himself and I could just bring out his mother to give him hope to crush, but I want it to be because of me and only me! He is going to show me the true nature of man like he was earlier when he hated almost everything here before I kill him, and move on to the rest of humanity!

Asreil's mind-Very well... Game on.


Epic the Orca

Damn. Really interested in seeing how this ends.