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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was morning and after breakfast, so I wanted to have a real look around this place, but Daddy had to go to work and Mommy stayed up late last night to finish unpacking everything else. She looked tired now and I thought about Pearl and how she might come by today! I had to go take a bath first before I can even go outside and when I was done, I got dried off and dressed in my room. When I thought about going to the beach, I thought about bringing a bucket or something, but then I heard my mom talking to someone downstairs. When I walked into the living room, I saw my mom talking to Pearl and they were having tea.



They both looked at me and my mom looked like she liked her, so I walked in and sat next to Mom. Pearl was sitting in a way that made her look fancy and almost like a princess.

(Pearl's POV)

I was off to a little shaky start with (M/N), but after introducing myself properly and telling her that I was a simple resident from Beach City, she told me that (Y/N) said I was magic. Humans tend to get a bit skeptical at first, so I played it off and did small talk with her. Like how her home looked nice over a nice cup of coffee like how she liked it from what she told me. I won her over for the most part right now thanks to her kind heart which I guess she passed down to her son.

(M/N)-(Y/N), your friend Pearl and I were just talking about you. I said you wanted to go explore, but I'm still tired.

(Y/N)-So she can take me on a tour around this place or something?!

(M/N)-Well, I'm most likely going to be somewhere close to the beach, but he will be with you where I can see you both.

He bounced in his seat a little and he would remind me about how Steven would be so happy, he would act like this, or something close to it. It warmed my heart for the first time in months and he already looked ready to leave. I told (M/N) about a nice donut shop or something she can rest at to enjoy the view of the beach. During the drive, I had (Y/N) on my lap and he was looking out the window of the car with a sparkle in his eyes... It's clear that he's just enjoying the new sights, but Steven loved Beach City this much too.

(Y/N)-I wanna go scuba diving, and surfing, and build sandcastles, and!

(M/N)-Slow down... Sandcastles sound nice. Why don't you do that with Pearl? Mommy is just going to relax somewhere for a while. She hardly slept last night.


She parked the car somewhere and we got out, so I showed them to the beach. I pointed The Big Donut out to her and she went over to sit down on the table outside and I took (Y/N) down to the beach.

(Y/N)-When can we see the rest of the town?! Are those rides and an arcade over there?!

Pearl-Yes indeed.

I showed him a few places around the beach and when I showed him a few places, he suddenly perked up even more.


His eyes lit up at me with excitement and as long as we checked in with his mom, I guess we can go. I just wonder what Amethyst and Garnet would think... Amethyst would be ok with this, I believe, but Garnet is another story. I don't know what she would think.

(Amethyst's POV)

I held one of Steven's game controllers and sighed, thinking that we could be playing one of these games or just hanging out. Still hard to believe that he's gone and it's my fault... I just had to be doing things on my own without thinking... Now, look what happened.

Amethyst-*Sniffle* *sigh*.

I think I was starting to hear things, but soon I knew that there was someone talking, and I heard Pearl too. I got off of Steven's bed and walked down the steps and on my way down, Pearl came in with some kid that started to check the place out a little by her side until he saw me.



Amythest-Uhhhh... Hey... Pearl, who is this?

Pearl-Oh, he's just a child I met the other day when I ran into Connie.

I'm actually surprised that Pearl would do something like this. She's always bent on following the rules and I thought with Steven gone and Greg not coming by, we would go back to how things were before. This kid came over and held out his hand for me to shake it, but the look he was wearing... It reminded me a lot of Steven and his happy attitude.

???-Hi, I'm (Y/N)!

I felt a little stunned about this, but I snapped out of it and then took his hand while trying to act calm.

Amythest-Sup. Name's Amythest.

Hearing me talk like this, he tried to copy the way I looked and he looked a bit like a dork by doing... It was cute and funny before he went back to being himself.

(Y/N)-So you and Pearl live in here? It's pretty nice.

Pearl-Oh, this... belonged to someone else. Our rooms are this way.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Amythest came with us to Pearl's room and they were magic doors and this place looked like something out of a fairytale. Pearl picked me up and walked on the water fountains with me and hopped up to the biggest one before she put me down. It was like walking on a clean puddle with a mirror under it. I saw that my mouth was wide open, so I closed it to look around the... room some more.

(Y/N)-Are we... in space or something?

Pearl-*Giggles* No, no. Well... In simple terms, you can think of it as another world, but it's really small.

Just then Amythest jumped up here in one big jump and I was blown away at how high she jumped!


Amythest-Wanna see my room?

(Y/N)-Is it as pretty as this?!

Amythest-I got tons of junk in my room that we can play with. ~

(Y/N)-Let's go then!

Pearl-No, no, no! Your room is dangerous when it comes to piles falling over. I know that when I tried to clean it.

Amythest-You messed with my system.

Pearl-We're not going-.

Amythest picked me up and ran with me out of the room and Pearl got mad and chased after us. I laughed a little when we made it to Amythest's room and there were tons of big piles of stuff in here. Some of it looked broken too. Pearl took me from Amythest while I was still laughing, but we did get to look around her room in places that weren't too messy. I wanted to play with some of it with Amythest, but she looked like she wasn't ready to play just yet. When she and Pearl sat down on the ground, Amythest's hair looked so fluffy and soft.

(Y/N)'s mind-It looks so fun to play with!

(Amythest's POV)

The little guy was growing on me already due to his similar attitude to Steven. Pearl and I were about to talk about if Garnet should see them or get them out of here before it causes a whole scene. Before e could even talk much about it, I felt my hair getting lifted up a little, so I turned to see (Y/N) playing with my hair until me turning took it from him... He went for it again while I watched, like he was almost a cat.


Amythest-*Giggles* What are you doing?

(Y/N)-Your hair looks so fluffy and I like fluffy and soft things... Like you.

I blushed a little when he just called me fluffy and soft before he played with and fluffed my hair some more. I shape-shifted my hair to make it bigger and fluffier which lit up his eyes and he buried himself in my hair, only to snuggle into it and relax.

Amythest's mind-Dude... SO CUTE!!!

He put his head on my shoulder and smiled at Pearl and she blushed at this too.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Hi.

Pearl-... *Squeak*.

I pulled him over me and put him in front of me, and he lied across my lap while smiling at us.

(Y/N)-This place is so cool! Where do the other doors go?!

Pearl-Um... P-Perhaps another time. We should just go back to the beach.

Amythest-Hey, he just got here. Let me make a friend P.

I liked this little guy and nobody has ever come by since the funeral, so this is the best I felt in a while. It still hurts to think about 'it', but (Y/N) seems to help with it like the whole incident when Rose left us. Pearl tried to take him, but I held on and stood up while holding him. He liked being held over my head, so I ran with him and Pearl chased after us. We left her room and got back to the house.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was laughing while Pearl chased after us around the house and Amythest lost when Pearl took me from her while she was in the air. This made Amythest pout a little or something because she still wanted to hang out. Pearl was about to take me outside when another door in the back of the house glowed and opened, and someone came out and they looked so big and cool.


Amythest and Pearl looked a little scared now and this new lady just stared at us. I just wiggled out of Pearl's arms and walked up to her, and she kept her cool-looking glasses on me. I held my hand out for her to shake and be friends.

(Y/N)-Hi, I'm (Y/N)! Are you a friend of Pearl and Amythest, or something?

(Garnet's POV)

I saw this future, but it was slim. I still came out just to be sure and it turned out to be true. Pearl and Amythest let a kid in here. He wanted me to shake his hand and I just did it to not make him uncomfortable and then he smiled bigger at me. I still wasn't happy about this, because we can't just bring kids in here that are new to town.

Pearl-G-Garnet, I can explain! I met him after I saw Connie the other day and h-he wanted a tour around the city, and-!... Ummm...

Garnet-Part of the tour included the temple?

Amythest-I just saw him when she brought him here!

Just then, (Y/N) pulled on me a little, so I brought my attention back to him, and what I saw next made memories of Steven flood my mind.



I hugged my legs and this made me feel... lighter and fluttered a little. I checked the future again and all the ones showed his mom either showing up here or us meeting her at the Big Donut, so she's nearby.

Ruby's mind-What do you think?

Saphire's mind-I mean... Surely, a few moments won't hurt, so long as we get him back in sight of his mom before she starts to worry.

Garent's mind-The best course is to take this outside.

Garent-How much of Beach City have you seen so far?

(Y/N)-Well... My neighborhood, The Big Donut, the arcade and rides, and... here.

Garnet-Then let's continue.

I led him back outside and Pearl and Amythest followed us looking a little confused. This is just to be sure nothing happens to anyone else... Yes, nothing else can happen as long as I keep them close and be ready for the unseen or unlikely future. When we got back out to the beach, (Y/N) ran by the water to splash in the shallow water. Steven did this when he was a toddler... I found this...

Ruby's mind-He... acts a lot like Steven.

Saphire's mind-What else do they have in common?... Wait, is the water safe for him to be in right now?!

Garnet's mind-Cute.


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