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(Hudson's POV)

It was night time and our plan was set into motion, so Muller got ready to get that window open with the spy cam inside, and Hues was working and will tell us when he was close to getting the power off for that house. When the power went off, Muller dashed in to open the window a little and got the bug in, before he closed it and ran away before the power came back on. It was late at night, so I doubt any of them were up. I waited for them to get back to the car before I finally turned it on, and we can finally see the inside of the house with night vision.

Muller-See if you can find an office somewhere. We'll need to get pictures of anything that may be involved in fraud.

Hudson-What Diane and her friends?

Muller-We got plenty of battery and time. Besides, if we get into one of their rooms, we'll get a quick look at them.

Hues-Think any of them have a habit where they sleep na-?



I put both hands back on the controls and found an empty kid's room so he might be sleeping with one of them or something for comfort. When I got to another room in the living room that I missed, it looked like a staff lounge and this could not open drawers. I went to another room and slipped under the door and saw a room that had a bit of a Japanese apple to it.

Hudson-Hmm... Either a foreign or just has a particular taste in other cultures.

I got on the wall to see the woman sleeping in bed, but... what we saw didn't make sense and the blanket was mostly off of her, so that ruled out a mask... A very convincing mask.


Hues-... Is this one of those V-Tuber things? My friend's kid watched this movie.

Hudson-This thing doesn't do editing dumbass! What the fuck is this?!

Muller-... Go to the next room.

I was still hung up on how we saw a character from a fucking kid's movie on here, but I picked another random room. This time the kid was there and sleeping in a bed with someone.


I think I recognized her from The Incredibles as Helen and she was holding the kid in her arms. Despite the cartoonlike texture... It looked so well. Over time, I checked the rest of the rooms and all we come up with was...


Hues-... V-Tubers?


Hues-Well then, what's your guess?! No editing, all real, and those are fucking cartoon characters! We had to have been hacked or something!

Hudson-They are sleeping and they didn't notice the bug all day!

Muller-Both of you just let me think! J-Just let me think!

(Muller's POV)

This is highly expensive equipment that went under their radar all day and could not have been seen by their cameras if they were focused on us. This can't be real. I looked up all these characters on my phone for matches. The Diane we were talking too must've been Diane Foxington, and even her voice matched the recorded calls. Others that were in there are Judy Hopps, Tigress, Queen Elsa, Helen Par, and Queen Poppy. We can't show this to the department. They won't believe us... No, they'll shut down the case completely or take us off if we're lucky this thing won't get dropped.

Muller-... We're completely on our own until we can get into that house.

Hudson-You don't seriously believe this crap do you? These are fictional characters made on a computer, in a studio for entertainment. Not living and breathing creatures!

Hues-V-Tubers stuff is the only thing that makes sense! We got hacked!


Hues-Are you 'sure'?

Muller-... Fuck this! Go back to looking for an office!

Hudson searched the house and we saw a gym, a man cave, a giant bath, a fucking sauna, but no office. I guess with this guy being an adult child, Daddy didn't trust him to hold onto much paperwork. At least, it's what we can see since we can't open any drawers. The only thing we have are those girls, but everything looked so real-ish. Too good for a quick last-minute job.

Muller-... Fuck, man!

Hues-Think we can get those filters off and do proper searches for face ID? If some are foreign then we can-.

Muller-Wait...Call me crazy, but what if we snuck in... Cut the power off completely. It's bold, but-.

Hudson-I'm not losing my fucking job! If we get caught and they aren't our culprits then we are all getting fucking fired, fined, and criminally charged! It won't help that this is already a faint lead on little to no evidence!

Muller-You see how suspiciously secretive they are. They are hiding something, so we need real pictures!

Hudson-I'm not helping you break into a house.

Hues-Maybe we can go to an airport and check for any recent flights from China or Japan and see who is legalized to work here. Narrow down a list.

Hudson-See, now that's an idea I can get behind. No breaking into a house or seeing kid movie characters on a screen.

Muller-Do you know how long that's gonna take?! They are putting up a fence and will just make it harder for us next time!

Hudson-You sound fucking crazy! Why are you obsessed?!


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Hudson got the bug back out here and drove off with Hues, but I am not letting this chance slip through my fingers. Hudson said he was going to report me, but if he does that, I will tell the department that he also illegally planted a bug and spied inside a house. That basically said, if I'm going down then I am taking you with me, so just shut up. If they get that fence up, there will be no chance to find anything on this only lead we have. I had to cut the power to the backup generators and get the footage from the tapes to cover my tracks. I went in through the window and no alarms went off, so I got down to not chance setting off any motion sensor alarms.

Muller's mind-Earse the tapes, turn off the power, get the pictures, and then get out.

I would most likely find them in the basement, near the big bath, but when I got down there, there was no other room. Where else would you keep a backup generator for a big house? Maybe in the big shed outside. I crawled outside, but when I opened the back sliding glass door, I heard...

*Beep* *beep*

I guess the window didn't go off because it was already opened when the power came back on. It wasn't that loud, but I just hope it didn't wake anyone up.





(Muller's POV)

I walked over to the shed outside by the pool and it was more like the size of a studio house. A bunch of pool stuff and toys in here, but I saw a caged area in the back where the generators were. I tried to get in, but it was locked. I needed a key. There has to be one in the house, so I snuck back inside and with the door left open, the alarm didn't go off again. I saw a wall with a couple of keys on it in the staff room or whatever it's called. When I got in there, I saw the keys were labeled for spare house keys, boiler keys, and room keys, but when I saw the generator keys...

Muller's mind-Damn it. Not here. Where are they?


I turned around and what I saw when the lights turned on made me freeze... They looked exactly the same as they did on the screen, and before I could react, Tigress covered my mouth and pinned me to the wall.


Diane-To think you would actually do this... You should've just stayed in the car.

Tigress-*Growl* Don't. Scream.

Judy pulled the keys out of the new sweater she was wearing and swung them on her finger with a smug look on her face.

Judy-You know what can happen to you for breaking in without a warrant... *Gasp* And with a gun.

Tigress quickly snatched my gun from my holster and before I could try to grab it back, she tossed it to the ground. Diane walked up to us with a calm look on her face. I was still trying to piece together what was happening... THEY WERE REAL?!?!?!

Diane-You put our baby in danger... You are in for it now.

She pulled something out of her pocket and showed me a USB.


Diane-Lets make this fast.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Helen kept a small blanket around me while holding me at the table for breakfast. We had muffins and fruit. Helen and Elsa were feeding me and when I had crumbs on my cheek, Judy leaned over to brush them off and placed a kiss on my cheek. I blushed super hard which made some of them giggle.

Judy-Hey Helen, would you, Elsa, and Poppy take (Y/N) to the lake? Stretch his legs a little while we do some cleaning here.


Helen-Wait, what about those detectives?

Diane-They left. Construction on the fence will start tomorrow morning, so just enjoy the outside while you can for now.


Poppy ran off and was really excited to go outside again. Helen carried me to my room to get me changed and Elsa brought a bathing suit from Helen's room into my room for them to get changed in here. I guess swimming was a little fun last time...

(Y/N)'s mind-At least my Daddy is not around to get angry this time.

(Hudson's POV)

Hues and I were waiting for Muller to be reported or come back with the pictures he wanted, but I wanted nothing more to do with this case. It was morning, we were at a cafe to talk about what happened last night and if something more logical comes up later then we will go back on the case.

Hues-You think he actually did it?

Hudson-God, I hope not. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to do things in secret.

Hues-Let's just call him later and see how things went.

Hudson-... Fuck it.

I pulled out my phone and tried to call Muller and see if he went through with his bat shit crazy plan to break in to get pictures... No answer. I tried again after breakfast...No answer. Now, I tried to text him and wait for a response.

Hudson's mind-Lost your damn mind Muller... Why aren't you answering?


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