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(Poppy's POV)

I felt so dizzy and my head kind of hurt while I was trying to remember what happened. It's all slowly coming back and then I remembered... Holes. We were having a big party to celebrate the day all Trolls lived in harmony. When panic broke out after a couple of trolls and bergen fell, I and the other troll kings and queens tried to get everyone to safety. That was really hard and we lost dozens by the second until I fell too. I tried to use my hair to grab a tree, but the tree gave out too... Wait a minute... Am I on a bed?... Is this my bed?... Maybe I just partied too hard if that's ever a thing? When I opened my eyes, everything looked fuzzy until my vision cleared and the light stopped stinging my eyes.

Poppy-*Groan* Branch, you there? I just had the craziest-.

When I snapped out of it and noticed I was in a whole other room and everything looked so odd. I heard a noise and saw something move on the side of the huge bed to hide. This didn't look like any troll village or the bergen castle. I barely got a good look at what that thing was, but if it wanted to hurt me, it would've done it by now... Or am I just seeing things? Is this still a dream?

Poppy-Hello?... Someone there?

I got up and almost fell over since walking on a bed is a little tricky, but I saw something about my legs and arms... They looked different too, but not the weird way this room looked.

Poppy-What the?

I heard noises from outside the door and soon someone odd looking walked in. I had no idea if they were a bergen or even what they were.


???-Hey (Y/N), what are you down there?... Oh.

She saw that I was awake and I was getting nervous since I had no idea what was going on, but maybe since they didn't hurt me, they might help me figure out what happened. My friends and dad might even be here. Suddenly, the thing I saw before ran to her and they had (H/L) (H/N) hair and looked at me with one of their (E/C) eyes. They matched this room and by her height, they might be a child... Just probably not hers.

Poppy-Ummmmm... Hi.

???-Hello... How are you feeling?

Poppy-Ummm... Fine, I guess. Where am I?

???-That's a little hard to explain at first. I have a few things to show you... (Y/N) go to the others.

He ran out the door while looking at me and I can already picture Branch being skeptical about all of this, but even if this is scary, I should give them a chance.

Poppy-Soooo... Hi, I'm Queen Poppy of the pop trolls. Are there any more trolls or bergen here?

???-*Sigh* I'm Helen. You're gonna wanna sit.

(Tigress's POV)

I saw technology back home, but this is something more than wood, metal, and cords. I have no idea how most of this even works still, but Judy and Diane work it perfectly. Whenever I figure out one thing, I have another step with multiple things to know before knowing the next few buttons to push or what to twist. I am learning fast though. (Y/N) came out into the living room and I take it that the tiny creature called a 'troll' is awake because Helen is not here and that grown human should still be out for another hour or so. I noticed (Y/N) looking at me before looking away like he was still nervous. Elsa pulled him onto her lap and had snow dance around him with her chi... or magic, but he still looked at me. She noticed them and came over to sit next to me as well.

Elsa-You wanna say hi to her (Y/N)?


Elsa-Tigress, you wanna hold him for a little bit?

I held children before and considered being a parent, but I didn't even know his species or existed before today. Now, they want me to hold a child of this species?...

Tigress-... Fine, but only for a little-.


Helen-It's fine! I just gave her a mirror!

Tigress-... While.

This place is weird, and I know weird thanks to Po. Elsa gave me (Y/N) and he curled up a bit more while looking uncomfortable with me. I tried to hold him I did with a few pigs, ducks, and rabbits, but he felt so much more different... He was my size for a child, his skin felt so bald and smooth, and he felt just as light as they did. I held him close and he tensed up for a bit before relaxing a little bit. Now he stole glances at his father's door down the hall, but I turned him away from there before I went back to watching the information about this world. I am interested and amazed that they can give out info this fast to a lot of people. I looked back down at (Y/N) and he was looking up at me. Something fell over that made (Y/N) jump and we looked over to just see it was just a plant that ripped over in a pot from its own weight.

Tigress-You're really jumpy?


Tigress-That isn't something to be sorry for.


This is all still new to him with us being here too. With that USB thing too dangerous to use until we understand it better, and Diane and Judy unable to find out anything, we're at a dead end. I felt so useless and lost in my thoughts about it for a moment until (Y/N) started shaking. He was looking at his dad's door again. I never saw a child so afraid of their own parent like this. In any case like this, I would think the child would hide behind the parent if anything.

Elsa-At night, one of us will sleep with him to make sure his dad doesn't try to do anything.

Tigress-Um... It's still my first day.

Diane-I'll take him tonight if anything. We got a while.

(Helen's POV)

I had no idea that when a troll vomits, in her case, a sparkling rainbow. Thankfully, I got it all in a cup and I just went ahead to stop the movie. This is too much for her right now. She was on her hands and knees on the table, that trying-to-stay positive attitude was gone, and she has to believe the whole movie thing now. I gave her a few moments to calm down until she looked at me.

Poppy-*Cough* *cough* Y-You don't understand! I was a queen to my troll village! I have to get them back!

Helen-Honey, we tried. Believe me, we tried. I had a family, friends, and a life just like the others out there. 3 others out there want to go home or bring our loved ones here, but... It's too dangerous, we just can't right now.

That seemed to hurt her more, but it was the truth that she had to face. I told her that we still trying, but... even I have to admit that as heartbreaking as this is for me too, the damage might be done. I stayed strong for (Y/N) to not add guilt that's not his to bear and now I have to do it for her, just like the others are.

Poppy-Wh-What can we do? *hic* *hic*

Helen-Well... I can show you to a new room you can take and you can have time to yourself before you meet the others.

(Poppy's POV)

I just nodded my head yes and Helen picked me up to take me to what is now my new room. It almost looked the same I think. I couldn't see clearly from the tears in my eyes. I had one duty above all as a queen and that was to protect my people and I failed... I couldn't even save one or myself. Helen let me be to cry in a new huge bed by myself while thinking about all the loved ones I failed.

Poppy-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic* Br-Branch, dad, e-*hic* everyone... I'm sorry! *sobbing*

I could see my color going away, but I tried to hold on to hope which let me fight to keep my colors. I could still cry.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I just looked around this room I will be in for a while and missed my old room. Something my size, but I know how to work the huge shower and stuff. I was just so exhausted from crying, so I just stayed curled up on the bed and then I saw the door open and Helen came in with a few others, including (Y/N).


I would usually throw a party for new people, but I was still too stressed. I even took off my hug time bracelet when there was nobody to hug. I had never seen anything like any of them before and from the state I was in, my colors wavered a little.

Helen-Poppy, this is everyone else who came here before you.

???-I'm Elsa.

???-Judy Hopps.

???-My name is Tigress.

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N).

Poppy-Um... Hi.

Helen-(Y/N), did you have something to give Poppy?

I looked at the boy and he had his arms behind his back before he came over and showed me a box of candy.


(Y/N)-I thought y-you might be hungry.

He looked like he thought he was guilty of something, but Helen told me he was very sensitive earlier. I think some sweets would help me, so I took the box when he put it next to me and opened it.


Judy looked touched by this, but the moment got ruined when we heard a door open and he jumped and looked scared. For a moment, he tried to run, but Helen stretched her arms super long to grab him and pick him up to pull him into her. I think this was his dad that he was so afraid of. I saw a man walk by and he looked so... miserable. He didn't even bother to look in here because he was holding his head.

((D/N)'s POV)

I can't remember going to sleep or what happened, but my head really hurt. I must've gotten drunk or something, but I don't even remember drinking at all. I just went to go get some beer and pain meds to help with this headache. I just felt so irritated from this headache I had that I couldn't even think of a plan for the girls.


The T.V. was on out here, so I turned it off since it was too loud for me before I went outside by the pool. My fantasy from before popped into my head and I thought I could have it by now. Women that see a rich guy with a big house are supposed to fall head over heels for them... What can I do to get their attention... Wait, the lake! Chicks love lake days! I can get one ready tomorrow!... I'll start when my headache goes away.

(Judy's POV)

Right now, (Y/N) was dead set on being as quiet as possible after he saw his dad had a headache, so I wonder if this is (D/N) at his worst. We stayed in Poppy's new room and Poppy now gets to see first... hand, how bad (Y/N) is. I had (Y/N)'s head on my lap while I stroked his hair gently and after Poppy had a bit of candy, she over to us and put her hands on (Y/N)'s arm. She also had her color back for now.


Poppy-Hey. You want some candy too?

(Y/N) looked hesitant to say anything when he took a peak at the door until he nodded his head. Poppy's hair acted like Helen's arms when it stretched and grab the bowl and then used it to get on top of (Y/N) with one of the gummy bears.

Poppy-Heads up!

She tossed it and (Y/N) moved a little to catch it with his mouth, but he missed. It bounced off his nose, but he took it and ate it. Poppy tried to make a game out of this and from what he said Trolls are like from her movie, she sure does match it. For a moment, I think he forgot about his dad and this looked adorable to watch.

Judy's mind-Maybe Poppy can be good for (Y/N), but it's not like she can protect him if his dad gets out of control...

Judy-... How about the 2 of you sleep in my room with me tonight?

Poppy-You have slumber parties here?

She looked a little more hopeful and (Y/N) looked shy, but this is what is best for him. He's super young, so he needs to know that he can play. Right now, I just need to focus on keeping (Y/N) calm.

(Helen's POV)

I like this idea and Judy is good at calming him down too, and this also cheered Poppy up a little. The rest of us left the three of them alone to play with Poppy and Judy did seem to have a motherly side to her. Tigress was about to go to the gym here, but then we saw (D/N) in the hallway with a stupid-looking smile, messy hair, and a credit card in his hand like he was showing off... Only Diane and I know what that is and the others see it as a piece of plastic or something.

(D/N)-Ladies... I see we have a new friend with us. ~

Tigress-Yeah... Friend.

(D/N)-Well, I know a great lake nearby. I also thought that you could do some online shopping for your rooms, some 'bathing suits', or 'jewelry, my some new clothes... I highly suggest Victoria's Secret. ~

You could see the dirty smile on his face since he also looked drunk. Elsa even looked disgusted by this. Even if we hate him, it would be nice to decorate our rooms and get more clothes to wear.

Helen-You're going to let us get all that stuff?

(D/N)-I'm a sugar daddy, baby. My father has a company I am going to get, so we're 'loaded'... I can even help you look for some clothes that I know will look 'so sexy' on you. ~

Diane just walked up to him and took his card a little seductively.

Diane-We should all be done by tonight. No peeking at what we get. That'll spoil the lake day. ~

He smiled and tried to kiss her, but she put the card to his lips and turned back to us while rolling her eyes. He tried to wink at us before he went back to the living room and Diane led us to the computer in (Y/N)'s room.

(Diane's POV)

We can get Judy and Poppy in here to shop for stuff for their rooms too, but for now, we'll get our shopping done. I used my turn to also help teach them how to shop online. This "Amazon" platform did look different, but I got a new and better bed that the others wanted too, so I just 6 of them for all of us, including (Y/N). This bed can adjust, heat up, and cool down, and it has 5 stars on it. Next for the rooms were decorations. I went with a modern theme, Tigress went with a Japanese theme and some items to help with workouts in her room Elsa did a theme that was like her room in her movie, Helen went with a 60's theme, and I even got some stuff to put in (Y/N)'s room to make it not so bland in here. The clothes and Jewelry were the same for our styles, but Tigress just had to adjust to a different kind of underwear after we found copies of her clothes alongside a few dresses and a bathing suit. This took us 4 hours.

Diane-Cart is at $995,985.98. We still need Judy and Poppy.

Elsa-I know he's awful, but this does look like a lot of money. (Y/N) lives here too.

Diane-He offered, and this place along with staff, and utensils cost easily 10 times this much. Just look at this place and an idiot that most likely blows money like this almost every day.

Tigress-Let's just stop this for us and let the others get what they need... I'll take their place and watch (Y/N) in my room.

(No POV)

Tigress left the room and went to tell Judy and Poppy that they were shopping online for stuff they need, and took (Y/N) from them. She took him to her room and noticed he looked a little worn up and she wanted to get a workout in for the day... She had a few ideas.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Tigress put me down before she laid on her belly on the floor and then got ready to do some push-ups, but she looked at me.


Tigress-Sit on my back. You can help me exercise.

(Y/N)-U-Um, ok.

I slowly got on her back and sat down until I feel like I could stay on. She started to do her push-ups a little fast which was kind of fun to go up and down. I did like my time with Judy and Poppy too. Poppy did make me play 'slumber party games' with her and Judy, and Judy's lap and chest felt nice to lay on. After Tigress was done with push-ups, she went on her back and picked me up with both arms sideways to use me as a weight.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* *eep*!

I stopped myself, but Tigress smiled at me a little.

Tigress-You like this?

(Y/N)-N-No... I mean... a little.

Tigress-Well, if you want to stop, just say so. Otherwise, I'm doing leg lifts next.

Her paws felt a little hard and strong, but also very soft.

(No POV)

For all the other exercises that (Y/N) 'helped' Tigress with, he tried not to smile, but would slip up from going up and down like a ride. He thought he hid it well sometimes, but Tigress saw through it.

Tigress's mind-Alright... He's cute.

(D/N) then popped into her mind and she lost her smile.

Tigress's mind-And you're not touching him anymore.



Nice chapter I am curious if tigress can erase memories with chi or if it is that D/N forgot do to the headache. Also is the story star vs the forces of evil is still planed to continue or if it is being canceled. I really like where it is going in that story so I hope it isn’t be canceled.


Ok That is still cool👍