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((Y/N)'s POV)

I entered the Lab building and it was kind of dark in here, but I could still see some stuff thanks to a screen down the hall, into the main room. When I got in there I looked at the huge computer screen that could almost be in a theater and... I was on it, right now. I looked for the camera, but it was too dark to see from far away. I looked at what I could see and there was a desk with another smaller computer with lots of boxes of empty Chinese food. Next to the bad was a bag of dog food, so I think I wanna get out of here before they send dogs or whatever after me. Suddenly, I heard a door open and then the lights came on to show me another monster, and she was a lizard or a dinosaur.


I tried to stay quiet and hope she would go the other way and not see me, but she turned over here and looked surprised.

???-Oh. My god!

She started turning and pacing looking very nervous and even sweating a little.

???-I didn't expect you to show up so soon! I haven't showered, I'm 'barely' dressed, it's all messy, and...

She finally started to slow done and I don't think I need to worry about her if she is this nervous... She also looked a little scared of me... Napstablook wasn't that bad, so maybe I can give this monster a chance.

???-H-H-Hiya. I'm Dr. Alphys. I'm Asgre's royal scientist.

(Y/N)'s mind-The queen?... Maybe I do need to keep an eye on her.

Alphys-B-B-But, I'm not one of the 'bad girls'! Actually, since you stepped out of The Ruins, I've been... Um, 'observing' your journey through my console. Your fights, your escapes, your cute moments. Everything!

(Y/N)-She's been watching me this whole time? What if has something planned for me?!... I need to get out of here.

Alphys-I was originally going to report you to the queen and made sure you were brought to her safely, but... Watching someone on screen really makes you root for them. S-So... ahhhh, I want to help you.

(Y/N)-You wanna help me?

Alphys-Yeah! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you through the Hotland! I know a way right to Asgre's castle where the barrier is! I can get you home!

(Y/N)-How do I know you aren't lying? You work for the queen that wants me brought to her and now I have to go to her castle?

Alphys-I-I-I'm serious! This is the only way to get you home! The barrier is right through the castle! When you get there without a guard or anyone, you'll have a better chance of sneaking in! No problem!... Actually, there's just a tiny issue

I backed away from her a little and she only looked at me, so I got ready to run away and come back later to try and sneak past her. I just remembered she might have dogs, so I need to get past her now... Maybe I can slip past her if I'm super fast.

Alphys-A long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built her to be an entertainment robot, but... Uh, you know. Like a robotic T.V. star or something. Anyway, something happened before and I made her more useful. You know, just some small practical adjustments. Like... anti-... Th-That's not important. The point is they are not meant for you... Not entirely. I disabled them anyway.

If she was telling the truth, then I guess I could calm down, but I don't know if I can trust her.

Alphys-Unfortunately, I may have made a teensy mistake while doing so, and um... Now's she an unstoppable maniac that's set on capturing you and keeping you to herself by any means necessary.

(Y/N)'s mind-...

Alphys-Ehehehehe... But hopefully, we won't run into her.




Alphys-Did you hear something?

We felt the ground shaking more and more as this thing was getting closer and I would run, but I don't know where it was coming from I might run into it!

Alphys-Oh no.

Just then a hole was busted in the wall with a bright light and dust before the lights went out, so we couldn't what did it, but I think I have a pretty good idea.


The lights came back on and I saw the robot with a sign over them, and what it said made me so confused about what was happening.



There were confetti, applause, and dancing lights coming down... I was at a loss for words on what to say except that out of the weirdest things I saw here, she's gotta be top 10.

Mettaton-Oh Boy! I can already tell that it's going to be a great show! Everyone give a big hand for our wonderful contestant!

A light shined on me and I heard an 'awwww' from nowhere until I saw the speakers in the top corner of the lab.

Mettaton-Aren't they adorable folks?!... Never played before cutie? No problem! It's simple! Answer the questions correctly... OR YOU GET TRAPPED HERE!!!

I saw Alphys go behind her robot and looked at me while Mettaton pulled out a few cards.


(Y/N)-I'm not playing!

Mettaton-Now, now, cutie. No room for quitters... Unless you forfeit. In which case, I just trap you now and have you perform shows for the underground... Here, let's start with an easy question!

I tried to run, but when I thought about it, she might have thought of this since she was a robot and booby-trapped the place... I'll be ready to run, but for now, I'll see what playing her game is like. This is the classic Joker or The Riddler from Batman. You play their game and win.

Mettaton-What is the prize for answering correctly?

I saw 4 choices. A. Money, B. Mercy, C. New car, D. More questions. I thought about it since this is a trick question, but then I saw Alphys make a 'D' with her hands behind Mettaton.

(Y/N)-Ummm... D.

Mettaton-Correct! A big brain to go with that cute little head! Now, for your prize!

(Alphys's POV)

It's taking all I got to not go over that, pick (Y/N) up, and squeeze him forever! I read some manga from the humans that fell down here. A place where humans were killed by a militia, but a little boy survived against all odds, and is found by a heroic woman to care for him. In turn, he helps her in situations and goes on all of these adventures. I even stuck my face on top of her in the manga. Now, I have a chance to make it real before turning him over to the queen for part of the ownership over him. Mettaton is even aware of this. I kept on giving (Y/N) all the correct answers, so he will trust me.

Alphys's mind-You're so cute! I wanna make everything come true one day! Grillba's human boy cafe idea, putting you all in collars and keeping you to ourselves, and everything else I am yet to think of!  If I can have the human with me, Undyne might even want to hang out for more than just anime... It'll be like having a baby together! ~

By the time we made it to a question about my favorite show, I didn't even know I was saying it out loud until they looked at me, so I covered my mouth... Oh no.

Mettaton-Alphys, Alphys, Alphys. You aren't helping our contestant, are you?

I just shook my head no as fast as I could, but I know how she gets. She really does want the human too and we need his trust... She won't go too far, right?

Mettaton-I'll be sure to ask a question, you know the answer to.

Alphys's mind-Oh no.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mettaton-Who does Dr. Alphys have a crush on?

Alphys panicked and just tried to wave her hands for me to stop. I have no idea how I was going to answer this because I just met her! I just have to guess... Ok, I got the Queen, Undyne, The Human, or Don't Know... I think Don't Know is a trap.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, she works for the queen, so maybe she has a crush on her boss... No, she's smart, and sometimes smart people like stronger people and Undyne is fast and strong. I don't think it's me... Or I hope it's not.

I just closed my eyes before I picked and then looked to see that I picked... Undyne. I got the answer right, but now Alphys looked super embarrassed.

Mettaton-See Alphys, I told you it was obvious. Even the human figured it out! If only she watches my show more often, she could learn the truth.

Well... At least I know she's not coming after me since she loves someone else.

Mettaton-Well, well, well. With Dr, Alphys helping you, the show has no dramatic tension. We can't go on like this.

(Y/N)-Sooo... It's over?

Mettaton-Well, of course not cutie pie! This is just the pilot episode! Next up, MORE DRAMA, MORE CUTENESS, AND MORE OF YOU!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME DARLINGS!!!

Mettaton's arms and wheel went into her body before she rocketed away through a hole in the ceiling.

Alphys-... Well, that was certainly... something. Th-That last question... She wasn't s-supposed to ask that one.

I was about to leave before she stopped me.

Alphys-W-Wait! Let me give you my phone number! I-In case you need my help.

(Y/N)-I don't have a phone.

Alphys-Oh... Wait here.

She ran to her desk and grabbed a phone for me and gave it to me with her number on it and everything she said I would need. I had a phone to call for help now and she waved me goodbye when I left the lab. When I did though, I got a status update on the phone from Alphys and it said...

Alphys(Status Update)-Just realized that I didn't watch Undyne hunt down the human. v. v

I just kept on walking and being careful not to fall, but it was just so hot out here... I wish this place had some A/C out here because I was sweating and dying already. With the lava down there, this is a literal volcano!

(Y/N)s mind-Ok, so far Alphys and Napstablook are the only monsters I can trust right now... If I need to, I can run back to the lab or Napstablook's house.

When I walked up the trail, I saw a vent with an arrow on it that led to other vents across a few gaps...

(Y/N)'s mind-You gotta be kidding me.

(Alphys's POV)

I sat at my computer and got comfortable to watch this adorable little munchkin go on the adventure I planned for us. Meanwhile, I kept on a few status updates on my secret profile I kept from him. I posted a few things like outfits I want to put him in, the human was on T.V., and that I will have him turned to the queen for my reward. Comments came pouring in, mostly for the outfits, and monsters requested I get pictures of him in those outfits... I already planned to do that.

Alphys-Hmmmm... Should I do the Mew Mew costume first, or a lab coat that says assistant first?... I-I got time.


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