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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 5

My mom and dad got back from their jobs in the military and my dad let me swing on his super strong arm on the way to the park. I bet all he does every day is lift weights, exercise, and shoot guns at bad guys. He tells me that he doesn't do that all day, but I don't really believe him. My mom says that she is in a different team from daddy and she gets to train people how to fight. My dad even listens to her more than he does his boss when he's home, and he's supposed to be at a higher rank. My mom calls it, 'the wife or couch rank' and there is no rank that can beat that for dad. We made it to the park and I wanted to run to the playground while we were the only ones here, but my dad stopped me.

Daddy-You know the rules. Check-up first. The rules, go.

(Y/N)-No talking to strangers, don't take anything they give, always keep moving in your sight, play nice, have fun, and be ready to leave when you are.

Mommy-Hug for us, 1 lap around the playground, and then you play

I gave both of them a hug before I ran to go do my lap around the playground and then went to the poles to go hang upside for a bit... I just wish I could actually hang upside down, but mommy says that when I'm older, I can do it. I want to be as strong as my mommy and daddy, but when I tried to lift one of my dad's 45-pound weights, I couldn't get it off the ground, and it was a small one. He told me that I can just do some push-ups, but I can only do 6.

(Y/N)'s mind-There has to be something that I can do as good as them?... Monkey bars!

I ran to the monkey bars since I saw some pictures of my mom's work course. I just have to go on them really fast for a while... They are a little high up, but they have a ladder to get to them, and I just need to jump a little.


(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(No POV)

On a screen in outer space was a family in the park. A little human boy was crying after hurting himself by falling on the bark at the monkey bars, and his parents were both at his side. Both adults have been identified as soldiers with either a high kill count and experience or combat knowledge and agility. They were both in super high demand for a group of hunters, but that leaves the child to be put on a list to avoid exposure. A team is moving in to sedate the family now and the parents will be sent to the reserve along with 8 other players for the small group of hunters, but with the child being at threat level 0, he will be put on another reserve to be captured.



They put the child on the list right now and when they looked back at the monitor, they saw the deed was already done, and the humans were being taken to their hunting reserves right now.

(Maisie's POV)

Ma and Pa said that they think it's time I do something that doesn't involve the family farm, and that's ridiculous. They make it sound like I have a problem in doing my part of the farm. I handle all the cattle, herd our animals, and got rid of the vermin that torments our livestock while still having time to do all my chores in no time flat. Betsy should be thanking me from the ground field in the sky that we're doing fine while she rests. I was in room, forced to take a day off while the family handles all the work. I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and thought about what I could do. I'm not a girl to sit still.


When I got back to my room, I thought about how I hunted all those vermin by giving them the right bait, and poisoning them or paralyzing them. There are those fancy hunting reserves, so maybe if I capture a critter and bring them back alive and well, ma and pa will simmer down. I went on a website to buy an entry and looked at a few lists.

Maisie-Alright, non-lethal, harmless... Let's do threat level 0 critters. That outta do it.

There are some of the most pathetic critters at the top of the list. I guess they don't call it level 0 for nothing. I scrolled down to find something that could at least not waddle in its own filth. Soon, I saw a recent addition. It was a human critter and they did look quite cute, plus they were clean and could be trained if I want to.


Maisie-Ma, pa... Say hello to the new farm pet. ~


(Roza's POV)


I was centimeters away from hitting the bullseye at the 500m mark from my position. I am planning to do another hunter reserve game to increase my kill count. My commanding officer on the other hand, tried to tell me to find something that got me away from killing someone or something. I have plenty of harmless hobbies, but they are just not that high on things I wanna do... When I said that, he requested to the higher-ups that I take a leave of absence before it affects my mental health... He succeeded.


I put my sniper down to let the barrel cool down and went on my phone to look some things up... The next hunter reserve game I am looking at has no killing allowed since these are threat-level 0 creatures. I took a break from looking at the list to go to a mirror and splash cold water on my face.



My face has always looked emotionless, but I still have emotions... I'm just not very good at showing them is all. If I have a threat level 0 target to capture, I can have a companion during this forced vacation.

Roza-... I'm not mentally ill.

I just turned back to my phone and scrolled down some more until I saw a human as a level 0 creature. I took a closer look to see that they were only a child.


Humans can also got up to level 10 out of 15 at the very most, but I can see a baby human being harmless and what I need... He's also 2.9ft to the average height of 6.8ft to our races. He'll be super easy to manage. I just need to get a tranquilizer sniper to take him down quickly.


(Velvet's POV)

My tail was wagging so fast while playing with a pack of jaggers that I tamed since they were born. While it is true that these can be huge, bloodthirsty beasts, my boys are the sweetest jaggers you will ever meet. I do however have a favorite out of the 4 that is a mama's boy.


Velvet-Hey there Lienal. How's mama's special baby doing? Awwwww. ~

He purred for me and his brothers were smaller and wilder, but Lienal is a little insecure about his size and is more of a gentle giant.

Velvet-Guess what day it is?... Your birthday! I even found a present for you! ~

I pulled out the tablet that I use to keep track of him and his brothers, as well as look up beasts to hunt, and I know Lienal doesn't like hurting. Which is why I found him a level 0 human he can capture and bring home. A human this small will make a nice house pet.


Velvet-Here's a nice human baby that you can capture and help bring home for mama. Wanna go play?! ~

He pranced around before he let out a roar, but before we go, I got us both in a birthday selfie.


(Amelia's POV)

I just pushed a hole in the wall after my parents refused to let me enter any fight clubs or tournaments of any kind because they think I have fucking anger issues! It's my boyfriend's fault for not even caring about me enough to stay by my side and even left me to go to a different school! I don't need him anyway, but now I can't even fight anyone without getting in trouble anymore! I take care of him, I was gentle with him, and he calls me boring and dull! Now my parents think I can't be angry! So what if a few people go to the hospital?! They got in the ring their damn selves! After I got tired, I sat on my bed and looked at myself in the mirror to see that I was a mess until I fixed myself up.


My door opened and it was my parents coming in, holding a laptop with them.

Amelia-*Sniff* What?

Dad-Honey, I don't like seeing you this angry, I know you're hurt after putting your heart out there but sending 13 people to a hospital is going a little too far.

Amelia-I'm over that uncaring jerk. Just leave me alone.

Mom-Sweetie... We think that you just need something to get your mind off your ex... Your father and I got you a ticket to a hunter reserve where you can capture a threat level 0 creature to bring home.

Amelia-Ugh, are those usually slug-like mammals that are like disgusting putty? Thanks, but no thanks.

They showed me the creature on the screen when they turned the laptop around. They were a human that was only 5 and didn't look half bad... I guess they were cute.


Father-The game is tomorrow. Get some sleep.

(Lilly's POV)

I just got done tending to the last animal in the nursery of my at-home vet and rescue. People think being around all these animals instead of my own kind is what makes me so shy and anti-social, but I was like that long before I found that this was my calling. I know how to make calling sounds of several species, and they all really love me. I keep an eye out for any unique finds on that level 0-6 creatures. These creatures are mostly harmless of defensive and often go to bad or uncaring homes. I can save all of them sadly and the movements to stop these games are not going so well. It's heartbreaking to put sweet creatures on another planet to just be captured by someone. I went to my bedroom to rest after caring for all my animals and they help each other with the rest. I got changed and looked in the mirror until I saw an alert on my computer from a hunting website.


I went on the computer and the alert was from a threat level 0 creature. It got worse when I clicked on it and I saw a profile of a human baby that was only a little over 5 years old.


Lilly-*Gasp*!... You poor baby... What happened to your family? ~

Either they were an orphan, taken from their family, or had their family taken with them to be in a game, but no matter how you cut it, this is awful. I tried to find human adults on the lists I have, but there weren't any. They must be level 7 or higher and placed into a killing hunter's reserve if he had any. This is recent, so he is most likely still being moved. Poor baby human will be so scared to wake up on another planet... I can look up some human sounds and practice calls for a game with him tomorrow while I get a habitat ready for him here.


Lilly-Don't worry little guy. I can keep you safe and loved. ~

(No POV)

The game to hunt down and capture (Y/N) was tomorrow and each hunter was preparing for it in their own way. Roza got her new sniper that was like her old one but fired darts now, Maisie is preparing a bunch of human treats and putting them in storage capsules to keep them fresh and warm with their alluring smells she will need them to have, Velvet was making sure Lienal was ready to get his birthday present, Amelia pulled out a book and some videos to learn how to make traps to help her capture the human, and Lilly was downloading human noises on a drive to put into a speaker as well as trying some calls herself. Meanwhile, (Y/N)'s were dropped off on their new planet, so (Y/N) was on his way to his new planet full of harmless and non-poisonous life.



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