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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

My parents were picking me up from school after I got in trouble for something I didn't even do. Nobody ever listens to me, so I didn't even say anything or things will only get worse. When my mom and dad got here to talk to the principal about me ripping up a textbook, but it was really (B/N) and his friends again. It was time to go and my mom and dad took me to the car to start driving home. I hoped that the drive home would at least be silent, but when my dad turned to look back at me, I felt my heart ache and I wanted to disappear.

(D/N)-When we get home, go straight to your room. Do you understand me?


(M/N)-You got suspended for tomorrow, but that doesn't excuse you from your homework.


When my dad turned back, I only looked out the window and saw the house where I saw a kid playing with their parents a few times. I tried to do that and they just say that I'm in trouble or have chores, or they have work. I stopped asking after a while, but I still think about it even if it makes me sad.

(???'s POV)

The three of us were watching the darkness and suffering coming off of (Y/N) and it was hard to watch. At last, I finally got permission to go and help him after he gets home. We got a closer look at him and even if he looked sad, I smiled.


Sora-I trust that you are ready Sen.

Senko-Yes, I will pamper him to his heart's content!

Shiro-But I wanna go too! It's not fair!

She knew lady Sora's answer to that and that is that I will go first... This is to make up for my past failures with the 2 of 'them'.

Senko's mind-I won't let a child share the same fate!

((Y/N)'s POV)

We made it home and I just went into my room which was almost empty. I only had my bed, dresser, T.V., game console, and my desk... Everything was just unplugged, and if I make too much noise, my parents come in to check on me. I just did what homework I had before I just got into bed and curled up. I could only hold my knees after all my toys got taken from me.



I jumped a little before I turned to see someone in a costume by the side of my bed.


I have no idea who she is and I didn't even know how she got in. I wondered if I was dreaming for a moment, but I never closed my eyes, so I knew that this was all real... Or maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me. Nobody is allowed in my room.


???-Hm? Hello?

(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?

???-Oh. My name is Senko. I'm a fox demi-goddess.

(Y/N)'s mind-Demi-goddess?... Isn't that still a goddess?

I was thinking about this too much, so I just rubbed my eyes and shook my head to snap out of this... She was still there.

Senko-Are you ok?

She crawled onto my bed and I saw stuff move with her before I felt her touch my head... SHE WAS REALLY HERE?!?!?! My mom and dad will be so mad if someone is in here!

Senko-Oh my, you feel like you're burning. You must be so stressed out.

(Y/N)-You can't be here! I'm not allowed to have people over! How did you even get in here?!

(M/N)-(Y/N)! What's going on in there?!

I quickly took Senko to my closet to hide her then got back onto my bed before my door opened/ It was my mommy and she looked mad when she looked around my room to see the T.V. is still unplugged, the cord was still tied and untouched, and all my toys were in place.

(M/N)-Who were you talking to? What was that noise?


She looked around my room some more and I flinched when she opened my closet,... but nobody was there. I know I felt Senko and she touched me... Am I just going crazy or was this whole day just a really long dream?

(M/N)-... Your father is going to try and nap while I go somewhere. If you make too much noise, you'll be in even more trouble.


She left my room and I tried to get a hold of myself... Just to be sure, I checked the closet again and moved some clothes around a little. Nobody was in here and when I heard the car start outside which meant my mom left, I turned to go to bed... I saw Senko making it.


My mouth dropped a little and she looked around my room while looking a little sad.

Senko-How awful to lock a child in a room with nothing to do. Not even to let him play with his own toys while they sit there.

Her ears and tail moved like they were real... There is only one thing that can explain this.

(Y/N)-... I think I've gone crazy.

Senko-Excuse me?

(Senko's POV)

For a moment, I was confused about that statement until it was replaced with panic. Darkness was coming out in waves from someone so small, so I went to him to try and console him. I took his hand and rubbed his cheek. Despite the cute and squishy texture, I couldn't fully enjoy this. Luckily, I came prepared for this, so I sat him on the ground gently before I used my magic to reach through a wall and pull in my bags. One of which was full of boxes of treats and ingredients for desserts I will make him. He was often sad and envious of other children having sweets. When I pulled out a box and opened it for him, I saw an adorable little twinkle in his eyes.


The sight alone made the darkness around him dwindle a little, but he still looked hesitant.

(Y/N)-I... I can't. I'm not allowed.

This might be moving too fast for him, but this has to happen now to help him... He seems to be in disbelief, so maybe a small little white lie would be beneficial for him... I'll tell him the truth when he becomes a little more accustomed to me being around.

Senko-Hey, if this is all in your head then it should be ok. Here, lean over the plate a little.

He slowly did what I said and I picked up one of his treats, rolled it around, and held the bite up to him. I could tell the sight and smell alone was making his mouth water as he hesitantly took the bite. The darkness spiked for a brief moment before it went back down double in size. It's sad he can't fully enjoy himself, even when he thinks this is all just in his head.

Senko's mind-My... The treatment from his parents and everyone must be taking quite a toll on him. It's worse than I thought... I need to get his parents to recognize the real problem, stop blaming their child, and give him the love and care he desperately needs.

Senko-Here sweetie, get ready for another bite. Say 'ahhhh'. ~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

The food just tasted so sweet, warm, and fluffy. There is no way anything could be this good, so this has to be in my head like she said. She cleaned my face a little after and kissed my head... Her hands and lips felt so soft and warm too when she took me to my bed and got another bag, but this one floated over to us. When she opened it, she had a board game I played a few times at school with some other kids... Just not a lot since I was in trouble a lot.


Senko-I know you know how to play this game. I thought it would be good to play for a while instead of just doing homework and going to sleep again.

(Y/N)-I... I shouldn't be playing.

Senko-It's all in your head. Like a dream... Remember?

(Y/N)-I... I guess.

I tried to sit on the other side of the board, but Senko pulled me over to her and had my head on her lap. She rubbed my head while she set up the board and I had no idea I could make up stuff like this or feel things that are not real.

Senko-Here, you can go first. I'll take the far end.

(Y/N)-Um... Ok.

I took my turn and after she took hers, but she never stopped rubbing my head. I always looked at other kids getting hugs and stuff from their parents, so I guess I want it so bad that I'm making it up...

(Y/N)'s mind-This feels... amazing.

The sound of the marbles hitting the wood, a nice soft lap, the sweet taste in my mouth, and my head being rubbed... My eyes felt heavy but I was scared that if I fell asleep, all of this would be over.

(Y/N)'s mind-Just stay awake... Just a little longer.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Senko's POV)

We were about to play another round of this game, but while I was setting the board I started to hear soft snoring. My plan worked in relaxing him, but I didn't mean to put him to sleep... He did look adorable and peaceful though... I suppose I need to unpack and not alter his room for the time being. He needs my full attention and I can set things straight with his parents tomorrow after he gets lots of pampering and spoiling.

Senko's mind-Sleep well (Y/N). ~

I gently and quietly put him in bed to tuck him in while putting the game up with help from my magic before I moved on to pulling my clothes in his closet. Next is to deep clean his room, so when he wakes up, he will be amazed about how homey his room could feel instead of gloomy. I opened the curtains a little more before opening his window to air out his room and replace it with a nice scent. His father should be asleep, so I left to get a few things to help me clean... Mainly soap and water to help with the dust and dirt in his room.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

His room was all done and it looked so much nicer to be in. (Y/N) was still sleeping like a baby, so I can't do his blanket and sheets, yet. Those are the next and final things to do to clean his room. I can make a small fire in here to make a good snack for him to wake up to and I think I know what he will love. I looked at him on his bed sleeping before I caressed his cheek.


Senko's mind-Get ready for the real spoiling sweetie. You need and deserve every last bit of it. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I smelled something so good that I was starting to wake up, but something else was different... I felt a little lighter somehow. I opened my eyes to see that I was still in bed, already missing my dream or whatever I had. That stopped when the smell got closer and Senko sat on my bed with something on a plate and my room looked so... shiny and bright.


Senko-Hello (Y/N). I hope you had a nice nap... I made you something since you must still be hungry. It's pan-fried mild spicy garlic tofu. ~

I was frozen and my mouth dropped again, but it closed when she giggle and feed me a bite... It was like the best thing I ever had and my body chewed for me... Still...

(Y/N)'s mind-IS SHE REALLY REAL?!?!?!



Im so happy holy hell ive been waiting for this day

