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(Emma's POV)

Our mommies talked in the other room about something while we got to play out here with (Y/N) and his new toys. We even saw him get super tired when he was just dangling in his new bouncer. He looked so cute when he was struggling to keep his eyes open. He tried to get out, but the tight seat kept him in and only made him more tired. Phebe played with his hair and he couldn't fight her off in any way... He's just too tired, so I undid the little knob under the table and took him out.

Emma-Hey. You wanna sleep on your big sister? ~

Harper-Hey, let me pet him.

Phebe-I wanna kiss his little head. ~

Sophia-I can get a bottle for him before he sleeps.

(Y/N)-*Groan* Leave me alone.

Emma-Awwww, you're still a little cranky. ~

My friends and I want to try and get him to sleep before our moms come back in from whatever they are doing. This can show them how responsible we are.

(Trinty's POV)

I was n the middle of a table they put up in the garage and tried to bite one of these bitches, but I only got flicked and sent to the ground. I landed right next to my bag and pulled out my .22 caliber pistol and pointed it at them.


Trinity-Stay back!... I'll shoot!

Carina-With that tiny thing?

Grace-Give that here.

Grace tried to take my gun, so I pulled the trigger.




She took the gun out of my hands and used her fingers to brush and snap it. Next, I was grabbed by Naomi again and held tightly in her grasp. I looked at Grace's hand and saw tiny marks if I looked hard enough, but no blood.

Naomi-I told you to stay away, but you didn't listen. I left you in that tree to teach you a lesson, but you didn't learn it. Now, look where you are!

Trinity-You're not keeping my son from me!

Naomi-You never really cared for him! You made that clear when we met!

She pinned me to the table and was about to bring her other hand down on me, but just then the door opened and she stopped. I turned to see a little girl... AND SHE WAS HOLDING MY SON!!!


???-Mommy for the baby bottles is it one scoop or-.


(Naomi's POV)

I quickly tried to hide the woman, but it was too late. Now, (Y/N) knows that she's here and tried to struggle out of my daughter's grasp. Trinity also made her own noises, so there was no point in hiding it now and this also makes things a lot harder on (Y/N). What made it worse is that he did slip out of my daughter's arms and almost fell which made us all gasp before Emma just barely caught him and held him tighter. I put Trinity down before I ran to my daughter and took my son from her. He stopped wiggling around for a moment before he started to struggle again, so I put him in the middle of my boobs to smother his body and make it harder for him to move.

Naomi-Emma, I told you to stay out there with your friends.

Emma-I-I'm sorry. He just looked so sleepy and might've needed a bottle before a nap.

Naomi-*Sigh*... Carina, make sure Trinity doesn't do anything. Emma, we'll talk about this later.

I took my baby with me to my room and put him in his crib to make sure he doesn't fall and the fabric was too silky for him to climb out. I still kept him from trying.

Naomi-Honey, please calm down. ~

(Y/N)-I want my mommy! I wanna see her!

Naomi-(Y/N)... She's not going to stay here. I'm going to send her back home and-.

(Y/N)-No, no, no! Please!... I-I'll do anything! I'll be good, but please just let her stay at least.

Naomi-She can't stay here.

He just gave me these sad puppy eyes with tears when he reached up for me. I know this is probably just an act and it won't change his mind on many things, but I can either say no and have him cry and beg some more or...

Naomi-... *Sigh*.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Trinity's POV)

These crazy giants kept me in the middle of the table while they were on their phones until Naomi came back in and she looked kind of mad. I was scared since I lost the only weapon that could actually help me.


Naomi got something to sit on before she looked at me with a glare.

Naomi-Me and you are going to have a talk about some rules and what your place will be here.

(Emma's POV)

(Y/N) was left in my mommy's room to nap and we can't play with him for the rest of the day as punishment. We tried playing in the backyard since our bad neighbor is out front of his house, but after a few games of soccer and stuff, we got bored. When we got back inside the house we saw Sophia's mom holding my little brother with the other moms with her. They were feeding him a bottle of strawberry milk and were cooing at him.


Carina-Slow down. You'll get hiccups if you drink too fast. ~

Jolene-I think he's getting full and he looks so cozy nuzzling into your chest. ~

Grace-His eyes look so droopy again. ~

We walked up closer to them and (Y/N) looked like he was about to sleep when Carina took his bottle and flipped him over into her chest while he was swaddled in his blanket.

Emma-Where's my mommy?

Carina-You mommy is going to the store to get things for that other human.

Emma-But I thought his other mommy was bad.

Grace-Which is why there will be rules for her and when I take him home with me tonight to babysit the 2 of you, she will be learning things here.

Harper-Emma and (Y/N) are spending the night?

Phebe-I wanna come.

Jolene-Sorry, but it'll just be them tonight. We'll have plans for the park tomorrow.

Grace-He'll be sleeping with me, but if you both behave, I'll let you help feed and bathe him before bed.

Harper and I were excited about tonight and the others about tomorrow, so we went to my room to get me packed for tonight and made plans for the park tomorrow. We just had to be a little quiet so we don't get in trouble for keeping (Y/N) up.

(Carina's POV)

(Y/N) tried to fight me in order to protest what we have planned, but I just slipped him into my boobs to make it harder for him to move. His little head looked so adorable poking out and laying on my chest. I reached into my cleavage a little to scratch his back and after a bit of groaning and whining, he made the cutest noise...


Carina-Awwwww, you look so sleepy... I think you like being treated like this. You are in a place that most men would love to be. ~

It was hard to see, but I think he blushed and I saw something in the corner of my eye... Jolene was recording this without (Y/N) noticing it before she stopped the video and sent it to Naomi. I want a copy of that video too, but I wondered what Naomi was doing with Trinity right now.

(Naomi's POV)

While I was downloading an app made for something I had put into Trinity to help keep her behavior in check, I got a video of my baby falling asleep in Carina's chest. My heart fluttered when I saw him look so sleepy and peaceful. I even got cameras to help keep an eye on Trinity, but maybe I can catch some moments from my baby too.

Naomi's mind-Awwww, so cute. ~

Suddenly, Trinity screamed in protest when her charity belt was being put on by the staff at my request, I put the video up and went back over to help keep her arms still. We finally pulled up her pants since we got her lower half done, but she should still feel it.


Trinity-Keep your fucking hands off m-! *gag* *muffled*

Her cork gag was finally put in since she yelled at us and then I went back on my phone to go on the app I got for her. I pressed the zap button a few times and she curled up a little while holding her privates from the sharp pain I just gave her.

Naomi-You wanted to be here. Now, you better start behaving and following my rules or tonight is going to be harder than it needs to be.

She glared at me, so I flipped her over and pulled her pants down before I got a rubber band ready.


Trinity's yelping and screaming were like music to my ears considering she made my baby cry multiple times already. I kept on going before we took her shirt and bro off to put her special bra on.

Naomi's mind-I never thought I would be doing this... It's for your baby Naomi... She just needs to learn to listen to you and 'never' touch or speak to him without permission.


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