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((Y/N)'s POV)

This was a little relaxing to be here with Napstablook and she didn't really try to do anything to bother me at all. After a short bath, I was getting a bit more rest before I leave and when I got up, Napstablook got up too. She looked at me a little spooked or something from getting up so fast that her headphones flew off. She went over to pick them up again and then fly up to me while I was putting my shoes on.

Napstablook-A-Are you leaving?

(Y/N)-Yeah. I need to hurry if I wanna get out of here. Do you know the rest of the way out of here?

Napstablook-Oh... If you keep heading right of Water, it's a little windy, but then you should make it to Hotland before New Home.

(Y/N)-Thanks... Bye.

Napstablook-... Bye.

I left the house and they let me go... I guess after everything, I didn't know they would let me go this easy... Am I getting used to that already? I gotta get out here. Just then I felt something that made me turn around,... but there was nobody there.

(Y/N)-... Huh.

(No POV)

When (Y/N) turned to start walking again, a monster reappeared out of thin air from the distance.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I followed the path and ignored a door that I thought I heard someone behind. I don't want to run into any other monsters. I walked into a dark room and saw a glowing echo flower, so maybe they are meant to show a path. When I tried to walk past it I just hit a wall and then the flower said something.

Flower-Behind you. *echo*


I turned around and the room lit up a little. I froze when I saw Undyne staring at me.


Undyne-There you are... I see you got cleaned up. I wanna see you taken care of by her majesty and the human females suffer for what they did to us. I even... Ugh, just come here! I'm taking you to her right now.

She walked up to me and she was about to grab me when someone ran in the middle of us.


Monster Kid-Undyne, I help you-!

She stopped talking when she looked at me, but then Undyne grabbed her by her cheek and started to pull on her. They both started to walk away while Undyne looked annoyed.

Monster Kid-H-Hey. You aren't gonna tell my parents about this, are you?

When they were gone, I took this chance to run to another trail of glowing grass and ran without stopping. I even saw something in the water from another room. I didn't stop to see since I knew it had to be another monster after me and when I made it to another room, I just felt so tired that I rested for a moment. When I could walk again, I went across a bridge, and when I was almost across.

Monster Kid-Yo!

I turned to see Monster Kid and she looked very happy to see me.


Monster Kid-I knew it! I knew that wasn't you missing a bra. You didn't need one because you were boy! That also makes you human!

She ran up to me on a bridge with no bars or even a rope to hold onto. She stopped right in front of me and bounced in place a little.

Monster Kid-You're a human boy, you're a human boy! You look so cute and handsome that I just wanna grew arms and hug you!

(Y/N)-St-Stay back!

Monster Kid-Are you kidding me?! If I take you to the queen, she'll let me visit you and we can be best friends forever and ever, and-! Woah!

She almost fell off the bridge from being too hyper, but my body acted on its own and grabbed her by her shirt. I pulled her to me, but tripped back and landed on the dock and then her lips smashed into mine... We kissed for a moment before I pushed her off and her eyes lit up.

Monster Kid-*Gasp* *squeal* YOU LOVE ME?!?!?!

(Y/N)-Wh-What no, wait-!

Monster Kid-My first kiss and it was with a human! Is it your first too?! OH, I HAVE TO GO GET A RING AND STUFF!!! IT'S LIKE TRUE LOVE AND STUFF!!!

She ran off the bridge and I just felt so annoyed and confused when I wiped my mouth a couple of times. At least she was gone. I walked on ahead and saw a mountain, but when I got in front of it, someone landed in front of me and grabbed me to pick me up before I could even react enough to run. It was 'her'.


Undyne-Finally!... Ugh, hold still.

I kept on trying to break free from her arms, but she only walked with me back from where I came from.

(Y/N)-Put me down!

Undyne-Cool it. I have to get you ready to travel to the queen.

(Undyne's POV)

The walk back to my house was full of him squirming and screaming for me to put him down, but that wasn't going to happen. I just have to give him another bath to make sure he's clean, tie him up, so he's easier to watch and get ready for a dreadful trip through Hotland. Thankfully, I won't be wearing my armor. We finally made it back to my house and by then he was tired and will be easier to wash without him fighting m every step of the way.

Undyne-Alright punk, the queen is expecting you soon, so we gotta make this quick and easy. Let's get a bath ready for you in my room.

The moment we got into my bathroom and I turned on the water, he tried struggling again which made me a little mad. I had enough and pinned him while I got him ready to put him in the water. He did look funny and cute when he was squirming this way, so it did put me in a better mood. When I got him in the water, he was too tired to put up a real fight for me, but it was a lot like playing with his arms and hands.

(Y/N)-L-Let me out!

Undyne-You want out? You'll have to try better than this.

He kept on trying to fight me, but this was pathetic and at best funny. When he finally gave out again, I finished his bath and tossed his clothes in the washer to get his clothes cleaned. Right now, I just wrapped him in a towel and messaged the queen of my current situation. I looked back at the human boy sleeping on my bed and I felt happy that I get part of the ownership of him.


By the time I got his clothes in the dryer the human started to stir, so I picked him up before he could start fighting me again... While I wait for his clothes to dry, I could get a workout in. I died on the floor and started to lift his and he's really good for a light workout to fill in the time. Until he wiggled a little and fell on my stomach.

Undyne-Hey, stay still.

I lifted him back up and did more bench presses, and he was still too tired to stop me. I kept on going until the dryer beeped and his clothes were done.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so tired and angry at the same time which made me even more tired. I kept on going up and down until that beeping sound filled the room. She laid me on her bed and got my clothes before she unwrapped me and then dressed me by force. When she let me go, I tried making a run for it, but she made a spear and swung it in a way that it missed me completely, but a wave of magic came off it... I couldn't move... Well, I could still move and turn in place, but it was like my chest was keeping me in place.

Undyne-As long as you're green, you can't move. Now, just sit tight while I get the rope and then we'll be on our way... Now, where did I put it?

She looked for the rope while I kept on waving my legs and arms to move, but I was still stuck in one place. What do I do?!... I looked around the room and noticed a few very big swords on a few shelves, and one shelf looked a little broken... Maybe if I throw something at it and make it fall, it'll distract her. I reached for a pillow on her bed, but I didn't expect it to be so heavy. I tried to toss it, but... THERE WAS A ROCK IN THERE?!?!?!

(Y/N)'s mind-Who keeps a rock in their pillow full of feathers?!


Undyne came over to pick up her pillow and put it back on her bed, so I thought of something fast and when she walked back to look for that rope, I pulled on her leg. She tripped and fell over which made that feeling in my chest go away. I took this chance to run, but I saw how mad she got before I made it out her front door.


I kept on running as fast as I could until she caught up and froze me in place again. I tried to move or think of something and that's when I bent down to grab some dirt and then turned to throw it in her face, but she covered her eyes... This did free me though.

Undyne-You can't get away! You belong to the queen to the queen now!

I didn't get that much farther before I was stuck in place again, so I got more dirt, but this won't work forever. When I made it back to the room where I saw the tentacles again this time they tried to grab me. This made me scream and when I was stuck in place again, a tentacle came for me, so I ducked down.

Undyne-Ugh! Hey!

I turned to see Undyne in the air and being held and pulled over the water before a monster came out.


???-I got you now human. Let me see those cute little eye-. ~... Oh.

Undyne-Put me down before I have you arrested!


I took this chance to run and the other monster tried to catch me again when she dropped Undyne in the water. I barely made it out of the room and ran across the bridge without stopping again. I knew if I stopped Undyne will catch up to me and I can't keep running...

(Y/N)'s mind-I GOTTA HIDE!!!

I made it back to the mountain and hide behind a huge boulder on the side of the path and then made myself as small as possible. Soon I saw her run past me and I covered my mouth until she turned around a corner.


I followed her since that was the only way I could go and if she comes back, she'll see me. I walked up to the corner and peeked around to see her walking across a bridge and it felt a little warm from here. I saw a very bright light coming from under her and I waited until she was out of sight before I pressed on. I saw a sign on the wall that said "WELCOME TO HOTLAND". I felt the heat that gave it its name, but by the time I saw a certain monster sleeping in a station, I saw lava under the bridge.


I also noticed something else weird...

(Y/N)'s mind-How is there snow on the roof of that thing?

I just left before Sansa could wake and slowly walked across the bridge to make sure not to fall. I heard Undyne's voice, so I hid behind a water cooler to make sure nobody saw me.

Undyne-If they didn't come here then they must still be in Waterfall. If they come through, you are to capture them, but not hurt them or you answer to the queen before your captain! Understood?!

???/???-Yes captain!

Undyne-This is the queen's new kid! Remember that!... I'm getting a ride back to Waterfall. I can't handle this place that long.

I waited a while before I peeked out from the water cooler and saw that she was gone. I came out and was careful of any monsters, but saw two guards talking to each other I looked down the stairs here, but only saw a river and since the guards were blocking the other way, I had only one more way to go... It was a giant build that had a sign on it that said,... "LAB".

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe if I'm super sneaky, I can get through.

(No POV)

In the lab, a certain monster was in the 'bathroom' and about to come out to check on her monitors and wondered one thing...

???'s mind-They should almost be here.


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