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(Naomi's POV)

The girls were just being so sweet too (Y/N) in my daughter's room, so I let them take it out to the living room while I made dinner. They had a few fights over who got to feed him, or tried to have a fight over who can give him a bath, but I put a lid on that. Emma tried to play the big sister card, but I said that she can wait until another night. Nath time is for me and my baby alone for the time being. Right now, the girls were in the living room, watching a movie and soon Harper came into the kitchen holding (Y/N).


Haper-Mrs. Cambell, we heard his tummy growl and wondered if we could give him a bottle.

Naomi-Sorry, but dinner is almost done. I'm making some of my homemade mac and cheese, bacon, and chicken casserole.

Harper-It smells good.

Naomi-Why, thank you. Now, run around. You're being so good with him. ~

She had his head cradled and his pacifier didn't look so tight. She had him in one arm and completely supported. My baby gave me pleading eyes as Harper walked off with him. He's just being shy, but I know he's safe... In fact, he will need to get to know his future babysitters. I just checked on dinner real quick before I went on my phone to text the other moms.

Naomi's mind-I can't wait for you all to meet him! ~

(Harper's POV)

My turn holding (Y/N) was almost over, so I gave some extra love. I used my ringer to rub his face a little, bounced him in my arms like I saw his sister do, and hissed his little head. We all loved seeing him blush and he was nothing like the boys at school. They were dumb and talked about cooties and stuff, but (Y/N), you can just cuddle and hold him.

Sophia-Harper, it's my turn.

I turned to see Sophia scooting closer to me, so I gave (Y/N) one last kiss and poked his pacifier before I gave him to my friend.


(Sophia's POV)

I tried to take (Y/N) as gently as possible and I hated how my first turn went because that's the reason we had to fight to put his pacifier in when I tried to show him affection. He is a lot calmer now, but he does tend to struggle a bit when we switch and I hate to see him upset.

Sophia-*Shhhhh* Calm down. ~

Harer and the others do little scratches, but my old kitty loved being held against me while stroking their back. He even likes it too. I put his head on my shoulder and rubbed his back the way I think he likes it the most. He tenses up a few times, but stops later on when he really likes it. It was like having my kitty back and this was also good for him to relax before Phebe takes him for her turn. She loves teasing him by calling him cute baby names just so he would blush, but she wasn't saying anything mean or would go too far.

Sophia's mind-I never knew humans were so cute. They are like little babies... and even the babies are bigger than him.

When I felt him relax we all heard a beep from the oven in the kitchen, so dinner just needs to cool down before we can eat. Phebe just leaned in closer since after dinner, we might not get him back.


Phebe-Hi there, little cupcake. ~

Sophia-I think his cheeks are pink enough.

Phebe-They can get pinker. I saw them do that when his wittle pacifier acts like a button... I want a little brother like him too... We can play dress up all I want. ~

She did want to play dress up, but Emma's mom said 'no' to that since she doesn't want all his clothes to get dirty. We just kept on playing house with him and would not let him hide his face from us. When Emma's mom called us over for dinner we all passed him around to give him a kiss goodbye until we made it to the table, but Phebe also unwrapped him from the blanket a little to blow on his tummy and make him laugh. I think this made his cheeks get even pinker than they did all day with us. Emma's mom came in with dinner and smiled at this.


Phebe-Awwwww, I know you could do it. Bye. ~


Phebe-Here you go, Ms. Cambell.

Phebe gave him back to Emma's mom when she put the food on the table and we looked at her holding him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Naomi started to make bowls for everyone before she made a small bowl for me. She had a small spoon that was meant for me and when the girls started to eat, Naomi held the small plastic spoon up to me with some of the food on it. It smelled so good and looked better than my mom ever bought for us, but I didn't want to keep being treated like a baby. I don't like it.



(Y/N)-C-Can I just take the spoon and eat by myself?

Naomi-Sweetie, this is way too long for you to hold properly. None of us are going to laugh at you.

(Y/N)-Can I at least try?

Naomi-No baby... Open.

I tried to hold my arms up to protect my mouth, but she put the food down to rewrap me in the blanket. I just turned away and kept my mouth shut.

Naomi-(Y/N), don't be difficult. I know you're hungry.

Just as she said that, my stomach growled again and she gave me a look before shthought of something.

Naomi-(Y/N), if you don't behave, I'll teach the girls how to wash you by letting them watch me do it.


Sophia-Can we help?!

Emma-Can I help first mommy?!

Harper-I can dry him off!

Phebe-And finally play a bit of dress up with him!

Naomi just looked at me and held the spoon closer.

Naomi-Do you want that or do you want to eat?

She held the spoon in front of me and I could see Phebe getting excited more than the others as they watched me. I didn't like this, but I took the bite... It tasted so good that my mouth started to water... This is better than any restaurant my mommy took me to ever. She got another bite for me and when I swallowed, I just wanted more food so bad, so I took the bite quickly.

(Y/N)'s mind-So good! I can actually taste the bacon and chicken with the mac and cheese!

(Naomi's POV)

After the first bit of my casserole, his pupils got a little wider with the shocked look on his face. Now, he eats without a fuss and this made me wonder if his old mother was a good cook or if she even cooked. This isn't even my best dish because I didn't have all the ingredients I needs because the store was out of the good ones I needed. When he was full, I just had some dinner while holding him.

Emma-Mommy, can he sleep with us tonight? He can sleep in the rocking crib.

Naomi-Sorry, but he'll be sleeping in his crib. I don't need him trying to wiggle free and run around until he gets hurt. After his bath, I'm going to check a few things with him before bed. All your moms will be here in the morning to see him, so I need him to have a good nights rest. That means, no staying up late to cuddle and play with him.

Harper-Our moms are coming?

Naomi-I texted them and told them about (Y/N). You girls go get ready for bed too.

The girls finished their food before they put their dishes in the sink to rinse them off. When I was done with my food, I just put the leftovers away, washed my dishes, and went to the bathroom in my room.

Naomi-Hey (Y/N), why don't we play a game while I give you a bath?

(Y/N)-What game?

Naomi-I'm going to take you to the big bath with me and ask you questions about your mommy while I wash us both. For every answer you get, you get a piece of candy tomorrow.

(Y/N)-Um... I don't know.

Naomi-Don't worry, it'll be stuff like what did you two liked to do for dinner or if you were ever scared and slept with her during a storm. Emma always comes to my room when she hears thunder.

(Y/N)-... Is that ok here?

He looked confused and it was not that hard to find out what he meant. He was not allowed in her room at night when he was scared... This is going to be a long bath.

(Trinity's POV)

I made it back to the place where I met that giant and it was nighttime. I had a flashlight, food, beer, water, weed, cigarettes, extra clothes, my flask, and a .22 caliber gun and knife. I was set to head out to get my son back and shoot a bitch.

Trinity-Alright you big whore, where are you?

I walked deep into the woods until I saw a giant mushroom and checked the time and it was almost 9:00 pm. I kept on pushing myself further until I started to see really big street lights behind the huge trees. When I made it to a sidewalk, there was nobody out or cars driving by. This is the best time to break into a house, but now...

Trinity's mind-Which house is it? Does she even live around here?

Only one way to find out... I'm just going to have to break into them all until I find the right house. I got started with the closest house then ran into a new problem... How am I going to break into any house if I can barely reach the doorknob, let alone a window?

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Naomi's POV)

I just sat in the water while holding my baby to soak in the water and he refused to open his eyes and look at me. He won't be aroused by me, but at least he has morals thanks to his uncle and grandpa... The same can't be said for her. The only thing I am glad about is (Y/N) not opening his eyes to see how angry I was. I started to wish I tormented her before I hung her by her underwear on the tree. When I got out of the bath with my baby, I dried him off and dressed him first. He opened his eyes for a brief moment to see I still have not gotten dressed then closed his eyes again.

Naomi-*Giggles* Hey, it's ok... I'm your mama now. You even called me that name to try and stay with me. ~


Naomi-Awwwwww. How about you snuggle with me again? I can sing to you if you're scared. You're always welcome to sleep in bed with mama when you're scared or just want someone to cuddle with... If anything, we can just use the crib for morning naps. ~

He didn't respond, but that's just how it's going to be anyway. I just got on some underwear to sleep in for the night then listened for the girls. It sounded like they settled down next door. I still couldn't believe that she was able to keep (Y/N) for as long as she did, so even his whole family was neglectful to him. She never comforted him when she was scared, only cooked in a microwave when they did not go to a restaurant, and hardly took care of his education. I got in bed after I wrapped (Y/N) in his blanket and buttoned him up. His pacifier is next to the bed, just in case he gets fussy, and with everything all set, I turned off the lights and snuggled (Y/N).

Naomi-Goodnight, sweetie pie. Mama loves you... And my friends will love you too.

(No POV)

During the night, (Y/N) felt even more nervous and scared about more giant women coming to see him tomorrow, and wondered where his birth mom was. Emma and her friends were secretly up, making plans about what games they can play with (Y/N) tomorrow. They thought about playing house in front of their moms again, but they went on Emma's tablet and saw a video that they thought was cute... This made them wonder if Emma's mom would get it. Naomi cared for (Y/N) and when he was sound asleep, she was up late thinking about things she would do to not only kill his awful mother, but also humiliate her.


Meanwhile, 3 women in their own homes were excited to meet this boy that Naomi found and even offered to let them babysit when she goes to work. Naomi gave them each a picture of (Y/N) while the girls played house and saw him swaddled while being fed mushed bananas. They even all agreed to secretly get gifts early in the morning to add to the role that Naomi told them about... Her baby.


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