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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was slowly waking up to a few noises in the room and one sounded like a cart being pushed. I tried going back to sleep, but I felt Pauline rubbing my cheek and poking at me a little. When I tried to push her hand away a little, I heard her laugh then something metal. Pauline sat up, but I kept my eyes closed until I smelled something really good. I opened my eyes a bit, but the light stung them, so I closed them again and sat up a little with Pauline. Her arm wrapped behind me and I leaned into her for warmth.


While my mouth was open, something good was put into my mouth and I think I knew what it was. When I opened my eyes, I saw a chef leaving and Pauline was getting another bite of waffles ready for me.


Pauline-Good morning little man. I see 'someone' is enjoying his apple cinnamon waffles. ~

I swallowed my food and tried to say something, but she just gave me another bite. I felt hungry from how good this food is, so I kept on eating it first before talking, but every time, she would give me another bite. After she was done feeding me she picked me up and took me out of bed with her to put me next to the bathroom.

Pauline-Go take a shower because we got a busy day.

(Y/N)-Are we gonna see if we can get me home today?

Pauline-I have men working on it. We need to make sure you are taken care of in the meantime. That means we are going to go find you more clothes, and shoes, and get you a few toys to help pass the time here.

(Y/N)-H-How long?

Pauline-We don't know, but we are going to work on it. Men are on their way to the place you were when you came here. Now, do you want to take a bath or have me give you a bath?

I just went into the bathroom and she giggled while walking away. When I got in the bath, I turned on the water and just thought about my home again... When I get out of here, I'm taking a long break from any games with Mario in them.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I stepped out of the dressing room with Pauline after she helped me get dressed into a suit and tie that was hard to put on. I have 5 of these now and after I couldn't get the first one right, she started to come in with me to undress and dress me.

Pauline-Don't you just look so adorable? ~

On the first suit, I said 'no' and she called me a liar before I had to say that I was adorable like she said. I couldn't say it, so I just nodded my head a little.

Pauline-Don't be so nervous... Let's get you in your normal clothes and have these brought to the house. We've got to go toy shopping next. ~

(Pauline's POV)

This has honestly been a fun shopping day. He even needed my help to get him dressed properly and even made me blush a little at how cute he looked. It's like he matched me. I had men pack a car with his new clothes while we just started walking to the toy store. I held his hand to make sure he stays close to me and with his hair and eyes... He looks like he can-...

Pauline's mind-He is my baby now. ~

Suddenly something was spotted flying around town and everyone tried to get a picture of it before it came right for my baby and me. I tried to get out of the way, but it stopped a few feet away just to stare at us... It looked like a chubby little star creature... I know who this belongs to. Rosalina.


I had (Y/N) turned into me to hold him close and see what it will do, but all it did was look at him before it flew up into the sky.

(Rosalina's POV)

I just stared at the planet earth and sighed a little while waiting for any sign of my baby, but there was not even a late-night wish. When this morning started, I got things in my son's room ready for him. This only added to my disappointment until a special little star flew up to me and gave me great news when they took me to a city. It was morning, so the streets were crowded and noisy here. I much prefer somewhere quieter and more natural and less polluted. Even a kingdom is better than this.

Rosalina-Where is he?

Luma pointed somewhere and it took me a moment to spot him, but when I spotted him my heart raced for a brief moment before I saw him holding hands with another woman.


I recognized her when I calmed down a little and knew it was Pauline. She simply does not know that (Y/N) belongs to me, so I just have to be settled and calm. I'll give her a moment to say goodbye.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Pauline kept on holding my hand and when we made it to a crosswalk, a light started to glow right in front of us and then got really bright. It stung my eyes a little and Pauline's too. When the light went away, we saw Rosalina gently float on the ground.



Rosalina-Hello (Y/N). Thank the stars you're alright. ~

Pauline-Hello. May I ask, what you are doing here?

Rosalina-I'm here for my son. Thank you so much for rescuing him and keeping him safe. I never knew Peach to be so diabolical like that. Trying to poison me like that.

Pauline-She did what?! We saved him from Bowsette and her daughters... Wait, your son?!

Rosalina-That's right.

Rosalina pulled out her hand and waved it at me before I flew away from Pauline and into her arms. Rosalina gave me kisses all over my face until I was ripped away from her. Pauline looked mad and Rosalina lost her smile.

Pauline-I'm sorry. We may be friends, but I can't just hand a child off to you. I'm watching him to help him get home.

Rosalina-I'll have you know that I have seen his 'home' and looked at it plenty of times to find that it is no place for a child. I'm taking care of him.

Rosalina used her magic to rip me away from Pauline again, but even when Rosalina had me, Pauline did not let go.

(Y/N)-Rosalina, I st-.

Pauline-He is in the custody of New Kong City.

Rosalina-He is in 'my' custody. Release him.

Just then I saw police officers come and I was getting really scared that they were going to fight.

Pauline-Officers, detain her!

Rosalina had her wand out and put a bubble around us that the cops could not get into. I ripped away from both of them and tried to get out.

(No POV)


Mario walked down the street after a long journey from Bowsette's castle and made it back to New Kong City to see how the kid and Pauline were doing. When he turned around the corner he only saw police officers surrounding a magic bubble with his friends and (Y/N) inside.


Rosalina-You will not bring him back to that awful home!

Mario tried to hurry over to his friends and calm things down, but when he reached the bubble, Rosalina made it burst and send everyone flying, but (Y/N) was caught in mid-air while everyone else had a hard landing and a few cars, mailboxes, and trashcans were flipped over. Mario watched Rosalina put the boy in her arms while he struggled to get away, so he ran to try and stop Rosalina from going through with this.


A bright light formed around here that blinded everyone in the city for a brief moment, only to see they were gone.

(Pauline's POV)

I felt my heart shatter when I couldn't see them anymore. The happiest thing to ever fulfill my life in a long time was stolen from me. I can't go back to having nobody to love and care for. I ran over to Mario in the wreckage and helped him up to his feet, but he still looked a little out of it.

Pauline-Mario, I need your help again! Rosalina came and took my-. I mean, (Y/N)! You have to get him back!

I let him go and he still looked dizzy then he only had this to say.



(Short Timeskip)

(Rosalina's POV)

My poor baby was crying again, no thanks to Pauline filling his head with going back to his dangerous world with his irresponsible dad. I had to lock him in a room with me and wait for him to burn himself out, but it broke my heart to see him pounding and pulling the door. He acts like I am trying to hurt him or was mad at him... I was mad though. Mad at that mayor for corrupting my baby, Bowsette for no doubt torturing him, and Peach FOR TAKING HIM FROM ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

Rosalina-*Shhhhh* Just close those eyes. ~

He used every last ounce of strength he had when he was already tired to not let me hold him and take him to bed. I cuddled next to him and soothed what little strength he had left to make him fall asleep in my embrace.

Rosalina-Remember, this is for the best baby. You just need to stay up here from now on. ~

(Y/N)-Please,... I ju-.

Rosalina-No sweetie. *Shhhhhh* You need a nap before I start getting you accustomed to staying again. ~

After a while, he finally fell asleep and I made sure he didn't have any nightmares and dreams about only me tonight. I will grant him permission to observe this planet one more time when he wakes up before I leave with him.

Rosalina's mind-There is nothing left for him here that's good anymore.

(Daisy's POV)

I was on my way to the Mushroom Kindom to talk to Peach about (Y/N) to keep him safe with us and the answer lies at my kingdom. I know she lost him again from the messages she sent me, but with both of our guards looking for him and if we get Mario to help us which he most likely will, he will be found in no time. On the way, we saw a bright flash in the woods that got us all of the sudden and I could see black spots in my vision for a bit.

Daisy-What was that?

Toad-I'll check!

I followed the Toad into the woods and soon we saw a figure getting up and they looked tall... and wide.




He passed out again and when you got close enough, he smelled like a dirty tavern, so I covered my nose. I ordered my Toads to drag him to the cart to bring him with us since we can't just leave him here... Although something seems 'familiar' about this man.

Daisy's mind-I've never seen him before though. Why is this bothering me?


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