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(Helen's POV)

I woke up from a nap on the couch and saw that someone put a blanket over me. The T.V. was turned off and I saw a few granola bars and a banana on the coffee table in here. My stomach growled for anything, so I sat up and ate the food that was left out for me. When I finished the snacks, I still wanted more, but this should hold me over for a bit. I looked for a clock and when I found one, it was almost 7 PM then I heard something behind me. I turned to see nothing, but I had a good idea who it was.

Helen-(Y/N), is that you?... Are you still mad at me from before?

I saw him slowly poke his head out from the counter in the kitchen that you could see from the living room. He come out and looked shy about it. It's clear that he gave me the blanket and food, but then I thought about something.

Helen-Is your daddy home, yet?

(Y/N)-... Hey Alexa, play my recent message!

I was confused, but then a speaker started to talk which was almost like what we have back in... my world. Soon, a message started to play.

???-Hey sport, *hic* the workers had the next week off and I forgot to hire temps. My friends and I made plans and that *hic* me-means the house is all yours!

My mouth opened a little when I heard that. The message was not even done, yet.

???-Just order food, and make sure the system stays armed until I get home tomorrow night!

Man-Sir, you're at your limit. I'm gonna have to cut you off.

???-Bullshit, this is my second glass!

Man-You have 6 other cups.



You could hear him fighting and struggling until the message ended. I noticed (Y/N) inching back to his hiding spot. I didn't want him to be scared of me, so I walked around the couch and bent down to his level.

Helen-Thank you for the blanket and food. That was very sweet of you.

(Y/N)-... Yo-You're welcome.

Helen-I know I said this, but I really am sorry that I yelled at you. It wasn't fair.

He stayed in his place and I heard his belly growl from over here. Seeing as his dad won't be here and questioning if he can even cook...

Helen-How about some real food? I can make something.

He only nodded his head, so I walked past him into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I expected lots of frozen and premade dinners with very few ingredients, but there was so much to coo with and at best 3 boxes of frozen food in this huge fridge.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Helen went into the fridge that only our chef opens, but he won't be here for a week. She thought about something for a bit before she took out a few things. I just let my body move on its own and go behind the counter to go to my room. What she said when she tried to apologize to me the first time made me feel bad. I don't know how the real her got here and she was in my room the night before when I almost watched her movie... I wondered if it was my fault this happened to her. I made it to my room, but it was hard to stay inside here with what happened, so I went to one of the guest bedrooms. Each of them had a queen bed and a 70-inch T.V. with a dresser. Almost like my room, but I have decorations, like mats, a computer, and curtains that I like. I kept on walking until I made it to the private gym and just sat on one of the benches after I turned the lights on.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I could smell something very good that I only get when the chef is here, so I left the gym to get closer to the smell. I think it even smelled better than the chef's food. When I made it to the kitchen, Helen came around and bumped into me.


Helen-I was about to come to get you for dinner. Have a seat at the table.

She nudged me a bit and I went to the table and sat in the booth part. She came in with plates before she brought the food and it looked better than the chef we had would make.


Helen-I can bring some sour cream if you want because the Spanish rice and bell peppers might be a little spicy.

(Y/N)-This looks good.

Helen-Here, let me make you a plate.

I just have to remember to put a note on the pan that says 'vegetables' on it since my dad hates almost every vegetable, and bell peppers are one of them. She gave me a plate and made one for herself before we started eating... This tasted amazing! I went in for another bite and she smiled which made my face get warm. I started to worry because I was breaking my dad's 'having a girl over rule', but he wasn't here.

Helen-Do you like it? I used that cookbook in the kitchen.

(Y/N)-I like it... This is better than when the chef cooks.

(Helen's POV)

That's because I found notes that said not to use most of these seasons and vegetables that add flavor. All at the order of '(D/N)' which must be his dad's name. At least he likes his vegetables because I added some stuff that I picked up from being a housewife. Dinner was nice and I tried doing small talk with him, but...

Helen-So, what do you do for fun?

(Y/N)-Um... I play video games sometimes,... watch movies and stuff?

Helen-Any sports?

(Y/N)-M-My grandpa put me in soccer, but my dad took me out?


(Y/N)-... I think... one of the m-moms got mad at him when he tried his hunting.

Helen-... Hunting?

(Y/N)-Well, he calls it other things, but a lot of people and his friends call what he does-... I think it starts with an 'H'.

It starts with the letter 'H'... Sexual harassment. Also his attitude during that message... Now I had to know a few things about his dad.

Helen-Does your daddy ever get mad at you?

(Y/N)-... He y-y-yells a lot when he gets mad.

He looked a little shaken and I need to know if he puts his hands on him. Maybe if I can get his shirt off I might find bruises or marks. I just kept up on nice small topics until he looked like he had enough talking. He was just so shy, timid, and fragile... None of these are good signs. After dinner, I got everything cleaned off and put away before I let him show me around the house. This tour was to find out more but everything looks clean, aside from the smell of beer in the biggest master bedroom and the 'man cave'. There were a lot of spare rooms that almost looked like his, a private gym that he said his grandpa made to try and get his dad to work out, but he fired him because it was too hard. At the end of the tour ended at a group bath in the basement that his dad tries to impress girls with, but I just hope that doesn't work because that attitude is disgusting.

Helen-Thank you for the tour, but maybe it'll be a good time for a shower.

(Y/N)-O-Ok... Take a spare room and w-we h-have robes and towels you can use.

He ran off and I waited for him to get into a bathroom before I went into his room. I looked through his shirts to see if I can find one with a bloodstain or a thin cut, but they all looked nice. I checked a few other things before I went to the employee break room here which was just a fancy shed on the other side of the pool out here. I checked the files to see if I can find anything for extra medical supplies or hospital bills and records... Nothing.

Helen's mind-Maybe it's just verbal and not physical.

I hope that's it. I just went back in the house to get into a shower myself... I had a hard day and hadn't had a shower in who knows how long.

Helen-Just calm down Helen... No signs point to him hitting his sun... You're still on edge.

I told myself that when I took my suit off to get in the shower.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I just gotten dressed when I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned to see Helen wearing a robe from the guest room.


Helen-Hey (Y/N), mind if I see something?

(Y/N)-What is it?

She walked over to me and I felt nervous and backed up a little before she turned me around to lift my shirt and look at my back. She pressed against my legs a little then I turned back to her.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you doing?

Helen-It's a health check thing... Well, I'm gonna go to sleep and if you need me, I'll be in the closest guest bedroom.

She kissed my head before she left my room and I just got into bed to think about what happened today. I started to think about dad and when he gets home, he's just going to hang out with Helen and I'll be all alone again in this house. Since it's a house rule that I can't get in his way with girls, I can't do anything about it.

(Y/N)-At least he'll be happy and stop yelling at me.

I went back on the USB and thought that maybe if I try a couple of things, I can bring her family out too to also make her happy.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I did everything I could think of, but I could do it right. It was stupid to think I can help her at all! I just got into bed and thought about the times that dad called me a screw-up or how I ruin things with girls when they see me sometimes. I started crying a little then my door opened. Helen walked in and saw me crying on my bed, so she came over to give me a hug.


Helen-(Y/N), what's wrong? ~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Nothing... It's stupid.

Helen-Come on... Talk to me. ~

I slowly told her my plan to try and find out how she got here to bring her family here, but I couldn't do it. I cried a little harder when I told her about how my daddy was right about me.

(Y/N)-H-H-He said th-the only thing *hic* I do best is ruin everything. *sobbing*

Helen-*Gasp* No... No, no, no. You didn't do anything wrong. None of this is your fault and you still tried... That's all a hero does. Trying to do the right thing. ~

She turned me into her and I cried into her soft and fluffy robe.

(Helen's POV)

To think he would say such a thing to his own son! What a horrible man and father! I did my best to comfort (Y/N) while stretching my arm to turn off the hall light before closing the door and turning off his light. I pulled him closer to me and let him cry into me. I was moved by how he cried over trying to help bring my family back to me, but for all we know right now, they are here and in other houses like me. My heart a little fluttered when he calmed down after snuggling with me. I even got his stuffed rabbit from under the bed and gave it to him for him to hold in his arms. His breathing now went from shakey to slow deep breaths.

Helen-Do you want me to sleep in here with you tonight? ~

(Y/N)-... I-If you want... B-B-But m-my daddy has a rule about-.

Helen-*Shhhhhhh* No. No more of your daddy tonight. You just focus on resting. ~

I stroked his back and he only looked around his room. I saw what he was looking at and turned on a night light and he looked more relaxed. I stayed up and looked around for movies and shows I might try in the morning while he slept wrapped in my arm and buried at my side. There was one movie called "The Bad Guys" that was family-friendly and it reminded me of my world. Just as I was about to call it a night, I felt (Y/N) moving in my arm. I looked at him and he was tossing and turning a little like he was having a nightmare. I saw this before with Violet when she was little and was scared of the dark. I rubbed his head and whispered small things into his ear that hopefully reached him in his dream.

Helen-Don't be afraid, I'm right here... You're the sweetest thing in this world... You know, if I do find a way back home... You are more than welcome to come back with me... I never met your daddy, but I can tell he doesn't deserve a sweet boy... I got you. ~ *whisper*

I stroked his back and when he finally settled down, he looked so peaceful and adorable... I am not leaving him alone with a horrible man.

(No POV)

Helen felt sorry for (Y/N). While she still wondering if he gets hit, he is still being verbally abused. She can't do anything about it right now because she knows society does not often take well to something brand new and a woman like her with superpowers that looked like a cartoon would turn on her in a second. With no idea about how she officially got here or if there was a way back, she has to make do with what she has and she knows that. When she went to sleep while cuddling (Y/N) she didn't pay much attention to where she left the remote on the edge of the bed. The remote fell in between the bedframe and got caught on the "OK" button. The small noise made Helen stir a bit in her sleep and that moved the mattress just enough to press the button to play "The Bad Guys". The screen turned white and filled the room, but the light failed to wake to the two up. (Y/N) had his face buried in Helen's chest, and Helen had her face halfway into the pillow. A figure was slowly coming out of the T.V. and when the T.V. turned off...




The figure had 2 cases with them. One is a briefcase and the other was luggage.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I felt so good. I never felt this good waking up and my nightmare wasn't as scary tonight. Everything stayed away from me after a bit. When my eyes opened, I saw my face was buried in Helen's chest, so I backed up and felt my face burning up. I sat up a bit and saw something on the floor... A suitcase? I crawled over and saw someone on the floor which made me freeze.


I saw this movie at the theaters with one of the workers to get me away from my dad. I tried to stay quiet and not wake Diane up while I crawled back over to Helen. I shook her awake and she groaned a little before she smiled.

Helen-*Yawn* Morning.

(Y/N)-Helen... I-It happened again. *whisper*

She looked a little confused before she sat up again.

Helen-Huh? What happened again?

I pointed over to where Diane was and we heard her groaning before she got up, but fell over to her side. Helen hurried up and grabbed me before she put me behind her. She looked like she was going to fight, but I know who Diane is.

Helen-Stay down!

(Y/N)-W-Wait! Diane is a good guy!

(Diane's POV)

My ears were ringing and I could only hear faint voices. I tried to think about what happened then my memories came rushing back. There was a state emergency and I called for an evacuation of the city before these holes started to come out of the ground. I fell in one just as I finished packing my gear and extra clothes... I felt wooden floorboards and my vision was starting to clear up... I think it was because everything looked weird and then I saw a woman that looked like a cartoon and a little boy with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (S/C) skin from what I could see.


I quickly got to my feet and started to panic a little about where I was and what was happening.

???-Stay right where you are!

I looked around before I saw a door and made a run for it, but the strangest thing happened... Her arm stretched so far that she pushed the door shut without taking a step from her spot. I screamed a little at this weird sight but went for the window next. Her other stretched to act like a rope for me and her other arm got me too. I couldn't think straight and still recovering from being dizzy and my ears still ringing a little bit. Suddenly I heard crying and it was coming from that little boy behind the woman. She looked at him and her eyes got softer.

(Y/N)-Please, *whimper* st-stop fighting.

I struggled a bit more to get out of this woman's arms until she finally unwrapped me. I got ready to run in case anything else happened and she even turned her back to me for a brief moment to pick up the kid and put him on the bed.

Diane-Who are you people? Where am I?

The woman just gave me a look like she was trying to find the words, but couldn't.

Diane-Were you behind those weird holes?

???-First, go 2 doors down the hall. Look in the mirror.


I tried looking at myself at that moment and saw my hands and body look a little different in a way I could not logically explain. I left to go find that mirror while being on alert for any attacks. I made it and turned on the light to look in the mirror... What I saw made me freeze and touch myself around my body to make sure I was not mistaken.



((Y/N)'s POV)

Helen told me to stay in my room while she went to go talk to Diane in the hallway. I just got my bunny and went under my bed while listening to see if they fight. The longer I waited under my bed, the more nervous I felt, but then I thought of something worse...


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((D/N)'s POV)

These pills were doing wonders for my hangover. I felt a little headache, but overall I was just fine. The limo driver made a few stops on the way home after I got bailed out by my dad. He was pissed when he found out, but thankfully kept anyone else from getting involved or it would be bad for the company. We're untouchable though, so I know we'll be just fine. After I got home, my limo driver got to go on his vacation and my dad said that there will be no temp workers for the week as punishment.

(D/N)'s mind-They'll just clean and stuff when they get back.

When I got inside I just wanted to go to my man cave and relax, but I heard voices in my son's room. They sounded like women and it got me curious, so I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

(D/N)-(Y/N), it's me.

(Y/N)-Be right there.

He soon opened his door and I saw that he was the only one in his room, but I know I heard someone.

(D/N)-Who else is here?


(D/N)-Don't lie to me, I heard voices.

(Y/N)-I-I was w-w-watching a movie.

I walked into his room and looked at the T.V. to see that he was watching a movie called The Bad Guys, but it was paused. Those voices didn't sound like they were coming from the T.V. though. I just played the movie and one of the voices did sound familiar.

(D/N)-... I'm gonna be in my cave. Don't bother me for a while. Daddy had a bad night.


I just left his room and he closed the door. When I got to my man cave, I just pulled out a nice cold beer, sat in my favorite chair, and relaxed. The bar night idea was a wreck after a group of young girls just called me fat and old. Little fucking brats. 28 is not that old and I might be a bit overweight, but I can still land any woman I want. Who cares if they are 18?! I am still good to go and loaded!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to talk to the girls about me not wanting to freak out by seeing them right away, but I was more afraid of when he finds out that I just broke his girl rule. I just got in the way of him and a girl. He's going to be so mad at me! They saw how scared I was getting and Helen bent down to me.

Helen-What's wrong?

(Y/N)-I-I just broke a rule! He's gonna get mad at me after he meets you and finds out I lied!

Diane-Rule? What rule?

(Y/N)-H-He hates it when I get in the way of him and a girl! He's *hic* g-g-gonna yell a-at *hic* me, and-!

Helen pulled me into a hug and started to rub my back a little and Diane just watched and looked at her movie still playing.

Helen-Everything is going to be ok... We're gonna talk to him later and have a talk like adults. You can stay in here if you want after. Just introduce us and come back in here. Ok? ~

(Diane's POV)

This is all so much to take and we were just at the start of 'my movie'. I felt like I was going to be sick at times and wondered what else they go. When Helen sat on the bed with (Y/N) in her lap we continued watching the movie. I was seeing parts of the story that I wasn't there for with Wolf and his gang, me showing myself as The Crimson Paw, Wolf coming down into my secret base, my time that I almost stole the golden dolphin, us taking down Prof. Marmalade, and finally when I picked them up from prison a year later.

Diane-Oh, my god. *whisper*

My whole life... Was it all a lie? I just opened my suitcase and looked at the clothes and gear I packed. I had no words or anything, but thoughts about my friends... Mainly Wolf. A few tears fell from my eyes when I thought about what happened to my home.

Diane-*Hic* *hic*.

Helen-I'm sorry... The holes, losing everything, ending up here... It happened to me too.

Diane-... L-Let me... have a minute before we talk to his dad.

Helen-Of course.

I just sat on a computer chair and looked around to what might be my new life before I just closed my eyes to think about my old one. It only made me cry a little more before I looked to see (Y/N) was still scared. I've seen children afraid of their own parents before and before I would call CPS to do an investigation, but with how I look and what I was told this world was like, I might be like an alien the government would want to hunt down. After crying and slowly collecting myself I walked over to Helen and (Y/N) to sit next to them.

Helen-Ready to go talk to him?

Diane-... Let's wait a little longer. I need more time to get used to... all this.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((D/N)'s POV)

I was in the middle of playing some pinball and trying to beat my high score of 2,970,380 points, but I lost my last ball before I could make it. I sat back in my chair to have some more beer when my son knocked at the door and looked at me shyly as usual.

(D/N)-I said I wanna be alone.

(Y/N)-It's important... I-I have 2 people I want you to meet, b-b-but please don't freak out.

(D/N)-What? Who's here?

He waved his hand a little and I saw 2 women come out and they had costumes on... Until I thought that looked too cartoonish to be costumes and wondered if I was tripping balls.


???-Hello, sir. I'm the um, 'real' Diane Foxington.

???-I'm Helen Parr.

I didn't know what to think, so I got a closer look at them and walked around them to look for zippers or something, but when I lifted Diane's tail and tried to pull the pants part of this costume down she pulled away and smacked me across the face.


Diane-I'm real, alright! Look!

She opened her mouth and beside the cartoon-like appearance... I started to feel lightheaded and fell backward while passing out.




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