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(Mika's POV)

Last night went from bad to worse. I tried to stay strong and not put (Y/N) through any more drama, but I ended up having to call a doctor over when I woke up nearly crying in pain. My whole body hurt from my to my tail. The doctor was checking me out now and gave me some medicine to help ease the pain, so I'm back to where I can stay calm, but just feel tender. They took my pet to his room and decided to check on him too then I gave them a list of my friends and their pets, so they could send others to check on them. I don't know if this is contagious or what this was, but I remember the look in (Y/N)'s eyes when he was taken to his room by a few nurses and one of which was human... He looked worried for me. By the time the checkup was done, the monkey doctor typed something on a tablet.

Monkey-Ma'am, it seems you're the 23rd case of these symptoms in the past 2 days.

Mika-What's happening to me?

Monkey-We are not sure, but until we are, we must stay here and put you and your human under watch. Council wants to keep this contained, so we will have to ask you to not go public online with this.

Panic was the one thing we used against humans and I saw what it can do.

Mika-What about everyone else?

Monkey-When we have more info, we will go public, but we can't create a panic... All food and other needs will be taken care of.

Mika-Can I see (Y/N)?... He's my pet.

Monkey-... Sorry... I'm sure you understand.

At first, I was angry and panicking about all of this, but then I remembered that we don't know how this works and if by some chance (Y/N) got lucky... I don't want to push it. I only cried from missing my pet in the next room that I could not see and wondered if I was going to die or not. This was happening to others too, so this could problem.

Mika-Do you know if my neighbor has what I have?

(Christa's POV)

I just felt so achy and weak from this treatment, but it was better when these paramedics arrived. I felt a lot of pain and I couldn't even get up to check on Angel crying, so these guys had to take care of my baby for me in another room. Now, I just feel as pathetic as my old owner Megan... Maybe her meat was not clean after all. They said that Mika has this too and she was in worse condition. I demanded to see Angel, but they said it was for his safety that I don't see him until they are more sure about what they are dealing with.

Dog-Your symptoms are catching up, but you shouldn't feel much pain since we caught it.

Christa-What's going on?

Dog-We're not entirely sure, but it does seem like whatever this is, it is putting a huge strain on the muscles.

Christa-What about my baby? Is Angel ok?

Dog-He seems to be fine. We have a caretaker looking after him in the living room.

I tried my best to relax, but I just wanted my baby. They only turned the T.V. on for me to have something to do. Not like it was much in the first place, so I just tried to get some more sleep.

(Autumn's POV)

I have never been good with pain and even with the medicine I have been given, I still could not handle this. I felt too weak to do much about it and the doctor had someone watching Makenzie and checking her ankle to see how she was doing. The doctor told me they have no idea why or how, but my muscles are pushing and pulling. They won't let me see my pet, but at least I know she is still home and ok.

Autumn-Doctor, will I be alright?

Owl-This is brand new to us, but there are other cases and so far, nobody has suffered any real injuries or casualties.

Autumn-I know one of my friends sent you over here... Do you know how they are doing?

Owl-Odds are, they are just like you. We are still trying to figure out how this thing spreads. Rest assured, we are keeping them and others healthy and happy.

(Jessie's POV)

Joey would not want to leave my side and threw a tantrum whenever they took him out of my room, so they put him on a pet bed in the corner of the room, so he would not lash out as much. He still tries to sneak onto my bed to be with me, but they only put him back in his bed to cry and pout. I wanted him with me too, but he shouldn't even be in here to see me like this or possibly get what I got. I turned to the corner to see him crying to himself and I know he only wants to snuggle with me even more since I was hurt and he wanted to help.


I felt my legs pop a little, but it didn't hurt that much thanks to the medicine and I'm used to pain from fighting a lot before all of this. Joey still looked at me with what you can call puppy eyes as he ignored the animal trying to comfort him.

Jaguar-You got a clingy little guy, don't you?


Jaguar-We just need to run a few tests and then see about him sleeping with you. You'll still be tender.

Jessie-If it helps with the tests, I felt my legs pop a little by themselves.

Jaguar-We still need to wait for the equipment for x-rays to get here and the animals and humans that are allowed to operate them. Until then, we will take care of you and your pet.

Jessie-I can move and take care of my pet and I'm just fine.

Jaguar-... Ok, then let's do a quick test. Lift a 20-pound weight and you should be in good enough shape.

Jessie-Fine, bring it here.

Jaguar-Oh, it's not here... It's in the living room.

I just rolled my eyes and got out of bed, but my legs instantly gave out and I almost hit the floor. The doctor caught me and gave me a little look.

Jaguar-How about we'll see how you feel when the meds run their course?

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

A tiger was taking care of me, but I could not see Mika until they say so. I was getting worried about her then thought about my parents again, but snapped out of my thoughts when a toy on a string tapped my nose. I looked at the tiger and I think they wanted me to play with them. I just tapped the toy to just give them what they wanted, but I wasn't having any fun with this.

Tiger-You worried about your owner?  Maybe that bad man that tried to hurt you?... Both?~

I didn't want to answer those since calling her my owner still feels weird and that man still bothers me. I still think about how different she is from my mommy and daddy, but I just feel so confused. When I stopped playing, I just lied back down on my new bed. I covered myself up in the blanket, but felt the tiger pet me still. My dad never did this... I just wish I could just talk with him... Maybe that mean man did something to Mika or it was something she ate... I don't know.

(Y/N)'s mind-I want to go back home... Not like this.

(Makenzie's POV)

A big gorilla changed my bandages after putting some cream on my ankle and gave me an ice pack to help me. I still felt nervous because this was a gorilla, but he was just so gentle. I could still hear Autumn in her room sometimes and it's been that way all night and until I woke up. She would cry sometimes and animals would help her, but he never left me alone. He made sure I had a bath, had food and water, and even helped me around the house. I just could not see Autumn.

Gorilla-Come on, let's get you in front of some cartoons. I'm gonna go on break for while, but if you need anything, just call out for one of the nurses. Stay off that ankle.

He put me on the couch and turned on some cartoons before he left to go get some breakfast. I heard Autumn whining from her room again and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Makenzie's mind-What's happening to her?... I hope she's ok.

She might think of me as a pet or something, but she was still a whole lot nicer than anyone I ever met.

(Joey's POV)

A big doggy was feeding me some breakfast. I wanted my mommy to feed me if anyone was going to it, but they put curtains around her last night and I could hear that she was hurt. She did say to be good and let the doggy feed me and give me a bath before I go out into the living room to watch cartoons. I wanted to my in mama's bouncy pouch, but I can't so the doggy said I could cuddle with them... I'm not happy!

Joey's mind-She's my mama, so I should cuddle with her when I want!

Mama-*Grunt* Doctor, can I get some more I.V.?!

A doctor ran to her and in the curtain, so I tried to go in too. The doggy just stopped me by picking me up by my shirt and pants.


She put me down on the bed and nuzzled her nose into my cheek.

Doggy-Don't worry hun. We're taking good care of mama. ~

I reached for my mama until the doggy got on top of me to cuddle.

Doggy-*Shhhhhhh*... Come on, let's get you in a bath. ~

Joey-But my mama!

Mama-G-Go hun. It's bathtime.

I couldn't see her, but I didn't want to be bad. The doggy led me to the bathroom and she turned on the water before she took my collar, mittens, and clothes off. I did get some bath toys to play with while she used metal arms to wash me.

(No POV)

Angel was crying nonstop and the caretaker and nurses tried everything. Feeding him, seeing if he needed a change, funny faces, cooing, trying to put him back down for a nap, but nothing worked. Christa knew what he wanted and covered herself in a blanket before...

Christa-Here, let me see my baby for a moment. I feel a little better.

One of the nurses only swaddled him for extra protection in case this can transfer to him. When They gave Angel to Christa, she had a little trouble holding him, but he finally stopped crying.

Christa-Hi sweetie. You just wanted mama, didn't you? ~

Soon something came out of the blanket and she used it to rub Angel's little chin... She had a stubby finger that almost looked human. While she moved it, it popped 3 times and so did a few things in her body as she slowly changed.


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