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(Verosika's POV)

The party is happening inside as we speak and I had (Y/N) on a chair surrounded by 19 succubus women all teasing him. I came out for a break from watching him curl up to try and not look at us, but even if you whisper into his ear, it makes his whole body shiver. Breaking him in is going to be the hardest part for him, but when that's done, he'll start to like this attention and 'know' how to get into anyone's pants when he turns around 13... Then we start to make him crave it for a couple of years. The process is going to be long and cold bitch with keeping risky secrets, but there's nothing I can do about that. All these girls can keep a secret and we keep (Y/N) out of sight down here.

Verosika's mind-Wonder how the kid is doing?

I turned around and leaned on the railing of my porch and looked through the window. I could see him screwing his eyes shut while the girls watched in amusement. One girl was rubbing his cheek while he wiggled around on the chair he wasn't even tied to. He just knew the doors were locked.



I turned around to see what that noise was, but there was nothing to see, but the city.


I looked down, but I could not see what was making the noise until a knife into my view while looking down.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so hot and dizzy from all these demons dancing slowly and touching me, but the only thing worse is when they kiss my cheek or something. I kept my eyes closed and tried to only thin of hands touching me, but it was hard sometimes. The only good thing is that they picked the lock to the collar, but that was only to give them more room to trace their fingers on my neck. What made everything stop was...


I opened my eyes and saw Blitz and Verosika on the floor fighting until Blitz got up.


The door was busted down and Loona came in looking angry, but she wasn't alone.


The girls didn't care that they were naked and people came in, but they did look confused about what was going on. Moxxie had a gun and so did Blitz, but Millie had 2 knives and Loona had her claws and teeth.

Blitz-What in the fuck knuckles is happening here?!

Verosika-No, what the fuck were you doing bringing a human down here?!

(Millie's POV)

Blitz gave us the call and said his ex-girlfriend had my baby, so I was so happy that I could get my baby back... What I was looking at made me see red and I gripped the handles of my knives so tight that I could feel them crunch a bit. They were strip teasing my baby and in my rage, my body acted on its own to block out Blitz and Verosika before I threw a knife at one of the girls and got them in the eye. All the screams sounded like whispers to me before I charged in alone to kill anyone near my baby. I couldn't hear anything, but ringing. In this moment, I thought about my baby while my body did all the work.

Milli's mind-He can't be trusted to clean himself, feed himself, look after himself, sleep by himself, move freely by himself, look at anyone, be near a window or open door, see with his own eyes, or talk to anyone... I need to take care of all of that.

When I came back to the world, only 3 other girls were alive, but I had Verosika by the neck before my heart was beating so fast I quickly lot conscious.


(Moxxie's POV)

Loona tried to get (Y/N) out of here as quickly as she could while Millie completely lost control, but he still saw 5 women get killed. Blitz and I didn't even need to fire a single bullet before Verosika and her last two employees looked horrified... I was too, even if I knew Millie would never hurt me like that. I just hope that doesn't go into our bed tonight...Suddenly, having a kid between us make 'me' feel safer.

Verosika-Hey! Give him back or I'll report this! You don't even know what they will do to you and if they find out!

Blitz-'If' they find out bitch! You got no proof! Ha!

I think he was doing this more for gloating than for keeping (Y/N) safe from law officials. We just need to keep the kid out of sight and if we have, find a place to safely tuck him in the living world... Of course, he turned this into childish teasing and while I pulled Millie out with me, Blitz walked backwards while flipping her off.

Moxxie-Sir, we have to get out of here! Fast!

(Verosika's POV)

That red fucking dildo wants to fucking push my buttons after I just lost so many workers AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!! I pulled out my phone to call the police to report this, but then (Y/N) came into my mind... There is no way they will let him get out of this alive and someone that innocent won't be stuck down here... He'll go up to heaven... Far away from me. My finger was right over the button, but it would not press the damn thing without already making my chest ache... I wanted him back too much, not only for my goal... I JUST WANT HIM!!!


I need to get him back and he might be a fucking arrogant dumbass, but he has a few smart people with him who clearly want him too... I had to think of something!

(Timeskip To Night)

Moxxie made Loona really mad when he took me back to his home and he made me stay next to Millie while she was still sleeping. I couldn't fight anyone even a little bit... Millie looked like a real monster and for the first time in my life, I was more scared of someone other than my dad. I only looked at the ground and shook on the bed until I heard Millie groaning. My body flinched before she could fully wake up then I turned to look at her before she noticed me.


Millie-*Gasp* MY BABY!!!

She pulled me into her and got up to hold me like a baby and bounced in place. Until she ran out to the living room and we saw Moxxie in the kitchen.


Moxxie-Millie! You're u-!

Millie-Where's the new rope we got last week? The cuffs too.

He looked surprised, but I was just shaking in Millie's arms while she looked happy.

Moxxie-'Why' do you want to know?

Millie-Moxxie. The rope and cuffs. Now.

Moxxie-... In a box on the top shelf in our closet, but-.

She just walked off with me and put me on the bed while she got a box and opened it. I saw a couple of other weird things in there, but she only got the rope and handcuffs before she looked at me.

Millie-Hold still honey bunch. This won't hurt a bit... Mommy is doing this because she loves you. ~

(No POV)

A certain group was waiting for another call to do a job, but while one of them was having an interesting call, the others were coming back with coffee and tea. They nearly dropped them when a door swung open and a friend of there was panicking while pacing around.

???-What happened?

???-We can't go down there! Even an angel going down there is unheard of! *hyperventilating*

???-Breathe for a moment and talk to us.

???-This has never happened before. Are they even allowed to-?!

???-COLIN!!!... Calm down, and explain what is wrong.

It took a few moments of taking deep breaths before Colin finally calmed down enough to explain what the main problem of this job is.

Colin-... There is a living child that has been taken to hell... Unnaturally.

They stood dumbfounded and wondered if he was serious. Meanwhile, in hell, Millie had just finished 'prepping' her son. (Y/N)'s ankles were cuffed together while his body was securely tied up to where he could only wiggle thanks to years of experience in bondage with Moxxie. Next, she got online to find a special gag for (Y/N) while she had (Y/N) on her lap.

Millie-Now... Let's see what mama can find for you... No ball gag or... Aha! A ring gag with a cork!

He shivered a bit when he saw the options, knowing one of them was going to be his.



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