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(Mika's POV)

This morning was spent trying to calm Makenzie down because she woke up crying from a nightmare and didn't want us touching her. I think it took almost an hour before Autumn soothed her and is cuddling her in the cage. (Y/N) stayed out of it and sat on the couch in the living room to watch T.V. while I got breakfast started for all of us. I could faintly hear Autumn whispering to Makenzie over the sizzling of the food. The others should be eating next door with the babies and from the call this morning, Joey seemed to love splashing in the bath, so if I ever watch him I would be better off joining him in the bath and closing the curtains.

Mika's mind-Such a sweet boy.

When I finished making bacon, eggs, and toast for everyone, my paws felt a little tingly and sore for a moment... I'm sure it's nothing, so I shrugged it off. I got breakfast to the table and was about to tell Autumn and Makenzie that breakfast was done, since (Y/N) saw breakfast go to the table. The T.V. suddenly beeped and it showed the F.O.N. logo which meant there was an announcement and Autumn came out to see.


Speaker-When we started F.O.N., we had only one goal in mind... A better and more pure world that allowed balance, justice, and peace to exist. Not all of our brothers and sisters survived or were pure themselves, but they contribute to helping us survive. Humans are now more dormant, the ecosystem is starting to recover thanks to the guilty paying back what they owe to the world... Today marks a new holiday as we just seized the last city with a victory over one of the most violent extremists in the world. Many were added to slave stalk and slavery with an exception of a few new adoptable pets. In celebration of our new world, a festival will be held and even start new traditions.

They started to show pictures of new happy families of different species and some even had human pets. Soft music played then someone else started talking.

Speaker#2-On top of festivals, there will be films in the making celebrating our conquest to create happy families, gift giving, slaves in level 5 or lower will be granted a day of freedom to be given a taste of our lives and encourage good behavior, and adoptions of both young animals and human pets will be public to increase adoptions.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This speaker went on about stuff for the new holiday tomorrow, but I didn't know how to feel about all of this. I just snuck off to my room and saw Makenzie in the cage still, playing with her toys.


We could hear the T.V. in here and I think she was almost about to cry a little for some reason.

(Y/N)-Um... Are you ok?

Makenzie-*Sniffle* I-It's just my daddy... Autumn says I shouldn't be scared of him anymore, but...

I thought about what Mika said again and then tried to think of something to cheer her up, so I got one of my balls and tossed it at her. It was foam, so it can't hurt her, but it did take her a bit to throw it back to me. Our game kept on going until Mika walked in and smiled at us, probably thinking that we were cute.


Mika-Awwww, *chuckles* you too look so cute together. ~... Come on, breakfast and after that, it's bath time mister.

(Timeskip After Bath)

Mika gave me a bath first before Autumn took Makenzie into the bathroom for her bath while she took me to her room to get me dressed. She looked at her paws and shook them a little before she finished dressing me before she pulled me back to lie down, so she could rub my belly.

Mika-You're being so good and sweet lately... How about we go play out in the front yard?

(Y/N)-Um... Do I need the gloves on still?

Mika-At best I can take them off inside, but the law states that you need your collar on inside, but not the gloves... You do need them outside.

That did make me feel a little sad

(Y/N)-... Alright... I wanna play outside.

Mika-Great. I'll go talk to the others and you go watch cartoons while we wait for Makenzie and Autumn to come out.

She led me out to the living room where my cartoons were before she left then I thought about that announcement earlier. They made a new holiday about taking over the world and turning bad people into slaves and good people into pets. I think Mika might want to go see how the festival is going to go tomorrow and will bring me. I heard Autumn and Makenzie come out of the bathroom and went to my room to get her dressed, so we might all go out to play soon.

(Frank's POV)

I can't fucking believe that the last free men of humanity are even trying to convince others to take their fucking collars off to help fight for our freedom, but they either like it, are too afraid to fight, or we can't get to them without getting caught. I thought about hitting a small neighborhood to gain recruits for the rebellion of taking our world back. While I was scooping out a neighborhood with a telescope, I soon saw 2 kids and 2 babies out in a front yard with 4 animals.


It made me sick to see children in collars and even that baby that doesn't even look that old had a collar and mittens on them. The little girl and boy looked skittish about playing while the toddler ran around to play with his 'owner'. They made him think that this was ok, but if I can get them out of there, they should be taught better back at the camp.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mika played a game of catch or... fetch before her paws felt sore and I saw Christa and Autumn stretching every few minutes. She did stop playing to go sit down and I wondered what was going on.

Christa-Darling, you don't happen to have pain pills, do you? My back has been sore and tender. I might have slept weirdly last night or something.

Mika-No... My paws hurt too... Sorry, sweetie. We'll play again in a little bit.

I actually felt a little bad for her. Keeping me as a pet is weird and I miss my parents, but at least she was nice and never got mad at me. I just played by myself since Jessie was tossing Joey in the air a little and blew into his belly whenever she caught him. I went to the side of the house to bounce them against the wall to just hit it again, but during my game...

???-*Psst* Kid. *whisper*

I missed the ball and turned to the voice to see the man peeking around the corner until he slowly came out. He bent down and he looked dirty, he had a shadow beard, and a few cuts on his clothes and skin. I got a little nervous.

Man-Come on. I got someplace safe and we can get that collar and crap off you.

(Y/N)-Um... Who are you?

Man-I'm a part of a resistance to get humans back in control. We'll come back for those other kids, but we need to go 'now'.

I remember my mommy and daddy told me to not trust strangers because they might be bad. Mika was a stranger, but she took me and was nice, unlike that gorilla that kidnapped me... Still, I don't think I can trust this guy because he looks really weird, but I don't want to hurt his feelings in case he is nice.

(Y/N)-Um... Maybe y-you can come back a little... later.

Man-No, I can't. We need to go. Don't you want to be free again? Do you really want a fucking animal treating you like a pet?!

(Y/N)-... She's a little pushy on some things, but... nice.

Man-... You like that collar, don't you?!


Man-Then come over here and let me take it off!

He was starting to get mad and scary, but when I backed up a bit he quickly ran to me.

(Mika's POV)

My paws just felt so achy and I have no idea why, even the others had problems, but Jessie is just better at bearing the pain. I might order some painkillers for all of us before Autumn and Jessie head home. Maybe even report this to a hospital right now, but before I could head inside.


I jolted up and looked around and did not see (Y/N), but heard where his screaming came from.

Mika-Call F.O.N.!

My body acted on its own to run and ignore the pain with each step and what I saw around the house made me furious. A grown male had my pet struggling in his arm, trying to kidnap him while he kept on screaming in crying.


(Man's POV)

Of course, the one kid I find and he has a pet fetish or some shit. There is no other choice, but to take him by force to keep the next generation from completely submitting to these flee-ridden pests. as I dragged him away.


I turned to look at who was growling at me while pulling out my knife.


???-Let. Him. Go. *growl*

I pointed my knife at her while holding this kid closer and tighter to not let him get away.

Man-You his mistress or something? Huh?!

???-So help me if you hurt him-.


I was suddenly hit from my side and sent flying, knocking the child out of my grasp. I looked to see a bear and a cub right behind her. They looked happy while the adult looked mad.

Bear-Picking on pet cubs?... I don't like that.

Cub-Yeah, get him, dad!

The snow leopard ran to the kid to comfort him while he cried into her like some loyal pet. This disgusted me even more, so I tried to make a run for it and I'll gut the kid later. However, when I got up to run, the bear was faster than I thought for something their size and they pinned me down.

Bear-Stay still or I will into your neck and let you bleed.

(Mika's POV)

My whole body felt sore and getting worse now, but that is not why I am crying. I was so sad, yet relieved that (Y/N) was not hurt. As this male, he is lucky if he doesn't get the worst punishment of slavery before death. The others watched from behind until F.O.N. came and took the male away then I told them about me being in pain all over. They took me inside my home and checked me and my pet while they checked the other girls outside.

Lion-Ma'am, we'll give you some pills and schedule someone to come over for massages. Just get some rest and someone will be here tonight to check on you. You seem fine though.

Mika-... Where's my pet?

Lion-In his room.

Mika-Bring him here... I want to hold him.

Lion-I'm... not sure if-.

Mika-I want 'my' pet!

He went quiet, but soon left and came back to bring my pet with him and he was still crying from the attack. He got in bed with my all on his own to cuddle and cry into me and he had his gloves off. I felt his small fingers brushing my fur while everyone started to leave. When it was just us, I closed my eyes and decided on taking a nap with him and try to sleep this pain off.

Mika's mind-My poor baby boy... That man better hope I don't get to decide his fate.


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