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(Baby's POV)

(Y/N) is safely tucked away somewhere before opening,... but nobody came down. Nobody for Ballora to dance for, for Funtime Foxy to play with and tease, for Funtime Fredda to dominate,... and for me to mother and comfort. We are the main attractions and we have nothing to do during the day... Why? Soon, I heard the guest elevator coming down thanks to the silence of the room and expected customers... Instead, it just sounded like 2 men with tape, so I sent a few of my bidybabs to see what they were doing or to see if they could attract them in her for some time with mommy. I took this time to think to myself and ask myself questions about what I remember.

Baby's mind-Why do I wish to be a mother?... Why do my friends do what they do? Why do I do what I do? Why do men and women adore us so much?

To be treated as a helpless child by me when they are fully grown, and for me to like it... This voice also sounded familiar, but they seem to know so much. Not of us just wanting to leave more than anything thanks to this growing distaste of adults that want nothing more than sexual desires fulfilled or pleasures.

Baby's mind-Who is that voice that told me of (Y/N) coming?

(Fia's POV)

Police were here, but they said other than the destroyed car and missing mother and child... There is nothing out here, so they went inside to have the place closed for investigation. Some people came by disappointed or angry, but there is a child in danger and I have no idea what is going through that mom's head or if this was even her doing. If those people chose sex over another innocent life then they can all fuck off or fuck each other instead. When two officers went inside, they had radios, so if they find anything the other cops will be informed. During my questioning, I made it clear that I will be taking the child into my care.

Fia's mind-They both have to be down there or there has to be something we can go on... Camera footage, other witnesses, or something... Did she get mixed up in a bad gang?... What was she hiding?

(Baby's POV)

The men here were police officers and most likely are locking this place down today... (Y/N) should be safely sleeping in the hiding spot I left him in. What do I do if they do find him?

???-You won't let them have him... A mother puts bad children to sleep. *echo*

That voice again... Why does it sound so familiar?

Baby-Who are you?

... No response.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so dizzy when I woke up and I only remember what happened in the elevator, but not doing anything to close my eyes. I couldn't see anything, but a red blinking light and a few buzzing sounds. I was too scared to talk because I know those girls are here somewhere, but then I heard a door open.

Man#1-Already checked this room and everywhere in this damn place.

Man#2-I don't care if you had 7 men help you and you found nothing. The video shows a woman and child come in, but-.

Man#1-The cameras went dark and then showed the car completely totaled. They are not here.

I tried screaming for help, but my mouth and jaw felt so numb while resting on a piece of metal. Now all I could do was make noises, but nothing I did was loud enough for them to hear me over their talking.

Man#1-Cheif said to check cameras around town once we get a warrant.

Man#2-This is fucked up.

Man#1-... I know.

(Y/N)'s mind-WAIT!!!

I kept on trying to scream for them until the door closed and I was left in the dark, crying. I don't know if I was ever going to get out of here or where my mommy was, but I didn't want to do this again... I just want to go home. Later, the doors opened when I ran out of tears to cry then I heard footsteps and someone touching the thing I was in before the whole opened all of a sudden. I could move, but not enough to stand up then someone got in front of me.


They were the size of me and stood on their toes before they ran off and left the door open. I think they were trying to help me, but then someone walked in the door with 7 of the same small girls... Ballora.


Ballora-Well, well, well. Lookie girls. Our little 'beefcake' is up. ~

Girls-*Giggling*. ~

Ballora walked to me on her toes before she got on her knees and I tried to get away, but the small girls got behind me to block me.

Ballora-*Chuckles* You know, you might be the first baby that Circus Baby actually 'babies'... I wonder if you like-. ~

Just then someone else came in and hit the side of the door and I jumped a little before I saw that it was Funtime Foxy.


Funtime Foxy-Hey, you said he was down the other hall!

Ballora-Oops. My bad.

Funtime Foxy-I wanna see him! Quit hogging!

Funtime Foxy jumped on Ballor's back and tried to crawl on top of her to look at me. When I saw her smiling at me, Ballora tried to push her off and looked mad.

Ballora-If you mess up my hair, your scrap metal!

Funtime Foxy-Like those hungry people are here for your hair!

The small girls jumped in to help her get Funtime Foxy off of her and while they were distracted with each other, I took this chance to crawl away. It didn't work because Funtime Foxy picked me up and ran. My face got buried in her soft,... fluffy,... warm... She smells like flowers... Wait a minute! I tried to struggle, but I felt so weak. I heard a door slam and lock before she put me down.

Ballora-Open this door!

Funtime Foxy-Sorry, you need a password. ~

I could hear Ballora getting angry on the other side of the door and while Funtime Foxy was laughing, I got picked up by someone else by one hand and then looked to see who it was.


???-Foxy... What is this kid doing here?

Funtime Foxy just turned and smiled at this girl before she ran over to us, but this girl held me by my shirt and pants to hold me on one side and stopped Funtime Foxy on the other.

???-Talk! Kids can't be here!

Funtime Foxy-They came here by themselves for the job or something, but Circus Baby took them as hers!

When she said that, the lady got mad and then looked back at me.

???-You're a guard?... You're lucky you're not an adult or I would-.

???-Funtime! Fredda!

We all turned to the noise and I saw a smaller version of Toy Bonnie run up to us and she was pouting and stomping her little feet. She also looked only half as tall as me, maybe even shorter.


Funtime Fredda-Bon Bon, can this wait for a-?

Bon Bon-You promised that it would only be us tonight!

Funtime Fredda-Please, just wait for a little-.


This was almost funny to look at as she bounced in place for a little tantrum. Bon Bon still looked mad, but then quickly looked curious.

Bon Bon-Who is the small man?... Beefcake?

Funtime Fredda-Bon Bon, I-.

Bon Bon-Awwww, he looks like a small adorable man, but better. ~ Almost like he belongs in Baby's Nursery.

Funtime Fredda-Yes, he looks cute, but-.

Funtime Foxy-Circus Baby actually said we're keeping him!

Bon Bon-*GASP* REALLY?!?!?!

Funtime Fredda-No, no, no! We are taking back him to the el-.


I was so confused when she called me a toy while bouncing in place until she jumped up on Funtime Fedda's arm. She didn't go down at all or even shake her hand, so she must be very strong. Bon Bon looked so happy then her friend picked her up by the back of her neck.

Funtime Fredda-When did I promise that?

Bon Bon-Remeber our regular that loves to give me those hurtful horsey rides and sometimes I come to you crying? I wanted to go hide with Baby for a while, but then you promised that one day I will get a real baby to be mine.

She was about to say something, but then looked down and Bon Bon was about to cry.

Bon Bon-He's my toy, right? *whimper*

Funtime Fredda-Bon Bon... Of course, he is!

She looked happy and put us both down, but looked at Bon Bon for a second.

Funtime Fredda-Your make-up is running. Go pretty up before Baby gets here.

When Bon Bon ran off, Funtime Fredda picked me up to make me look at her, and Funtime Foxy rest her head on her shoulder and I could see her tail swaying a little behind her.


Funtime Fredda-Looks like you 'are' staying... Make her upset and you will be dealing with a 'real' angry dominatrix. Understand?

I shook a little while thinking about what she might do to me if I make her mad and it even makes me lose the few tears I just got back. Funtime Foxy cooed at me a little before she walked around Funtime Fredda.

Funtime Foxy-Don't threaten him. He just needs some playtime. Speaking of which.

She took me from Fredda and spun me around until Ballora came in through the vent and looked mad, so Funtime Foxy ran around with me while Ballora chased her.


(Baby's POV)

I got things straightened up in my nursery before I went to get (Y/N), but he was not in his hiding spot. Only the girls would know where he is and most likely have him. I was looking for them, but while I was in the V.I.P. shower showroom to see if they were at least bathing him after not having a bath for a while, there was no shower on. That's when one of my Bidybabs came in.


Baby-Did you find him?

Bidybab-Yes mommy. In Funtime Foxy's room with your best friends.

Baby-Thank you. Get a shower ready for us. He will need a bath and after he is washed and dried off, I want a blanket to swaddle him in. Oh, and have another Bidybab take extra care of the crib by fluffing the pillows and having a warm blanket ready.

She nodded before she ran off. I walked to Funtime Foxy's playroom and remembered that I never told Funtime Fredda or Bon Bon. My walking turned to running and when I made it... Bon Bon was playing a game of tic-tac-toe with (Y/N) while the others watched until their gazes turned to me.


Bon Bon-Awwwwww... You're here to take him, are you?

Baby-Yes. I can see that my baby has not had a shower, yet.

His greasy hair shined a bit from the lights on, so I went over to pick him up and he shivered. My poor baby must be so scared and the others tried to talk to me while I walked away from them, but my attention is caring for (Y/N)... He's the first real baby I have and I don't know what the voice has to do with him, but I don't care...

Baby-It's ok honey bunch... Mama is here to care for you.

Men love it when I put my boobs in their faces while comforting them, so I did the same with him. His cheeks turned pink and instead of getting a funny-looking smile, I got a shy look on his face.

Baby-Such a cute baby... You earned the V.I.P. crib with mommy. ~

He struggled a little when we reached the showers, but the drugs should still be taking effect a bit. At best, I will have a little trouble swaddling him, so I will have some Bidybabs help me hold him still. I took his dirty clothes off and put them in the washer, but the moment I put him down to take my clothes off he tried to crawl across the dirty floor.

Baby-(Y/N)!... That floor is dirty! Bad baby!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Circus Baby picked me up and gave me a look that made me curl up a bit more. She took me into the shower with her and started to wash me. I still felt weak, but getting strong enough to almost stand up. I just have to make it to the elevator since it was working for those men, but then I thought about my clothes in a washer with hers.

Baby-There's mommy's special good boy. I thought you would be fighting more. ~

She gave me a kiss on my cheek before she rinsed my hair, so I closed my eyes.

Baby-It's ok honey bunch. It's just baby shampoo. I can't let soap sting my baby's eyes. No, mommy can't do that. ~

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

The shower was over and I got all of my strength back,... but now I had to fight Baby and 6 of her little friends to keep me from being wrapped up in a blanket.


(Y/N)-Let me go! I want my mommy!

Baby-I am your mommy, sweetie. ~

Bidybab-I learned a bit about real babies. When they get fussy and cranky, it means they are either hungry or tired in this case.

Baby-Oh my! He hasn't eaten at all since his last feeding! Fetch me another bottle!

One of her friends ran and came back with a bottle before Baby finished wrapping me in a blanket. She took the bottle and tried to put it in my mouth, but I kept on turning to look away and kept my mouth closed.

Baby-Hold him still. He must be extra cranky.

Her friends held my head still and got my mouth open then massage my throat while Baby squirted milk in my mouth from the bottle. I soon felt so weak and dizzy again and this felt familiar... She did this before when I got here... Didn't she? When she finished the bottle, she took me to a huge crib and it even had a door that locks. We got inside and she laid down with me on a... nice soft pillow, and the blanket felt so warm. My eyes felt so heavy and my mind felt really fuzzy... I can't even remember everything that just happened. Only parts.

Baby-Awwwww, poor baby is so sleepy... Mommy will have some ice cream for you when you wake up. ~

I tried to stay awake, but then one of her friends came in with another bottle, so she fed it to me... It tasted like vanilla. Soon, I finally closed my eyes when she poked my nose and smiled at me.

Baby-Goodnight... Mama 'truly' loves you... Very much. ~


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