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(Robyn's POV)

From what this kid told us so far, he has been through a lot, and the deeper he went into his long story, the more I felt personally attached to him. Fiona took him and pulled him into her lap near the end of the story to cuddle him. He nuzzled into her a bit for comfort and from that part of the story, I stopped listening to him to instead picture him in my lap. This fantasy would not leave my head, even after I stuffed it down so many times already, it always came back to my mind until I liked it too much to stop. I didn't even notice his story was over until he stopped talking, so I had to act like I was caught up. I heard enough anyway.

Robyn-That's a lot to go through.

May-You said your mommy can make portals... Do you know how it works exactly?

(Y/N)-Um... I don't know. Maybe she thinks of the place or person... I don't she knew where I was.

If she didn't know where he was, maybe it was some kind of mark or something she leaves on them or something. That's all I can think of, but in his story, she left to take care of something and left a friend in charge...

Robyn's mind-What's taking her so long to get her kid?

The thought of his mom coming back to take him would work out for the plan,... but I didn't like it anymore. I wanted to only take him from Fiona and hold him in my arms. I had to hold myself back from doing that because this is a serious matter. If his mom can really make portals then for all we know, she can be here at any second. Dinner was ready and we were having fish with rice cooked with our campfire, but when Fiona made his bowl, he looked sad.

Joanna-Something wrong?

(Y/N)-... I know everyone is fighting over me... I made friends stop being friends.

Fiona-Hey, that's not your fault. You didn't mean to.

I just scooted closer to Fiona and (Y/N) to try and comfort him... or maybe I was just doing this for the sake of getting closer. (Y/N) curled up a bit more, but then we saw something adorable when Fiona tried to give him his bowl... He opened his mouth like he was waiting for her to give him a bite... Did I feel... jealous?

(Fiona's POV)

I had to keep calm, even while my heart was racing at this cuteness and the others looked a little surprised and smiled at this... He has been through a lot, so this is the least I can do to make him a bit more comfortable around us. I got a bite for him and fed him, but I didn't expect my heart to finally slow with relief and feel like I was holding the cutest baby in the world! The first bite just made me feel so good to feed him... I got his second bite ready, but then...


The others couldn't hear that faint sound and it was tricky to hear it over the fire, but it came from the bushes. I mentioned my hands from behind my back when I heard something and Robyn is the only one who saw it and looked in the direction I was pointing. She armed herself and stood up, acting like she was going to go on a walk, but what I heard next further proved my suspicions... Someone just ran away... A spy, maybe?


(Sienna's POV)

I had the same dream of my pet back in my room and being such a good boy for me, only for me to be suddenly woken up by a guard. This put me back in a bad mood, having to be in a world without my pet. My glare and scolding only brought the guard down to his knees.

Sienna-It is the middle of the night. This better be important.

Guard-Someone reported seeing your pet... Here, in Menagerie. They were spotted with 4 huntresses that are known to be from Mantle, in Atlas.

This news caught my attention and made me wonder if this was another dream... I wasn't going to chance it.

Sienna-What is the progress of that robot?

Guard-None... We have no information and every time we think we are close... The firewall blocks us out. The schematics will help a lot.

Sienna-Well we do not have the schematics, so make do... I want a group locking down those boats. No boat comes in or goes out until my pet is in his cage with his collar on, and his leash in my hands... Do I make myself clear?


Sienna-Take 50 troops for the docks and another 50 to retrieve my pet... And you know my rule, but I'm going to make myself clear... One scratch on him is a finger for each one to the fool who dare hurt my pet.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I told everyone that I was cold, they made a pile on me to keep me warm and I was on top of Joanna. Her chest felt a little hard, so it took me a while to get it right, but I could finally be comfy and sleep. We should be on a boat tomorrow to head to Patch or until my mommy comes. I felt Robyn give me a few kisses on my cheek that tickled me a little and made me smile. I was almost asleep when we heard something in the bushes beeping. The girls got up and Joanna held me close to her in one arm and picked up her weapon with her other hand.

Robyn-Joanna, get him somewhere safe!

???-Careful, don't shoot at-!

She ran with me towards the beach and I heard a whistling sound before I felt something cut my arm.

(Y/N)-AAAAAHHHHHH!!! *sobbing*

(Joanna's POV)

I dodged that arrow, but it got (Y/N). I will have to treat that wound when I get to a safe place to rest while my team fights off the bandits or whoever they were. I kept on running with him down the beach until I made it to a small cave and got inside to hide before I put (Y/N) down and put a piece of cloth in his mouth to keep him quiet. I expected a big gash from his loud screaming, but... it was only a scrap with a few tiny drops of blood coming out.


For a moment, I did feel relieved... Then rage hit me like a huge wave and I felt my blood boil while I got out a small medkit to clean and bandage his small cut.

Joanna-It's ok hun. It's just a small cut.

This did not help me calm down at all, but at least he stopped crying soon after I put some ointment on his cut and wrapped it up. Before I could pick him up again, he sprung himself into my arms for protection. I stood up with him and checked to see if the coast was clear, but I ended up getting hit with a bullet. My aura did not break though, so I got into a defensive stance with (Y/N) on my side to use me as a shield. I looked and counted at least a dozen soldiers. I had to put (Y/N) down, but kept him behind me, and then I noticed something strange... They weren't shooting and these are the kind of people that will kill humans on sight if they are spotted here.

White Fang#1-... We'll cut you a deal. Give us the kid and we will let you and your friends leave this island alive.

Those words made me furious, but I had to stay close to (Y/N) or they might grab him and try to run off. Aside from that... I 'hated' the thought of them touching (Y/N).

Joanna-(Y/N)... Go back into the cave, close your eyes,... and cover your ears while humming to yourself.

He looked scared, but he went back into the cave and the members clocked their guns while aiming at me... I dealt with worse.

Joanna-*Chuckles*. ~

(Short Timeskip)

(May's POV)

The rage I felt faded when all these soldiers were dead, but (Y/N) was still on my mind when we ran to go after Joanna since there might have been others. We made it to a beach and found many footprints. That wasn't a good sign at first, but then we made it a bit further and saw Joanna stepping in the water, both her body and weapon covered in blood.


I quickly counted 14 bodies and one of their heads were completely smashed.

Robyn-Where's (Y/N)?!

Joanna-... He's in the cave... I told him to cover his eyes and ears... Don't let him see this.

Fiona was the only one without any blood on her, so she went to go get him while Robyn and I got in the water really fast. I just washed the blood off my hands, cheek, and shirt. When Fiona came out of the cave, she had (Y/N)'s face in her chest.


I could see her shushing him while he still covered his ears until she put his arms around her shoulders. She didn't let him look while she walked away from this awful scene. We had to get out of here, but even if we do...

May's mind-Why is even thinking about goodbye so damn hard?!

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Sienna's POV)

I waited all night, but nobody from the search party has been heard from. They were either captured or killed, but the result is all the same... They failed and I still don't have my pet.

Sienna's mind-Fine... You want something done right... Do it yourself.

When I bring my pet back home, I will be ready to announce to the world that Munchkin belongs to me and any attempts or talks about taking him will make them an enemy to me. Munchkin will also serve as a face to the world I will create for humans that refuse to submit to equality and resist the treatment I will have them be subjected to in the beginning, so they will know how we felt.

(Salem's POV)

My Grimm across the globe still can not find my baby in the open, so not only will I expend my numbers, I am sending them to the great kingdoms, not big ones to attack, but small ones to scout. Tiny lancers to be exact. Cinder and Emerald are getting frustrated and that frustration will lead to bad decisions and attract unwanted attention if I send them at the wrong time. They are packing up to be ready to head out the moment I give the order which better be any minute now. As I waited in frustration, I could feel the dread in the air through the door which must be my subordinates walking by. They would be fools to disturb me at this moment. Soon, I got something from a leviathan from the ocean which meant one thing.

Salem's mind-I found you. ~

I will send lancers to transport a docile Grimm tick to be planted on my baby, but as for bringing him back... I got up and made my way to Cinder's room. I walked in on the group of 3 just finishing packing.


Salem-Looks like you 3 are heading to Menagerie... 'Now'.


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