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((Y/N)'s POV)

I slowly woke up from my nap with Nicole and heard a T.V. in here used one eye to look and see a T.V. mounted to a wall and playing a show, so I guess Wanda gave her a T.V. for her room. When I moved a little, Nicole held me a little tighter and turned me into her chest to make me see nothing, but darkness while she petted me. I wanted to talk, but instead, I yawned into her. She scratched the back of my head a little and chuckled. I tried to turn away from her chest and talk to her, but she would not let me turn anywhere that didn't cover my face. When I gave up she kissed my head and went back to petting me. Her fur and body felt so soft and warm that I almost fell back asleep, but I wanted to talk about Susan and the other good ladies that needed to get away from the villains.

(Y/N)-Nicole. *muffled*

Nicole-No talking puppy. I want you to go back to sleep until it's morning.

(Y/N)-But Susan-. *muffled*

Nicole-One more peep out of you and I will carry you out there in your collar and leash. There will be no talk about Susan or her friends either.

I looked up and tried to say something, but the look she gave me made me stop and go back into her chest to hide from her glare.


(Nicole's POV)

I know our sweetheart wanted to help others, but bringing in new people that are working with villains is something we are not chancing. The girls are still busy and it's 2 in the morning, but they should be done before he wakes up again. Wanda made him sleep extra long, but I guess it wasn't long enough. I kept on petting him until I heard him go back to sleep then snuck out of bed and tucked him in the bed. The moment I used my key to leave my room to see how the others were going, I saw all the other locks in the house were switched and on auto electromagnet locks. My door locked behind me and Mom was out in the hall.


Mom-Should you be in there with him?

Nicole-I'm just getting some water. He went back to sleep.

Mom-Well hurry. Drew is getting power tools because Wanda passed out from improving security.

Nicole-Wait, I thought she could handle everything in one go.

Mom-The bulletproof windows took a lot out of her and she got frustrated when the dad called.

Nicole-What did he want?

She told me that there was a hole in the boat from a piece of the engine breaking, so he wanted to know if he could stay here until it was repaired. Wanda said no and all he did was pry on it for an hour until Mom took the phone to yell at him earlier.

Nicole's mind-I guess anywhere he is, is better than him being here.

((D/N)'s POV)

I tried to find the best motel I could afford for a few nights, but that's all the way across town and I don't really own a car. I had to walk there since it was super late and the buses were not going to reach my stops for an hour. While I was taking a shortcut, I started to hear crying coming from the old factories. It was a woman and I decided to go check it out, but when I got in between them, it only got louder and it echoed in the ruins. I tried my best to find her by calling out to her.

(D/N)-Hello?!... Are you hurt, ma'am?!

It echoed a little and before the crying stopped, I found the source and the woman hid before I could see her.

(D/N)-Hello?... Are you hurt, ma'am?

???-*Sniffle* Leave me alone.

(D/N)-Please, I can help... Do you have nowhere to go?

???-I said, leave me alone!

She sounded frustrated, but I kept on pushing... I know I shouldn't promise this, but maybe if they see another in need of shelter, we can sleep in the living room or something.

(D/N)-Hey, I have a house you can stay the night at to get out of the cold... I have nannies for my son (Y/N) and he's a very sweet boy.

???-... (Y/N)?... Does he have (H/L) (H/C) hair with (E/C) eyes?

(D/N)-You met him?... I guess he gets out a lot and I'm sure-.

???-Where is your house?

(D/N)-Excuse me?

The venom in her voice all of a sudden made me back up a bit and made me think that she might be crazy. I was to call the police and get them involved, but when I pulled out my phone the woman came out from hiding. I had no idea what I was looking at or if this was even real, but what I did know is that... she looked... Happy and sweet?


When she moved to me, I dropped my phone and tripped backward... She looked so familiar.

???-Sorry, I just got a little moody for a moment. It's just been one of 'those' nights. You must know about that, right?


???-Oh... I guess I do look scary... I-I'm sorry, I'll just go!


She turned back to me and gave me a look that belonged to an innocent puppy then she smiled and came in for a hug. I still tried to wrap my head around all of these then I realized something... That hair, that dress... Those eyes and the fact that this is another living cartoon, but even if it's hitting me differently this time, I couldn't ignore that this woman is...


Sedusa-... Did you say something, dear?

I pushed her away from me and she looked shocked before she slowly gained an evil smile. She started to change in front of me and when she was done.


Sedusa-So you didn't like the sweet and gentle approach? Fine... I'll put it bluntly. You have until the count of 3 to tell me where your house is or... My friends and I might do something you don't like.



Something inside me kept me from talking, even if I wanted to and it was the angry faces of the nannies caring for my son for telling them. She was also a villain and I can't put my son in danger.

Sedusa-... 2.

I acted quickly to try and grab my phone to call the police, but she brought her down over my phone and...



Sedusa-... 3. ~

She wrapped her hair around my neck and lifted me in the air. She was too strong for me to fight her off and I could feel myself slipping away.

Sedusa-Fine, be stubborn. I'm done hiding and we will find him one way... or another.



(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Maddie had me in her lap while Debbie fed me breakfast and something felt a little different around the house. The windows looked brand new, I think the doors are making a weird sound when they close, Nicole used a key to leave her room with me, and Wanda looked a little tired or something.

(Y/N)'s mind-I just got a feeling something is different.

I just ate the breakfast they fed me and by the time we were all about to take a bath...



(Eris's POV)

I could not hold back my laughter when I made one of the legs on the water tower give out and wipe a few streets of people, cars, and other things that weren't bolted down. It felt so good to let chaos run wild through the streets, but the fun has just begun. Anti Wanda was feeling restaurants and such with rodents, poisonous incests, fire, and so much more that it was hard to keep track. Sedusa and Penelope had the police in this town on the ropes at their own station and tearing it down, and Susan is just rampaging, destroying anything she can get her hands on while searching for (Y/N).

Eris's mind-If some hussy bitch thinks she can take anything from the Goddess of chaos, she has another thing coming!

When I get (Y/N) back in my arms, I plan to make this town bow before me. I may be some cartoon to them, but I am still a Goddess. They will listen to me or be destroyed by me or by one of the girls if they dare bring harm anywhere near my baby!

Eris's mind-And once I have (Y/N), why stop at this town?! I can bring armies to their knees! Turn their most deadly weapons into something completely harmless, and rule with an iron fist!

I pictured a new home with (Y/N) in my arms, the girls as my personal attack dogs, and this version of humanity below my foot.

Eris-Hehehehe. Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!!! (Y/N), WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had no idea what was going on, but the girls were putting me in some kind of cell that used to be a walk-in closet in my dad's room. It had a T.V., some toys, and a bed. They locked me in, but Drew stayed with me to 'keep me safe', but I'm just so scared and those noises were still far away.

Drew-(Y/N), sweetie. I want you to get in bed. ~

She reached through the bars and touched my cheek, but that only made me know how much I was shaking.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I-I'm scared.

Drew-I know sweetie, but your mo-, nannies are going to protect you. ~

She was going to say something else, but I snapped out of it when I heard another boom. I just wanted to get out of here, but she would not let me out since I was 'safe' here. She just gave me hugs and kisses through the bars and I flinched when I heard the wind getting strong outside for a second.

Drew-*Shhhhhh* Get into bed and try to rest. I'll be right here. ~

(Anti Wanda's POV)

Taking a breather sure is nice and I was near the beach. When my magic came back to me, I got back to work then spotted a house that looked untouched by us... I WANNA TOUCH IT!!! I flew up to the house and tried to start with a simple blast, but when it hit... It didn't do nothing.

Anti Wanda-Huh?... Tarnation?... Maybe ah missed.

I tried blasting the house again, but not even the wood broke a piece off, so I just poofed inside. I got into a room that looked like a fancy queen's room then I looked around and found a pictured and recognized these fellas.


I looked around the desk some more and saw a few pictures of (Y/N) sleeping with Wanda or other ladies... Wait a minute!

(Timeskip 1 Minute)

(Wanda's POV)

I felt so wiped, but at least the final part of the house was nearly impenetrable. I just wanted to take another nap in my room, but that idea was ruined when I heard a voice come from my room the second I touched the doorknob. I knew who it was.

Anti Wanda-This means that (Y/N) has gotta be here!

I used most of my remaining strength to swing my door open and I saw her next to my pictures... HOW DOES SHE LOOK THAT DIFFERENT THAN ME?!


Rage filled my body, giving me a second wind that I could already feel slipping away. On the other hand, she looked wide awake. She looked surprised and happy to see me.

Anti Wanda-Well howdy there cousin!

Wanda-Get. Out.

Her stupid laughter which sounded like she was half choking filled the room. I had it and tried to blast her with magic, but I didn't have that much magic left and when she saw my failed attempt she smiled before she raised her wand.

(Mom's POV)

I just got finished locking down the garage and the others were in the basement to the attic to make sure the house was locked up tight while Drew had our baby on lockdown. All of the sudden...


I heard that come from inside the house, so I rushed to the noise, but it took some time since you need a key for every door in this house now to make sure we know we can keep (Y/N) in one spot when we leave him somewhere and needs us to get around. When I made it to the hallway first, I wondered where the others were, but then remembered the attic was soundproof for our talks up there. I looked at the scene and saw Wanda on the ground, completely wiped up then someone came out of her room.


I quickly got into a fighting stance and ready to attack this darker version of Wanda, but then she raised her Wanda and my feet were stuck to the floor with... is this gel? I tried to pull my feet out, but I was stuck.

Anti Wanda-Where's the lil' fella?

She suddenly got blasted with fire from behind and Drew came out from behind the corner of the door to her room she stealthily opened.


Drew-Get out of our house!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could hear the girls fighting someone, but when I heard a certain laugh, I knew who was here, so I ran to hide under the bed. When the noises stopped all of the sudden, Anti Wanda just poofed in my cell with her hair and wings on fire a little until she put them out, so I went deeper under the bed and stayed quiet.


Drew will come back since she said she would be right back, but I heard them talking about something out there before a door closed.

Anti Wanda-*Phew*... Homey cell.

I heard her sit on the bed I was under and even pounced on it a little.

Anti Wanda-Best cell bed ever.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please, just go away already.

I tried holding my breath to make sure she didn't hear me and hoped that she is going to leave any second now, but I ran out of breath. I tried to slowly breathe to get my breath, but I swallowed something wrong and started coughing.

Anti Wanda-Huh?

Anti Wanda's head peeked under the bed and she saw me.

Anti Wanda-*Gasp* Well lookie wha ah found? ~

(Drew's POV)

I got Wanda in her room to rest before I went to the attic to bring the others down and help Mom get out of the ballistic gel. We tried everything, but my fire sword was the only thing that could cut near her. The rest is up to them because I have to get back to (Y/N), but when I checked his cell in my room... HE WAS GONE!!! Anti Wanda didn't leave, she just poofed to another room!... (Y/N)'s cell!

Drew's mind-That... BAT-WINGED BITCH!!!

(Anti Wanda's POV)

Lil feller is panicking and scared of me when I poofed up on top of a building in town and chained his ankle to a pipe, so he couldn't run. What made him stop and curl up in a corner was tripping over his chain. He looked as cute as a scared black kitty,

Anti Wanda-Awwwww, darlin. Don't be scared of lil old me... We want cha alive... Hows about a sandwich?

I poofed up a sandwich for him, but it looked so good... I grabbed it with my foot. The next sandwich will be for him.

(Timeskip 8 Sandwiches)

That hit the spot... What was I doing again?


Anti Wanda-Oh... Forgot about him.

I sat up and finally poofed him his sandwich. I didn't eat it since I was stuffed, but neither did he. He just sat in the corner of the roof curled up and was not even looking at me or moving... Susan did call him her 'Squishy', so I wanted to see for myself. I flew to him and gave him a few squeezes and he only shivered and flinched at another explosion and finally looked at me... That fear in his eyes... He looked so cute.

Anti Wanda-Susan was right. You are squishy... and adorable... I wonda wha it'll take to make them cheeks pink and blushy again. ~

(Cop's POV)

My whole unit was torn through at the station and there was no hope of winning this or fighting long enough for the national guard to get here in time. I tried to run away, but as I ran down an alley, a wall was busted down and a very tall woman came out of the building.


I knew I was at her mercy because I was not only out of ammo, I lost my taser, most of my equipment that I had to ditch to run fast, and a radio won't call help soon enough. I only make it to her waist, I was tired from running, and her muscles put me to shame... The worst part is... She looked furious when she saw me. I just got on my knees to beg for mercy as she walked over to me.

???-Susan wants her squishy back... NOW!!!

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Cop-Pl-Please... I have a wife and kids.

That was not true, but if she has a shred of humanity, she would spare me and not kill me. Instead, she knocked me onto my and put her foot on my balls.


She picked up her foot and brought it down so hard that the crushing pain felt it came after the job was done.





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