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(Loona's POV)

We were still at the office and Blitz wanted me to get some stuff to have Moxxie fix the door. I don't want demons looking in here and spotting (Y/N), so I guess I have to go to the store 'now'. I started by closing the blinds in the office then tied (Y/N) to a chair to make sure he stays put in this room. I'll also have the key to the door, so it will be locked from the inside. 'Nobody' is getting my pet this time and to make sure he stays quiet, I got one of the spare dog toys I had in my desk and put it in his mouth to act like a gag. It's just a rubber bone

Loona-I want you to hold this here until I get back.

He just nodded his head and I gave him a kiss before I left the room and locked the door. When I left the office, I thought I smelled something odd for a moment before it went away. I turned around check, but there was nobody there. I just gripped the key and stuffed it in my pocket before I went to the elevator.

Loona's mind-Millie has no reason to believe he's here, whatever prissy princess took him before won't think to look here again so soon, and he's locked down tight.

I'm worrying over nothing.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This bone tasted a little like bacon, so maybe the good people down here chew on these or something. I just had to wait here until Loona gets back. She let me go to the bathroom, gave me something small to eat, and made sure I was in a comfy chair, but there was nothing to do since I was tied up. I was so bored, but I made sure to keep the toy in my mouth since I can't pick it up to put it back in and keep Loona from humiliating me again. I don't know what she'll make me do or if she will come up with something else.

(Fantasy Start)

Loona had me on a leash while I was crawling... down the street with my legs strapped to keep me on my knees, and a toy in my mouth. Every demon outside was looking at me and calling other demons to come to look. We stopped in the middle of a huge crowd and Loona gave me a smile.

Loona-(Y/N)... beg. ~

(Fantasy End)

I couldn't think about it anymore because it was too hard with how much I was blushing, so I just bit down on the toy to make sure it would not fall out.


This made me blush harder when I found out that this was a squeaky toy in my mouth again. I almost dropped it, but I caught myself in time to keep it. I heard the door knob jiggle before it stopped to make another noise before it opened and... It wasn't Loona.


I had no idea who she was, but then I thought Loona might be testing me again. I have to keep on pretending to be a pet until Millie comes to make sure I don't get in trouble with Loona. The lady put her hand on my cheek and smiled at me being tied up.

???-*Chuckles* Hey there little guy. Want me to put a bow on you too?

She just gave me a little kiss before she walked behind my chair and started to push me.

(Stolas's POV)

I was outside my daughter's door while she locked herself in her room after she said her guest was kidnapped, supposedly. I had guards looking around the manor and they did find claw marks, but Octavia won't tell me who her guest was for some reason. All I know is that she sounds miserable in there... I knocked on the door a little again since I gave a bit to calm down.

Stolas-Octavia, are you ready to ta-?

Octavia-LEAVE ME ALONE!!! *sobbing*

Stolas's mind-What made her like this?

(No POV)

Octavia's mind-Just my luck! I finally get a real glimmer of light here AND IT GETS STOLEN FROM ME IN NOT EVEN A DAY!!!

(Verosika's POV)

It was fun to only use my foot to spin this kid around and he was so hell-bent on keeping that dog toy in his mouth. If I reach for it, he turns his head to protect it. Weird, but cute. When I had enough of slowly spinning my little toy for now, I to closer to his face and he blushed super hard. Odd seeing that, but with no boner for me, but I guess he's just a kid... He'll learn though.

Verosika-Hey squirt. Pet time is over. I got some new things to teach you before we do a few shows together back in the human world.

This will be a perfect way to mold one kid and maybe get others to copy him. Maybe virgin meme holidays will die for good. For some reason though, he perked up... I better clear my schedule, call in the girls, and start his training.

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)'s mind-Human world?! I CAN GO HOME!!!... Wait, she might be lying.

I don't know what to do, but then she ripped the toy away from me and then went on her phone. When she tossed it on the table she sat on my lap a little and used a finger to make me look up at her.

???-Now, let's start with names then your first lesson. My name is Verosika Mayday.

(Y/N)-I-I'm... (Y/N).

Verosika-I noticed you're a shy little boy. Guess we have to fix that by building up a tolerance.

(Y/N)-Wh-What do you mean?

She only got up and smiled at me then something hit me that made me panic... LOONA IS GOING TO BE BACK SOON AND I'M NOT IN THE ROOM OR HAVE THE TOY!!! The fantasy I had before popped into my head again, but by the time Loona made me beg in front of everyone in my head, I snapped out of my thought when Verosika slammed her boobs in my face. She grabbed my head and rubbed me in her boobs which made my face burn up. I couldn't get up because I was still tied to the chair. When I looked up at her, she was only smiling down at me before the door opened and she looked happy then stopped rubbing her boobs on me.

Verosika-Ohhhh, (Y/N). You have company. ~

I turned to where the door is in the room and I saw two demon ladies in the kind of clothes that ladies on a street car like to where before people give them car rides. She walked over to them and I wondered what they were going to do with me.


Demon#1-What's this secret job and who brought a human down here?

Verosika-This kid is key to killing those no fuck holidays and shit. I already did a little warm-up with him.

Demon#2-*Snicker* Are we really having-?

Versokia-Keep it in his pants. His time will come when he's properly trained and ready... to go out during the show. ~

Verosika only took off her clothes and walked to me, so I closed my eyes and felt her rub one finger under my chin... I felt something at the end of her 'finger' and then had another idea of what it was when 2 soft parts hit me at the end... HER TAIL!!!

Demon#1/#2-*Giggles*. ~

I missed Loona now and wanted her to come back now. When I felt more hands and 'soft parts' my body acted on its own and took a peek, but I only saw the 3 of them naked and the shortest demon's boobs were on one side of my face while she rubbed me up and down.

(Y/N)'s mind-Loona should be back soon... Please hurry!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Loona's POV)

I took my sweet time getting back to really test (Y/N)'s obedience to me and I finally made it back to the office with the parts. Before I walked in, I saw a truck with Verosika Mayday's logo on it leave and then saw her in a car with two of her succubus.


I stood in shock that someone like here was here at all, but I just shook it off and went up the stairs. I got to the office and tossed the bag on the couch and texted Blitz to text Moxxie to fix the fucking door. I had to get my pet out of here, but then I noticed the door to the office was open. My body acted on its own and rushed to the room and saw that my pet was gone. Panic rushed through my body until I started to sniff the room and got something brand new... I followed it and it seemed a bit familiar and got really strong across the hall. I saw something that I somehow didn't notice before... Probably from being on my phone... Verosika Mayday's logo was on the door across from the office and the scent went in, but came back out.

Loona's mind-Wait a minute.

I thought back to her driving off before I kicked the door down, only for the smell of lust, tasing, and humiliation. The chair I tied (Y/N) to was in here, but he and the restraints were gone and his toy was too. I didn't smell anything that told me anyone had sex in here, but then it soon became clear... They had to have been teasing my pet...

Loona's mind-ONLY I GET TO DO THAT!!!

I was about to leave, but then I noticed a pair of panties on the floor and they were still warm... THEY WERE STRIP-TEASING HIM?!?!?!


(Verosika's POV)

(Y/N) passed out from blushing so hard and I guess his small and inexperienced body couldn't take it... That doesn't mean we're gonna go easier on him. In fact, I gave my employees a little wager. Whoever can bring the most succubus that can keep a secret to the 'secret party tonight gets a whole week off with pay. They were already calling some friends and I looked at (Y/N) tied up at my feet in the passenger's side and he looked so tired and peaceful...

Verosika's mind-You're in for a whole night of teasing honey... This training is fun and you'll learn to like it. ~

(No POV)

Loona called someone and for the first part of the call, she yelled so loud, she almost blew someone's ear out. She told him what happened and wanted to know where Verosika lives and when they got the whole story... with bits of lies sprinkled on and bits left out.

Blitz-Oh HELL no!


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