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((Y/N)'s POV)

Anti Wanda was still cuddling me and stroking my head while I could only move when I flinch at the of sound an explosion or something. I wanted to scream for help or hope that Wanda would come and poof me back home, but I don't think that was going to happen. While Anti Wanda moved down to rub my cheeks we heard something close by in the air. A motorcycle flew over us and the building we were on and screaming came from the place it was thrown. It didn't sound like they were scared or hurt... They sounded mad and I didn't know who it was.


I was scared to look over the ledge in case something else flies over us, but Anti Wanda looked over the edge and ended up getting hit in the face by a flying mailbox in the wind from the tornado. She flew back a couple of feet and had stars over her head, but that wasn't it... She wasn't moving. I slowly went to her and poked her while I saw that her eyes were spinning, but all I got was...

Anti Wanda-Ya got mail darliiiinnnn. Hahahaha!

I backed away from her and looked at the door before I ran since now she couldn't just poof in front of me anymore. I ran down the stairs to get to the first floor and tried to look outside first. Everything looked thrashed and a few cars were on their backs or their side. When I ran outside to try and get home, but when I made it outside I nearly froze when I heard something crash. I turned to see what it was, but instead, I saw someone who scared me more.


I ran into an alley before she could see me, but when I made it into the alley, Eris landed right in front of me as she flew down.


(Y/N)-Eris?!... We have to get out of here! Penelope is going crazy and-!

Eris-Calm down little one. Just come with me and 'everything' will be alright.

I walked up to her, but halfway I stopped when I thought of something she said and looked at everything that happen... A storm came out of nowhere and there are crashes and explosions everywhere... That sounds like...

(Y/N)-Chaos. *whisper*

Eris-Hm? Did you say something, sweetie?

(Y/N)-Where did this storm come from?

Eris-... Excuse me?

(Y/N)-... Did you do this?

I took a step back before I saw her go from happy and soft to a little mad and glaring at me.

Eris-(Y/N), come here... 'Now'.

She is a villain... She isn't just a Goddess of Chaos just because she was born that way... She loves it. I turn and ran as fast as I could while turning back to see if she was following me by coming out of the alley, but she didn't.

(Eris's POV)

He could have made this so much easier on himself by coming into my arms and letting me take him... Now, I guess we have to do things the hard way. I could chase after him, but that will be a little tricky with all the destruction and chaos while he still knows his way around this town most likely. He did mention Penelope nearby, but I saw someone just down the street perfect for the job since he seems to trust her the most.

Eris's mind-You can't hide from chaos, sweetie. If I want you... I will have you.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I ran as fast as I could back home, but I still have a lot of blacks to go before I even get to the beach. They have to be out looking for me if they like me so much. They have to be. When I turned a corner I bumped into someone and fell back a bit before I got a full look.


Eris-I told you. ~


Susan picked me up and held me with my head on her shoulder. Eris just smiled and waved her fingers at me while Susan cuddled and rubbed my back. I think was good, but... SHE'S USING HER!!! I tried to wiggle back a little and look into Susan's eyes.

(Y/N)-Susan, she's a bad guy! She's using you!

Eris-Susan, your poor squishy is just so scared and confused. He clearly needs protection and comfort. ~

She just smiled and put my head back on her should, but before I could yell Eris snapped her fingers and my neck and mouth felt so weak. I could only rest my head on Susan's shoulder and Eris put her hand on my cheek before she poked my nose.

Eris-Let's bring him somewhere safe before I get more work done. ~

(Mom's POV)

The storm out here is getting calmer, but there is still no sign of our baby. He has to be somewhere safe since even Anti Wanda can not be that much of an idiot to not poof him to their base... Wherever that is. We were all out looking and in the street, I found a knife in the street which made me think about the Anti Fairy that took my baby... I took the knife and went back to searching, but this time, I will not be throwing someone through a portal.

Mom's mind-You want to keep taking my 'true loving' baby?... That won't happen again...You won't touch him ever again... Nobody will... HE'S MY BABY!!!


((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls found a new place to live in and it was a big house. Susan held e while she sat in a kid's room with a broken window. The others got here and each grabbed a room while Susan took care of me in the kid's room and Eris told her 'No putting me down until she gets back'. She took that seriously and gets mad if someone tried to take me to her and tells them what Eris told her. When I could start to talk again...

(Y/N)-Susan... Eris is lying.

Susan-Awwwww. Susan's poor squishy. ~

She put my head on her chest so that I could listen to her heartbeat and she was too strong for me to break free from. Sedusa came in the room and saw what Susan was doing.


She just stood there for a moment before she smiled and brought a hair tentacle over to us and tickled my foot to make me laugh.

Susan-Awwwww, Squishy has a cute laugh. ~

Sedusa-We got something cooking downstairs. Hand him over, I'm fe-.

Susan-No! Eris said that Squishy has to be held by Susan

Sedusa-Let me see him.


(Penelope's POV)

I have no idea half of what this food seasoning was with all of these tiny words on them rather than a simple label. It even looked weird in the pot, but the smell is telling me that it's good so far. Suddenly, I heard something get smashed upstairs and I tried to tell the greek literature rip-off that Susan is not giving that kid up without a fight. We can't blow our cover, but I guess since the whole town evacuated a few noises would not hurt... me our (Y/N), or at least they better not hurt him. They will be dealing with me before Eris comes back. When the food looked down, it came out looking good for being in this world which should be the case since I followed the recipe in this book exactly.


I made a bowl for (Y/N) first before mine, but the others can get their own bowls. With the food ready, I wondered where Eris was or what she was doing.

(Eris's POV)

With the time I waited, I could have taken a bath and had a snack before this. Not to mention... I am 'very' disappointed. We tore a town to shreds, made everyone evacuate, and this was all without a real plan and us going wild. All they sent to us was 5 helicopters and 12 trucks full of soldiers.

Eris's mind-I know these are mortals and there is most likely no real magic in this world, but no tanks, no fighter jets, no full army... This is insulting.

Eris-*Sigh* Maybe they'll learn from this.

I summoned tornados to take care of the helicopters and the howling winds drowned out their screams and alarms as the helicopters swirled around until they crashed into the ocean. As for the trucks, it just takes an earth quack and a huge crack down the middle of the road to have the cars fall in. The fire and smoke were nice to look at, but what would be better is if I close the gap and crush the cars and men alive.













They were far away, but enough to make me chuckle a little at the sound. I kicked my feet off the edge of this mountain and wait to see if they had a sub or something before I go see my baby. Anti Wanda told us where the house (Y/N) lived was, but that will be our place to live soon enough. They have a fairy too and at least a skilled fighter, but I wish to know more about my enemy and what I do know for sure is that if they came out searching for him once, they will do it again.

Eris's mind-Where are you?... I wish to move into my new home as soon as possible.

(Nicole's POV)

I had a soldier with me and if the army was coming, we were going to need him. I was easily able to overpower him since I ripped the door off his jeep and then bent his gun until it snapped before dragging him to the basement of some store where the others were. I threw him in the middle of the floor and he looked at us confused and afraid.


Man-Wh-... Wh-Wh-Wha-. *whisper*

Nicole-We're not going to hurt you... As long as you do what we say.

I pulled out my claws and pressed one on the back of his neck and if he remembers my strength, he knows what I can do. Mom pulled out a knife while a few others pulled out other weapons, but what got his attention was that Maddie had a gun... A real gun. She pressed it against his head and he shook even more than a leaf now. She took his radio and held it in front of him.

Maddie-You heard those crashes and explosions, right?... Nobody will come and save you in time. If you have a family or a reason to live... You better do what we tell you. You will call for backup and tell them that a group of violent terrorists have you prisoner and took a child somewhere. When the army finds a little boy named (Y/N), you will bring him back to his home and to us.

Debbie-... Are you listening to her?



We all smiled when Maddie pressed the button and he did what he was told to the letter, but before we let him go, Wanda raised her wand. The man had a short pain in his chest and he looked as if was staring into the eyes of death.

Man-Wh-What did you do to me?!

Wanda-Just to make sure you ring our baby to us like you were told, I added some insurance.

Man-What did you do to me?!

Wanda-Get to work.

(No POV)

The soldier ran outside while Wanda poofed everyone home. He ran in the streets while he waited for backup to arrive. The only other thing he could do was guess what Wanda did to him and in his chest was a small and weak explosive attached to his heart... Just strong enough to blow his heart to pieces if he gets too far from the city.


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