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(Octavia's POV)

This human looked cute sleeping in my bed, but when he started to stir, I picked him up to hold him. It took him a bit to open his eyes for me and when he did, he struggled a thrashed around a bit until his little bell rang. That got him to settle down, so I guess humans like him respond to bells and such to calm them down or something. He still looked scared of me a little then I wondered if his little pet play fetish or something goes as far as playing with toys. I didn't have any, but I could get some. I finally decided to put him down, but only in a corner to make sure I could easily catch him if he tries to run.

Octavia-Hey there, it's ok. You're in my room. ~

He only looked around the room then I thought of something that I did have for him in here that pets love... Treats and I think dad told me that humans love chocolate. I got a box of chocolate I keep in my room and held out one that had a marshmallow in it.

Octavia-Go on. Take it.

He slowly took it from me and ate it which calmed him down a little and I giggled under my breath.

(Y/N)-... Wh-Where's Millie?

Octavia-Maybe just waking up back at the office like you did just now.

(Y/N)-But... She'll get mad?

Octavia-I'm sure it'll be ok. It's safer for you here anyway.


I told him that humans are not allowed here and there are a lot of bad demons here. I then reminded him that he loved being treated like a pet with his collar and he only blushed for me.

(Y/N)-I-I don't like b-b-being a pet! Loona just put this collar on me!

(Loona's POV)

I have had it with not being with (Y/N) and that imp mother figure wanna be is trying to mess with my collar. I decided to head to the office to get the key in case she goes there and finds it, but on the way, I picked up her scent and it was heading straight for the office.

Loona's mind-No. The only one that gets to take his collar off... IS ME!!!

I ran to the office and only found 8 demons on the ground and the street was trashed. I think Millie went on a short rampage then I picked up on another scent mixed with (Y/N)'s scent.

Loona's mind-Who has my pet?

I sniffled the air for a moment then caught the trail with a hint of fumes which means they got in a car. I started to follow the trail, but had to start out slow since the trail was faint and blood and rage were so strong here. When I made it to a freeway, I started to sprint when the scent got stronger and I could even tell how far they might be.

Loona-I'm coming (Y/N)!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Octavia still treated me like a pet, but a little different than what Loona did... She just wouldn't let me get off her bed while she played with me and fed me more chocolate and stuff. She let me use my hands to pick things up and play until I just started to get a little tired from being forced to play. Now, she just held me close to her to cuddle while she scratched under my chin.

Octavia-*Giggles* I don't know what you're talking about not liking being a pet. You clearly like it. ~

I just shook my head no and I was telling the truth... I just couldn't say no to anything to not get yelled at or anything. Soon we started to hear some kind of weird footsteps from the hallway and Octavia panicked a little before she picked me up and ran into her bathroom with me.



I got scared by this and heard a door open then she closed the bathroom door and locked it while holding me tighter.


Octavia-I'm in here dad. I was... just about to take a shower.

???-I see... Where's your little guest?

Octavia-Oh, they went home. Family emergency.

???-Well your mother wanted to speak with you later about going somewhere.

Octavia-Well... I'll text her after my shower.

She turned on the water to make it sound like she was getting in the shower. I think her dad left and she sighed before she looked at me a little then to the bath. I tried to get her to put me down and she did put it down and then got on her knees while smiling.

Octavia-I'm not sure when you had a bath last, but since we're in here and I had a shower this morning... Wait right here. I'll go get a clean and fresh towel for you.

She just got up and turned off the water before she left me in the bathroom. I did want to make a run for it, but what if her dad catches me... Maybe I can ask to go out for a ride after the bath and try to sneak away then. I just went back out into to room and rested by her bed until she gets back, but instead, her window opened up a little more than it already and I saw a hand grab the seal. When they pulled up, I saw Loona.


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Octavia's POV)

I tried to get back to my room as soon as possible, but my mom had other ideas. She wanted to make plans for the weekend. I couldn't do anything this weekend because nobody will take care of (Y/N) or someone might spot him if I don't hide him.

Mom-If you can't even go on a spa weekend, then what do you want to do?!

Octavia-I just want to relax this weekend.

Mom-That sounds like you want to do nothing!

Octavia-... Kind of.

Mom-What do you mean, 'kind of'?

Octavia-I mean... I just want this weekend to myself.

She did not like that and only gave me one of his disappointed looks before she finally gave up and grabbed one of the imp servants by their neck to walk away with them. I could finally go back to my room where (Y/N) has been waiting for me to get back to give him his bath, but when I got back... MY WINDOW WAS WIDE OPEN AND MY PET WAS GONE!!!

Octavia-(Y/N)?! Where are you?!

I tried to search through my room, hoping that he was still here then I finally looked out the window and noticed something on the window seal... Claw marks.

(Loona's POV)

We made it back to the office where the spare key was and it looked like he got taken before Millie could get the collar off. The office looked better than what I thought it would be like. Only a hole was punched in the wall and the door was knocked off its hinges. I just put the key back in the locked drawer and I just need a better lock, so nobody can pick it that easy to get my pet's key. I was about to head home with (Y/N), but...

Loona-Since we're here, we can go over some office rules.

I just put him next to the chair of my desk and facing the wall.

Loona-Whenever you're here and under my watch, you'll be sitting here when you're not on my lap or not given permission to walk around and play. Understand?


Loona-Now... Let's do a couple of lessons before we head home.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Verosika's POV)

This office space was fairly decent, considering the area we are in, including the fuck stain that works around here. Work is also taking over my life lately since it's November and I got fucking idiots that think with their dicks, not using them this time of year. When I sat in front of my mirror, I got to work on my make-up.


Verosika's mind-Fucking virgins with their stupid fucking meme. What do they even get out of it? A pat on the back and lonely nights.

I grabbed my flask and took a sip before I just sighed and looked at my employees, but saw Vortex was missing.

Verosika-Where's Vortex?

Sucubus#1-I think he said he went out to get some pizza or something. We were hungry.

Verosika-Whatever... Did our guy call and give us a time and place?

Sucubus#2-Tomorrow, midnight, and some festival in Ohio.

Verosika-We just did a concert last night!

They just looked nervous, knowing that I was irritated... I stepped out of my office and into the hallway to get a break then heard a noise from the broken door, across the hall. I snuck over to get a peek when I heard something that sounded like a child then saw something that caught my attention... A human with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes then I heard someone in there with him, but I didn't see them.

???-Come here, and lay on your back.

I only saw him walk down a hall in Blitzo's office space and wondered why the fuck a human was here? They could get into so much trouble for this that they would wish they would die like the kid probably will. I could report this, but then I thought to myself for a moment... Giving a sex-crazed or pint-up teen an STD from another teen, I do that shit all the time. Fuck them myself until most if not all the life is drained out of them, they had it coming. While I was in rehab, the doctor did bring up finding a healthier way to unwind without sex... Plus, this would piss off Blitzo even more. Right now, I just need to gather evidence to blackmail them with and I can see how this works out.

Verosika's mind-Worst case, I just report them anyway and whatever happens to them, happens.


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