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(Christa's POV)

I'm in the middle of feeding Angel his formula for breakfast after I ate mine while he slept in a little. When he finished every last drop, I took the bottle and cleaned it for later before I went back to him and carried him with me in his carrier. I looked down at him and he was just staring at me and it made me smile a little at him when I put him down. I got him on the changing station to just get the diaper off him before his bath then got an outfit ready for him. We got back to the kitchen and I used the mechanical arms to put him in the sink to start washing him.

Christa-After you're all dry and dressed, you're going on a walk with mommy. Maybe Mika can join us.

I would like for Angel to have a friend closer to his age, so he can have someone to grow up with as a friend... Maybe we can find a class for him to socialize in a little and maybe find my own group of friends. Mika is gonna need that too... Well, more for (Y/N).

Christa-Who wants to get meet more babies your age? Oh, you'll look so cute together! ~

(Mika's POV)

(Y/N)'s cold feet were going away bit by bit. This morning when he woke up, he did push away a little, but the blush on his face said it all. During breakfast, he stole glances at me sitting next to him and feeding him with the mechanical arms, but I just think he's just coming to terms that he's getting used to this. Some children are very adaptable and can get used to change faster than others and he went at his own pace, but love helps speed up the process. I wanted to go out and do something with him like maybe the park, but he can't do a whole lot with those gloves on and he's not allowed to not wear those outside until he's certified from proving he's trained completely. After he ate, I just had my food then I heard a knock on the door and when I answered it, Christa had Angel in a stroller.


Christa-Hey, wanna come with us somewhere?

(Autumn's POV)

I'm getting Makenzie out of here to try and keep her social, even if it's most likely just her sitting on a blanket in the park because of her ankle still hurting. She still seemed scared of me a little and her bath time could've had... less crying and flinching. It made me think about that call I got on my new tablet to tell me that her parents were caught and being dealt with right now, as well as other humans they found at a camp. That made Makenzie cry all night and she told me it was because 'mommy and daddy are going to get really mad. I reported this behavior to them to help judgment with her parents, but still...

Autumn's mind-What kind of parents make their own child fear them that much?

I finally got Makenzie in her cage with her gloves, collar, some nice clothes, and I even got her hair brushed a little which took a while because I didn't want to brush too hard and hurt her.


Autumn-You might have to stay in here, but you're not in trouble. It's just to make sure you don't run on that foot.

She didn't want to talk and just held her toy tighter and made it play music, so I just took the cage and started pulling.

Autumn's mind-The first step is the hardest Autumn... It's her parents that are making her cry the most, not you.

(Jessie's POV)


Water got all over me during Joey's bath since he was just very playful and having fun with the water. It got to the point that I might as well hop in the bath with him while I still washed him and then moved on to myself while he plays.

Jessie-Aren't you humans supposed to be shy or something when you first get adopted?


He only splashed the water a bit more, but now the curtain was closed to catch the water flying around though. When I was done with him, I got to work on myself and turned this bath into a shower.

Joey-Heeeyyyy. Mama!

Jessie-*Chuckles* You are just clingy and full of energy, aren't you?... How about we go to the park and let you run around after we're clean? ~

His eyes lit up a little more than they already were and he tried climbing into my pouch by himself, but had some trouble. I just sighed before I just washed the inside of my pouch and then put him in to keep still for the rest of my shower. When we got out and dried off, I got him dressed and he tried to help me, but the only thing he had a problem with was not his collar,... but his mittens.

Joey-No mittens!

Jessie-No mittens means no park. It's the new law.

He just pouted for a moment before he held out his hands for me to get his mittens on.

Jessie's mind-This baby boy is ok with me adopting him, bathing him, putting him in my pouch, putting a collar on, and getting him a cage that he treated like a fort, but the mittens are what bothers him?

Now he was in a mood when we left the house, but him in my pouch and bouncing him with each hop made him have to try and stay angry. When he finally could not keep himself from smiling, he just hid in my pouch which made me laugh a little.

Jessie's mind-You are lucky that you're cute. I never planned on getting a pet.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mika had me on a leash while we were walking to the park and other animals were staring at us and at one point, Mika let a kitten pet me a little and her cat parents cooed me. When we made it to the park, Christa had Mika help her lay out a blanket then Mika helped get out a play mat for Angel and he just looked at the toys above him. I saw a playground that nobody was on, but there were some other people here... Mostly animals. I just sat down next to Mike since I just felt nervous and she nuzzled my side a bit.

Mika-Sweetie, are you nervous? Nobody is going hurt you here. ~

She looked somewhere and when I looked at the same thing, I think I saw a lion and a cheetah that were cops or something. Soon I saw a baby trying their best to run over to a slide and play alone.


I looked to where they ran from and saw a few animals, but what got my attention was a girl around my age in a cage next to a deer that might be the one from that daycare place.


Christa-*Gasp* Another baby! Who's their owner?!

Mika-Um... I don't know.

Christa-Watch Angel for a moment, please.

Christa went up to the playground and spoke to the baby a bit while a kangaroo started to come over to her then the baby pointed at them.


Christa turned and walked over to them with her tail wagging a little. Angel started to cry a little and Mika leaned over to them to try and stop him before he really starts crying.

Mika-Hey, it's ok. Mama will be back soon. ~

Christa came back with the kangaroo and took over for her baby Angel again then I saw the kangaroo look at me for a little bit.

Christa-Mika, (Y/N), this is Jessie. Jessie, this is my human baby Angel. He's almost a week old.

Jessie-Good day. Over there is my new pet Joey.

Mika-He looks playful already.

Jessie-Little thing clung to me since I found him in the woods last night with a bunch of stragglers. I tried to put them up for adoption, but they threw a fit and would not let go of me.

Christa-Awwwww. They imprinted on you. ~

(Mika's POV)

I wish (Y/N) was that easy to gain his trust and love and other humans too since we are just trying to help them. Joey only looked at his owner Jessie from the playground then I looked back to (Y/N). I did want him to socialize a little, so I looked for an owner that had a pet his age then I noticed a pet in a cage and a deer that I met before.


Mika's mind-That can work... Why is she in a cage though?

Mika-Christa, can you watch (Y/N) for a moment? Here's his le-.

I felt (Y/N) nizzle closer into then looked at him to see that he got a little more nervous... I guess he's using me to feel more secure, like how a child would hide behind their parent when they are shy. His (E/C) eyes were shaking a little and I smiled at this a little because it just shows that he was attached to me.

Christa-I think he wants to stay with you. ~

Mika-*Giggles*... Come on honey, let's go meet a new friend. ~

(Autumn's POV)

Makenzie came out of her shell a little bit when she reached out of her cage to touch the flowers a bit with her gloves still on. I tried to get her to come out of her cage, but she wants to stay in and have some space. I just wish her foot would just heal, so could at least have the option to play like that baby is on the playground. Her attention turned to something all of a sudden and she looked disturbed. When I turned to see what is troubling her I saw an owner come by with a pet I remember I helped care for at my favorite place to volunteer.



Mika-You remember me?

Autumn-How could I not? Your pet is just so adorable and sweet... Also, he was the pet I took care of before I found her. This is Makenzie.

Mika-Why is she in a cage still?

Autumn-Mainly because her foot is still healing. I found the poor thing hurt, dirty, hungry, and scared.

Mika sat next to me, so we could more about our pets while they just looked at each other. They both seemed shy around each other, but from what I could hear, it sounded like (Y/N) is becoming more dependent on Mika and even trusted her enough to play with her. I told her that I get Makenzie to cuddle with me a lot and use me as a pillow to sleep on and she found that adorable.

Mika-(Y/N) is a little cuddler too. I gave him a back rub and he asked if he could sleep with me.

Autumn-Awwww. ~

I pictured the scene in my head of (Y/N) asking Mika if he could cuddle with her and if it were me, I would have to be as heartless as Makenzie's old parents to say no to that. With that in mind, I told Mika a bit about how Makenzie acted when she got captured or more along the line of who she was still afraid would come back and hurt her.

Autumn-She cried when her parents got captured because she thought they would come back to hurt her. *whisper*

Mika-One of those families. I saw a few of those during the preparations. My friend Christa came from an owner like that and before she was put down to be livestock and delivered to her, she let her give birth and adopted the baby.

Autumn-*Gasp* A newborn?! Boy or girl?! Can I see them?!

Mika-Well... We could do something for dinner at her or my place tonight if you want to come and bring Makenzie... Come on, we're over here.

I loved that idea about dinner. I followed Mika over to where the others were and the baby just looked so cute. During introductions, I found out that Christa named her baby human Angel and it suited him well.


We were all talking and having a good time and Makenzie and (Y/N) were getting a little closer and doing small talk. Soon, one more pet came over that must be Jessie's pet, Joey.


He looked tired from playing and walked past me with the cutest little waddle and groggy eyes before he held up his hands to Jessie. This made my heart skip a beat that he was so attached and affectionate already... I felt a little jealous and I guess Mika was too.

Jessie-Feeling tired, baby?

Joey-Yes... Up, up.

Jessie picked him up and held him in her arms for a bit until he yawned then she slid him into her pouch when his eyes closed. His head or anything didn't stick out at all and it looked so adorable that I just could not take it and moved my body a little. Jessie even told us the story of how she met him and I whispered that she was looking for Makenzie's parents, but the story was still so adorable. She even said that Joey already calls her 'mama'.

Mika-Hey Christa, when is 'dinner' getting to your house? I was thinking the four of us can do something later tonight.

Christa-I can call and see how it's going, but we can stop by the store for other things.

Jessie-I can try to whip up some homemade cookies or something for dessert.

Autumn-I know how to make a delicious fruit salad that most humans at the daycare love to eat when I make it for them.

We all kept on making plans and Christa said we can have this little party at her place. With Joey napping, Angel almost being due for a nap, and Makenzie and (Y/N) still too shy to speak to each other, yet, we all started to head out. When I started to head back home, I heard some music coming from Makenzie's toy, telling me that she was holding it tightly.

Autumn-You're ok sweetie. You did so well. Let's get home and rest before the big night. ~

(Makenzie's POV)

That boy, (Y/N) was nice enough to secretly share some candy with me when the animals were talking to each other. My mommy and daddy would only let me have candy when I did something for them... I guess that isn't so different from being a pet now, I guess. I guess I'll see him again tonight.


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