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(Sedusa's POV)

I was tickling (Y/N) a little with my hair and whenever he grabbed a strain of hair, he had to let another go, so it didn't help to make the gentle tickling stop. His laughter filled the air and after 10 minutes of doing this, I only got more comfortable with the idea of taking him back with me. When he looked out of breath, I just used my hair to hold him right above me while I lied back and adored him. He only wiggled a little bit to try and get comfortable in my hair. In the middle of my enjoyment, I was interrupted by someone walking over. This made (Y/N) stop playing and get nervous.


Sedusa-What is it?

Penelope-Cough up the kid. My turn.

Sedusa-Don't you have teenagers to be sucking the life out of... and their emotions?

Penelope-... Did you two talk about 'anything important'?

Just then, it hit me... I was supposed to get him to talk about how we got here! While I was in shock about how I forgot something so simple, Penelope took (Y/N) out of my grasp and he screamed a little. My body reacted on its own and grabbed his ankle and try to pull him back to me. This surprised me again and I had to force myself to let go, but when (Y/N) reached for me a little... I just felt so mad on the inside.

Penelope-You'll get him back on your next turn.

She just walked away with him then I sat up and thought to myself...

Sedusa's mind-How did I lose focus like that?!

(Penelope's POV)

(Y/N) looked nervous while I walked off with him to go somewhere more private. I watched that harlot not even pry on the subject on getting us home for almost an hour, so I finally stepped in. After I got to a run-down office, I sat on a chair with the child on my lap and tried to look friendly to him. I fooled teenagers all the time before a few brats ruined everything, but I got a clean slate with this kid for the most part, so this should be easy.

Penelope-Hey there little man. Have fun with Sedusa.

(Y/N)-Put me down! I know you're a bad guy and a ghost that can eat misery!

Seriously?... The woman that has the name one letter away from Medusa, fangs, crazy living hair, and wears lingerie out in public has a better image to this kid than me?... Wait a minute...

Penelope's mind-How did he know I was a ghost and what I feast upon?

This is all getting interesting, but I need him to trust me if I want him to talk about anything.

(Drew's POV)

I'm out scoping the town in the shadows, but so far, I didn't find anything. I tried secluded areas, since if these are more cartoon people like us then they should be hiding. I had coms with Maddie and Nicole since they are the most nimble and Debbie, Mom, and Wanda were at home. Wanda to poof him home first then we and Debbie and Mom are there to get him cleaned up in a bath and whatever else might need tending to.

Maddie(Radio)-I got nothing. Any of you?

Nicole(Radio)-Almost got spotted, but no sign of our baby.

Wanda(Radio)-He still isn't home.

Drew's mind-When we find him. He is so grounded.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Penelope was tossing me in the air, over and over again to play with me and even flew to toss me around. This didn't fool me because I still know she is a villain and no amount of playtime or anything is going to change that. When she caught me again, she finally stopped to hold me like a baby. I tried to hide my blush from her, but I saw the smile on her face.

Penelope-Awwww, look who's enjoying this. ~

(Y/N)-Am not!

Penelope-Your blush says, 'are too'... It looks cute on you. ~

I tried to get put down, but she lied back in the air and made me rest on her belly, or else I would fall off.

Penelope-So honey, any guesses on how we got here or how we get home?

I still don't think telling her anything was a good idea, but what will telling her that there might not be a way home do?... I pictured her trying to take over the world with the other villains and hurting lots of people, so I can't tell her anything.

Penelope-Come on... How about where your friends are? I'm sure they want to go home too. ~

I just looked away from her, but she slowly made me back to her while rubbing my cheek and... it did feel good.

(Penelope's POV)

It's so easy to get a reaction out of this kid. This is honestly, a little addicting, now that I'm getting a little taste of his humiliation. It's like misery, but only a tad bit sweeter with a nicer texture.

Penelope's mind-This does satisfy my sweet tooth a little.

While I relaxed and teased the boy some more, I jumped when a certain pest helped herself to us during my turn by literally dropping in on us.



Penelope-Would you get lost?!

Wanda-I thought we were lost?

Penelope-Get off me!

She flew up a bit, but didn't leave us alone. She even took (Y/N) from me and played with his face.

Wanda-Mah, ya look adorable with them pink peepers of yers! Hows about we get a sandwich fer ya and play that shelf game again?

I just ripped him away from her before I blasted her to a wall and chuckled a bit before I put him back onto my belly to tease and toy with him some more... It's my turn and it's not like he's talking anyway. Just then, I heard his belly growl...

Penelope's mind-Well, the best way to a boy is through his stomach.

(Eris's POV)

I observed bits of the world to the best of my abilities, but I couldn't see everywhere, yet. This world is just so new and it's harder to use my powers and I can feel them draining faster. I decided to step outside for a bit to get some fresh air, but I wish I could go out and blend in more to create chaos and people acknowledge that instead of just me looking like myself... Sort of. Soon, Penelope came out and plopped (Y/N) on my lap.


Eris-What do you think you're doing?

Penelope-Leaving him here while I go get food.

Eris-Have the fairy poof something up!

Penelope-Tried it. She has the weirdest tastes and can't take an order for the life of her. I'll be back soon.

Eris-Don't just pour this rug rat on me!

Penelope-That reminds me of something. Um,... bye.

She turned invisible and I grew furious. I am the goddess of chaos, not some babysitter! I can't let this kid go either, so... I just put on a warm smile, but he already looked scared of me.

Eris-Hey, sorry I blew up like that?... I just don't like surprises that much. ~

He didn't talk, so I tried to think of compliments and flattery to butter him up... He honestly did look cute, unlike those brats from Endsville, even the popular girl Mindy, but she knew almost nothing of fashion besides the schoolgirl uniform.

Eris-Hmmm... I suppose you are cuter than others back home. Are you ready to tell us more about the T.V. show stuff?

He shook his head no at me, but I kept my cool while examining his other features.

Eris-Come on, sweetie. What about my show? Just because I'm a Goddess of chaos, does that automatically make me 'evil'?

I said that with an innocent, yet adult-like tone and it did change his attitude toward me a bit.

(Y/N)-Well... I never watched your show.

I smiled inside, knowing that means I have a fresh slate instead of trying to redeem my image to this kid. Just as I was about to speak to him again... I got hit with a dart in my neck and felt dizzy. (Y/N) looked scared before he saw someone and they grabbed him before kicking me to the ground.


???-Don't 'ever' touch my baby again.

She held him in one arm and pulled out a gun before he looked scared and grabbed her arm. She just glared at him before she put the gun away. I heard one last thing before I blacked out.

???-Young man, you are in so much trouble! You had us worried sick!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I'm trying really hard not to cry after being yelled at by everyone for sneaking out, but tears were coming out of my eyes, so I looked down. Drew only gently lifted my chin up and this time she didn't look as mad as she did before I looked down.


Drew-(Y/N), you know what you did was wrong. Do you know how worried we all were when you snuck out like that to go look for trouble?... If you got hurt, how do you think we would feel?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I'm sorry... B-But-.

Drew-No buts. After your bath, you are going down for a nap with Nicole in her room.

(Y/N)-Wh-What about my room?

Nicole-After the stunt you just pulled, you have just proven to us you can't be trusted to have your own room anymore.


Wanda-That's my room now, sweetie. If you want to sleep then you can sleep in any room now, but not alone.

(Y/N)-But I m-met other girls and they are just like you! Some are villains from your shows and-.

Maddie-They don't know where we live and won't know. I saw that ghost!

Mom-I hope you know how serious this is because you are grounded until further notice.

I just curled up a little until Nicole picked me up to take me to the bath downstairs before our nap together. I wanted to get Susan, Sedusa, and maybe Eris over here, but they won't listen right now... Maybe she will after the nap... I just wish I still got to keep my room after trying to help them.

(No POV)

Susan-Squ-Squishy is gone?... *Whimper* *Deep breathing* *Faster breathing* RrrrrRRRRRRUUUUUAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!


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