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(Makenzie's POV)

I was resting in bed while Autumn was gone, but she said she would be back later tonight and it was getting dark out. I just remember what my dad told me about the animals and what Autumn said to me, but I don't know who to believe. My daddy lies a lot, but sometimes he tells the truth when he is super duper serious and Autumn told me about how she likes to volunteer at a daycare for humans. I also got a toy to hold from one of the animal doctors here and whenever I squeeze it, it plays soft music and helps me calm down a little. I'm still pretty scared and I jumped when the door opened, only to see Autumn holding a bag in her mouth.


Autumn-Hi sweetie. Is your foot doing ok? ~

She walked up to the bed and put the bag down before she pulled something out of the bag. I just saw it was a collar and it matched the mittens I was wearing that didn't let me grab a lot of things.


Autumn-Just hold still for a moment, please. This is just to make sure that after you're done here, they don't take you to a pet store by mistake. It also looks pretty. ~

She gently swung the collar around my neck and I felt her teeth touch me a little before she pulled and it actually stayed on. With these mittens on, I can't get the collar off. I whimpered and cried a little and Autumn looked a little now.

Autumn-*Gasp* No, no, no. Don't cry. I didn't do this to hurt you... Is the collar too tight?

I just shook my head a little and heard the bells on this collar jingle a little then she nuzzled my cheek a little. She took the place of my pillow again and since it hurt my foot and leg to get up, I just laid back on her again.

Autumn-I also got a surprise for you... We get to go to my home tonight, so you don't have to stay here, but you have to promise to be a good girl for me and rest. We don;y want to hurt your little foot, do we?

Makenzie-N-No... W-What about my mom and dad?

Autumn-Well... They did hurt you really bad, so they are going to be in trouble.

Makenzie-B-But my dad will get mad and wh-when he comes b-b-back-!

Autumn-*Shhhhh* He can't hurt you anymore... Let's just get you to your new home. I can put on some nice cartoons for you when we get home. ~

She pressed a button with her nose then a gorilla came in with a cage on wheels. Inside it was a pet bed, a blanket, an extra pillow for my foot, and some candy. The gorilla came over to pick me up and carefully put me in the cage and tucked me in with my new toy that plays music before he closed and locked the cage. I'm still scared and Autumn grabbed a rope tied to the cage and pulled me out of the room with her. I just what kind of stuff she'll make me do as her pet or if she was just lying and my dad was telling the truth.

Makenzie's mind-Please daddy... Don't be mad at me. I didn't tell them about the camp.

(Jessie's POV)

This search was taking longer than I thought which is why I'm so happy that I brought some extra food with me. It was dark out now and a few animals went home while a few others joined the search for these two humans. During the search, we decided to split up a little and I was alone for not even 10 minutes when I heard something.

???-*Giggles* Ahhhh! *giggles*

Jessie-Huh?... Who's there?

I hopped passed a few bushes and made it to a pond and saw my reflection in the water, but no sign of the source of that noise.


They didn't sound like an adult. I just searched the bushes until I spotted a figure just waddling away, so I hopped over to it and spotted a human toddler with no collar on then they turned to look at me.


Jessie-Well, lookie what we have here?

???-A roo.

Jessie-I'm a kangaroo, that's right.


He giggled again before he tried to run away from me, but it was easy to keep up with him and I picked him up. He playfully screamed and wiggled a little before I turned him to face me then he put his little hands on my nose then patted me.

Jessie-Well, I got a little fighter on my hands, don't I?

This little guy only wiggled a little more and I would have to bring him in, but the adults are what we are after. Maybe if they hear a baby they might let their guard down... I just opened my pouch and put the little guy inside, but he slid all the way in and could only stick his hands out when his legs were bent.

Jessie-You're staying with me until we drop you off at the pet store. Sound good?

???-A roo!

Jessie-I'm taking that as a yes.

I kept on searching then the little guy managed to poke his head out and then acted like he was reaching for something down a trail.

???-Cam!... Cam!

Jessie-Cam?... Camp?


I hopped down where he was reaching for and soon found a few lights behind some trees, so I pushed the toddler into my pouch before I peeked from behind a tree and saw many children and adults... There were well over 3 dozen humans here! I recognized some as escaped orphans from when we took children from orphanages, but some managed to slip away.


I felt the little guy nuzzle into me while he rested completely inside my pouch. There is no way that I can capture these humans by myself, so I snuck away to come back with the whole party and cages ready. On the way back to the others...

???-Mama *mumbbling*

Jessie's mind-... What did he just say?... Maybe he has a human mother that lost track of him... Who did they even let a baby get that far away from camp in the first place?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mika took a bath with me to get ready for bed faster and when she used her real paws instead of those hands, they felt really soft. I think she knew I liked it too because when we got out and she got me dressed she took me with her to her room and gave me a back rub on her bed. The music playing from her tablet was just so relaxing then my back suddenly popped 3 times and it felt good.

Mika-See how good this feels? ~

I nodded my head and felt a bit more comfortable around her then thought about my mom and dad... They never did this and it felt nice. When Mika stopped I just looked at her and got a surprise lick on my face.

Mika-You looked so cute and peaceful. I might start doing this when you're a good boy. ~

She started cuddling me while I was laying down and I wonder if this is what it felt like to have a pet... Sort of. She got off me and went to the top of the bed to lie down and I looked at her... I liked cuddling, but would she let me... sleep on her bed?

(Mika's POV)

I just went on my tablet and tried to find out where I was on taming him because not only did he not fight me in the bath, he loved the massage I gave him. I'll let him do what he wants now, even if he did just sit on my bed, but then I noticed him looking at me with a small blush on his cheeks. He had something on his mind.

Mika-What is it honey?

(Y/N)-... Um... C-Can I sleep with you?

My heart skipped a beat when he said that and it took me a bit to process what he asked. I decided to put my tablet aside since I had a very good idea where I was in taming him. I gave him a smile then clicked my tongue for him to come over and cuddle with me as the little spoon.

Mika-You liked cuddling and your massage, didn't you? ~

(Y/N)-... Just a little. *mumble*

I giggled a little at this and nuzzled my head on top of him. I'll leave the lights on tonight to make sure he feels as safe and comfortable as possible. Before I rubbed his back, I reached for my tablet and recorded this to show Christa later. Soon, he won't be needing his mittens anymore. Today was a good day for him.

(Christa's POV)

Christa-Just one more picture in your pajamas then it's off to bed. ~


Angel lied back on his little bouncer and looked adorable in the puppy pajamas I got for him. He even had his collar on with his tag and with this last picture, I called it a night and took him to his little rocking crib in my room. I doubled check some things before I go to bed myself. I had a bottle ready for when he gets hungry, a diaper ready at the changing station with baby powder next to it, and blockers under his crib to keep him still. Next, I turned on some heartbeat sounds for him then finally closed the top of the crib to make it more like a cage he can't get out of and hurt himself. I know he can't move, but this way, he'll be used to it when he needs it.

Chistra-Mama will be right over there in her bed sweetie. Goodnight. ~

I blew him a little kiss before I turned off the lights and closed my eyes to go to sleep while keeping my ears open for any crying. Instead, I only heard snoring not even an hour later.

Christa's mind-Good boy. ~

(Jessie's POV)

All the humans were being rounded up and from our ambush, not one human escaped. We caught the 2 adults reported for abusing their daughter and there were 10 other bad adults as well as 16 awful children and teens. We found this out from a few other humans who said they were being mistreated and bullied by these people. The few good humans are being taken to the pet store right now while the rest will be decided what their fate is. As for the toddler I found earlier, he was still sleeping in my pouch and he felt warm in there. I opened my pouch a little to peek at him and he looked so peaceful sleeping.


A smile curved on my face a little until...


This made the poor thing stir then I looked at who yelled and I saw a lion defending an adult male from a coyote.

Coyote-He was about to run!

Lion-I saw you bare your teeth at him!

Coyote-... You don't know what he did before! He should be going with the slaves! He's wearing a symbol of a company that dumped waste in the river! He needs to work that off!

Lion-That doesn't mean you try to bite him!



I looked down and the toddler was getting scared from all this yelling and that growl. This was also pushing the more sensitive children to the edge from this coyote getting way out of line. The two were about to fight, but the coyote suddenly lunged for the male with his mouth open then the lion and three wolves pinned him down and bit down on him to make him yip again and again.

???-*Sobbing* *crying*!

When things were over, I only backed away from the scene and many of us were burdened by this sight and couldn't look away, but this little boy in my pouch didn't see a thing. I just moved out of the area with him when some of the bigger animals started to pull on the cages to get these humans where they need to go. Some of the bad ones didn't even look phased and dare to say that they looked a little happy the coyote was killed. I turned my attention back to the boy and put my paws around my belly to support him while I bounced gently with him.

Jessie-Easy now little guy. It's over. You're ok. ~

He only kept on crying, but nuzzled into me and I looked at some of the adults that are soon to be pets, comforting the children with them. When we made it back to town, I went with the pet group to drop this little guy off and we got to ride in the back of a truck, so it didn't take long. While I sat down, the toddler poked his head out and showed me his pink and puffy eyes then others looked at us.

Bear-He yours?

Jessie-No, I just found him before we found the camp.

Cat-You seem close to him. He was in your pouch.

Wolf-Can I see him?

I tried to lift him up to lay him against the male wolf, but he started to get fussy and held on to me tighter. I kept it up a little which made him scream, so I stopped and let him just stay on me.


Cat-Awwww, they imprinted on you. ~

Everyone just looked at me and I was not one for mushy and soft moments, so I looked at the kid.

Jessie-No. Remember, little guy? You called me a roo.

???-R-... Roo... Mama-roo!

The awe and chuckles I got from everyone back here with me made me sigh then the kid crawled out of my pouch some more to lay on my chest. When we finally made it to the pet store, I took the kid to the kennels and tried to put him in one with an adult to keep him company, but he just would not let go and cried and screamed again.

Jessie-Kid, we just met tonight. You can't be getting attached this much that quickly.


Everyone was looking at this kid and he just gave me the saddest puppy eyes that made me feel crushing guilt in my heart from doing this. I put a kid in a kennel before to help unload the new pets when this all started, but they never clung to me before. Soon, I gave up and slid him into my pouch to calm him down and he nuzzled into me.

Jessie-*Sigh* Fine... You win.

I just hopped out of the kennel room with him and someone at the desk saw this and had papers out with a smug smile on their face. I just poked the head of this kid out and showed him.

Jessie-Do we have a file on this kid from the orphanage some of these adults looked at?

Snake-Fill thessse out while I take a look.

I got a pen and bounced in place a little to help comfort this kid while I waited to get his name, but when I was done signing the papers...

Snake-No file on him... He does seem to be very young, so maybe you can give him a new name if you want to.

Jessie-Can I fill in the name after some shopping?

Snake-Of coursssse. Take your time.

I just hopped out in the store and from the lack of a lot of animals in these areas, aside from a few shoppers, it was fairly quiet. My bouncing around also seemed to lure him back to sleep because I could hear him snoring a little. I just got some toys for him, restraint gloves, a pet bed, his cage, 3 outfits that looked to be his size, and after I picked out his collar that matched his gloves and leash, I thought of a cute little name for him.


Jessie's mind-So you like it in my pouch, huh?... I'm gonna call you 'my little Joey'. ~


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