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((D/N)'s POV)

My head felt fuzzy after coming back home from an office party last night, but I don't know who helped me get home after being drunk. Everything after leaving the building to get to the garage is all fuzzy. I felt cold, but I also smelled something... it smelled like metal and when I opened my eyes a bit, I shot them open the rest of the way. I saw that I was almost naked with only my boxers in a run-down hallway with broken glass, barbwire, and rusty nails all over the floor, except for on this rusty metal slab that was bolted to the ground. I felt something tied to my leg and it made me scream and flinch which made a string get pulled from my ankle then I saw that I had no shoes on either and those were brand new custom-made shoes. I heard something. I yanked on the string until the string came loose and saw it lead into a hole in the wall before I heard and smelled something... Gas. I saw a timer turn on at the end of this long hallway that started to count down from five minutes and thirty seconds. A mounted and old T.V. turned on behind me and when I turned I saw a killer that was supposed to be dead a long time ago.


Jigsaw-Hello (D/N)... I wanna play a game. For years, you walked over people both on and off work simply for being a CEO and ruined countless lives to gain more wealth and status from broken promises and lies. Today is your chance for your awakening or your doom. There is a gas leaking into this concrete hallway and the way out is simply at the end of the path of redemption. The feet you used to walk all over people will suffer the most.

I looked at the end of the hallway and saw a light coming from outside and the timer now said five minutes and fifteen seconds.

Jigsaw-When the message is done, the timer will reach five minutes, and when that timer reaches zero, a steel door will drop where Flint will be awaiting to provide the spark to set this hallway a blaze and everything in it, including you and your sins... Live or die. The choice... is yours.

The T.V. turned off and I screamed and the smell of gas only got stronger. I screamed and walked around on the small metal platform I was on then tried to push the broken glass and stuff aside, but this wasted ten seconds and it's a long hallway. This would take too long and I had to get moving, but when I stepped on my toes to a spot I thought was safe there were glass fragments that made me wince in pain and bring my heels down on all sorts of stuff to cut up the bottom of my feet.


My weight increased the pain when I lost balance, but I didn't let myself fall or take another step until I was ready. My feet are both in so much and bleeding now. It took me a whole minute to take another step and this time I did fall from the pain, right on to loose nails, broken glass, and barbwire.


I tried to get up, but moving with this pain was impossible for me, and by the time I looked up, the timer was at one minute and twelve seconds. Fear filled my body and made me get up then made me see that I was not even halfway done with this shit.


Nothing happened except for the timer still counting down. There is no way, I'm making it through this fucked up game from a serial killer that died when I was a teenager. This has to be another copycat that has something personal with me.


I kept on making offers, each greater than the last until the timer reached ten seconds.


It felt like an instant when the timer hit zero and the door dropped and showed me four sparks at the same time. Fire followed and lit up the whole room... It felt so hot that I saw my skin blister and pop.


(No POV)

Someone watched from the camera in another hallway to only see the door drop and the screaming that came from behind it on the scream.

???-... Game over.

(Timeskip 4 Days)

((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

We just got back from my dad's funeral and I was with my aunt at home, but she always reminded me that I was only adopted when I was a baby. She jokes about it, but it gets really annoying. I went straight to my room, but I didn't feel that sad because my dad only takes me to stages and stuff where cameras and people are to let me have fun or keeps me at home with my toys and stuff while he's at his bigger house. My aunt came into my room drinking a cup of wine and smiled at me.


Crissy-Hey sweetie. I'm gonna be gone more often now that I have to take over the company, but I got you something... A nanny and she's a nice person... Come in and say hi.

She walked into my room then another lady walked into my room and she smiled at me.


???-Well hello there, little man. I'm Carly... May I know your name? ~

She put her hands on her knees and smiled a little bigger to show her white teeth.


Carly-I'm gonna be here to take care of you from now on. Sound good?

(Y/N)-I guess.

My dad and aunt didn't like it when I talked about or did not agree with them on some stuff, but maybe she won't try to make me do 7th-grade math and stuff.

Crissy-I'm going to head out now and leave you two to start bonding.

She left, so it was just Carly and I now. I felt nervous about new people, but I couldn't do anything to get away from them without getting in trouble. At least I don't have to put on a fake smile at big things anymore... Maybe. When the door closed, Carly just rubbed my head a little before she left my room.

(Carly's POV)

I left the kid alone in his room since he just got back from a funeral, but he didn't look too torn up about it, and neither did his aunt. I just went to my new room and found a paper with instructions and schedules for (Y/N), but I just tossed it aside. I thought I would be in the big ass mansion, but it was just a good-sized 4-bedroom house that was like a shack compared to the real thing I was expecting when I took this job.

Carly's mind-Unbelievable. A house just for the caretaker and kid.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

They had to have a stash of money here or something valuable for me to use for quick cash. I just gave the boy a sandwich to eat earlier before he went to a room to do his middle school-level homework, even when he was just old enough to be a 1st grader. While I was searching in the basement, I smelled something... It smelled funny and I have no idea what it was, but soon I started to feel dizzy and fell on a box full of papers. I tried my best to stay awake and call 911 for help, but the service was not working to make a call.


I tried crawling up the stairs to see if he had anything to do with this, but when I just made it to the stairs and felt too weak to go on, the door up the stairs opened and I saw someone before I blacked out.



I started to wake up to someone already screaming and I shot my eyes open in a panic before I saw that it was my employer Crissy who hired me, yelling at the walls.


I got up but then noticed my neck had a chain on it and so did hers. The chains were linked together to a pole in the middle of the room. Crissy finally stopped screaming when a T.V. on the wall turned on to show static and showed something that I thought was just a campfire story from one of the last few families I worked for.


Jigsaw-Hello Crissy and Carly... I want to play a game. You both wanted to use a child for your own gain. A sister who wanted to piggyback off her corrupted brother and a woman who planned to rob a family blind yet again. In ten minutes 100 volts will be added to the pole in the middle of the room that your chains and collars are attached to.

Carly's mind-WHAT?!?!?!

I started to yank on my chain to try and break it off, but it would not work then I felt a lock in the back of my collar.

Jigsaw-There is a key that you both have access to, but it comes at a price.

A light turned on and we saw a big glass fish tank with the key on the bottom of it, but there were also a dozen jagged knives in the tank. The tank was bolted to the table and the glass looked super thick.

Jigsaw-Subjecting a neglected child to the very things you two did multiple times is like thorns that cut you, everywhere you move. A current will start and you will just have to catch the key in the forest of knives. Live or die. The choice is yours.

The video ended, only showing a timer, now at nine and a half minutes, so we ran to the tank when the key started to move around. There was ice at the top of the and I cut myself trying to move it out of the and now it was a little hard to move my fingers from how cold they were.

Crissy-Hurry up! Get the key!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke on a soft bed, but the room looked a little dark and the window had boards nailed over it. I just remember smelling something weird and falling asleep while doing homework. I felt nervous and scared now, but I got out of bed and tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door a bit and felt a little scared to talk without being talked to, but...

(Y/N)-H-Hello... Is someone out there?!

I kept on knocking on the door and just when I was about to cry, a girl opened the door and walked in.


???-Hey there... You didn't touch your food. Are you hungry?

She pointed behind me and saw a cheeseburger with some fries on a plate. I did feel hungry, but I didn't want to eat right now. I can get in trouble if I eat off schedule.

???-Poor thing... They all treated you so badly. It's OK to eat. There's no schedule here and you can speak freely.

I didn't know if she was lying or not, but I did go to eat the cheeseburger and watched him while I ate. She only smiled a little at me before she stood up and sat on a chair in the corner of the room to watch me eat my food. I finished my food like how Crissy taught me, but I never looked away from her.

???-My name is Miley. I know your name is (Y/N).

(Y/N)-How do you know my name?

Miley-I know a lot about you and every else about your family and that new nanny of yours. Like how they abused and neglected you, and how they used you to look good to others... You know how they make you smile as much as them and sometimes they lie.

I nodded my head a little and felt like I was going to get hit, so I stepped back a little bit.

Miley-Relax, I'm not here to hurt you... I'm here to help you and give you something they took from you.


She got up and walked up to me before she bent down to pet my head before she picked me up. Nobody ever picked me up unless they were mad and taking me to my room or somewhere private to be put in timeout, but she held me nice and gentle.

Miley-Justice. A reason to be thankful for living... Your family is not very thankful and takes things for granted, but you... You were never given a chance, just like me.

She sat on my bed with me and then looked into my eyes.

Miley-I wanna play a game.

(Crissy's POV)

Carly was on the ground, screaming and bleeding which meant I had to put my hands in to get the moving key with only thirty seconds left. I stuck my hands in the freezing cold water with blades wielded inside and cut my hands and forearms a couple of times before I heard a buzzing then my whole body acted like it was screaming since I couldn't actually scream, but then I grabbed the key when the currents turned off. I tried to get this chain off me while I felt the voltage go up and just barely got the chain off me then fell to the ground with foam coming out of my mouth. I started to slowly black out and worried if I was going to wake up or not.

(Miley's POV)

I gave (Y/N) a kiss before I left him locked in his room to make sure he couldn't leave if he wanted to try and go back to his awful family. I made it to my monitor room where I keep old computers and went over the footage. Carly for sure lost the game, but Crissy might be alive, so I will give her a day or so. I just turned off the monitors before I left the room.

Miley's mind-Game over... As for you (Y/N), our game has just begun. ~


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