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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to sleep, but when I heard a door open I just sat up in my cage to wait for Loona to come in. I just heard noises outside the room and it sounded like metal and stuff. I just kept my mouth shut and hope it was just a lot of keys. Loona walked into the room and I saw that she had her hands behind her back and then used one hand to unlock and open the cage for me. She had a bit of a smile when she showed me what she was hiding behind her back... She had a metal collar.


She motioned for me to come over to her and when I did, she clipped this new collar off after taking my old one off. She only took the bell off the old collar and put it on this one. She carried me out of my cage and put on on her bed before she swung a small key in front of me and then put it in her bra. I felt the collar and found a small hole under the ring... A keyhole.

Loona-Now, for your punishment.

I just closed my eyes and got ready to be hit, but all that happened was that she put the leash back on the collar to pull on me. I opened my eyes to follow her out of her room and wondered what she was going to do to me then. She pushed me onto my knees then got two belts to keep them bent and all I could stand on now was my knees until I fell on my hands.

Loona-*Chuckles* Sit.

I sat on my knees since that's all I could sit on now and she held a cookie right over me. I can't reach it like this.

Loona-I want you to beg for it.


Loona-Like a dog.

(Millie's POV)

I told Moxxie to get started on dinner while I went to pick up my baby with Blitz. My heart was racing faster and faster the closer we got to his house and when we finally made it, I jumped out the window of the van while Blitz went to go park. I used the fire escape to climb up faster, but when I made it to Blitz's apartment, the window was boarded up. Someone broke it, so I climbed over to a different window to sneak in through Loona's room and then heard someone was whimpering. I ran to see my baby in a dog collar, a leash, his legs were strapped to stay bent, keeping him on his knees, and Loona had him begging for a cookie like a dog!


I just rushed to my baby and snatched him away and they both looked surprised to see me.

Millie-I leave you alone with my baby and you put him in a fucking collar?!

Loona-Are you supposed to be working?!

Millie-We finished!

I turned my baby away and used my knife to cut him loose of the leash and those belts before I tried to get the collar off him, but it won't budge. I saw that I needed a key to unlock this collar, so I glared daggers at Loona.

Millie-Unlock it, 'now'.

Loona-*Tch* Here.

She reached into her bra and pulled out a key before she tossed it to me, but the damn thing would not work. This is not the right key and I threw it back at her.


Loona-I did.

She gave me a smug smile and I was inches from cutting this bitch open, but she got saved when Blitz opened the door and walked in.


Blitz-Loona, I'm home!... What's going in here?

(Octavia's POV)


I heard my parents fighting again from some imps being over here, so I just put my earbuds in to drown out the noise. This is all becoming a new normal. I was starting to miss my mom's constant trash talk and talks about her expectations never being met by anyone. When things calm down out there, I might just go out for a drive to clear my head of all this shit. My home used to feel like a home for me at least, but now shit is hitting the fan and I just want it to stop! After a few songs, I took my earbuds out for a moment to hear things were finally over, so I left my room and went to where the limo was. An imp saw me coming and got into the driver's seat while I got in the back.

Imp-Where to today?

Octavia-Just... drive around for while. They started the car and rolled up the window to leave me alone. I just went on my Sinstagram and took a selfie of me back here.


Octavia's post-Out for a drive while my home goes through some shit. #sad #homelifesucks #parents

I posted it then looked out the window and what I saw was almost no different from home. People yelling at someone else, looking miserable or stuck or both, even the kids went at it with each other. I just looked away from the window and curled with my head in my knees.

Octavia's mind-Isn't anyone truly happy in this fucking hellhole?! Why did I have to be born already doomed to be miserable?!

There has to be some good demons down here and places they go to. I can't take this anymore already and it all started to come to me when my dad slept with an imp! Tears started to pour out of my eyes and I just wished I had even a glimmer of light back in my life. When I looked back out the window I saw a hotel, so I pressed a button to tell the driver to pull over then got out to go check in to a room for a night to not hear any more screaming. When I got up to my room I just sat in a chair to look out into the city and saw the bad neighborhood where I bet that homewrecker lives. I even saw him in a fucking commercial someone posted about on Sinstagram and he talked about what his business does and got me thinking.

Octavia-World of the living... I bet there has to be some decent people up there if not all get sent down here.

What I wouldn't give to at least talk to a good person that won't judge or beg for money after... That dickhead has to have the book. Maybe I can sneak in tomorrow to try and find the portal spell to the living world and take a picture of it.

Octavia's mind-I could have a place to go to when I need a break from here.

(Moxxie's POV)

Millie has been super pissed, ever since she got back home with (Y/N) since Loona locked a collar on him. The bell on the collar made Millie angrier every single time it jingled, and it got to a point that you could see red in her eyes while we both tried to break it open. We both tried pulling it, cutting it with bolt cutters, and picking the lock... In hindsight, we should have done the order the other way, but this thing didn't even have a scratch on it.


Moxxie-Millie, this thing is not coming off without the key.

She shot a glare at me and pulled (Y/N) into her embrace. He looked nervous while I was terrified and can't believe I just let those words slip out. Now I had a feeling that our day off tomorrow and the day after are going to be spent trying to make her less angry with me.

Moxxie-Um, what I meant to say was... Loona has to have the key.

Millie-I know that.

Moxxie-But if it wasn't at her home then maybe she hid it at work. She would want to take the collar off sometimes, but have the key hidden somewhere in the last place we would think to look.

She suddenly grabbed me into a bone-crushing hug and I could not breathe while she looked so happy, she started to bounce in place.

Millie-That's it! It has to be at the office if it's not with her!

Moxxie-Can't... breath. *cough* *cough*

(Timeskip Tomorrow Morning)

(Octavia's POV)

After I had some breakfast, I talked to my dad over the phone and he wondered where I was, so I told him I was just at a hotel, but not that I was going to some shitty town to get his book. When I made it to the building I felt happy, knowing I was so close to getting what I wanted, but then I saw an imp already holding a human child and acted like she was trying to hide him when nobody else was around right now.


Octavia's mind-A human child is here? They could get in so much trouble for that if my dad or even Lucifer himself finds out.

I got one last good look at the child and he had (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, (S/C) skin... He did look really cute.

Octavia-On second thought... Why go to the human world when I have one here?

I know a simple spell that wasn't really good since my dad kept me on training wheels for this shit, but it should do the job for the time being.

(Millie's POV)

I had my baby wait in the meeting room while I looked around Loona's desk and if I were to guess, the key should be in her locked drawer. Nothing that I can't pick and when I got it open in under 30 seconds, I mostly found cigarette packs, magazines, and extra chargers. Besides all of that, it looks like Moxxie was right because I saw and grabbed the key.

Millie-Fuck yeah!

Before I could go get my baby, I saw the door open and they looked a little familiar, but I shrugged it off.


Millie-We're closed. You want some prick dead, we're open on Monday.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she shot them open in a flash and I just felt so light-headed and blacked out before I could hit the floor.

(Octavia's POV)

I walked over to the imp and nudged them a little with my foot to see that they were still breathing, but my attention turned to the key. I just picked it up and put it on the desk then moved the imp to a couch before I started to look around for that human. Soon, I found them in a board room and they flinched a little when they saw me and backed up a few steps. I finally noticed a collar on him now that I was closer and wondered if he needed that to stay here.

Octavia-Um... Hello.

This already felt awkward because I never really talk to much people in person. I guess I should start with a simple introduction.

Octavia-My name is Octavia... Do you have a name?

???-... (Y/N)... Where's Millie?

Octavia-She's sleeping.

He looked even more nervous and when I took a few steps into the room he jumped a little, even though we were not even close to each other.

Octavia-Hey, it's ok. I just want to talk. Just, come here for a moment.

He looked scared as he slowly walked up to me and with his collar shimmering a little from the light in here, it did look adorable. When he got close enough, I touched his arm, and even when he flinched, he didn't step back. I had to be gentle with him and it was like petting an animal that you didn't have to have guards beat and assert dominance to make them obey.

Octavia-See, I'm not here to hurt you.

I thought about how these imps must've kidnapped him and put him in a collar and how I was now 98% that this was illegal... I just sat down with him on my lap and looked up this situation and this is punished severely unless given special permission... I bet that doesn't happen often since I never saw a human here before, but I don't think they have special permission. I wondered what they might do to him because if he gets caught, they can't just let him go without risking exposing our world... I might get permission from my dad since he's an overlord, so he'll be safer with me.

Octavia's mind-This is just... bringing him somewhere safe.

I got up and held him in my arms and he felt so light in my arms and looked so cute when he looked at me and blushed like this.

(Y/N)-U-Um... Can you p-p-put me down, please?

He sounded scared and the fear is shown in his eyes, so the drive home will just be so cruel... If he were awake.

Octavia-Sorry, but it's not safe for you here. I can keep you safe and... give you a better life of a pet.

He looked confused and I just casted the same spell as I did before and he fell asleep in my arms. I played with the bell on his collar a little before I grabbed a blanket in here to cover him up. I started to walk out of the office with him. I called the limo and told them where I was then they came to pick me up. When I got in the driver rolled down the window and only saw the blanket, but not the human underneath.

Imp-Where to now, your highness?

Octavia-Home... Call my dad for me and tell him that I'm bringing home a guest.

He rolled up the window and I just lifted the blanket a little to see (Y/N)'s cute little face and I poked his nose. I wondered how many humans like being treated as pets, but I should ask if he wants the collar to stay on or not when he wakes up.

(No POV)

A while after Octavia left with (Y/N) to go home, a pink car pulled up in the parking lot that said "Suck 4 Life".

???-*Sigh* Let's get this week started.


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