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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to still being held by Loona while she was asleep and it was hard to tell if it was night or not, but I did hear a knock at the door. Loona only groaned and held me tighter while still sleeping. I thought of trying to get away, but if she's a doggy then she can smell where I am and just get mad, so I need that book first. Later when she finally woke up, she licked my cheek then went from my chin to the top of my ear 3 times and I tried to lean away from her.

Loona-*Growl* Hold. Still.

She kept on licking me until my face was soaked then she sat up in her bed then smiled down at me. When she got out of bed she put the leash back on my collar and then tugged it a little to make me follow her out of her room. We went to the bathroom and she closed the door before she turned on the water in the bath and got her clothes off, so I closed my eyes, but then she took my collar and then shirt off...

(Y/N)'s mind-Is she going to make me take a bath with her?!

I tried to stop her, but when I tugged back to fight her a little I felt her breath on my face.

Loona-You are getting in this shower, 'now'.

This made me think of my dad when he gets angry and chased me out of the house with a bat when he got super angry. She was an evil dog with sharp teeth and faster, so she could do more, so I let go and let her do anything to keep her from getting mad and hurting me.

(Loona's POV)

His body was shaking like a leaf, but at least he stopped fighting me about this bath. I may have issues, but I'm not one of those sickos outside that loves to fuck kids, so he can count himself lucky for that. I got in the bath with him before I closed the curtain and turned on the shower then started washing him and he made an attempt to reach for the bar of soap, but when he looked back to me all by himself he pulled his hand back. Looks like he's smart enough to know that if I want to give him a bath, 'I' will give him a bath. When I was finished with him, I started to wash myself, but while my eyes were closed I heard the curtain open a bit, telling me that he was trying to get out.

Loona-If I open my eyes and you are not still in this shower, I'm going to be mad!

(Y/N)-But I'm all done and-.


He closed the curtain and sat down while I continued washing my hair and face then I kept an eye on him for the rest of the shower while he looked at the ground. When I finished washing my body and tail, I turned off the water and took him out with me to dry him off and he stood still the entire time. I was surprised at how obedient he was being, but given how shitty his dad probably was, he doesn't have much balls to stand up to anyone. The first thing I did when he was dry was put his collar back on before we went to my room to get dressed.

Loona-When you're dressed, we're going to start teaching you tricks.

(Y/N)-L-Like what?

Loona-Whatever the hell I tell you.

(Blitz's POV)

Millie fucking lost her shit last night after the 34th target was killed and we decided to rest for the night... Only she did not rest and made sure we didn't either. I was still tied to the tree while Millie was passed out on Moxxie, and I have seen some weird shit during angry sex and got off it at times, but last night...

(Flashback Start)





(Flashback End)

Over the sounds of the crickets and other noises by nature up here, I could still hear the pounding and screaming in my head. The things I saw that I didn't even think they could or would do... She looked me in the eye... She made him look me in the eye... They made Stolas look like he was gentle with me. When Millie woke up, she jumped in a river to wash herself off before she dried off and got dressed. I moved my foot and tail a little which made me flinch a little.



Blitz-M-Morning Mills... Mind untying your boss, so we can get a head start on the day?

She came over and cut me loose then started to walk away.

Millie-Moxxie is not feeling well. He's taking the day off.

I did not argue when I saw Moxxie try to get up, but the best he could do was slowly crawl.

Blitz's mind-I do 'not' want to get on her bad side today... Maybe some more killing will take the edge off her.

(Millie's POV)

My blood boiled more than it ever did and last night did not help at all. I just want my baby back in my arms, so I looked at the list and the fucking thing was still touching the ground. Last night when the boys wanted to 'set up camp'... They both got what they deserved and if Blitz says so much as 'Let's take a short break' or anything like that, he's next and I will be extra strict with him.

Blitz-Who's on the list today?

Millie-Some junkie fuck that lives in a homeless camp by a creek under a bridge.

Blitz-Who exactly? We can't waste bullets... Eh, fuck it. Just kill them all.


I thought about my baby on the way to the next target and hopefully, other targets are there, so we can cross more off this fucking list. If not then I'm just gonna could them for the people we don't find because tonight, I am finishing this fucking list and taking my baby home with me.

Millie's mind-You better be treating him well Loona. If he misses even one meal, so help me Satan!

This was going to take too long, but then I got an idea.

Millie-Are all the targets in this area?

Blitz-Just gang members and witnesses.

Millie-... Follow me and have your boyfriend on speed dial. We're going home 'today'.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was eating some mac and cheese from a bowl on the floor with my mouth while Loona petted my head. It did taste good and this was the first time not having leftovers or fast, but this just felt so embarrassing. When I was done eating, I went back to her side and laid my head in her lap, like she wanted.

Loona-Go to my room and lay on your pet bed then put your squeaky toy in your mouth.

I was about to get on my feet, but she tapped my head a little.


I slowly went back down on my hands and knees and she followed me while recording me on her phone. I got in the bed and picked up the toy with my mouth and stayed in the pet bed. Loona scratched under my chin a little which tickled, but when she stopped...

Loona-I'm gonna go out and get something sweet for us. You be a good boy and stay in my room. Just to be sure you don't leave.

She turned me around and tied my hands behind my back with the leash before she laid me back down and put a blanket over me.

Loona-Now stay.

I think if I move and the blanket comes off, I can't get it back on and she'll know I moved. She licked my face some more before she put a picture in a frame of herself in front of me then left, closing the door. When minutes went by I moved a little in the bed and then thought that maybe I have time to get to that building and get the book. Something can also cut me free then I looked around and I see a broken mirror. I got up, dropped the toy, and ran to it, but when I ran up to it and turned around... the broken part was just wood to make it look broken. I thought I could wiggle the blanket back onto me, but when I saw something behind the picture frame of Loona... It was a camera. My heart sank when the door opened slowly then Loona walked inside and glared at me.


Loona-And you were doing so well.


Loona-Come here... Now.

She looked mad when I walked up to her with my arms behind my back and when she moved, I thought she was going to hit me really hard... She only walked up to her bed then pulled something out from under it and unfolded it to set it up... She opened a cage for me and glared at me.


Loona-Get in.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please, I'm sorry! I won't-!

She snapped her fingers like my dad's girlfriends did when they were angry, so I stopped talking and hurried to get in the cage. She closed and locked the doors of the cage by putting on key locks.

Loona-When I come back, you better be ready for punishment.

She pointed the camera and picture at me again before she left with the door open this time then I heard the front door open and close. I started to cry, thinking of what she might do to me when she comes back to hurt me.

(Loona's POV)

That client that tried to kill himself gave Blitz security cameras as an extra thanks for 'reuniting them' and I'm glad I stole a spare from the office to hide in my room or he would've kept on trying to run away. I'm not going to hurt him, but the fear I put in him was enough to make him cry and think about what he's done... Maybe I might give him some 'real' humiliating commands when I get back home from the store. On the way, I bumped into someone, but I didn't bother looking and kept on walking.

(No POV)


Vortex smelled something he knew very well off Loona as she walked by, looking at her phone. He sniffed the trail a little since it smelled too fresh then looked at Loona's apartment... A scent of a human, but he shrugged it off since he knew that she worked for hitmen. He just headed on his way to work to see where his boss we going to rent out office space again for some hippie festival.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Blitz's POV)

Millie was finally in a good mood again... After setting fire to fuel lines and ending up scorching an entire neighborhood and we only had 2 targets left. She was practically skipping back to camp to get her husband she pegged without mercy last night. This was a weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing this job was almost done, and feeling like I dodged a bullet... She was eyeing me when I tried to give orders right before the fire.

Blitz's mind-She wouldn't peg me like Mox... Right?


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