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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all just getting out of the bath and getting ready for bed, but I still thought of everything that happened today. Dad came to visit while I was sleeping, cops are still out and even did another search, so the girls went to our private beach spot to hide until I pushed a button to call Wanda back, I'm going to be doing online school now, and that USB dad gave me started to leak out electricity, so Maddie is keeping it in her room. Mom took me to my room with Wanda to get me dressed for bed and when Wanda and I were alone, she wanted me to do 'our secret thing'.

(Y/N)-Poof, poof.

Wanda-Open. ~

I opened my mouth and she put a sippy cup of milk in my mouth for me to drink while my head was resting on her chest and she held me against her. She started to rub my head while I drank the milk and it was making me a little tired. She rubbed my eyes a little to close them and pulled the blanket over us. With her heartbeat, this milk, her soft touches, and now she started to hum a song to me.


Wanda-*Shhhh* Just rest now. Let mommy hold you. ~

She went back to humming her song and it's going to feel weird not going to school tomorrow, but I should be able to get on the computer. I just wanted to tell her to not do my homework for me, but I don't want to hurt her feelings later. Soon I just fell asleep on her and the last thing I felt was her kissing my head.

(Penelope's POV)

I just woke up from a crazy dream about the ghost zone falling apart with static and stuff all over the place, but now I have a headache from it. I just wanted to get some water, but when I opened my eyes... everything looked weird. I tried getting up, but felt a little dizzy and weak then I heard something.

???-Well, she's awake. Finally.

I quickly turned to see 4 women that I have never seen before in the ghost zone or in the human world.


I quickly reacted by using my telekinesis to trough a big slab of broken concrete at the woman in lingerie with pale skin, but her hair moved and acted as a whip to destroy it.

???-Watch the hair and calm down!

Penelope-Who are you?! What sort of ghost are you?!

???-Ghost? Do I look like a ghost to you?!

She wrapped her hair around me, but I became tangible and flew up then the lady that looked like a Greek goddess smirked before the ceiling came down on only me and pinned me down. I lost focus for a moment thanks to a hit on my head, so I couldn't become tangible right now.

???-If you two are done, let's try to find out what we're doing here.

???-Who died and made you the boss or even made us a team?!

???-I happen to be a Goddess of chaos and your name sounds like a cheap rip-off of a monster from my culture.

???-Better than the blue one with the word 'anti' before her name and got the rest from someone else!

Penelope-What?! Is?! GOING ON?!?!?!

They all looked at me then the biggest woman with a cat hat or something and made the second tallest in the room only reach her chest came over and lifted the rubble off me.

???-My name, Susan... Your name?

I just got up and looked around a bit in frustration with a lack of answer to 'everything', so I decided to go along with this, for now.

Penelope-Penelope Spectra.

???-Well Penelope, I'm the Goddess of chaos Eris.

???-Howdy! Name is Anti Wanda!

She sounded like an offensive redneck, cowgirl.

???-I'm Sedusa.

Eris-Now, tell us 'exactly' what you remember last. So far we all have one common thread in our stories.

I started at a few hours before the static stuff happened, not that many of them cared, but I got characteristics from some of them I could peg... Susan and Anti-Wanda seem to be so stupid, the Box Ghost could outsmart them. The other two just seemed annoyed by the extra parts of the story and I fed off the misery a little without them knowing. They all told me their stories too and all of them ended with that T.V. static stuff crumbling their world until they passed out and woke up here.

Penelope's mind-Interesting... But if a ghost from my world didn't destroy our worlds or brought us to wherever 'here' is... Then who?

Sedusa-Congratulations everyone, we still have no idea what really happened.

Eris-Well, I don't see you having any room to talk.

Susan-Magic brought Susan and friends here. Find the one who hurt our homes and they take us back.

Ok, so maybe she wasn't as stupid as I thought, but her speech needs a lot of work or at least, stop referring to herself as a third person. The only problem is...

Penelope-It's not a bad idea, but how can we find who or what did this?

Eris-Blue thing, did you say you grant wishes?

Anti Wanda-Darn tootin!

Eris-Then grant my wish and bring the cursed thing here!

Anti Wanda-Can't do that.

Sedusa-Why not?

Anti Wanda-Don't know what it is and I guess I used up what little magic I had until I get it back.

Eris-What did you use it on?!

She flew over to a huge slab of concrete and pulled out a bag and let it go to reveal...

Anti Wanda-Who wants sandwiches?!

Susan-Susan is hungry.

Those 2 morons just ate without a care in the world and if I had the slightest clue how to solve this on my own, I would be blasting those idiots until there was nothing, but ash.

Eris-How long is it going to take for you to get your magic back?!

Anti Wanda-Duuuuhhhh... I don't know. Never had this problem before.

Just then she waved her wand and made a jar of honey mustard appear in her hand to add to her sandwich. I just slammed my hand into my face to cope with this and collected myself.

Penelope-Stop. Using. Magic! We need it to help us find a way home!

Anti Wanda-What about lunch?

Penelope-That's it!

(Eris's POV)

Penelope flew up in the air and started firing blasts at Anti Wanda and instead of trying to reason with a hopeless moron on Billy's level, I tried to think of a different plan. I was used to thinking in chaotic situations, so this even helped me think... It hit me. Penelope is a powerful 'ghost', Anti Wanda is an idiot, but loves bad luck and mayhem like the rest of her kind, Susan is trying to stop the fighting, but I know of a way to get her to do what I want, and Sedusa is a villain that can fight too. By the time Susan caught Anti Wanda to protect her 'friend', a grin curved onto my face.


This got everyone's attention and stopped all the fighting.

Eris-We all want the same thing and it's clear none of us know, yet. So I say until we find it, we do what we do best and tear this place apart until we do!

They all looked at each other, but Susan looked nervous then Penelope took this chance to blast Anti Wanda right out of her hands and she skid 8 feet across the floor from the sudden attack.

Susan-Susan does not want to hurt good people. Finn and other friends will not like Susan doing that.

Eris-When I said 'tear this place apart', I meant just rip things open and stuff until you find out who or what we are looking for then we meet back here. Isn't that ladies?

I gave them a look and hoped that they were smart enough to catch on and two of them were able to.

Sedusa-Of course, but defending ourselves is important.

Penelope-And helping a friend fight is a good thing to do too.

Anti Wanda-I thought we was destroying the-.

Penelope blasted her again and this time, sent her flying into the wall. Susan thought about it and it was clear that she was a goody two shoes, but like most with a kind heart, she was a sucker and smiled as she nodded.

Susan-Will we search in the morning?

Eris-*Chuckles* Why wait?

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Debbie had me wrapped up in a blanket still since I said it was too cold to get out of bed for breakfast and I didn't need to go anywhere. I was warm, but I couldn't move while she fed me the waffles Mom and Drew made. Mom even made that sweet milk again she gave me that one time when we had cookies that I liked. I asked if she put sugar in it, but she said, 'I just put my love into it'. After breakfast we heard an alarm on the T.V. as well as one out, so we went to the living room and...

T.V.-This is not a drill. A sudden tornado is hurling down directly on the town. We erg all residents to evacuate immediately.

The T.V. alarm kept on talking while Wanda ruled her eyes then looked outside the window before she raised her wand to make a poofing sound, but then looked tired. I was a little scared still, even after she took care of it, but it didn't look like there would be a tornado at all today. The T.V. went back to the news and there was already breaking news about all teenagers and teachers at a high school here all suddenly collapsed and came down with really bad depression at the same time.

(Y/N)'s mind-What's going on?

Reporter-Chris, the sudden tornado seemed to have stopped before it could fully form and cause any damage. We are here at the town's High School where many teenagers and staff all collapsed at the same time just an hour ago and caused a bus driver to crash. Here with us now is the driver, claiming he saw something.

The camera changed and we saw a man in the back of the ambulance, just looking at the ceiling.

Man-It looked like a cardboard cut out of a cartoon my kids used to watch... I don't know, maybe I was just seeing things.

Reporter-Could you offer me more details on-?

Woman-LOOK OUT!!!

The camera turned and the camera was sent flying to the roof and I think I saw something, but not sure since it was not even a second that I saw whatever threw the camera person. Drew just changed the channel to a cartoon and Debbie sat down with me on the couch, still wrapped in a blanket.

(Y/N)-Are they going to be ok?

Debbie-Don't worry about it, sweetie. Just think about your first day of online school in a few days.


Debbie-I think it's bath time. How about it'll just be you and me this time? The girls had to do a couple of things... Right?

She looked at the others and I think they all agreed when Debbie started to take me for a bath, but I still had a bad feeling. During the bath, Debbie kept me in her lap and turned on the water even more than it already was which just made it louder. She washed herself first while I splashed around, but I really wanted to go outside and see if more cartoon people came here. They might just be scared and confused if they are like the others here and I can just find room for them here. I don't think they will let me go outside if they think it's dangerous and it'll be really hard to sneak out... Unless.

(Debbie's POV)

I just finished washing myself and turned to (Y/N), but he was slouching over the edge while holding his belly a little and when I walked up to him, he looked kind of gloomy.

Debbie-Sweetie, are you ok?

(Y/N)-I don't feel good.

I felt his forehead, but he wasn't running a fever, so I felt around him for signs of bloating.

Debbie-Where do you feel sick?

(Y/N)-My tummy.

I couldn't check that, but if he seemed fine before, it might've been something he ate or maybe just caught a bug and didn't say anything. I just gave him a gentle bath to be careful of his stomach then he gagged a little, so I just took him out of the bath to get him dried off. I then got myself dried off and in a towel before I took him directly to his room while the girls were busy elsewhere in the house and put him in bed. I got some comfortable clothes to dress him in, like basketball shorts, some warm long socks, and a t-shirt. He did look cute and sporty, but I covered him up in a blanket.

Debbie-Wait right here. I'm gonna see if we have medicine for you or get some from Wanda. ~

I gave him a kiss on his forehead and left his room. I am going to get medicine, but I am also going to check in with Mom and Drew because if they gave our baby any bad food then they have the rest of us to deal with.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was my chance, so I got some shoes on quickly and opened the window before I crawled out to the roof. I did this before and only got hurt twice out of 7 times with my friends, but as long as I land on the soft bush and soft sand, it won't hurt that bad. I jumped off the roof and landed right where I wanted to land and I did have to rub my butt a little to get rid of the pain before I ran off into town.

(Y/N)'s mind-Alright, if I was a cartoon in the real world and didn't come out of my living room T.V., where would I be?

(No POV)

When (Y/N) ran into town to only hear alarms in the distance, someone spotted him and wondered why a child would run towards danger, unless they were trying to 'play hero'. They decided to follow them for now and see if it was worth their time.


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