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((Y/N)'s POV)

Winter was in a bath with me while Weiss went to her room to take a show and change into new clothes. When Winter got me out my clothes were clean, so I got to put them back on then she took my head before we left her room. We walked down a hall and I could see a family painting with Winter and Weiss when they were younger, and they were with their brother, mommy, and daddy... None of them looked really happy in the picture since none of the girls were smiling, only the boys, and Winter and Weiss even looked sad.


(Y/N)-Hey, why do you look sad in this picture? Your mommy and Weiss look sad too.

Winter-... Let's go over a few rules at breakfast and I really need you to follow them.

(Y/N)-Like no elbows on the table and stuff?

Winter-Well yes, but these rules are even more important. Don't answer any questions other than what your name is, don't look at my father or brother, stay in the middle of Weiss and I, and if my father gets mad for any reason we are leaving the dining room immediately.

(Y/N)-W-Will I be in trouble?

Winter-You won't be in trouble. My father is just... a very mean and strict man, but I won't let him do anything bad to you. Just follow the rules I gave you and everything should be ok.


We kept on walking and this house was so big that it was like leaving outside of my house. When we made it to the dining room, it was bigger than my living room at home. The table was super big and had lots of chairs and Weiss was already in there wearing a pretty dress.


(Y/N)-... Pretty.

Weiss-*Giggles* Thank you. I have new clothes coming in later, but I thought this would do for now.

Winter-Let's take our seats. Wiess, I'll go over his rules with you.

We sat at the big table and Winter told Weiss my rules. These rules are starting to make me feel nervous and made me wonder if we can just leave and go somewhere else to eat. That's when the door opened and I saw their mommy, daddy, and brother come in and sit at the table while looking at me a bit.


I had to stay quiet, but what I wanted to do was just leave if these people are not really nice. I also didn't feel so hungry anymore.

(Willow's POV)

The look on this child's face said it all that he feels extremally uncomfortable like I do since I was dining with my 'husband' again. When the servants brought in breakfast the child tried to back up in his chair when Jacques continued to look at him in an attempt to hide behind Weiss.

Jacques-Young man, may we have your name?


Jacques-Well (Y/N), I am curious of how you met my daughters.

Winter-I was assigned a job to guard him.

Weiss-I meet him when family was allowed to visit Beacon.

Jacques-I believed I asked him... Also, why wasn't I informed of such a day?

Weiss-Apologies. I assumed you were already told.

We just went on to eating and had pancakes, with bacon, sausage, eggs, and hash browns. As to really enjoying them was a whole different story since my husband is too strict with these kinds of things. (Y/N)'s table manners were fairly decent with help from my daughters, but the boys at the table looked down on him for that. I was hardly able to eat and my husband kept on trying to get (Y/N) to speak to him, but I have a feeling my daughters are behind this and coached him not to interact with their father... That would be for the best. However, after breakfast, Jacques got up and tried to approach the boy and had a stern look on his face which made Winter stand up and put on a stern face herself.

Winter-That's close enough. Don't forget he is under military protection.

Jacques-Protection? You act as if I was going to hit him. Don't 'you' forget who allowed him to stay here. Is it too much to ask for something in return?

Winter-You won't be exploiting him.

Just then Weiss took (Y/N) from his chair and left with (Y/N). Jacques tried to stop them, but Winter did not budge and he was about to lose control until he took a breath.

Jacques-All I ask is for a few pictures showing a child staying in our manor.

Winter-Out of the question. He has to stay hidden.

Jacques-If I do not get anything from this then you can find another place to-!

Just then something shocked the 3 of us from what Winter just did. She grabbed her father by the throat and looked furious and glared at him like she was ready to do something.

Winter-Leave. Him. Alone.

She pushed him back a bit to let him go before she left. Of course, my husband turned to me and started to rant about how I didn't raise her well enough by drinking and so on, but I tuned it out. I knew my daughters completely resent their father and my son clings to him as it is the only path he has left to follow, but never did any of my children go as far as to do that, and for a little boy no less... Perhaps I can approach later with a more gentle touch.

(Weiss's POV)

To almost no surprise, father's behavior did not sit well with (Y/N). The poor thing was even whimpering a little when we left the dining room after he noticed how my father was angry with him for following our rules to not talk to him. He was just upset he did not have a chance to manipulate him. Winter came to my room with me then I sat next to the fireplace in my room with him curled up on my lap and Winter was standing by my side.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why was he so angry and asking so many questions?

Winter-Don't mind him, sweetie. You did a very good job in there.

Weiss-He's just a very mean man... Here, let's lie down for a bit.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She went on her bed with me and I just lied on top of her after I got her chest just right for me to rest on. Winter just started a fire in the fireplace to make it a little warmer in here and Weiss wrapped her arms around me while I nuzzled into her. I didn't sleep on her, but her chest and heartbeat just felt so good to lay on. Winter just went on her scroll while she sat in the chair next to the fireplace then I heard her scroll ring, so she left the room to go answer it. Soon after there was a knock at the door, so Weiss put me to her side and then got up to go answer it. I saw her talking with someone before she smiled and then looked back at me.

Weiss-Winter should be in here soon, but if my family comes in and causes trouble there's a button by the bed and if you press it I'll come running. I'll only be down the hall.


She left and I looked to see a little button with a mic or speaker next to it, so I can press it if someone mean comes in. Soon the door opened and I thought it would be Winter or maybe was done already, but it wasn't them.


I never got her name, but I know this was Weiss's and Winter's mommy. She didn't say anything at breakfast, so I don't know what she is like. She had a glass of juice in her hands while she walked up to me a little.

???-Good evening (Y/N). My name is Willow Schnee. I'm Weiss and Winter's mother.


Willow-I apologize for my husband's actions at breakfast on his behalf.

(Y/N)-Um... It's ok

She got a little closer to me but did not get on the bed, yet. I remember from the painting that she did not look happy and even now she looked sad. Maybe the daddy and brother were just mean or just the daddy anyway, but I'm not sure.

Willow-If I may ask, how old are you?

I guess that was an ok question to answer, so I held up 5 fingers to her then she frowned a little more before she smiled a tiny bit.

Willow-So you're 5. From my daughter's team, which one is your older sister? I'm aware of Ruby, Yang, and Blake.

(Y/N)-Ruby and Yang, and Yang is the oldest... I want my sisters and Weiss to get along again, but I don't know what happened.

Willow-Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

She came a little closer and got on the bed this time before I thought she was a good one, so I crawled over to her to lay across her lap. She put her hands up while she looked surprised and looked into my eyes before her face started to turn pink.

(Y/N)-Maybe you can help Weiss make up with my sisters. You are her mommy, after all, so maybe you can get her to calm down.

Willow-I... I just... I-.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?

(Willow's POV)

My heart is racing after years of feeling anything remotely to this. I haven't felt this happy in... I think ever in my life of nothing, but rules, this company, and this arranged marriage. (Y/N) looked at me in those adorable eyes of his and I could not bring myself to look away from him. I then remembered seeing him cuddling with my daughters and before I came here, I checked the cameras to see him laying on top of Weiss... Now I was picturing myself in her position and rather enjoyed the thought of him cuddling... I haven't felt this in a long time... I don't want to just lose it... I suppose I can enjoy it just a little to hold me over for years to come, so I put my drink down on the table.

Willow-I heard you were a cuddler... Care to get comfortable?

(Y/N)-Oh, I'm not tired though, but... if you want.

I was rather curious and I just lied on my daughter's bed, but before I could turn to my side he got on top of me and then put his hands on my boobs. For a moment I was about to yell at him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it even as he was pushing my boobs into a different position and then lied his head on them.

Willow's mind-He... He treats breasts like pillows? Did he do this to my daughter?... Did she allow it?!

I had no room to talk since I too just let him get away with this. He nuzzled before he stared at the gem on my outfit and moved his head around to play with his reflection. He looked so adorable that I just couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my arms around him and pushed his head to my chest a little. Years of my life taken from me, my children resenting me, my husband treating me like a tool one moment then dirt for the rest... All that stress just washed away and I started to cry.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* U-Um, don't cry! Did I hurt you?!

I just held him tighter and he tried his best to comfort me while not leaving my embrace. This felt so blissful, but soon the thought of him going back to his sisters... It broke my heart all over again.

Willow's mind-H-He has to... No! I suffered for too long and never had love returned to me in so long! I need him more than anyone!... HE'S NOT LEAVING ME ALL ALONE IN THIS HELLHOLE!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Willow almost stopped crying now and then just stood up while holding me to leave the room. I was confused about where we were going, but she would hold me tighter and her heart would beat faster if I tried to push away from her at all. I don't want her to cry. We soon made it to another room and it was like the size of a house in here. She took me to her bed to lay down with me on top of her then I looked at her eyes to see them red and puffy with tear stains on her cheeks.

(Y/N)-Willow... It's alright.

Willow-... Please promise to not leave me alone.

(Y/N)-I promise... Is that mean man mean to you too?

She only held me tight and cried more while looking at a wall, so I just cuddled into her. Weiss and Winter can find me later, but I can't just leave someone like this.

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

Willow looked so tired even when it was still daytime outside because of all her crying, but playing little hand games, nuzzling, kisses on the cheeks, and some nice words made her all better. This made me a little tired too then I thought about what my mommy said about what a mommy can do. I looked at her chest and moved the scarf then undid a few buttons before I moved her bra. She only watched me before I put her nipple in my mouth and she looked surprised, but then smiled and rubbed my head. Milk came out, but this milk tasted funny, so I stopped.

Willow-What's wrong?

(Y/N)-I'm sorry, but your milk just tastes a little funny.

I put her bra and everything back and she looked a little shocked. Just then the door swung open and I saw Winter and she looked a little mad as she came over to us then took me from her mom.


Winter-Mother, what were you thinking?! He is my mission's priority and I was worried sick until I saw your wine glass left in Weiss's room!


(Y/N)-Don't be mean to your mommy. She was crying.

Winter-... *Sigh* Next time, bring it by me when you decide to visit him, and don't walk off with him.

(Willow's POV)

My daughter left the room and (Y/N) looked at me with worry in his eyes before he waved bye to me a little before my doors were closed. What he said lingered in my mind about how 'my milk tasted funny.' Oddly when he helped himself to breastfeed off of me, it felt like I was needed, not as a wife to satisfy sexual desires or a woman of high status to get a family job done... I was a fully dependable mother... Until that moment was completely ruined and shattered my heart. All the pain came rushing back to me, so I ran to a wine bottle to drink this pain away, but when the glass touched my lips.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

The reason my milk was not to (Y/N)'s liking is because of my drinking and the reason I drink so much is...



I threw my wine bottle to the floor in a fit of rage and cursed it for making... my baby reject me after he wanted to nurse off me. I thought about my husband some more... and what I wanted to do so bad now after bottling everything up over the years.

Willow-I. Hate. You.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Winter was talking to me about leaving without their permission or even letting her or Weiss know was not ok. I curled up in the bed while she talked to me like I was in trouble before she just pulled me into her arms to hug and rub her face against my cheek. The door opened and I saw Weiss come in wearing new clothes.


She did a little spin before she looked at me.

Weiss-Well, what do you think?

(Jacques's POV)

I was doing work in my office to get some projects approved and deleting requests for a pay raise in some departments. All of the sudden the power went out in my office then my door suddenly opened for me to see my wife step in.


Jacques-What are you doing in here? Call someone to get the power back on in here. I should have my office hooked up to a private generator.

Willow-I think we need to have a long overdue talk.


She slammed the door shut, so I stood up to show her that she is not to put up that attitude with me.

Jacques-What has gotten into you?! Get out and get someone on my power issue 'NOW'!!!

Willow-Something came up and it made me realize something... We had the children the family wanted, business can run itself given a few changes, and with all that... What's the point of a man that weaseled his way into 'my' home then casted me aside and took away my life?

I was about to yell at her before a good smack across the face would remind her of her place, but then a pure white Grimm appeared in my office.

Jacques-What are you-?!

Willow-Answer... There's no point. I just got a second chance at happiness and you will not be around to ruin it.

She waved her hand to me before the Grimm charged and pinned me down by my face to muffle my screams before I felt that I was gutted. The only thing I could hear now was...

Willow-Hehehe... Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


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