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((Y/N)'s POV)

I fell asleep in the basket last night and now I'm waking up in a bed, but I wasn't tied down. I wondered if it was just a bed dream, but when I looked around, I saw that I was in a wooden cell. I quickly got out of bed and then ran to the bars to where the door was to try and open it, but it was locked and I think I need a key. I know Tomayo was the one who brought me here after I fell asleep in that basket then I suddenly heard a door open upstairs and 'she' came down with a plate of food.


Tomayo-*Gasp* You're awake! Just in time too. I just finished locking up upstairs.

(Y/N)-... What time is it?

Tomayo-Meal time. Consider this breakfast.

I guess she would not tell me the time, but I just have to get out of here... But if it's night outside then she'll just catch me and there are no windows down here to tell me if it's day or night. She opened the door, so I tried to run past her, but she quickly grabbed me with one arm while holding my food and then used her foot to close the door.

Tomayo-Sweetie, no. You were asleep almost all day and I know you have to be hungry. After you eat, you'll be getting a bath then I'll be putting you back in here.

She put down then put the food on a table and then looked at me, but I was not going to go over to her. I just backed up to the wall then she frowned and from what I could tell from her eyes, she was sad but annoyed.

Tomayo-Please don't make this harder than it needs to be.

She was hiding something and when I didn't go to her she soon had a sudden quick change in her eyes before she threw a dart that was so fast that it was like a blur to me. It hit my arm and I quickly fell to my knees, but got caught by Tomayo before I hit the ground then she carried me to the table. She did everything for me from opening my mouth to chewing and swallowing my food. I couldn't move at all.

(Tomayo's POV)

This should paralyze him long enough to feed and bathe him before I bring him back to his cell. He just can't be allowed to even see a crack of the outside world upstairs because when he knows where he can tell it's day or night then he'll do more escape attempts which will have to be answered with punishments. I don't want to do that, so for now I have to cut his connection to the outside world off completely and then start making good memories for him to keep when I turn them. This will give me a good footing when he starts a new life and forgets about his mother. After I got done feeding him, I took him out of his cell to give him a bath while he was still paralyzed. He could only look at me with his sad little eyes as he is completely at my mercy, but this is a golden time to show him extra love and affection. I kissed his head after I was done scrubbing his hair then rubbed my cheek against his.

Tomayo-Don't be scared. Mother would never dream of hurting you. ~

I spent the rest of the bath sneaking in kisses and hugs for my baby then took him out to dry him off then dressed him in a robe before I locked him back in his cell. He slept all day and now I have to take patients soon for the night, but he doesn't need to know that.

Tomayo-There's a box of toys in the corner of the room for when you can move again. I'll be busy upstairs, but I'll be back to check on you in an hour.

(Mother's POV)

My spiders can only track so fast, so we had to go dreadfully slow to find my baby, and what made it worse is that we could only track at night, so until Daughter or I can pick up a scent my spiders are all we got to find him. We almost had to go up in the mountains which would have taken all night, but thankfully it looked like the trail lapped over itself since the spider went a whole different direction. Which meant we had to go back through a certain town which was hard not to kill humans out in the open. Human men kept on taking us as 'workers' because of how our skin looked. The distance we covered was good, but the night only has 4 hours left. We kept on going then soon I picked up a faint scent, but there was no denying it... My baby.

Mother-I got something.

Daughter-It'll be morning before we know it.

Mother-Then move it!

We both started running as fast as we could until we saw a town off in the distance just crawling with humans, so we will need my spider again to pin down my baby's exact location. When it was clear on his location being at a clinic we figured it would just be another human we could easily take him back from. It'll just be an easy in, butcher whoever is inside, get my baby, and get out. Simple.

Daughter-Should I sneak in through the back?

Mother-We're only going up against simple humans. Not a demon or demon slayer. This won't take long.

We walked up to the building only for the door to open with a human coming out with a woman that had something strange going on with her.


???-Get home safe and apply directly. It should be gone in-... a few days.

The lady saw us and so did the human man, but unlike her, he left by speed walking at the site of conflict. It took a bit, but we know she's a demon now, but there was something still off... She smelled like she hasn't devoured a single human and gained any power... Looks like this will still be easy.

???-What brings you two to my clinic?

Daughter-We want something of ours that you have. Give us my little brother and we will not destroy your 'home'.

???-I don't know what you are talking about... Leave.

She pulled out her claws and cut herself for some reason, but I had to keep on guard and cover my nose and Daughter did the same.

Mother-You have until the count of 3 to hand him over. We devoured many humans while I can just smell you're as weak as a demon can come... 1... 2.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could finally move again and the first thing I did was put my normal clothes back on. I tried to see if there was anything I can do to cut through the wood or pick the lock, but all I had was stuffed animals and a few balls to play with in here. Suddenly...


Something was happening upstairs and I heard more smashing then soon 6 spiders came into my cell... They were white and red and I saw them before... Those 2 are here. The spiders wrapped their web around the wooden bars then they got pulled to cut the bars into pieces, so I was free. I bet it was night time though and if I go up there to just make a run for it, I think one of them is going to catch me... Also, those smashing and crashing noises did not sound good. I tried to think of something, but at the same time there is only one way out, and at least 2 demons will be fighting if not 3.

(Y/N)-This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy.

I just made a run for it up the stairs, but just then the door was yanked off which made me nervous. I peeked out to see the 3 fighting, but then they noticed me when Mother looked at the door.


Tomayo-(Y/N), you can't be up here! Get back down where it's safe!

Mother-Daughter, grab him!

Tomayo tried to get to me first, but mother tied her webs around her leg to throw her outside. Daughter was gonna come to get me, but then a cat came out of nowhere when it meowed and jumped high in the air while dropping something that gave off a purple mist that made Daughter scream and her skin sizzled like it just got burned, but I was fine. She ran off to get out of the mist, so I took this chance to run outside while Daughter was on the ground screaming and Mother was fighting Tomayo. I knew I was lucky, but I don't want to stop running just to find out how lucky.

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was running as far and as fast as he could, he failed to notice one thing... A spider latched on to him and hid on his back. (Y/N) could not run for long, so maybe he could find someplace to hide and leave town in the morning instead of going off to the woods where they can easily get him without other people knowing. He thought a hotel would be perfect to hide in, but he had nothing to pay with which was not going through his head. Meanwhile, 3 women with broken hearts just saw a hotel to stay in that (Y/N) saw in the distance. When he made it inside the spider jumped off his back and hid.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was out of breathe, really tired, and scared, but at least I have a place to hide until morning. I just walked up to the counter when I realized something... I had no money at all. Just then I heard a woman crying then turned to look she was wearing a blue dress and was with 2 other women.


They all looked sad and I got a look and the lady in red's eyes to see she was also angry about something while crying. I didn't have time for this, but when the lady and purple came up to get a room she looked at me with sadness still in her eyes, but was also curious while she looked around.

???-*Sniffle* H-Hello little one... What are you doing out here this late at night?

(Y/N)-I'm... lost. I wanna go home, but I can't this late at night.

???-Where do you live?

(Y/N)-Up in the mountains.

???-That far?... How did you get here?

(Y/N)-D-... B-Bad people... I'm just gonna go.

I was about to leave, but she stopped me by getting in my way.

(Hinasuru's POV)

The girls and I just got through burying our husband after that sudden outburst of an attack from that demon that tried to find us in the red-light district. We came here to settle down before we continue to our husband's Master's temple, but now we run into a child that got kidnapped by bandits or whatever. I can't just let this little boy go out and alone at night, so I took his hand and then went to the counter to get a room. I looked at and knelt to the boy while wiping my tears a little.


Hinasuru-My name is Hinasuru... We'll help you get home after we make a stop tomorrow. It's much too dangerous to be out on your own.


I just nodded my head and tried my best to smile for him to provide comfort, given I am a total stranger to him.

???-Th-Thank you... My name is (Y/N).


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