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((Y/N)'s POV)

My dad is really happy right now while he was getting dressed and said we were about to be richer than we can imagine. He had a date tonight with somebody and planned on giving them the necklaces he stole from mama as gifts. I just had to stay here tonight and he'll try to get us to her place to sleep, but right now... I think he was talking to himself in the mirror. The door was closed, so I didn't know what he was saying over the T.V. and I don't think I want to know. He came out after a while he had a normal black t-shirt, and jeans on.

(D/N)-Alright buddy, Little Ceasers will be here soon. Make sure not to open the door for anyone else.


I was actually thinking about one of the games and movies in my other room that I had... I can I kind of miss the bigger room even if the only bad part was the leashes. Just then my dad's phone beeped then he looked excited then quickly grabbed the necklaces.

(D/N)-Have a good night! See you when I get back!

He ran out of the room and slammed the door, so I was just left with this boring show for a while with no food until the pizza gets here. Soon there was a knock on the door and that was faster than I thought, so maybe the pizza place is just close by. I went to answer the door, but when I did...


(Y/N)-Kinsley? Coral?

Coral-Hi honey. ~

Kioko picked me up and then looked around the room before she looked a little disgusted, but not as much as Coral. The room didn't even look dirty, but then we saw the pizza guy come up with the pizza.

Pizza Guy-I got a large pepperoni for a (D/N) (L/N).

Kinsley-Just give it to the people next door. We're leaving with my little brother.

Pizza Guy-Well who's gonna pay and tip me?

(No POV)

The girls just rolled their eyes then Coral reached into her back pocket to pull out her wallet and a $500 bill to just slap it on the pizza box.

Kinsley-Keep the change, don't tell anyone about this and don't say another word to us.

The pizza guy just smiled and nodded his head as the girls left the motel and got in a limo to drive off with (Y/N).

((D/N)'s POV)

Yuna decided to take me to a fancy restaurant she knows just in the middle of town, and we were going in a limo. The windows were so dark that you couldn't even see out of them... or inside, so I like where this is heading. Nobody can see us, not even the driver and I thought I could try to get a move while we were alone. I closed my eyes and then flipped my hair a little before I gave Yuna a sly look and she looked at me with a smile.


(D/N)-You know, I think the only real crime we committed is that we didn't get a chance to kiss the last time we met after we got what was ours back from that lion. ~

Yuna-I actually didn't find what I was looking for.

(D/N)-Well, whatever it was, I got something to replace it. And it's made of wood. ~

Yuna-That's... an interesting offer, but what I mean is that what I was looking for got stolen from her.

(D/N)-Wow, she made a lot of enemies.

Yuna-But I'll get what I want soon enough... And you'll get what you deserve. ~

She leaned in closer to me and poked my nose and gave me seductive eyes. When the limo finally stopped just as we were getting to the good part.

(D/N)-I guess I'll be getting what I deserve later. ~

Yuna-*Giggles* Oh you. No, you'll be getting what you deserve, ~ 'now'.

I got confused then she opened the car door then pushed me out of the limo and onto the dirt for me to see we were not at a restaurant... We were on a nature trail in the woods.  Just then the driver and passage door opened and 2 girls walked out and one of them was 'her'.


(D/N)-You?! What the hell are you doing he-?!

Yuna's daughter kicked me in the face to knock me over then stepped on my neck while Ms. Caine walked up to Yuna.

Yuna-I trust you already met Zoe. You know, the woman you signed your son over to then threw a hissy fit when you spent all the money after.

I pushed the panda's foot off my neck and then tried to back up, but Zoe grabbed me and pinned me to the limo. She looked very mad, but so was I and she is high as a fucking kite if she thinks she is getting my son.

(D/N)-You're not keeping my son after you tricked me you bitch!

Zoe-Please, you are in no place to make threats. I could call the police right now and have you arrested for kidnapping... But after I heard about your methods for 'punishments', I thought I would give one of them a try.

She dug claws into my arms which made me scream to the top of my lungs then the panda daughter grabbed me by my jaw to make me open my mouth. Yuna finally walked up and put a claw at the top of my head before she cut me down to my cheek and even drew blood.

(D/N)-AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! L-Let me go!

I tried to gain some ground, but I saw a look in their eyes with shrunken pupils which made them look scary as hell... I have to get out of here.

(D/N)-W-Wait! Please! I-I-I get it now! J-Just let me go and I-I'll leave you alone! N-No, I'll leave town and you'll never see me again!

Zoe-We are 'well' past that (D/N). *GROWL*

(D/N)-P-Please! I'll do anything!


Yuna-Kioko, how about you do the honors?

Kioko-*Chuckles* I heard you loved to yell at, scare, and hit my little brother. Let me solve one of those problems. ~

She squeezed my jaw again then when my mouth was open she pinched my tongue between her claws and pieced it with her claws. I screamed as long as I could for help then couldn't when she yanked out my tongue and then waved it in front of me. I could feel myself choking on my own blood then Zoe dragged her claws down to cut open my arms. I wanted to scream so bad, but I was too busy choking and just about to pass out before 2 of the girls backed off and made way for Yuna. She pushed her hands together with my head in the middle until...



((Y/N)'s POV)


Alesha just poured water on my head in the bath while Coral was scrubbing me down saying I had 'motel filth' all over me. They kept on saying sorry then Mai just come back in with Kinsley with a robe, fluffy socks, a hair dryer, and a towel.


Mai-Kioko just called and they're on their way back. Our moms want him when they get cleaned off.

Alesha-That's if he's done. That hotel said to have 'weekend getaway couples' and we know what they do in there. That motel most likely doesn't clean thoroughly and get all that fast food out of his teeth.

Coral-Mom is going to be furious when she finds out what he got fed.

Kinsley-That's why we're not going to tell her. He didn't have dinner yet, so we'll get something for him here.

They were all freaking out while still trying to wash me like I was covered in dirt until they finally let me out of the bath. Kinsley just dried and brushed my hair then Mai put the robe around me. Now, Coral, had me lean over a sink, so she could brush my teeth for me then I soon saw a bit of blood coming out of my mouth.

Coral-Your poor teeth haven't been cleaned this well before.

Mai-My sister Kioko brought whitening strips with her.

Coral-They aren't that bad. Just have to keep up on them. After he eats we'll brush them again.

Alesha-I'll go get his plate of steak from the kitchen. Just get him in bed and put on a show for him.

Alesha left and after Coral was done brushing my teeth, I was taken to bed where they actually put on a show I liked... I'm sure my daddy was fine since he got to go on a date with a rich lady like he wanted. Mama and sisters said I was signed over anyway, but I feel better knowing he's happy. When Alesha came back in with a plate of food the girls all took turns feeding me bites.


Soon my door opened during the show and Kioko walked in and smiled at me.


Kioko-Hey, I'm watching him for a while. Our moms want to have a chat with you all.

Coral-Fine... Just feed him his last few bites. He knows the rules and so do you.

Kioko-I'll feed him. Now go. They are in your mom's room.

The girls left and Kioko got in bed with me and fed me my last bites of steak and potatoes before she put the plate aside to cuddle with me.

Kioko-So... mind if we play a little game together? A little time with my little bro before I officially move in? ~

(Y/N)-What?... What about your house in Japan and your daddy?

Kioko-He did something bad and had to go somewhere, but now we can use that house as another vacation home.

Kioko turned off the show and went to a game on the Switch and gave me a controller to play with her while she made me sit on her lap. We played Mariokart for a while before I was starting to get tired and she saw this and turned the game and T.V. off. I was scared of the dark, but Kioko held me close to her... This made me feel a little better.

Kioko-Don't be scared baby. Your big sis is here... In fact.

She lifted her shirt to pull it over my head, so now I was stuck in her boobs, so my face was turning up then it got worse when I yawned into her. She was rubbing my head and it felt nice and relaxing until I fell asleep with her.

(No POV)

Both moms were telling their daughters the plan for tomorrow and wanted to sneak into (Y/N)'s room later to pick a collar and leash in advance... They plan to go out on a walk in town tomorrow.


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