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((Y/N)'s POV)

Wanda was an eraser in my backpack right now since she wanted to go to school with me today, so as long as nobody could see her then I guess it'll be ok. I guess my friends might not be coming to school today after what happened, so I guess I was alone today since I can't really talk to Wanda around others. When school started I went to class, but I noticed something... (B/N) is still gone, but not 'all' of his friends were gone... Maybe they did something together and all got sick or (B/N) felt better and he took his friends to ditch school with him. When the bell rang the principal came in with one of the cops for the school and he had papers with him as he got in front of the class. This day is off to a weird start since I don't think the principal cares that much about (B/N) and his friends ditching school again.

Principal-Students, I have some disturbing news that I have sent out to your parents. You all know (B/N) and his group of friends may not be here today. The reason for this is... They are missing. You all may not have gotten along before, but we should all wish them a safe return. For a small town, our youth is important which is why you will all be leaving at noon today to go home and there will be no school tomorrow.

Cop-There are going to be a few new rules in place. First off is a 6:00 curfew, so none of you are to be outside or alone at 6:00 until further notice. Do not go anyway alone, make sure your doors and windows are locked up tight. Police will be doing rounds to make sure everyone is safe as well as calling households to check in on people. Please call the police if you see anything strange.

We were all looking at each other and this was kind of scary... Though I do like it was (B/N) and his friends since they kind of deserve it. What are the odds that it will be all of them? Just then the principal came up to me.

Principal-I know your dad is at sea, so I called your neighbor and he agreed to be staying at your house.

Ok... This is now very, very bad.

(Wanda's POV)

I heard what the principal said and this neighbor that (Y/N) told us about can not stay with us for multiple reasons. Mainly because he will not be allowed near my baby... I have to poof home and tell the others about this and I think I have just the way to keep the neighbor from coming without drawing too much-unwanted attention.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((D/N)'s POV)

(D/N)-So how much do you charge for this?

I was on the phone with a nanny that wanted to care for my son which I bet Dan would like very much, but I can't afford anything too expensive. What I heard next was a bit more of a relief.

???-I only work for a room to sleep in, and 3 meals a day.

(D/N)-So what do you do in return?

???-I cook, clean, do laundry, and care for (Y/N)'s needs and wants.  I also just got a report of a kidnapper that has already taken multiple children. Police tripled security and put a curfew, but this can be really stressful for a young boy. I am said to have a motherly touch.

This all seemed too good to be true. A nanny that will accept housing and feeding her as payment. Also for all I know, she may be the kidnapper... Then again if she's not then I could lose out on this great deal... I'll text Dan that I got a nanny, but keep an eye on my house and still call to check in to talk to my son. That should work.

(D/N)-Alright, I'll give you a shot and see how this works. We have a few guest rooms, so go ahead and take one-... Um... I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.

???-My name is Nicole. Don't worry one bit. Your son is in good hands.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Wanda told me that she went home to tell the others and now my dad thinks Nicole is my nanny, so Dan won't stay over but might be checking in. During the walk home, we went over the story a few times...

Wanda-Ok, run the story by me. Go.

(Y/N)-Nicole is my nanny, she's the only one there, and she's doing a very good job with me and around the house. I like her.


I have to keep this a secret from Dan and my dad, but I just hope I can hide all the girls with some help from Wanda. We made it home and went into my room. With the doors and windows locked, we also closed the curtains and everything since if the kidnapper even got a peek in the house and saw them, that can put the girls in danger. I tried to relax a little before I got my homework out, but just as I grabbed my pencil then turned back to the paper... Everything was answered and based on my last homework assignment, all the answers were correct. I just turned to Wanda, but instead, Nicole was right in my face and smiling which made me jump.


Nicole-Hi sweetie. I got something in the mail today. You promised to come to my room.

(Y/N)-Oh... I forgot. I just wanted to do my homework.

Nicole-Such a good boy, but it's all done now. ~

Nicole just picked me up and then took me out of my room and we went to her room where there was a box on her bed. She closed her down after she put me down then locked it before she took my hand and led me to her bed.

(Y/N)-Why did you get it from Amazon... Why not just let Wanda poof it up for you?

Nicole-I thought we could let this be our little secret. I really wanted to try this with you.

She opened the box with one of her claws to cut the tape then took a few things out of the box and put them on the bed.


I think I knew what she was thinking now when she picked up the collar. I wanted to say no to her, but I think she saw the look on my face and then got a little sad.

Nicole-Oh... I guess this was a dumb idea... I-I'll just throw these away.

She sounded really sad when she turned away from me and then started to rub her eyes. I think she was crying and I felt kind of bad. She picked up all the dog stuff to put it back in the box and then looked at me with a tear in her eye.

(Y/N)-W-Wait!... You p-promise not to tell the others?

She perked up and smiled a little before wiping her tear then looked happy.

Nicole-This will be between us!

(Y/N)-Well... Ok, but only for ten minutes.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

Nicole-Fetch. ~

She rolled the ball on the ground, so I crawled after it then picked it up with my mouth before I brought it back to her. She took the ball from me then scratched under my chin the played with the bell on my collar. The collar was soft, but it didn't make me feel better about wearing a collar in the first place. She gave me a kiss on my forehead while she attached the leash to my collar again.

Nicole-Good boy. Roll over now. ~

I rolled onto my back, so she could rub my tummy and my face was burning up. She put the rubber bone in my rubber right before someone knocked on the door.

Dexter's mom-Nicole, is (Y/N) in there?

Nicole-We're in the middle of something. What is it?

Dexter's mon-Well whatever it is, wrap it up before I made snacks for him for a movie we can all watch together. You hogged him for 2 hours since he got home.

Nicole-Fine, give us a minute and we'll be out.

Nicole finally took the collar off of me and then put the toys away under her bed to hide them. So not only do I have Wanda secretly treating me like a baby, Nicole treats me like a pet... I can stop doing this later on, but right now I think it's best to play along.

Nicole-Remember, this is for us only.

(Y/N)-I know.

(Timeskip To Night)

We were all in the living watching (F/M) and we had small ham and cheese sandwiches, chips, popcorn, and fresh lemonade made by Dexter's mom. I also noticed the kitchen was very clean after making all of this, but we paused the movie when we heard the phone ring. Nicole just got up to go answer it.

Nicole-Hello... My name is Nicole and I'm the new nanny of this household... Just one child, (Y/N) (L/N)... His father hired me today... (D/N)... (Y/N) sweetie, can you come here and speak for a bit?

(Maddie's POV)

(Y/N) went to go talk on the phone and he needed a little help from Nicole, but it sounds like we should be ok after he hung up. I think he was talking to the police, but I shrugged it off when we got back to the movie. I did however catch him stealing glances at the front door and windows.

Maddie-Is everything ok (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-I'm... just a little worried about this kidnapper. If they try to break in, they'll see you and... and-.

Drew-Honey, you have a magical fairy, a ghost hunter, a strong cat woman, and a highly trained cryptid hunter with a fire sword along side a housewife that we sat knew martial arts on her show. I think we can handle a punk breaking in and who's gonna believe them if they see us?

(Y/N)-... You do have a point.

Mom-See, we're gonna be fine. Let's finish the movie, take a bath altogether, and get some sleep.

Maddie-Don't forget that he's sleeping in my room with me tonight.

They all know that since I didn't get to sleep or even nap with him. After the movie was over we went to the basement where our new bath was and (Y/N)'s cheek turned an adorable shade of pink when we all got our clothes off before we go in the water. Mom and Debbie took extra special care in washing our baby while the rest of us washed ourselves off. After he was done, he just swam around in the big bath and a few of us played with him a little by splashing around then he accidentally bumped his head on Mom's butt then she turned to him while he discovered his whole face could turn pink.

Mom-Ohh, is my little man being a little naughty? ~

She just rinsed off before she picked him up to cradle him... then he slowly passed out. I guess the blood rushing to his head was too much for him to handle. We all laughed a little before I decided to get out first, so I took (Y/N) from her to get us dried off. I left with him to get to his room to get him dressed before we went to my room. I lied him in my bed while I got some pajamas on then looked at his now fluffy (H/L) (H/C) hair before I lied next to him. I was hoping to cuddle tonight and putting one arm around me was not enough...

Maddie's mind-I wonder what I have on me.

I got up to check my pouch to see I still had a ghost net and seeing as there are no ghosts in this world from what I know so far I just cut a line of rope before I got back in bed to tie his hands around my waist until it felt like he was firmly holding me. I loved this feeling so much, so I lied back down with him. His face was buried in my cleavage, but I didn't mind since tying him around me put him in this position. I just closed my eyes while holding him close until I felt restless from the thoughts flowing in my head as I turned back to the net.


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(No POV)

Maddie could finally sleep after tying his leg around hers, his head now buried in her boobs with just enough breathing room, and all while his body was still relaxed. When she finally went to sleep she couldn't wait for (Y/N) to wake up and give her a little show, but he should be able to slip free after a little struggle. She even had a little camera set up to capture this moment.

Maddie's mind-I'm sorry in advance, but you'll just look so cute and funny when you wake up all flustered... Maybe next time you'll learn to be my little cuddle bug. ~


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