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((Y/N)'s POV)

I spent the rest of the day yesterday relaxing inside, but after breakfast this morning I wanted to come out and find Terra to play with her. I even snuck out some chocolate-covered strawberries since she liked chocolate, but while I was walking down the trail, I heard my mommy scream and I turned back to the cabin to run and see if she was ok. Before I could make it halfway across the trail I was stopped when a bunch of chipmunks got in the way then I heard my mommy scream again.

Mommy-(D/N-N-N-N)! *in the distance*

(Y/N)-Um, excuse me! I don't want to step on you!

I tried to get past the chipmunks and hoped they moved, but they only tried to get under my foot which made me take a step back from them. These chipmunks were acting weird since they liked to run away when people got close to them. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me then turned to see Terra and she was smiling at me.


The chipmunks finally went up the trees around us, but one ran up to her and climbed her dress to get on her shoulder. I have never seen a small and wild animal do that before, but they look like they really like her.

Terra-Well hello there little one. Going back inside so soon?

(Y/N)-I heard my mommy screaming. She might be hurt.

Terra-Um... That was a different kind of screaming, but I'm sure she's fine. What's that you got there?

(Y/N)-Oh... I'll show you.

I walked up to her a little then opened the container to show her the chocolate-covered strawberries.


(Terra's POV)

It oddly didn't surprise me that his parents were mating again, but the mother's cries of pleasure could be heard by her child. What did surprise me was the treat (Y/N) showed me but still stole glances back to his house. I recognized this chocolate stuff from the middle of that candy he gave me yesterday, but this time it was covering strawberries.

(Y/N)-We had some last night for dessert, but I thought you might like some.

Terra-How sweet of you. ~

I took one and it did taste good. I love strawberries and the chocolate makes it taste even sweeter, but he was about to turn and head back to his home. There is no way he is ever going back to that cabin with those sex-crazed parents of his.

Terra-This is delicious. I also got something to show you.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Terra-Come, I'll show you.

I held out my hand and he took it, so I could lead him to a little surprise I had made for him. I walked him through the woods and off the trail and made sure cute tiny animals and deer were around to amaze him then a bird landed on my finger. I knelt a little to hold the bird up to (Y/N) and his eyes lit up a little.

Terra-Would you like to say hello? ~

(Y/N)-Can I pet the bird?

Terra-Of course, but be gentle now. They can be very delicate. ~

He only used one finger to pet the bird, but he flinched a little when the bird suddenly flew away and it was adorable. Someone more than 3 times the bird's size and just as harmless, yet he jumped at a sudden movement. We continued to his surprise and it was my favorite part in these woods. An open field filled with flowers had a nice stream, the grass was green and soft, and the sunlight made it warm and cozy. I led him to the softest patch of woven grass to sit down and he even tested it like one of the indoor beds in the cabin by kidding it like a kitten.

(Y/N)-How did you make this? It's so soft.

Terra-I just grew some very tall grass, put cotton in the middle, and wove it all together. I thought it would be as comfortable as your bed.

(Y/N)-It's softer. Like a cushion.

Terra-I'm so glad you like it. Shall we have a seat then? ~

(No POV)

The two sat on the patch of woven grass and Terra wanted to get to know (Y/N) a bit more. He told her all about his favorite show, his favorite fruit, about his parents, every detail he didn't tell her before that he could of. When Terra noticed how (Y/N) was getting a little wobbly on the 'cushion' she lied his head down on her lap.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Her lap felt so warm and soft in this sunlight. She was blocking the sun from my eyes when I looked up at her smiling at me then she started to rub my, cheeks, hair, and nose. Her soft hands smelled pretty then she tickled my neck a little which made me giggle and curl up a little. She poked my nose then I tried to get up, but she pushed me back down on her lap.

Terra-Come now little one. I see you like it there. ~

I did feel comfortable here, but I also wanted to get up. I tried a few more times before, but she always pushed me back down on her lap until I gave up when she touched me with a light coming out of her hand... I felt so relaxed and like I was in heaven and I couldn't help but lean into her touch.

Terra-Doesn't that just feel so much better? ~

(Y/N)-Mhm... Are you magic?

Terra-Indeed. I'm a goddess.

(Y/N)-What's that?

She started to tell me things about her, like how she can heal, grow plants, and talk to animals, and then I thought about the other night when I was hurt.

(Y/N)-Your healing magic... You helped me that night, didn't you?

Terra-I did. I couldn't leave such a poor little thing in that much pain... I can also do this. ~

She waved her hand and a vine came out of the ground then went over me. I second vine came out of the first one and to me while I saw something red growing from it.

Terra-Open. ~

I opened my mouth then I saw the red thing getting bigger before it got in my mouth a little to grow more then...

Terra-Bite down. ~

I took a bite and it tasted like a strawberry, but it was super sweet and full of flavor. I asked for another then another until I was a little full. She kept on rubbing my face with her magic hands and my eyes started to get heavy... A little nap won't hurt.

(Timeskip 6 Hours)

(Terra's POV)

I just couldn't look away from his cute little sleeping face and when a squirrel crawled on him to get to me, he cuddled him a little before he got up and ran to go find more food. Suddenly (Y/N)'s breathing went back to normal as he opened his (E/C) eyes to look up at me. He still looked groggy and when I planted a kiss on his forehead he gave me the most adorable little yawn.

Terra's mind-So cute! ~

(Y/N)-How long was I sleeping?

Terra-Maybe a little over six hours.

(Y/N)-What?... I should be getting home.

Terra-Oh... How about you stay out here with me tonight? The stars look so beautiful here when the sun goes down.

(Y/N)-I already missed lunch and my parents might be looking for me.

This felt like a thorn just pierced my heart. I know a child loves their parents to a very high extent when they are even being neglected. He tried to get off me again, but this time I pulled him into me to sit on my lap.

Terra-Sweetie, I think we need to talk about your parents.

(Y/N)-Um... Ok.

Terra-Now, I'm sure you love them enough that you will do anything to be with them and I completely understand that... But maybe it doesn't work the other way around.

He looked confused and uncomfortable now, but this was just like one of those band-aid things. The quicker you do it the better.

Terra-You remember how you went out to play and you got hurt when you fell and couldn't get up? ~


Terra-You cried out for them, but they weren't out to watch you. Do you know how lucky you were when I found and healed you? Your boo-boo could have gotten infected, a big hungry animal could've found you, or maybe something poisonous. All because they weren't outside watching you... That was an irresponsible action on their end and simply could not have known any better. A sweet child like yourself has to be cared for and protected at all times, but your mommy and daddy have failed you. ~

(Y/N)-Um... I guess.

Terra-I wanted us to have a nice day and I saw how much you loved my attention and affection. Not to mention the lengths I went to to make this cozy bed for you... I think you can really love it here.

(Y/N)-... C-Can I think about this?

This is going to hurt me as much as it's going to him at first, but the first night will be the hardest.

Terra-No... I'm not letting you go back. Your parents did nothing to deserve you.

I saw the fear building up in his eyes before he started to squirm out of my arms to run off. That went as well as I expected, but I stood up.

Terra's mind-I know that this is scary for you honey bunch, but this is for your own good... Mother knows what's best. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I'm running as fast as I can to try and get to the cabin and lock the door, so she can get to me. I made it over the hill and could see the cabin but I did not see her, so I thought I could walk the rest of the way or run if I saw her again. As I walked down the trail a bunch of wolves came out and got in front of me, but they didn't even growl at me.


I tried to go through them, but one wolf pushed me back with their nose until I turned back a little. They started to do something now.

I tried to get past them, but they still wouldn't let me then I tried calling out to my mommy and daddy since I saw the lights were on, but then I heard footsteps behind me then turned to see a huge bear twice my size.


I backed up a bit, but then one of the wolves pushed me down then the bear ran to me with its mouth open. I screamed then closed my eyes to wait for it to eat me, but... I was picked up instead. I opened my eyes to see the bear running away with me by holding me from my shirt and pants.


The bear kept on running and I didn't know bears could run so fast, but I couldn't let this bear take me too far from the cabin. I tried punching the bear as hard as I could then kicked it. It made a little extra hard breathing noise, so I thought I just hurt the bear, so if I kick it enough then it'll drop me. The more I did it, the more I thought I was closer to being let go, but we soon made it back to where I was before and Terra was just standing next to the grass cushion with a worried look on her face while she walked up to us.


Terra-Good girl. Not a scratch on him... Let me see him.

The bear gave me to Terra, so I tried wiggling out of her arms, but I was super tired from running and fighting a bear. She just took me back to the cushion but still held me when she raised a hand high then the ground started to shake a little when wooden roots came out of the ground. They all bent and wrapped around each other to make a room with a roof made out of branches and leaves. There was also a doorway, but she stomped her foot then a big stone came out of the ground. She finally put me down and I could only cry while she tried to comfort me as she did before, but I only pushed her away.

(Y/N)-I want my mommy and daddy! *hic* *hic* LET ME GO!!! *sobbing*

She just ignored me before she lied me down on the cushion she made in the corner of the room.

Terra-Honey bunch, I know this is scary. But I'm only doing this because I love you and want what's best for you. I won't let your parents turn you into someone bad like a lot of other humans. ~

I just turned away from her to cry in the corner and screamed when she tried to touch me again.

(Terra's POV)

My poor baby is taking this really hard. I think it would help if I could make things somewhat familiar, like for starters an indoor room. I could make things a bit more decorative for him like I can pull crystals that light up in the dark along the edges and corners of the room for small lighting, adding tall grass along the walls, and weaving them in the roots to help keep heat in, make a blanket out of cotton, and maybe I can make his bed have a wooden root frame to it... Before I move to that, I think he needs time to calm down or maybe even cry himself to sleep, so I may work, so I brought the boulder down and then brought it back up to make sure he stays in there. This is to make sure he doesn't run away, but this was a bit of an eye sore...

Terra's mind-I suppose I could start with the tall grass on the roots, maybe add some flowers... I should walk around to help me decide which flower.

I turned to my friends who helped bring my baby back here.


Terra-I'm going to go out for a walk. Make sure the poor boy doesn't leave and if the parents by chance come by while I'm gone, do what you must to make sure they don't even come close... We'll deal with them another day when I tend to the human child some more.


Bear-They won't get close to this... root thing.

I smiled before I left, hearing my baby's cries getting quieter and quieter.

Terra's mind-It'll be alright baby. You'll learn a much better way to live... I think I'll have a talk with your parents and do what I should have done a long time ago... Destroy that cabin.


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