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((Y/N)'s POV)

Elm was keeping me on Harriet's lap while she fed me a banana she mushed with a fork here. I told them I could chew, but she still mushed it up to where it almost looked like a lumpy blob of pudding. It still tasted good for a snack until the food we ordered came up here. I got chicken strips with french fries and I was excited to have some hot food. Harriet moved me up on her lap and I scooted up too to get a little more comfortable before Elm put the tray of our food on the table and then came over with my food first. She saw me look at the fries first, so she dipped on in ketchup and I opened my mouth.


Elm-Good boy. ~

While she fed me Harriet rubbed my head how I taught her the way I liked it. This was nice, but they still won't let my sisters come here, even if I asked we could sneak them inside a box or something. I know they are ok since they are strong and can beat anyone in the history of ever. After I was finished eating, I was allowed to walk around the room while they ate, but there wasn't a lot to do in here. I tried to figure something out, but Elm finished eating first and then picked me up to toss me in the air around the room. Later an alarm went off and it made me jump then Elm held me tightly when I looked scared.

Harriet-Calm down, I don't smell any smoke. Someone might've thought it would be funny if they pulled the alarm.

Elm-We'll go out and check it, just stay here. Remember, you have to be hidden.

Elm just put me in bed before she and Harriet left the room then soon after the alarm stopped, and there was still no smoke. I was starting to relax when I suddenly saw a small circle thing next to the window before it opened then someone walked in to look around before they saw me. I knew who it was and they looked so happy to see me.




I got out from the blankets, but before I could get out of bed she snatched me up and pulled me into a tight hug while holding me and the back of my head. She gave me lots of kisses then I thought since she can call my sisters, we can find them and leave Atlas. I quickly told her everything happened before we heard footsteps in the hall, so Weiss ran to the window, jumped out to land on one of her circles, and then took it to step by step to get to the ground. When we were on the ground I finished my story while she walked with me.

(Y/N)-But now you can call Ruby and Yang, we can go back to Vale, and we can tell Blake to meet us back at my house where it's safe.

Weiss-Well... your sisters won't answer my calls.

(Y/N)-Why not?

Weiss-It's complicated, Let's just get you somewhere that doesn't make you feel like you're under constant military watch.

She took me down an alley where a car was waiting then I saw Winter step up and then sped walk to us before she took me from Weiss to hold me for a bit.


Winter-*Sigh* Thank goodness. *whisper*

(Y/N)-Um... I thought Weiss said there will be no more military stuff.

Winter-I'm no longer taking orders from Ironwood. We're taking you to our old home where you will be under my watch and orders and my orders alone.

She kissed me before she gave me back to her sister and then we got in the car. Winter started driving and in the street, I saw Elm and Harriet in the street looking for me. I didn't want them to worry, but when I tried to open a window and show that I was ok, Weiss didn't let me.


Weiss-They can't know we have you.

(Y/N)-They said the same thing about everyone else... How come friendly people can't at least know I'm ok?

Winter-The more info we have kept to ourselves the better. They did a fine job looking after you, but you just need to focus on staying hidden.

(Y/N)-But what about my sisters? My mommy will be here at the end of the weekend to pick me up and I want them to come with me.


Winter-... We will talk about this later.

Everything just felt so confusing. Why are my sisters ignoring Weiss? Where's Blake? Why do I have to hide if I'm being protected?...

(Y/N)'s mind-Why is everybody not working together?

(Penny's POV)

My dad told me to not be out so long, but for the short time I came back home to wait for further orders, I was restless and only thought about my new little friend (Y/N). After we received intel about General Ironwood being murdered I found it impossible to rest then made it my own mission to find (Y/N) and take him far from Atlas since there is a known hostile named "Cinder Fall" known to be after him. The longer I searched, the heavier my chest felt, but my systems detected to change in my weight.

Penny's mind-M-My chest... It feels so heavy and in pain!

My system activated a protocol since this feeling was building up steam inside my body and then produced what looked like tears. I stopped flying to try and do a search for this feeling. This feeling was not related to being happy, excited, or anything good. Rather, it was related to sadness, emotional pain, and depression.

Penny-I... I don't like this... *Hic* *hic*.

I pulled up all the intel on (Y/N)'s profile and then looked at a pictured of him in my visual.


I acted as if I could touch it, but when I couldn't I scrolled down to get the picture out of my site, but then came across another image... The main target that's after him.


I now felt another emotion that I know about thanks to combat with the Grimm... Anger, hatred, and dread.

(No POV)

Penny's hand's gripped the concrete on the roof she was on, but when she looked door her fingers broke through the surface to make holes in it. She thought the file was incorrect in priorities and motives. She know Cinder could not be the only threat, so she ran through law and order to read through criminal records and add them to the file for people to keep away, but that didn't feel like enough for her.

Penny-What am I missing?

I ran through many scenarios to see what she didn't like and oddly the one where she gives (Y/N) back to his sisters... She didn't like it.

Penny-Brother... Ruby called him her little brother.

She played another scenario of her taking him away from Atlas and to a place where no military personnel was present to 'interfere' with the mission's priorities... She had him all to herself. She ran through countless other simulations, but that was the only one she liked. Back in the world around her, she knew (y/N) was in constant danger and will only be safe with her.

Penny-A brother... They must stay safe... Eliminate all dangers.

Her eyes were flickering colors until for a moment they turned red,

Penny-He will be my little brother now. Ownership of him will strictly belong to me once I recover him... I'm sorry Ruby,... but you are no exception either.

She flew off in the sky to continue the search for 'her little brother'.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to get Winter to talk about my mommy and sisters now, but she keeps on saying no. When just made it to their home and it was a huge building, with other buildings, so I wondered...

(Y/N)-Which one is your house?

Weiss-*Giggles* This is our mansion. All of it is our house.

My mouth dropped open when she told me how this big place was all theirs then Winter pulled me into her lap when she parked and then took me out of the car with her. I saw fountains in their front yard then we got inside to see 2 huge armor statues and this place...

(Y/N)-This place is like a castle!

Winter-I'm... glad you like it... I'll go deal with Father.

Weiss-I'll bring (Y/N) to your room.

They both went up the stairs, but in different ways from when they split off and on the way to Winter's room we ran into a guy and he dressed fancy.


???-Hm, so this is the boy you and Winter begged Father to let stay?

Weiss-What do you want Whitley?

Whitley-I just wanted to see what was so important about this boy.

They look a lot alike... Are they brother and sister? They spoke for a while and I don't think they got along when they should have... Then again, I remember my sister Yang and how in some ways the rich are just mean because they are miserable in other ways. Still, did Weiss or Winter even treat him like Ruby and Yang treated me?

Whitley-Honest, you want to bring in a commoner with a target on his back. If dangerous people show up-.

Weiss-Winter and I will handle it. Unlike you and Father we put others before ourselves.

Whitley-... Well, let's see what Father thinks of you saying that. Don't forget that he is generous enough to let him-.

Whitley only pointed a finger at me, and he was mean, but Weiss grabbed his wrist and squeezed. He looked like he was in pain before he pulled away and held his wrist.


She walked away with me and I thought brothers and sisters were supposed to love each other. We made it to Winter's room and she put me on the bed before she started a fire in the fireplace in this room.

(Y/N)-Was that your brother?


(Y/N)-... Why did you hurt him? Brothers and sisters are supposed to love each other.

Weiss-It's complicated but just stay away from Whitley. It's getting dark soon, so it's bedtime soon. Just get ready to get in the shower. The bathroom is the door closest to the bed.

I looked and saw the door before I went in then when I got my clothes on and went into a smaller glass room where the shower was to turn the water, I heard something that made me jump.


I got out of the shower without getting water on me before Winter came in and she looked like she was trying to calm down before she looked at me and then smiled a little.


(Y/N)-Are you ok? You looked mad.

Winter-I'm fine sweetie. I just... had a very important talk with my father.

Does she hate her daddy?... What kind of family doesn't love each other, but still has two nice people in it? I don't understand.

Winter-Let's just get you in the shower before bed. You must've had a very long day. ~

She got her clothes off before she picked me up to take me in the shower with her then changed the temperature of the water a little before Weiss came in.


Weiss-The room should be warmed up when we get back out there. I also had someone bring me a guest robe his size.

Winter-Did you lock my door?

Weiss-Of course.

Weiss took her clothes off before she got in the shower with us. They both washed me first while I thought about how they hated their dad and brother.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(???'s POV)

I looked at the camera feed I had through the house, but mainly focused on my husband and son talking about some boy staying here with my daughters. I rewinded the feed in the office to see Winter talking to my husband and the arrogant way he spoke about 'her crawling back like he knew she would' made her furious. She left his office in the video right after then I went to the live feed in her room to see her, Weiss, and the boy she has a mission to protect all sleeping and cuddling in the same bed. I zoomed in to see the boy was still awake in the middle of my girls.


???-Who is this boy?... Maybe I can talk with them in the morning.

With that, I just put my glass down for the night before I started getting ready for bed. When I lied in bed, I was haunted by the thought that my husband would not do anything out of the lack of kindness in his heart. He has another angle and Winter and Weiss have to know this too.

???'s mind-Was bringing him here the best idea they had?... I need to keep a close eye on this boy and my husband.


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