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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

It was Christmas Eve tomorrow so that just means 2 days until Christmas. I have been a good boy for Santa all year... Most of the year. I still know I have to be on the nice list and with no school bullies on Winter Break, it'll be easy. Right now, I was in the living room watching The Polar Express with a cup of Hot Chocolate, and my mommy was out late for work again. She's not home a whole lot, but she promised to be here for presents. Little does she know that I have a plan to see Santa. Many kids like to stay in the living room, but I bet they didn't have a treehouse they could hide in while a dummy was on the couch. I got everything I needed in my tree house to camp up there and keep an eye out for Santa like extra blankets, snacks to help keep me up, and my telescope to look around better. Everything is all set for tomorrow night and I'll see Santa and his reindeer.

(Y/N)'s mind-If I can get a good picture then maybe I can get a million dollars.

(Clarice's POV)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and Rudolph has been busy for the entire year this year. I know he doesn't mean it, but it still gets lonely without him, even with the other reindeer. None of them are remotely like Rudolph and they only like him now because he helps Santa, but I liked him even before he became popular like that. It was just another lonely night in my stable... well it's our stable, but Rudolph is only in here super late at night, if not at all, and I rarely get to go out with him... I guess this stable technically is more mine than his.


The only sound in this room was from the record player playing Christmas Jazz music. Just then I got up to go look in the mirror and saw I looked ok to go out on a walk.


I went outside when it was almost midnight and walked around the village to see all the elves getting the last bit of work done for the holiday. One of the elves accidentally bumped into me since they couldn't see through all the stuff they were carrying.

Elf-Oh sorry.

Clarice-It's alright... Have you seen Rudolph or Santa around?

Elf-Oh, those 2 are with the other reindeer, getting ready for the big day. It'll be Christmas Eve in a matter of minutes and they'll be heading off to get started as soon as the last of the presents are wrapped up and put in Santa's sack on his sleigh... You how busy things can get and it's been a crazy year.

Clarice-I understand.

I always understand. He went back to work and I just felt so low on energy... I've been here doing nothing for way too long, maybe I need to head out and have my own adventure. I don't just have to sit at home and wait for someone to watch me whenever I step out. I decided to head home to get a few things packed, mainly food when I'm out.

(No POV)

Everyone is on the verge of being ready for their plans on Christmas Eve. Rudolph was ready to lead Santa and the others with his shiny red nose, Santa was ready to deliver the presents, Clarice was ready to go out for the night, and as we speak, the sun rose for Christmas Eve for (Y/N). Now he just had to keep his set up from his mom until she left.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just gave my mom her briefcase and she gave me rules to follow and said she would be calling me to check in to make sure I was ok. She didn't see my stuff in my treehouse and now I had all day to myself and then get to go to my treehouse at night. It did start to snow outside, but I should be fine with extra blankets and I can deal with the cold easily.

(Timeskip To Night)

My body was shaking under 3 sheet blankets and a real blanket, but the snow still made it so cold out here. I still wanted to see Santa so badly, so I tried to bear with it and he might be here any minute now... I think my toes hurt a little less from the cold.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

(Clarice's POV)

I was out on my own in secret and visited a few places. They were nice but didn't really help me too much to feel better. I just Rudolph was here or anyone that would put me first even at times. While I was flying over a city I looked at all the Christmas lights and then landed on the roof of a house that had a decoration of Santa being pulled by Reindeer. From Comet to Blitzen, they were all accounted for, including...

Clarice-Rudolph... *Sigh*.

I just sat on the roof until I heard a sneeze coming from a house across the street. I panicked and looked to see if anyone saw me, but it looked like I was in the clear. I heard the sneeze again and it was faint but had to come from outside... I flew over to the house and saw a few lights coming from the treehouse then I managed to notice something threw a small window from a side angle... A telescope and it was moving around. I moved to get a better look at things then saw a child with (H/L) (H/C) hair looking at the sky and I can only think of one reason a small child would be looking up at the sky this late on Christmas Eve... He was looking for Santa.

Clarice's mind-He's gonna get sick being out here with those thin-looking blankets... I have to get his parent's attention.

I flew down to the windows while the boy was still distracted, but even after checking all the windows... Nobody was inside.

Clarice's mind-Where's his mom and dad?

No parent would leave their child alone, especially at this time of year at night... Would they? I didn't have the most understanding father, but he never went as far as to abandon me.


Claire's mind-Oh no!

I turned and saw the little boy staring at me while I was still floating in the air. I had to think of something and quick, so I flew up to him. He stared in awe and then had the biggest smile on his face as his (E/C) eyes lit up light Christmas lights.

???-You're one of Santa's Reindeer! I knew you were real! Where's Santa and the other reindeer?! Can I have a ride?!

Claire-Now, now... Santa actually sent me to bring you inside and make sure you go to sleep in bed... Or he won't come.

???-... Can I at least have a ride down?

Claire-S-Sure, hop on.

He climbed out the window and onto me then I could feel he was freezing. I took him to the sliding glass door and he got off to open the door... then tried to lead me inside. He was insistent and I guess I could take a closer look since no adult was here... The heater in here did feel nice to warm up a little.

Claire-Um... Where are your parents?

???-My mommy is at work.

Claire-And you're by yourself?

???-Yeah, she trusts me to be home alone. Sometimes she leaves with papers and boring stuff and other times she dresses up for special parties.

It sounds like she leaves him alone a lot, but he still seems so happy, so he doesn't know he is getting neglected... Sort of like me, I guess.

???-I'm (Y/N)... Oh, I prepared for this!

He ran to his kitchen to get into the fridge then came back with fresh mixed berries then held them out to me. I took them to not seem rude, but then I remembered the reason I came in here was to put him to bed. Just before I could say that he started scratching my head then behind my ear... It felt like my body was melting while I leaned into his touch.

Claire's mind-None of the elves did this with us or even Santa or Mrs. Clause... It feels so good. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I can't believe that I was petting one of Santa's reindeer! I felt so wide awake now and her eyes closed while she tilted her head until I stopped. I wanted to show her everything in my house, but before I could start the tour I remembered what she said about Santa... I had to go to bed.

(Y/N)-My room is upstairs.

???-Come on then. We don't want Santa to skip you.

I showed her upstairs to my room and then got in bed for her then I saw her look a little sad.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?

???-Oh, I'm fine... Just go to sleep and I'll show myself out.

(Y/N)-You know... I bet no other kid got to meet you before... I think that's pretty cool. Can I ever see you again?

I think I saw her cheeks turn pink before I closed my eyes and I felt a little sad since I might never see her again. I heard her hoof steps leave my room with each clop and they stopped a few times before they were gone.

(Clarice's POV)

I can't believe I have to leave a child here all alone. I know what it feels like to be left all alone a lot while others do what they want or have to in most cases. I looked around the house then soon found the mother's bedroom.

Clarice's mind-A mother choosing a party over her own son? Let's see what kind of parties you dress up for when you're not working.

I looked around and found a walk-in closet full of suits, but there was a chest in here that I opened... I saw lots of costumes and props for dress-up. Bunny ears and tails with a lumpy pole attached to it, a nurse outfit, a bathing suit, a super wide and long red ribbon, and so much more.

Claire-What kind of part needs costumes like these?... They don't look like they cover much.

I left the closet and opened a few drawers and saw pictures of men next to phone numbers in a book and they also had prices next to them. She might be out partying since not a lot of humans or places are open or work on Christmas Day... She should be home if it was just work most likely and even if it was work...

Clarice's mind-How often does she see these guys... There are 36 of them and they all have weird names... What's a stud muffin?

She's not acting like a mother at all. She has no real good reason to leave her son alone like this, he deserves good company... So do I... Maybe...

Clarice-No, what are you thinking? What would the others think?

I'm sure things will work out here and Rudolph... I know he loves me as much as I do him, but... He's just so busy now.

(Fantasy Start)

I was lying next to a fire in my stable on a cozy rug and the best part was I was getting scratched behind my ear again. This felt like heaven and I managed to get cookies for my special little guest then when I gave him one, he rolled onto his back for me. He ate his cookie while I nuzzled and tickled him until he was ready to cuddle for the night.

(Y/N)-Clarice, can I pet you behind your ear again until I fall asleep? I know you like it.

Clarice-Only if get a blanket over you first. I want you to stay bundled up and warm.

(Y/N)-Ok! Oh, I also had a great idea!

He ran to get his blanket and then got something else to bring back to me, and what it was and what he said made my heart flutter.


(Y/N)-You can help wrap me up now and it'll just be like opening a present on Christmas morning!

(Fantasy End)

I pictured myself walking circles around him to wrap him up like a present of mine with his cute little frame of a body. A nice bow looked so adorable on him in my head, but when I snapped out of it then went back to how things are...

Clarice's mind-Do they have to be this way?

I looked at a picture of (Y/N) with his mother who is almost never here then thought about both of our positions... It really made me mad, so I knocked the picture down and then stomped on it.

Clarice's mind-You don't want him that bad? Fine!... I'll just take him!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could not go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried, but then I heard clopping coming into my room again. I tried to fake being asleep in case someone was checking on me to make sure I was sleeping and Santa didn't skip me. However, I felt them poking me with a wet nose, so I opened my eyes to see Clarice smiling at me.


Clarice-Hello again.

(Y/N)-I thought you left.

Clarice-I had something else in mind, but this has to be a super duper secret. Only we can know.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Clarice-... How would you like to come to my stable at Santa's Christmas Village? ~

(Y/N)-... REALLY?!?!?!

Clarice-That's right. I can give you a ride there. ~

(Y/N)-When can we go?!

Clarice-When can you pack up 5 out-? ~

Just then I dashed out of bed then grabbed an empty suitcase in my closet to put 5 sets of clothes in here that are probably so I can bundle up, but just to be sure, I should put on 3 extra shirts and everything else to make sure I stay warm and have extra layers.


(No POV)

Clarice hoped on (Y/N)'s bed to only feel it wasn't as comfortable as hers back at her stable which to her was another reason to take (Y/N). She watched him put on 3 layers of all the clothing he would need as well as the 5 she asked him to pack. It made her happy that he was excited to go, but forgot to tell him he wasn't coming back... When she realized this she thought to tell him later when he was a little settled in. By the time (Y/N) was finished packing and even got a few toys and games of his he was bouncing in place a little in front of Clarice.

(Y/N)-Come on! Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Clarice-Alright. Let's go outside first before you hop on and I want you to hold on to me tight and let me hold your suitcase in my mouth. We're going straight to my stable and you need to be quiet before we go in. Understand?

He nodded his head very fast and beat her outside by running as she walked with a smile through the house. When she got outside she had (Y/N) hop on and she got his things before they took off. (Y/N) held her tightly from his fear of heights, so he closed his eyes while nuzzling into Clarice which made her even happier than she was already.

Clarice's mind-What a sweetheart. ~


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