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(Weiss's POV)

Winter was arguing on the scroll with another officer to have the location where (Y/N) is changed to base, but the soldier wouldn't budge since it was ordered by the general to keep him where he is. Winter could argue as much as she wanted, but this was going nowhere, so she hung up to try to call Ironwood, so I stayed quiet. Winter took a second to collect herself before she pushed the call button and waited as it rang. I saw Atlas in the distance by the time the General answered the call.


Winter-General Ironwood, this is Special Operative Schnee entering Atlas air space.

Ironwood-You ship should be personally marked to give clearance.

Winter-Clearance is not why I called, sir.

Ironwood-Why are you calling then?

Winter-It's about (Y/N). I want to move him to my quarters personally. I am requesting permission to do so.

Ironwood-Permission denied. I have him on lockdown and under watch by the Ace Ops and even the Protector of Mantle.

Winter-But sir, you appointed me to protect him.

Ironwood-I need you on more important matters. I have reason to suspect Salem and her forces planted him here. You'll be helping me find them. The boy will be safe. I have to go now, but come straight to Atlas Academy and I'll brief you more on the mission.

He hung up and we were so angry at him that she slammed her fist down on the armrest so hard it broke off.

Weiss-Now what?!

Winter-We'll think of something!... You know how to do a landing strategy, so jump somewhere in the city while I go talk to the General. I'll send you the location where he is when I can.

I we waited until we were over the city of Atlas before I opened the shuttle door then jumped out as I pulled out my weapon and used my glyphs to help me land safely. I think since we can't use military bases, maybe our manor can help keep him safe... Only one problem.

Weiss's mind-Father.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My sisters and I were cuddling as they took turns telling stories and I wanted Yang to tell me one of my favorites from when I was 4 and she helped me with a bully. I liked the story because in it the evil robber that hurts and bullies the town gets knocked off a cliff and fed to Grimm after they fought the 'Helpful huntress'.

Yang-The robber begged for help after he was defeated by the Helpful Huntress but the stray arrow he shot up earlier came down and hit his hand. The edge of the cliff broke off and he fell closer and closer to the giant Ursa Grimm and then-.

Just then the door opened and Harriet came in and walked up to Elm then looked over to us.


Harriet-Clover wants the boy for further questions. We may have found a link.

Elm-... I'll get the room ready

Harriet came over to us and was about to take me, but Yang and Ruby held me tight to not let her take me. I thought of something that could work in a way everybody is happy.

(Y/N)-Hey, maybe they can come with me for the questions.

Harriet-Sorry, it's protocol. Has to be you and you alone.

I frowned a little but cheered up then whispered into my sister's ears.

(Y/N)-Don't worry, I'll be back and Raven will still get us out at the end of the Weekend. Let's just play along. *whisper*

I gave them both kisses before they slowly let me go then I followed Harriet and Elm down the hall, but Hattiet suddenly picked me up to hold me like a baby. Elm looked at us when she did, but did nothing and I remember my dad said that an officer of any kind can't touch me if I'm not hurt or haven't done anything wrong and I don't want them to.

(Y/N)-Um... Can you put me down?


(Y/N)-But you can't just pick me up. My dad said-.

Harriet-I have special authority from this special case.


I noticed we walked by the room where they ask me questions and when we turned a corner, I saw guards sleeping on chairs and on a desk like they were in the middle of playing cards and one of them was snoring very loudly. I'm surprised she didn't try to wake them up since sleeping on the job is supposed to get you in trouble. Soon we got outside to a car and Harriet took me in the back with her while Elm got in the driver's seat to start driving.

(Y/N)-Are we going to do the questions here?

Harriet-... Just... come here.

She pulled me onto her lap while Elm kept on driving and I was starting to think that we were going to do more questions. They were taking me somewhere, so I tried to get out of her lap, but she held me tight while I kept on fighting her.

Harriet-Calm down.

(Y/N)-I wanna go back to my sisters!


Raven will be here and in an emergency, I can say 'Mama Bird', but I don't want to hurt them if they are just trying to do their job... I don't want anyone to get hurt at all.

(Harriet's POV)

Before I shut the cameras off earlier I noticed Elm's movements on the footage while she was alone and it was not fooling me. I'm just glad we were on the same page because I did not want to fight in front of (Y/N), but I would have if I had to. I put directions in the car for the driver, in this case, Elm to a hotel I had booked under a fake name for "witness protection" to keep a child safe. He soon used up all his energy and went limp in my lap before he looked at me with sad puppy eyes...

Harriet-Hey, you want to see something cool? ~

He looked a little confused as I put him next to me then scooted up a little to get some room before I activated my weapon setup and he did look amazed. Given he wiped a bit of tears from his eyes.

Harriet-Cool, right?

(Y/N)-D-Does this give you super strength... Let to lift cars and stuff?

Harriet-Not that much, but it does make me punch harder. Like through a Grimm.

I tried to calm him by talking and make him believe we were going somewhere for questioning then I noticed Elm doing something at a red light, so I kept (Y/N)'s eyes on me. Soon my scroll went on with an emergency alert from Elm, so I checked it and it said, "Quit hogging him. When I pull over the car, I get him or I contact the General and Clover.

Harriet's mind-... Fine.

Harriet-Our hideout has been compromised, but it looks like everyone got out ok.

(Y/N)-What?! Are my sisters ok?!

Harriet-Report said they made it out and a lady that uses fire attacked... We can't leak your location to anyone. We're going dark and to a hotel until further notice.

He looked nervous for the rest of the drive then we made it to the hotel where I had to let Elm hold him or else she would tell. When I gave him to her, I saw her snuggling him in her arms and how he fit in her arms.

Elm-Let's get you inside. I even think there are amazing cinnamon buns and hot chocolate. ~

(Y/N)-Can we tell my sisters that we're here? I think it's Cinder that attacked and they could be in trouble.

Harriet-Your sisters can take care of themselves. We can't share your location until Cinder is caught. Do you want Cinder to find you and take you back to that scary place?

(Y/N)-... No.

Elm-They'll we'll hide here until we think of something. For starters... How about a nice meal and a movie together? ~

(No POV)

The three went into the hotel and (Y/N) was convinced that Cinder was here in Atlas and was ready to say "Mama Bird" the second he sees Cinder coming, but he wants to find his sisters first before he leaves. When the three went into the building they didn't know someone was walking around the city and talking to her father on the scroll until she hung up on him when she spotted them.

Weiss's mind-(Y/N)?!

(Weiss's POV)

I ran up to the 5-star hotel the Ace Ops went into and saw them getting a key to a room and texted my sister about this, but she didn't read it yet. I still had to get things settled with him before I move him there without causing a scene for people, and my father was being difficult... I couldn't stall anymore and called a ride to go straight home and speak with my father.

Weiss's mind-Come on Winter, give me something. What's happening with you right now?

(Winter's POV)

Ironwood-Schnee, the Ace Ops will handle this and I want you searching and protecting!

Winter-Sir, they don't know his needs! I don't think surrounding a child with armed soldiers is good for his mental health!

I have been going back and forth with the General since I got to his office and he is showing no sign of backing down. He should just give me (Y/N)! HE NEEDS TO BE WITH ME!!! Just then the speaker at Ironwood's desk went off from an intercom call.

Speaker-Sir, the child has been moved without proper clearance and 3 guards were attacked and suffering amnesia.

Ironwood-What?! What happened?!

Speaker-We don't know sir. Cameras were turned off and Harriet and Elm are M.I.A. with the boy.

Ironwood-Is there any sign of an attack? There's no way Harriet and Elm would let something like this happen! Get in contact with them!

Speaker-They went dark sir.

Ironwood-*Grunt*... Await further orders!

He held his head when he turned off his mic and this might be my chance to persuade him to give (Y/N) back to me, but what he said next...

Ironwood-Schnee, when the boy is found, I want him in a secure center at the detention center. Not in a cell, but in a room. Nobody will be allowed in his room or out without my knowledge.

He... wanted to lock (Y/N) away... Away from me.

Ironwood-Find Harriet and Elm and maybe you'll find the boy too. I'll alert the rest of the Ace Ops and-.



I caught him by surprise when he turned back to me. Since he trusted me so much, he didn't have his aura up in defense and left himself vulnerable... I pierced my blade through his heart and he looked at me with shock and confusion.

Ironwood-W-... Winter?

Winter-I am taking (Y/N) for myself and my sister. As for you... You're in my way.

He tried to pull up his aura, but I swiftly took my second blade from my sword and used it to cut his neck open and let his body fall to the floor in his office. I was careful not to get blood on me then went to his computer that he was still logged into, so I used this moment to erase the footage for the whole day and then shut the cameras down. Next, I staged the room by shattering a window then summoned a flying Grimm to get out of there quickly before the staff show up and find the body. My last act was turning back to him before I pulled out my scroll to check my messages... Weiss found (Y/N).

Winter's mind-Excellent job sister.

I texted her to send me her exact location and she told me that she was heading to the manor to get things ready for him to arrive. Seeing as we can't rely on the military anymore, I guess my old 'home' was the best option for now... sadly. Mainly the reason being my father and little brother that wants to follow in his footsteps... Regardless.

Winter's mind-We'll come to get you soon, (Y/N). You'll be sleeping in my old room with me tonight. ~


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