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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 4

I woke up this morning and was so happy that today was Easter and when my mommy carried me to the living room I saw my Easter basket. My daddy was sitting next to it and in the basket, I had a chocolate bunny, jelly beans, small chocolates, a toy ball, and some bunny ears for me to wear. I had to take some stuff out of my basket to start my egg hunt in the house since the Easter Bunny might still be outside. I also had to have breakfast too, so my mom cooked pancakes, eggs, and bacon while I did my egg hunt in the house.

(Y/N)-How many eggs did you hide in the house?

Daddy-20 and you got 10, so you need 10 more.

(Y/N)-Then I can go out and get the eggs the Easter Bunny hid?

Daddy-That's right.

Mommy-Don't forget that you're not gonna fill up on Easter candy young man. Breakfast is almost done then you have a bath before you go outside. You can have a few pieces right now.

I picked 4 pieces of chocolate to eat and then went back to hunting for eggs in the house, but I wonder where the Easter Bunny is now... I never knew where the Easter Bunny lived, but I bet it's somewhere far away from here.

(???'s POV)

I was sprinting around the last house since my other bunnies helped me, even more, this year, but I was still behind. I just had a sugar crash last night from my triple-layer chocolate cake with white chocolate chips, hot fudge, chocolate frosting, chocolate shavings, chocolate powder, chocolate sprinkles, and peanut butter chips... I didn't look at the calendar for a while then panicked when I got a late start, but this was the last house and it looked like the kid hadn't come out yet. I saw eggs already placed in the yard from the parents, but I hurried and put some of my own while moving some of the eggs into better spots. I think they expected their kid to climb a tree at one point, so I made it look like a bird or something knocked it down. I only had one egg left to hide, but I heard the door about to be opened, so I dashed into the bushes to hide and then saw a small boy come out with his parents.


I looked at the one chocolate egg I had left for him and since he was out here now... I failed. I hit my head on the ground.

Petra's mind-You had to pick last night of all nights to have a sugar crash. Way to go.

Just then I heard someone sneak up behind me then turned to see Bit.


Bit-We just got done and the others headed home... What's wrong? *whisper*

I just showed her the egg I missed then planted my face on the ground.

Bit-Oh... I mean, it's just one egg. He seems to have tons more. *whisper*

Petra-I could've gotten this out if I didn't make that stupid cake. *muffled*

Bit-Come on, you loved that cake. *whisper*

Petra-Meh. *muffled*

I looked back up to see the boy running around the yard to collect the eggs and the way the sun shined on his (H/L) (H/C) hair... It did look cute, but I looked back at the egg before I decided to put it back in the basket and then dig a quick hole to bunker down in the big backyard.

Bit-What are you doing? *whisper*

Petra-I'm getting this egg to him. *whisper*

Bit-But we have to go back. The others sent me to get you to make sure nothing happened during this rushed job. *whisper*

Petra-I'm just gonna wait for them to go inside then I'll put the egg somewhere easy to find and I'll go. *whisper*

Bit-Well I can't go back empty-handed... He won't be out for too long, right? *whisper*

Petra-Nah, they go back inside for a while after they find the eggs to eat candy. *whisper*

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stayed outside and we can even have dinner out here. I just played with the eggs I found in the backyard and tried things like juggling, but it just looked easier on T.V. and cartoons. I could do one and I think that counts as juggling, but I also did other things with my eggs and toys out here to play alone. I even tried to make a course to bunny hop over eggs and toys and this game was fun, so I added more stuff to it. My only rule is I could only hop like a bunny... So glad nobody is around to watch this.

(Y/N)'s mind-Alright, let's do this!

I hopped over 3 piles of eggs with no problem then jumped side to side in 5 hola hoops, but tripped in the ball pit and landed inside.

(Petra's POV)

This was taking forever, but he just acted so cutely when he was alone out here. Bit and I know he was trying to act like... well me in a way by only hopping like a bunny in a course made by his toys. He wasn't making it out of the ball pit part, but that was the best part then I guess something tickled his nose because he made an adorable sound.

Petra/Bit-Awwwww. ~

We quickly caught ourselves and I think he heard us a little even if we were a good distance away. He looked a little nervous and even blushed while sinking into his ball pit to hide while looking for us, but he didn't leave that ball pit, so he couldn't see us peeking from a bush. It took a bit for him to go back to playing as if nothing happened, but that's only because he started chasing a butterfly before she tripped over himself by spinning too much.


After a while, I think he tired himself out and just lied on the ground and he looked adorable nuzzled against the soft green grass. The whole day he played out in his backyard and came to the fence we were next to at times and if he had come into the trees and bushes we would've been caught. Oddly from being forced to spend Easter behind a bush instead of celebrating with everyone else... this is a good Easter. He's adorable and that's saying something because I myself look adorable and surrounded by adorable bunnies and chickens all year long.


Bit took off her beret and belt before she went out there and I could only watch as she nudged into him and when he looked at her he jumped up a little and looked happy. I think I saw his eyes light up from her a little or that could be in my head... Either way, I felt jealous of her.

(Y/N)-Hi there. My name's (Y/N)... You smell like pretty flowers.

He scratched her head to pet her then he found a spot under her chin that made her foot start thumping. She managed to knock him down playfully and he only giggled and played with her until his mother came out and saw Bit playing with her son.

(Y/N)'s mom-(Y/N), come inside for a bit. I made (F/S) sandwiches.

This finally made him go inside after all this time which was the moment we were waiting for. Bit came back to put her belt and her Beret back on.

Bit-He was a little bundle of fun! His little hands for his size just felt so adorable!

Petra-Lucky you.

Bit-... Soooo... The egg?

Petra-Um, r-right.

I got out of my hiding spot and was about to put the egg by the slide, but I went by the house inside and peaked through the window into a dining room where I saw (Y/N) eating an (F/S) sandwich and he cheeks looked cute and chubby. I think went to another window and peeked at the parents in the kitchen making dinner for them which was ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and homemade mac and cheese. (Y/N) soon walked into the kitchen to give his parents a hug, but his dad only carried him out of the kitchen.

(Y/N)'s dad-If you're done eating then go play some more. We don't need you getting burned.

(Y/N)-Can I have some more candy?

(Y/N)'s mom-Just a few pieces, but only after you finish your lunch.

He went back to go eat then I went to go peak through other windows carefully before I saw what must be (Y/N)'s room... He had a few stuffed rabbits and looked like he decorated his room for Easter. My heart couldn't take this cuteness and I started to think after giving kids so much maybe my sugar crash last night was fate.

Petra's mind-He's just so cute and he clearly loves Easter so much... He'll love actually meeting the Easter Bunny. Maybe... even...

I walked back over to the hiding spot where Bit was gone, so I looked around to only spot her peeking through the dining room window, so I quickly snatched her and dashed back to the bushes so quickly I kicked up a bit of grass.

Bit-Hey, you didn't have to grab me like that... Why do you still have the egg?

Petra-Patch has darts in your burrow back on Easter Island, right?

Bit-Yeah, why?

Petra-... Let's talk for a bit about (Y/N).

(Timeskip To Dawn)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Easter was almost over. I wanted to go out and play a little more before I had to clean up my mess in the backyard while my parents were inside watching a movie. I was completely full from dinner, so I'll wait on more candy, but when I finished cleaning my mess while singing the Easter Song from a movie I heard something.

???-*Whistle* Little boy!


I looked over to the tree and bush part of the backyard, so I closed the shed and looked at it without walking up to it until I saw something next to the bushes.


I walked over and picked up the egg and it looked so pretty. How did I miss this egg?

(Y/N)-Hello?... Is this a-, I mean your egg?

???-*Giggles*. ~

I walked into the bushes to only find another egg then another one, so I picked it up. After 3 more eggs, I saw something next to the tree.



I quickly picked up my toy and hid it behind my back. I felt so embarrassed that someone saw that I had toys like this when I wanted to be seen as a big boy that likes nothing, but superheroes, and water fights... Wait, I just called my toy by their name! I have to think of something, quick!

(Y/N)-M-My little sister w-won't like you were in my room!... I mean her room!

I heard more giggling and tried to find who was laughing, but then I saw the bunny from before hop out from the bushes, but they had a pink hat and a belt now.


(Y/N)-Flowers?... Oh, you must be someone's pet bunny.

Just then Flowers stood up on their back feet like a person then pulled out a stick.

???-Actually, my name is Bit.

(Y/N)-Huh?!... Bunny rabbits can-?!

She blew into the stick and poked my arm with something that made me feel sleepy, but while I fell back someone else caught me while Bit bit something in her mouth to breathe.

???-Nighty, night little cutie. ~

I fell asleep in someone's arms and they felt cozy, and snuggly.

(Timeskip ???)

I slowly woke up to being in a soft bed, but the ceiling looked different then I looked around the room to see that this wasn't my room. This isn't any room in my house then I remembered Flowers talking to me... or Bit or whatever then... I got hit with a dart, but that had to be a dream. Maybe I'm in a dream inside another dream... When did I sleep? I don't remember sleeping since I woke up for Easter. I even noticed I was not even in a bed, I was in a big basket with a handle just going over me.

(Y/N)-Mama?! Daddy?!

I tried to get out of the room to see where I was, but the door was locked and I tried pinching myself to wake up. It didn't work and it did hurt, but I forgot if it still hurts when I do it to myself or if someone else has to do it.

(Y/N)'s mind-How do I get someone to pinch me if I'm all alone?

I kept on trying to get out of the room or wake up, but nothing was working then I remembered my mommy talking about people who slept for years because they hit their heads or something...


I don't wanna sleep for years because I'll miss my mommy and daddy too much, other holidays I like, my friends, and my shows. I started to feel scared and wondered if this even was a dream or not, but stopped thinking about anything else except for my parents then I started to cry.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* M-Mommy. *sobbing*

I kept on crying then heard the door swing open when I ran out of tears then heard someone.

???-*Gasp* Your awake!

I was suddenly picked up and pulled into a hug, and I couldn't open my eyes. I did feel something soft and fuzzy, they smelled nice, their heartbeat was nice, and they were rubbing my head and back until I calmed down a little.

???-Hey, lookie who I got. ~

I think they were wearing a suit or something if this was real, and when I looked to see who it was, it was a bunny lady and she had Cotton. I was surprised and thought of Bit.


She gave me Cotton and I held him close to help me feel a little better.

???-Awww, I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. You must've been so scared. I just had to speak with a few friends of mine. ~

I have never been more confused in my whole life or maybe this was just the craziest dream ever. She finally stood up with me on her side before she put me back in what I guess is her bed then rubbed my cheek.

???-Look at you. Your cheeks are covered in tear stains. Wait right here. ~

She went into a chest on her desk then came back with a few wet wipes to clean my face and smile before giving me a kiss when she was done and tossed the wipes in a small trashcan in here.

???-Much better, I'm sure your eyes won't look puffy and pink for much longer... ~ Oh, where are my manners? My name is Petra... I'm the Easter Bunny.

(Y/N)-The Easter Bunny?... You're the one that hides all the eggs. Are you really fast?

She just nodded her head at me and then poked my nose before she sniffed me.

Petra-I think you earned a bath mister. You smell like sweat and dirt. We can't have that. ~

She just got out of bed and ran super fast that I didn't follow her at first. She got a towel, and a bathrobe, and ran into the bathroom to get the water going before she ran back in front of me super fast. She was almost blurry... Now I know this is a dream.

Petra-Come on. We can't have others meet you like this. I need you nice and clean. ~

She took me to the bathroom in her room and got my clothes off before she put me in a bubble bath with rubber ducks and bubbles to play with. I guess if this is a dream... I could enjoy the bath, so I got a handful of bubbles to put them on my head to try and make a hat out of them.

(Petra's POV)

I don't know how, but he's adapting rather quickly... He probably thinks this is a dream, so I'll let him think to give him some more time to adjust before I tell him the truth. Probably have until the end of the day at best which is good because others want to meet him and it's breakfast time. He slept so soundly last night, it was adorable... Granted Bit and I tranquilized him, but she slept in the basket with him last night in place of his stuffed animal.

(Y/N)-Hey, since this is my dream. Can I have a banana split in the bath?

Petra-*Giggles* Sorry, but... this is a special dream with rules. We're making pancakes with sprinkles in the cafeteria. I can even get you chocolate milk with that. ~

The look in his eyes made my heart flutter. I got started on cleaning him and watched him play with my rubber ducks and bubbles then took him out to dry him off and put him in a nice warm robe before I brought him to my dresser to sit him on a stool to blow dry and brush his hair while he looked at himself in the mirror completely mesmerized. He also stole glances at the decorations I had which also made it easy for me to groom him without being disturbed... I don't think it'll be like that for much longer when he finally realizes what he is adjusting to. When his hair was dry, brushed, and soft I got him dressed in some of the clothes I got from his room without getting caught. I just gave him some jeans, a red T-shirt, and some socks and shoes to put on, but I should get better clothes made for him soon.

Petra-Are you ready to go meet everyone?

(Y/N)-Like Bit?... Who is all here?

I just took his hand and led him out of my room and everyone should be eating now and get a chance to see him. He looked at everything in the hall in awe, but he hadn't seen anything yet. We left my burrow then it showed him the giant burrow we all live in with crystals on the ceiling to look like a night sky and a few male rabbits saw us The moment we made it to the spot where all the other bunnies were he was curious and got nervous then hid behind me.

Petra-This is a dream, remember? You don't have to be shy.

He didn't budge, so I guess he just has a little stage fright to big crowds, but he'll get over it... I have a feeling he'll be the center of attention from now on. I led him out on the floor to get some food and eyes started to point at him and he stuck behind me until a familiar face to him stepped up which made him peek out a little.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt nervous in this dream because I hate it when a lot of people look at me at the same time, and I didn't like that I dreamed up a big crowd like this. Bit got in front of us and I was a little taller than her when she stood up on her back feet.

Bit-Your finally up! Come on, I want you to meet my team!


Petra-I'm gonna get him breakfast first. Besides, I got him washed and dressed for this. He'll meet the rest of you in a bit.

Petra just picked me up to put me on her shoulders and carried me over to what looked like an Easter snack bar and got a plate of pancakes and a cup of chocolate milk that she didn't even have to pay for. We sat at the end of a table and she got a pillow to sit on crisscross while she had me on her lap. She only had one fork then got a bite ready then held it to me while most of the bunnies watched.

(Y/N)-I c-can-.

Petra-Say ahhh. ~

She brought it closer to me and I tried to not do it, but when the pancake touched my lips I opened my mouth and took the bit.

Bunnies-Awwww. ~

I felt my face heat up and tried to take the fork from Petra, but she quickly fed me another bite and rubbed my head while I chewed.

Petra-Do you like it? The chef makes them from scratch and he prides himself in this.

(Y/N)-I like it... Can I have the fork now, ple-?

She gave me another bite of pancakes and there was something about them that made them really sweet then I saw spots of colors in them. She did say sprinkles before we got here and I guess in a dream, it works. After I was done eating Petra took me off her lap and pushed me a little.

Petra-Go say hi to everyone before breakfast is over. After, I'll show you around some more.

I was nervous and wanted to stay next to her, but she pushed me a bit more, so I started walking around. This picnic area that looked like you were eating outside at night was pretty, but all these dream bunny people made me nervous.

Bunny girl-Oh little boy. Want some? ~

I looked at a bunny and she held out some jelly beans in her small paw for me. I walked over to her and she poured them into my hands and then watched me eat them.

(Y/N)-Thank you.

Just then I felt someone tap on my shoulder then I turned to see Bit and she had 2 friends wearing the same hat as her.


Bit-Hey (Y/N), this is my team.

???-And I repeat myself. You used one of my-?

???-Cool it. Remember what Petra said... Hello, there little one. My name is Fluffy and I'm the leader of The Pink Berets.

(Y/N)'s mind-Little? I'm taller than her!

???-Name's Patch.

Bit held out a little chocolate egg for me and I took it and ate it then tasted peanut butter. She looked happy and rubbed my cheek while I chewed then Fluffy walked up closer to me to get a closer look at me.

Fluffy-I'm sorry for what happened. I can't say I completely agree with the course of action, but I will trust Petra.

Patch-Make yourself at home and all that jazz.

I had no idea what Fluffy was talking about, but I guess it was just weird dream stuff then Bit gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before she walked off with her team.

(Petra's POV)

I watched as all the bunnies were giving my baby attention, treats, and affection. Given Bit and I told them that he was emotionally abused, this starts out with pity, but they'll soon love him unconditionally.

Petra's mind-Maybe for our tour later. I'll carry you around in the basket. It's much lighter with just you in it and not a lot of eggs with candy in it... You'll look adorable and put on a little show for everyone around the village. ~


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