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((Y/N)'s POV)

Tanjiro came back to spend the night and wanted to know if it was ok that another friend came over to help. He told me it was Mitsuri was coming tomorrow, but he wanted to know more about what happened to me, so we talked in the field alone so my mom won't hear us. I told him I found out demons can't come out in the sunlight no matter how powerful. I told him the spider demons took me to a town where an Upper Moon 6 demon found me and took me while the other demons were gone. I went into detail about how scary and evil her eyes were compared to other demons, but she still cared for me. He looked confused, but I could tell from his eyes that he believed me.

(Y/N)-After she left for a walk is when you came in... You know the rest.

Tanjiro-An Upper-Rank demon that uses belts for fighting. And you're sure she was Upper 6?

(Y/N)-It was in her eyes. She would hide it sometimes, but she showed me.

(Tanjiro's POV)

Now an Upper-Rank demon is after him to care for him like a few other demons for some reason. Why though? Why do they not want to eat him like other humans?... Maybe something happened to him that he might not remember or understand it could affect him. I have to observe his life carefully to see if he is exposed to anything.

Tanjiro's mind-I should talk to his mom. Maybe something happened during her pregnancy with him.

(Timeskip To Night)

Dinner just ended and Nezuko really wanted to play with (Y/N) and we got permission from his mom, but in the brief moment of deciding, I smelled unruly anger and suspense coming off my sister... Is she like other demons that way?... I know she won't him, but I should still keep an eye on her. Right now, I offered to help (M/N) tidy up in the kitchen and then her house before joining her in the living room, so I think if I was gonna get any moment to ask, it'll be now.

Tanjiro-Ma'am, may I ask you something if it's alright?

(M/N)-What is it?

Tanjiro-It's... about your son. There's something special about him, so I was wondering if anything happened before or after you had him... You don't have to answer if it's anything personal.

(M/N)-Oh... well... I guess... When I was pregnant, I got very sick.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nezuko was holding me close in bed while rolling around and stuff and her eyes looked like she was really happy to see me or a kitten or puppy she didn't see in a long time. Dessert was gonna be ready soon and I don't think Nezuko will have any. Just as the sun went down and it was night, a cat jumped on my window seal and we meowed, so we turned to look.


It jumped into my room and rubbed itself against Nezuko a few times before it left my room which was kind of weird and Nezuko looked confused now. Later my mom called me for dessert, but Nezuko wouldn't let me go still and just carried me outside instead to the table for dessert.

(Tomayo's POV)

Chachamaru came back to me and I was careful to disinfect them of the residue I put on them for Nezuko. She should get it all over (Y/N) and if he gets it on the others they should be out cold and exhausted by the time I get there. When my Chachamaru was all clean I held them to give them some love before I put them down and continued to let her lead the way back to my baby.

Tamayo's mind-I know you were just scared of turning into a demon. We'll start slow this time... I just wanna do it before you lose your cute little face and the perfect height to hold you.

(Tanjiro's POV)

(M/N) told me she tried so many treatments that didn't involve risking her pregnancy and nothing worked until a doctor came to town and gave her a special tea with a blue flower that he called the "Blue Spider Lilly". That might have affected him, but she told me that she did many other treatments and that (Y/N) got bit by a snake before and got special medicine after the poison was sucked out. I tried to think about it more... But Nezuko made it hard when she refused to let go of (Y/N) during dessert after he wanted to sit with his mother. I got her to let go of him after a bit of convincing and gentle pulling, but now despite her calm appearance laying down and facing away, I could smell that she was angry.

Tanjiro's mind-This is something to keep an on. Maybe she needs time away from him after this. It should wear off after a while of being separated... Right?

After dessert, we thanked her before getting ready for bed then I suddenly felt really groggy and tired after a while. I didn't smell anything odd, but even Nezuko looked super tired... Maybe we just had a rough day and are just tired mentally... No, this is something else. The moment I got into bed I couldn't get up and Nezuko passed out on the floor.

Tanjiro's mind-What's happening?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Tamayo's POV)

I finally made it to (Y/N)'s home after sprinting for so long, but I haven't winded thanks to my demon body. I got in the house only for it to be completely silent, so I checked the rooms. I saw Tanjiro and Nezuko were here but paid them no mind when I closed the door.


I found a child's room, but (Y/N) was not there, so I checked the last room... Only to see (Y/N) in bed with who must be his mother and he was cuddling her.


He looked so peaceful, but I could not enjoy this moment with 'her' cuddling him. I nudged them both a little to make sure they were out cold and when they were I pulled the mother away from him a little... She had one arm under him, still touching him and I could not stand this, IT'S UNFORGIVABLE!!! I raised my backhand and then brought it down to her face.





Both her cheeks were only bright red since I didn't want to kill her for (Y/N)'s sanity's sake... I did however open up a winder before I carried her out of bed then tossed her in the bushes outside before I closed the window.

Tomayo's mind-Filthy woman... She's lucky I don't really poison her now for touching my baby.

I turned back to my baby and felt so happy finally. I took the now-empty spot in bed to cuddle him and he felt so warm. Like hugging a soft bundle of sunshine.

Tamayo-Hi baby... I'm gonna take you home soon after a bit of cuddling. I made a few special doses of medicine for you. We're just gonna put these arms, legs, and neck muscles asleep. Yes, we are. ~

I spent a bit longer here cuddling him before I looked around the house for anything soft to use as a rope to make sure he doesn't wake up on the way home. A small chance, but I don't deal in chances. By the time I picked a reliable and soft material when was his mother's belts for kimonos, it will be morning soon and I can't afford to make a stop, so I had to find a cave or something nearby for the day and then take him tomorrow night. I left him in bed and then gave him one last kiss on his cheek before I went outside. I saw his mother in the bushes I put her in then felt so grateful that she was going to touch him again all day until the moon rises again.

Tamayo's mind-I. Hate. You.

I walked up to her and picked her up by her close to bring her close to my face before...









As I kept on smacking her I was dragging her away from the house and through the farm before I found where the goats were and it was mostly mud in there... I just through her in the pin before I left to find a cave somewhere to stay at for the day. When I looked back, I saw the goats were already chewing at her clothes which made me smile and giggle.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Matsuri's POV)

I stayed at an inn last night to make sure I didn't wake (Y/N) in the middle of the night, but I left at sunrise. I made it to the farm my crow led me to and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I know farmers get up early, so maybe they were already started on chores, but after a bit of search... All I found was the mother in the goat pen and her clothes were almost completely gone aside from a few patches on her back, so nothing private was covered. Helping her did cross my mind, but...

(Flashback Start)

(Y/N)-A-Are you here to take me home?

(Flashback End)

He wanted to come home to 'her' and that filled my heart with anger and despair that he wanted her and not me... I could see she was breathing just fine, so I let be in the goat pen and then went back to the house to let myself in. I checked the rooms to see Tanjiro and his sister sleeping in a dark room, so I closed the door and soon found (Y/N) sleeping in what must be his mom's bedroom.


Mitsuri-My bedroom looks nicer than this... Good morning sweetie! ~

I nudged him, but he wouldn't wake up, so I tried other things, even taking him out of bed, but... nothing. He was breathing fine and I brought him into the sunlight outside to see if it was a demon's spell, but it would've broke by now... Maybe it was something else, but he stirred a little in my arms just now.

Mitsuri-I suppose this could be a good time to catch up on some cuddling... *Gasp* How about a walk in town after a bath while I hold you like this?!


Mitsuri-I'll just take that as a yes. ~

(No POV)

Mitsuri rushed to get in a bath with (Y/N) while he was still out cold and made it quick before dressing him, wrapping him in a blanket, then walking into town. She felt overwhelming love and pride while people stared at her carrying 'her baby' and even sat in places in town to baby him in his sleep. Meanwhile at the farm... Someone woke up first and...



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