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(Zoe's POV)

That fucking moron came to my house with an airsoft gun, acted like it was real, and wanted to take the son 'he' signed over to me at gunpoint! Police were looking into this, but I know that idiot will come back to try and take him for help with the state, but even if he did take him back this way, the state doesn't help a kidnapper! Not only that, I WILL RIP HIS FUCKING ARMS LEGS OFF WITH CHAINS ATTACHECHED TO CARS IF HE EVEN GLANCES AT MY BABY AGAIN!!! I took action to ban him from the casino and if security spots him, I would prefer Dixie to take him in the back while police are called. Right now my baby was in his room at home with my daughters watching him, and I have paid for police protection around my house. He's not leaving that house at all until his 'dad' is captured by police and locked up or found by us and killed. Just then my phone started training and when I looked at the screen of my car, it was Kinsley, so I answered it.


Kinsley-Hey mom, we were gonna order out since the chef is off sick for the day. Anything you want?

Zoe-Don't worry about me, but make sure the place you order from is good. None of the cheap places for (Y/N).

Kinsley-What about that burger place close by? We're hungry.

Zoe-Find something to snack on. I'm serious about that fast food slug for him. If I check the footage and it's anything fast food that feed him, the three of you are in trouble.

Kinsley-Fine... There's Chicago Fire.

Zoe-Perfect. I'll be home late tonight, so I expect him to be fed, bathed, and asleep. No staying up late and I will call to check-in.

Kinsley-We got it, mom. Bye.

She hung up and I just made it to my casino's garage, so if that creep followed me, he's as good as dead.

(Coral's POV)

Mom was strict on what to feed (Y/N) and so was I. While Kinsley and Aleshe figured out what to order from Chicago Fire Pizza, I was feeding (Y/N) some mushed bananas with strawberry glaze in bed. He tried to take to the spoon, but I told him 'no' while pointing him then the rules and then warned him that he will be put to bed early if he reaches for the spoon again. When he had a few bites left my sisters came in.


Alesha-Pizza's ordered. We got a deep dish Stockyard then a thin crust pepperoni.

Coral-Ok. And this should hold him over until the food gets here.

Kinsley-Let me feed him the rest.

Coral-Fine... Careful, I don't want it to drip on him, or his bed, and he tried to take the spoon.

I gave her what was left of his snack and she fed it to him just fine before she put the bowl down and Alesha sat on his other side.

Alesha-After dinner, he's getting in the shower with me.

Coral-Why not with all of us?

Alesha-Because if 'it' happens again, 2 on 1 is better odds.

Kinsley-We're lions with claws and sharp teeth. It'll take 3 of 'it' to make it a fair fight for one of us.

Alesha-I don't care.

Coral-Let's just... play a game with him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was hard to know what they were talking about for sure, but I know they were going to tell me, so I just played Mariokart 8 Delux with them and Kinsley was winning. Only by a little ahead of Alesha, I was in third, and I was in last. It was shells only and whenever I got a red or blue shell to actually hit someone, I get in second or third I get hit. After the first race they made up a rule where I have to sit on the winner's lap, but if I get first place then I sit on the one who got second place... After 12 races, the best I got was second place. The pizza got here, but I was not allowed to leave my room, so Coral went to get the pizza while Alesha put me on my chair next to my desk for me to eat at. When Coral came back she had both of the pizzas with her on trays instead of a box and had plates and ranch.


Coral-What do you want first sweetie?

(Y/N)-Um... The deep dish... and maybe some pepperoni after.

She made a plate for me while Alesha and Kinsley made plates for themselves then Alesha ate a little before she held a slice of pizza up to me.

Alesha-Say 'ahhh'. ~

((D/N)'s POV)

The house was under tight police security and even the pizza guy had to show an ID to give the police some pizza and check in with one of the girls. I did see that lion lady go to her work, but I don't think she brought my son with her... Unless she thought I would think that and she did take him with her to keep him close... Or maybe that's what she wants me to think and ordered the pizza to make me believe... Wait...

(D/N)'s mind-Ugh, this is getting confusing... Let's just assume my son is here... How do I get in?

All I have is an airsoft gun and if I pop my head out to them, they'll be after me. I would try to make money at the casino to go buy a costume, but I don't think going there is a good idea right now with 'her' there... I can't wait this out or I will lose my house and everything. I have to think.

(D/N)'s mind-Alright, just come up with an idea to sneak into the mansion with police and guards, grab your son, and get out... How hard can it be?

((Y/N)'s POV)


This was my second slice of the stuffed pizza before I got to the thin crust. Alesha would clean my face when I got sauce on it. She fed me the other slices while we watched a cartoon for me before it was bath time, but she went to my closet to get out some clothes for me and a collar and leash. I tried to say no, but they only pointed at the rules before she collared me to take me to her room and her bathroom.

(Y/N)-How come we couldn't do this in my bathroom?

Alesha-Because my soap and stuff are in here... I don't have a problem using it on you. You'll smell like me.

I blushed at this and even more when she took my clothes off then hers too. She got the water running before she took me into her big shower that was like a mini room with a glass wall and door, and there was even a bath in there. I tried to wash my own hair when she did her own and for a bit when I copied her, it worked out... Until she saw me and then got mad while my eyes were closed.

Alesha-*Gasp* (Y/N)! What are doing?!

She took my hands off my head and then scrubbed my head before rinsing me off. When I opened my eyes, I saw her glaring at me, but it was so hard to look at her right now since she was naked, but when I tried to turn away she took my chin to make me look into her eyes.

Alesha-I know you remember the rules! Bad boy!

(Y/N)-I-I just-.

Alesha-No excuses! I'm telling mom about this by text when we get out and we'll deal with this in the morning. You do not break our rules!

For the rest of the shower, she kept a close eye on me, and I can't believe I'm gonna get punished for washing myself because of those dumb rules. While we were in the shower we heard a beeping noise in the house like it was an alarm, so Alesha grabbed me to hold me tight against her, so my face was buried between her boobs and she would not let go until the beeping stopped in a few minutes. Just then the bathroom door swung open and we saw Kinsley and Coral come in and they looked relieved.


Alesha-Is he here?!

Coral-Someone set off the alarm.

Kinsley. Hurry up in there and let's just put him in one of the pens in our rooms for the night.

They just left and Alesha finished the shower with me before she dried us both of then dressed me before she put the collar back on me then put me in a baby playpen in her room then gave me a pillow and blanket.


Alesha-Stay in there and don't forget that you're still in trouble mister. I'm gonna text mom right now to tell her what you did.

(Y/N)-Please! I-I don't-!


(Y/N)-But- it was just washing my h-!


She snapped her fingers and then pointed at the ground, and her eyes looked serious and angry. I just laid on the ground while she got dressed then went on her phone. I had a sick feeling in my stomach that I was gonna get punished and remembered what my dad did. I don't know if she will spank me with a belt that had metal or put me in a dark room, or something worse... I was so scared that I started crying a little.


(Zoe's POV)

I was alerted that the alarm was tripped and sent a video of (D/N) trying to pick the lock until he got made then tried to go in through an unlocked window which tripped the motion sensors. I was rushing home to see if they caught him, but then I got a text from Alesha.

Alesha's text-Mom, (Y/N) already broke a rule by washing himself during a shower with me. I already scolded him and he'll be in my room tonight. We'll deal with him in the morning. The alarm was also tripped, but I don't know if they got him.

Not only do I have to deal with (D/N), I have to deal with (D/N). I think he was still adjusting to some things, but I can't let this slide. Maybe a few treatments to kill his self-esteem through actual babying will make the rules not seem so bad. I don't want to hurt or scare him into resenting me and his sisters.

Zoe's mind-Maybe bottle feeding or something around that will embarrass him enough.

When I made it home I went straight to Alesha's room to deal with my son, but he was already crying while in Alesha's arms.


The site of this made my blood boil and I was furious with Alesha right now. I took her brother from her to hold him while bouncing him but never broke eye contact with her.

Zoe-Did you hit him?!

Alesha-No! He just started panicking after I scolded him and texted you! He won't stop!

He tried soothing him and it took almost a half hour before he only sniffled and whimpered while looking up at me.

Zoe-Sweetie, why are you so scared?

(Y/N)-I-I-I... Do-Don't hurt me. *hic* I'll be good.

Zoe-Hurt you?... I was just gonna give you extra baby-like treatment for your punishment.

That made me wonder...

Zoe-What did your daddy do for punishments?

He would start with what he did to be punished each time before he told us what the punishment was. It listed off from spanking with metal belts, being forced to stay in a dark closet, and having what little toys he had taken away... The punishments only got worse... These were nothing like I would give my girls when they were his age, no wonder he was scared to death.

Zoe-I think... You've been punished enough from being scared. Just know that my punishments are not the same as 'his', but that doesn't mean to break our rules. Understand?

He only nodded his head after I gave him a serious look to let him know there was no room for debate.

Zoe-Stay with your sister tonight.

I gave him back to Alesha and she only cooed him while holding him close as she got in bed with him. When I left the room and closed her door I pulled out my phone to look at the video again to see 'him'.



He would dare treat my baby like that since he was too lazy to give a punishment that didn't involve scaring and hurting him to the point he was scarred for life.

Zoe's mind-Forget the police... You're mine.

Zoe-*Growl* *SNARL*!!!

(No POV)

Meanwhile, at the airport, a plane just landed and soon 3 women came out to head over to a limo waiting for them.


Yuna's mind-I'm here (Y/N). We'll be together soon. ~

Now back at the mansion a man was hiding in a cave from police until he had a chance to slip back into town after his plan failed... Even when it wasn't a real plan since he tried to copy a movie to break into the house.

(D/N)'s mind-That's it! I can't get in alone! I need help, but who will help me for free?!


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