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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today is the day the person will come over to check things and right now Miia and I were snuggling on the couch with only music playing for us while the others were in their rooms relaxing. It was morning, but I think she already fell back asleep. I was getting tired again too and she was just so cozy. It was 9:04 am and this person still wasn't here, so maybe they forget since the judge did say first thing in the morning. I just closed my eyes and nuzzled into Miia, but before I could sleep the doorbell rang, but I heard someone else go answer it so I stayed with Miia while she slowly woke up. I scooted up on her to try and keep her laying down with me, but she scooted up to lay back on the armrest as she yawned. She then sat up with me by the time an agent man came in and Centorea was with him along with someone else.


I had no idea what Haley was doing in our house again for this and the agent just took a quick look around the room while she tried to get closer to me, but Miia turned me away.

Miia-Excuse me, but what is she doing here?!

Man-Ms. Strong's residence has been inspected with a passing grade, and since if you pass as well, the decision will be left up to the child.

Miia-I don't trust her in our home after the stunts she pulled! We didn't get to be in her home during her inspection, so it's only fair!

Man-*Sigh*... Ms. Strong, I will have to ask you to wait in the car during the inspection.


Haley just smiled while walking to the door, but it suddenly opened then we all saw Papi with Ms. Smith and the girls.


Papi-Hey everyone! Ms. Smith pulled up and came to help!

Man-Ms. Smith, this is an inspection of the residence, so I w-.

Ms. Smith-This is also an inspection under property management and clients under the program in my jurisdiction. This is my team that helps aid in the program to ensure the mothers follow the rules, and I am here on (Y/N)'s half of the rules. The investigation has to be thorough and fair as stated in black and white. If you don't agree, we can always call your office and check-in.

Haley stopped smiling and the agent guy walked over to Ms. Smith and she only handed him papers to read. After a bit, he only handed them back to her.

Man-Come right in, ma'am.

I saw Haley and the man look at each other before Haley went outside.

(Haley's POV)

This was supposed to go smoothly with my worker on my side and racking up points against them like crazy, but now he needs to be more careful with Ms. Smith being allowed to be here. I really don't see how this is much of her business to get involved personally. All that work to make sure someone under my thumb would be put on this case might have been squandered a little, but the odds are still in my favor. I just sat in the car and looked at the house with a glare. He has a chance to do his job right this time, and he better not fuck up and whine about the dolphins again.

Haley's mind-Come on, do your damn job!

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

The man just got done looking in all of our rooms and so far he found nothing bad that Ms. Smith said he could use. He did try to bring Centorea owning a sword and armor, but the sword was a toy and still put up where I can't reach it, and her heavy armor was locked in a wardrobe. Rachnera had what they called 'special toys', but Ms. Smith those are for 'personal use only' then Rachnera looked at some of my other moms when the man wasn't looking then licked her lips before she carried me. We were all downstairs now in the living room for the man to ask us questions now and they sounded really important.

Man-Say the event of another full moon, what measures will be taken to ensure that it doesn't put (Y/N) in harm's way?

Ms. Smith-I can answer that one. He will be taken to my home since he is familiar with me and then brought back safely the next morning. As for other children, I brought this to the attention of the board and we currently came to a unanimous decision that a special care facility will be built and all children in the program will be taken there for the night and then brought back to their families in the morning.

He looked nervous and pulled his shirt again before he went to the next question.

Man-In the event he became ill and his mothers can not come into contact, what will be done?

Centorea-That is false. We sent Suu in to copy us and care for him without the risk of catching anything. It's proven to be very effective.

Man-And how can you be sure she didn't catch 'anything'?

Ms. Smith-When we did health checks after, she came back perfectly healthy. We also have contact with the doctor that checked her for clearance.

Man-... In the event of a home invasion and they are human, since monsters still can't attack humans under any circumstances, what will you do before the police arrive?

Zombina-Not completely on the nose there suit and tie. In the state of a life-threatening emergency for the mother or child, they are allowed to attempt to restrain the attacker. Plus, the security system is set to go off if the power or anything is messed with. Police will be here in 6 minutes tops. The phone number to the company of the security system is with us too.

I think this is going well and if I get to pick, I already know who I am going to pick. He kept on asking more questions for almost 2 hours then everyone heard my stomach growl.

Man-... How is his nutritional balance?

Miia-I can make something!

Rachnera-No!... I'll just take him to the table and make him a sandwich to eat for a snack. That should hold him over.

Rachnera took me to the table and put me on a chair while the others continued to talk, but he watched what Rachnera made for me and when he saw what she made, he looked at it a little weirdly before he turned back to the others.


I was in the middle of eating when I suddenly heard...

Mero-Is there a problem, sir?

Man-I just happened to notice the lack of schooling.

Ms. Smith-We're still in the summertime. We have a set online course he will start sometime next month.

Man-And no social activity? How will he learn social skills?

Ms. Smith-Once we soon have more families in the program the online course they will be taking will be including video chat, multiplayer online play for set times that even test some knowledge they learn, and we will have set events in real-world locations for more hands-on interactions.

Man-How often will these events be?

Tio-Mostly during holiday times, but there will be meetings where parents can voice concerns with our board members once every month. There will even be a room set aside for kids in each grade.

Manoka-Scheduled times are still being processed while the board still has these programs being made.

Ms. Smith-So you can go ahead and take that mark off.


Doppel-Is everything alright? You looked a little mad there.

Man-I'm fine, I just don't like to scribble over anything.

Ms. Smith-Well why didn't you ask first? I would have been happy to tell you.

Papi-Do we get to go to school too?

Miia-That program is only for kids in the program.

Papi-*Phew* I didn't like to buddy in school.

Mero-I believe you're looking for the word 'study'.

Man-Were getting off-topic here... I'm gonna do one last check-up around the house then ask (Y/N) a few questions alone.

Ms. Smith-Actually you won't be asking him questions alone. At least of the moms will be present.

(Man's POV)

I can't find anything worth a mark around here that I can actually use. I can't use that one chick being naked because she gets a pardon, the illegal immigrant has a green card now, and I can't make things up since there's an agent right there.

Man's mind-Haley will be pissed if I don't do this and even threatened me with the dolphins again before she fires. It's not my fault that planned failed since she gave me that equipment to think it would attract sharks. If I can just get that boy alone and get him to say things out of context on the mic then everything will be set in stone for Haley, both of these programs for human-monster relationships will be shut down, and-.

Suu-(Haley will be pissed if I don't do this and even threatened me with the dolphins again before she fires me. It's not my fault that planned failed since she gave me that equipment to think it would attract sharks. If I can just get that boy alone and get him to say things out of context on the mic then everything will be set in stone for Haley, both of these programs for human-monster relationships will be shut down, and-.)

I heard myself out loud then noticed something on my head that I didn't notice before because of all this gel Haley made me wear. Everyone looked at me and I think I lost all color in my face.

Mero-You're that man with a fetish for dolphins?!

Centaur-You and Haley were trying to send a shark after our son?!

Man-Wh-What?! No, no, no, no!

Just then Ms. Smith stood up and showed me a mic hidden behind her tie. To make matters worse is when the front door swung open and 3 police officers came running in to surround me then the kid ran behind the spider woman.

Man-I didn't say any of that! She did and she just made it up!

Miia-Suu can speak the minds of those she touches like that!

Lala-Death will have a special place for you when your time comes.

Man-I didn't do anything! This is my inspection!

Ms. Smith-We're past that.

(Haley's POV)

I listened to music with my eyes closed until someone blocked the sun, so I opened my eyes to see that it was a police officer and they opened the door to the car, so I took my earbuds out.

Haley-Excuse me! What do you think you are doing?!

Police-Haley Strong, you are under arrest for child endangerment, manipulation of an official CPS inspector, and attempt of murder.

Haley-What?! I didn't do anything!

Police-We're just going to bring you in for questioning.

He reached for his cuffs and the second they headed for me...

Haley-Keep your hands off me!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Papi is giving me a piggyback ride while the man was being taken out of the house, but it looked like Haley was trying to fight to police while she was pinned to the ground when we got outside.


I guess this means I get to stay since they were both being put in the back of the cop car... Well, the man was already in there while Haley was still fighting and screaming.

Haley-I didn't do a damn thing to the kid! That CPS worker is a liar!

She soon kicked and head-butted 2 cops before she tried to run away, but got shot with some kid gun, but the cop that did it said.

Cop-Taser, taser, taser!

She was on the ground again and taken to the back of a police car then they closed the door. I felt a little scared, but better that they were gone, but I wondered one last thing.


Mero-Yes sweetie?

(Y/N)-What's a fetish for dolphins?

Mero-We'll take about that when you're older.

(Y/N)-How much older?

Rachnera-A lot older.

(No POV)

The police, Ms. Smith, and her team left the house to report what happened to the judge, so they no doubt won custody of (Y/N). As for Haley and her helper, they had full investigations put out on them and were not given bail due to the adoption program's importance and the lawyers put on the case. It will only be a matter of time before they find who else worked under Haley and helped her at the hotel, but she was ratted out by a lot of things by the CPS worker that worked for her, but the Interspecies Adoption Program did not allow a reduced sentence, but only a chance to not be put in a maximum security prison. As for (Y/N), he will continue to live with his mothers as one big happy family.

(Timeskip To Night)

After a hard day, the girls decided to sleep in the living room together with their son to have some nice family fun before bed, and before he went to sleep they each gave him a kiss goodnight.

Miia/Papi/Suu/Centorea/Rachnera/Mero/Lala-Goodnight (Y/N). ~