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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was the best morning of my life. All the girls were up before me and they got warm clothes fresh out of the dryer ready for me after a nice bath, Dexter's mom made chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, eggs, and sausage. Drew used her fire sword to start a fire in the fireplace, Wanda did something that made me feel even cleaner and refreshed, and Nicole and Maddie cuddled with me for more warmth until it was time for me to go to school... Wanda forced me to let her come and hide in my bag again, and so did the others. On the way to school, I met up with (F/N) and (F/N).

(Y/N)-Hey, which one of you uploaded the picture I sent you guys?! (B/N) saw it and now he's after me!

(F/N)#2-Oh, I uploaded that.


(F/N)#2-You drew her pretty well. Maybe not like in the show, but it looked so clean.

(F/N)#1-And you didn't think, jeez, I don't know. (B/N) was going to see it on a public page? He cyberbullies all the time!

(F/N)#2-I didn't think it would show for him!

(Y/N)-Well now it's gonna take weeks for him and his friends to leave me alone!

(F/N)#2-Come on, he never focuses on anything for that long. I'm sure he'll find someone else soon, at least for a while.

(Y/N)-... That makes all the difference.

We made it to school and went to our spot until it was time to go inside. I think I got lucky and (B/N) got sick or something because he wasn't at school today. His friends didn't do as much without him and it was just calling people names instead of doing anything, and the teachers still gave them detention.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please, just let him be sick tomorrow too.

((B/N)'s POV)

I was being dragged upstairs by someone who calls herself 'Mom'. I'm still in the chair when I was placed in the living room in front of the T.V. where I saw the other cartoon ladies.


Maddie-Who's got that button Wanda gave us?

Mom-I got it.

She reached into her pocket to pull out a little button then pressed it and the fairy lady from before popped out of nowhere.


Wanda-Hey!... Your timing is terrible!

Drew-You gave us the button and told us to press it when he wakes up.

Wanda-*Grunt* Just get him ready.

(B/N)-R-Ready?... For what?

Mom-Why you're going away of course. You are just out of control and hurting other kids... Especially our baby.

(B/N)-B-Baby? I didn't hurt a baby.

Drew-Trust us. You did.

That lady walked up to me with her fire sword and brought it down to cut me loose then Maddie yanked me out of the chair. I've seen a lot of action movies to know where this is going.

(B/N)-Pl-Please don't kill me! I'll be good now! I swear!

Maddie-We're not going to kill you. We're not savages.

Debbie-Didn't you hear mom or even listen? You're just going away.

Nicole-Think of this as... being exiled or expelled.

I was so confused then Wanda raised her wand to blast the T.V. and she looked like she was having a hard time. I looked at the T.V. turning white and static then got scared when Mom and Debbie both grabbed my arms and legs to lift me then I realized something unbelievable... THEY TURNED THE T.V. INTO A PORTAL!!!


I was kicking and screaming hoping they would drop me, but they started swinging me a little to the T.V., getting ready to throw me in.


(B/N)-Please, I won't hurt anyone anymore!

Mom/Debbie-1... 2... 3! ~

They threw me in the T.V. and I saw my body get covered in pixels and glitches as it quickly became impossible to move at all. I was flipping at turning and the last thing I saw was the ladies waving at me before the portal closed and I was engulfed in darkness.

(B/N)'s mind-Dad... Help.


((Y/N)'s POV)

School is a lot easier without (B/N) and on the way home I checked in with my neighbor to let him know I was doing ok. Next, I went home actually happy then when I got to the porch, I was grabbed from behind.


I jumped a little and got picked up before I turned to see Drew holding me before she took me inside.


(Y/N)-What were doing?! Someone could've seen you!

Drew-Don't worry. I went out through the window when I saw you coming. I'm taking you to my room for some alone time. How about some T.V. from your world? I searched through some while running on a treadmill and saw some movies for your age.

(Y/N)-Maybe after I do my homework.

Just then Wanda poofed in front of us and she had my backpack in my hand before she took out my homework to show me that it was already done... She did it again.


(Y/N)-You can't keep doing my homework!

Wanda-Just spend some time with Drew. We all want to have time with you.

Drew-I'll let you pick and we can even cuddle sweetie. ~

Nicole-I'll get him after you finish your movie!

Maddie-Then I get him after!

I think they were calling dibs on me. Drew took me to her room and got in bed with me before she turned on the T.V. and cuddled with me. She played with my hair while I tried to pick a movie. After I picked (F/M) she sat up with me on her lap and lied me back into her. This was comfy, but I still wish Wanda didn't do my homework again to let me do this.

Drew-You know, maybe sometimes we can all go out at night or to a secluded part of the beach to swim. Staying inside too long can give you a bad case of cabin fever.

(Y/N)-I guess... My friends and I know a cave that nobody goes to that much and the beach part is just covered in rocks.

Drew-Does sound like a bad spot... Shouldn't be a problem for Wanda. After she can put them back and that can be our secret spot.

That could work, but I don't know if want can move all 7 big rocks and tons of smaller ones without getting tired.

Drew-We have most of our wardrobes back while trying not to tire Wanda out.

(Drew's POV)

I could tell he likes the idea of a beach day and I wonder if he knows how to swim... Not that I mind teaching him or holding him in the water anyway for his safety. While he lied on top of me and I wrapped my arms around his belly I noticed his hair looked a little greasy.

Drew-Didn't you have a shower this morning mister?

(Y/N)-Yeah... Then I ran a mile at school for P.E. class.

Drew-Don't they have showers there?


Drew-Well... You earned one.

(Y/N)-Can we wait until after the movie?

Drew-The movie can wait.

I got up with him and took him to the bathroom in my room and got the water running with him still in my arms. When I looked back, I saw his cheeks were turning pink.

Drew-Are you blushing? ~


Drew-Awwww. Don't be shy. This won't be like with Mom. You're the only one getting in... I'll just be scrubbing you down. ~

He still blushed and during the bath, I tried to get him to relax by telling him that this was just a simple bath. Nothing more or less. I truly didn't have any sexual intentions, but he did look adorable like this for his bath and he was also just so submissive. He barely lifted a finger to stop me and even moved to help me get to his other areas. When I took him out to dry him off, he smelled so good now, so I kissed his head. After I got him to his room to get him dressed, I thought of something a little fun for him while he watched the rest of his movie. I told him to sit on my back after I got into a push-up position.


I started to do sets of 20 for push-ups and I think he was whispering as he counted how much I was doing. I kept this up until his movie reached the credits and I was so worn out, so he just gave me some water and a message before Nicole came in.


Drew-He's all yours. I'm just gonna rest for awhile.

Nicole-Come on (Y/N).

She came over and scooped him up to cradle him like an infant since he was close to that age then left my room.

(Nicole's POV)

I did more research on this world with the help of maybe since I was not very good with computers then I found out what cats are in this world and stuff. I looked up more stuff with her and Maddie found something she wants to do with (Y/N) and I of course have something planned too. We got to my room, so I closed my door then put him down and he looked around my room.

(Y/N)-It looks nice in here, I like it.

Nicole-Thank you... Do you mind laying on my bed, on your belly?

(Y/N)-Um... ok.

He did what asked then I sat next to him and reached my hand under his shirt before I started to scratch the center of his back and he sank into my bed a little.

(Y/N)-U-Um, Nicole?

I moved my hand around to get better or weaker reactions before I scratched one spot just right and he tensed up before he acted like melting butter.

Nicole's mind-Oh. My. God... That's so cute! ~

I kept at it until he curled up and went to his side... I think I'll keep this a secret from the others until and let this be our little thing we have together. I just cuddled with him then he started blushing while stealing glances at me.

Nicole-What's wrong?

(Y/N)-I... Um... C-Can you-?... Um...

Nicole-You want me to scratch you some more?

He gave a weak and slowly nodded while blushing harder and my heart skipped a beat that he loved this so much he asked for more from me. I kept on going until his eyes got a little droopy and then he did something that made me pull him into me close.


Suddenly I thought about what I learned from the cats here and how they had sweet spots... For a moment, I pictured him in... a collar. I shouldn't, he's a child, not a pet!... Though, there is that Amazon thing for shopping on the computer.

Nicole's mind-He just looks so cute with one in my head!... Maybe one collar for in here couldn't hurt.

Later my door opened, so I quickly stopped before they could notice then turned to see Maddie walking in.


Maddie-I'm here for (Y/N). *Gasp* And what luck. He's ready for this nap before dinner. ~

(Y/N) looked tiredly at her before she took him from me then made him wave bye to me before she left... If I remember correctly... the pin to the computer is in the drawer.

Nicole's mind-Just one collar Nicole... Oh, maybe some toys in here... Don't go too crazy. This isn't your money... The others can't know about this.

(Maddie's POV)

(Y/N) was just a few nudges away from sleeping, so I swaddled him in a blanket with a stuffed animal from his room, When I held and bounced him, I also gave him a few kisses before his eyes completely closed. I don't know what Nicole did to make him so sleepy, but it sure did work.

Maddie-You ready for a little nap? ~ *whisper*


I just giggled at his response then locked my door before I walked over to a rocking chair I had in here then put a sleeping mask on. With gentle rocking, his ear against my chest to hear my heartbeat, and giving him kisses from time to time, I was rewarded with his soft and paced snoring. Mom and Debbie were clear on feeding him at dinner and dessert, but I didn't mind as long as I got to enjoy this until dinner was done. They'll start soon and plan to make something special tonight for him and us getting rid of his biggest bully.

Maddie-Such a good and sweet baby... We made your bully go bye-bye. Yes, we did... I couldn't save my family in the show or real life, but I will not let anyone raise a harmful finger at you... Those other boys are next. Yes, they are. ~

I played with his nose a bit which made him stir a little in a way I found adorable. I went to my bed with him and closed my eyes to sleep with him before dinner.

(No POV)

While Maddie and (Y/N) were asleep and the others were busy, Mom snuck into Maddie's room and watched (y/N) sleep then held a cup she got from the kitchen... She filled it up with her milk earlier and looked at him as she planned to put it in the fridge.

Mom's mind-I have a feeling you'll enjoy this. I had extra sweets to make sweet... but not as sweet as you. ~

She poked his nose before she left the room to find something to do before she starts dinner later.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Maddie didn't let me out of the blanket since she told me I was gonna be fed in front of everyone at dinner by Debbie and Mom. They were making something in the kitchen right now before they started to bring out plates for everyone in the living room since the dining table was not big enough and I didn't want to make Wanda tired by spoofing up a big table. When the food got out here, my mouth watered as Maddie gave me to Debbie.


(Y/N)-Where did you get this stuff to make this?

Wanda-It's called magic sport.

Debbie-We made it fresh, just for you. ~

My arms were trapped in the blanket, so I could not grab anything and nobody will help me get out. Debbie grabbed the fork while mom brought out more plates for everyone.

Debbie-Say ahhhh. ~

(Y/N)-... Ahhhh.

She fed me some of everything and it tasted so good. Better than the dinner before and this just made me more hungry and eager to have more. Everyone watched as I was fed every last bite as they ate and Debbie took short breaks to eat her food. By the time I was done, I still wasn't full.

(Y/N)-Can... I have seconds?

Mom-I love that you like our cooking, but you have dessert next... I'm feeding you now. ~

She got up and took all the empty dishes to the kitchen then soon came out with some cookies then she cut one open to show a marshmallow in the middle and she even had some milk to go with it.


She made me say 'ah' for every bite too while cooing at me like Debbie did. I didn't like the others watching, but they're cooking it just so good.

Mom-Alright sweetie. That's all your cookies, so it's time for you to drink your milk.

She was careful about pouring it into my mouth and something was different about this milk... It was sweeter, even with cookie crumbs in it... Maybe it was the marshmallows.

Mom-Do you like it?

I nodded my head yes and she held her chest while looking really happy.

Mom-I'm glad you do... How about a movie or game then off to bed?

We spent a few hours playing games with each other and I even played Mario Party with them on my Switch while others watched. It was fun, but when it turned 9:00 Wanda took me to my room while others started getting ready for bed. She closed my door and gave me a pleading look, so I knew what she wanted.

(Y/N)-Poof, poof, poof.

Wanda-Thank you sweetie. Now let's get you changed into a cute little onesie and get you tucked in. You got school tomorrow. ~

I remembered that (B/N) wasn't at school today, but he might be tomorrow. When Wanda poofed a onesie on me she tucked me in and raised her wand to make a little glitter float about me or something I felt so tired. That's when she put a bottle of milk in my mouth even when I already had some. This was just regular milk...

(Y/N)'s mind-How did Mom get that milk so sweet?

I soon couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and fell asleep to Wanda feeding me milk and rubbing my head.

(Wanda's POV)

(Y/N) looked so peaceful sleeping as I held him again then I poofed the bottle away then poofed a pacifier in his mouth. Something was missing then I raised my wand to add something to the pacifier. It now said, 'Wanda's baby' on the hand which made me squeal a little. I later left his said to get take a shower myself.

Wanda's mind-Don't worry about school too much now sweetie... Those boys will be joining their friend soon enough. ~


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