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(Timeskip 2 Weeks)

((Y/N)'s POV)

My moms were making me wear a suit and tie to this and Centorea, Miia, and Rachnera made sure that Papi and Suu understand to be on their best behavior, tell nothing, but the truth, and not play around. If they do, they can lose me and I lose them. I never thought a boring courtroom could be so scary. When we got in there were a lot of people in here with cameras and even with Mero holding me while she was being pushed, I still felt like they could take me any second. I saw Ms. Smith was here with the girls and I even saw the lady that must be the one trying to take me away since she smiled and waved at me.


We sat at a big table and the judge came out and soon started talking, but it was really hard to pay attention right now. I don't get why they can't just let me pick who I want to live with. Doesn't my choice matter? I snapped out of my thoughts when Haley raised her hand.

Hayley-Objection your honor. I would like to point out that Ms. Doppel has shown up to a courtroom completely nude.

Judge-I have been informed that this right is protected by her culture. I will have to ask you to bear with it. Now on with the case. Will the Plaintiff make their case first?

The lady's lawyer stood up and walked onto the middle of the floor.

Lawyer-In this world, we have things to protect, very precious things. This child is a part of our next generation and my client wants to make sure he is in a safe home. What might make a monster home unsafe, you may ask?... During a full moon, there are many monster races that are effective and this can trigger 'sexual' desires to the sex they are attracted to. My reports have shown he was in their custody during a full moon... I will rather not go into gruesome details there, but if this continues and more monsters adopt our children, we will be putting many children eager to be adopted, only to have them raped. We can't have that in our society.

He went back to his seat and I remembered the last full moon and they just wanted to hug and hold me to keep me to themselves. They did fight, but I don't know what 'raped' and 'sex' means.

Judge-The defendant has the floor.

Ms. Smith stood up and looked at me before she went out to the floor and Mero held me tighter while rubbing my head.

Ms. Smith-I will like to start with the claim about the full moon. It doesn't cause sexual desires, but instead, it drives them to what they want I have with me, a report during that incident, and (Y/N) as a witness. There were no sexual advances attempted, but rather 'motherly instincts' causing overprotective, possessive, and nurturing behavior. These were driven at night during the full moon, but it shows these mothers truly see (Y/N) as their own son, and he sees them as his family. Isn't this what any child wants, a chance to have a loving family?

Lawyer-Objection your honor. A child can easily be coached into saying anything.

Judged-Over ruled.

Ms. Smith-I call (Y/N) to the stand.

She came over and took me from Mero to bring me to a set next to the judge and then someone brought over a book. Earlier Ms. Smith said when this happens, I have to put my hand on it.

Man-Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing, but the truth?

(Y/N)-I do.

Ms. Smith-(Y/N), can you tell us exactly what happened that night of the full moon along with your experience with your new family?

I started telling the story of when I first met Miia then went from there. When I was done telling my story, Ms. Smith took me off the chair and gave me to Rachnera, so I held on to her. People looked at us in awe that I was hugging Rachnera and it made me nervous, so I buried my face in her and listened to her heartbeat to calm me down.

Ms. Smith-With what you just heard and what you can clearly see, he loves his family and they love... Please, don't take that away.

This case went on and the judge put Haley on the seat I was on then she did the book thing too.

Judge-Ms. Strong, why do you compel to put (Y/N) into your care by taking him out of their care?

Haley-Have a home with seven moms, some of which can easily harm him is something I will not stand for. I just want him to have a safe, stable, and loving home. One that he doesn't get smothered by all his moms on a full moon, where 2 of the moms are more like childish sisters, and one claims to 'serve death'. It just doesn't sound like a safe environment. Even if things are seeming to be ok now, who's to say that's how things really are at home?

Judge-Hmmm... I will need to have further confirmation on this matter.

Ms. Smith-If I may you honor. Further confirmation sounds like a splendid idea, and with help from my board, we can reach out to CPS inspectors to inspect the house 'tomorrow'. An agency from your court's jurisdiction should be enough evidence, correct?

The judge was thinking about this before he looked at a few papers.

Judge-I will see about that option but will continue on this hearing before it is final.

(No POV)

This case went on and after both sides gave three statements the judge could only go off of 'what if' in this situation. All the moms were called to the stand to give their thoughts about their son, all of which were heart-warming responses.

Miia-He was giving to me first when I signed up for the adoption program in hopes of starting a family. I can never replace him.

Centorea-He's a sweet little boy and he has grown attached to us and his new life.

Papi-He's really fun to play with and I don't want him to be taken away. I love him.


Mero-We mermaids do love tragic tales, but it will really break my heart to lose my baby.

Lala-He's probably the only light in my dark heart.

Rachnera-Honey is my adorable little man. I'm not giving him to anyone for anything.

After some more consideration from the judge, he decided to give this a chance.

Judge-I have made my decision. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning a CPS worker will come and inspect each house, the child, and each mother. The one the faulters on any requirements will not be suited for the child. If both are capable, the decision will be left to (Y/N).

Haley-Objection your honor!

Judge-Over ruled. We are adjourned for the day.

The judge grabbed his little hammer and hit his desk then we all got up and Rachnera put me on her shoulders.

Rachnera-That was very brave, what you said up there.

Miia-We just need to get home and clean up. Papi, and Suu, you two will watch (Y/N) in his room.

Mero-Why aren't they helping clean?

Miia-Do you really trust them to not make a mess while cleaning? Besides, (Y/N) just had a stressful time for him.

(Y/N)-Can I get some water before we go? I'm thirsty.

Rachnera took me to a fountain while the girls waited for Ms. Smith and she lowered me down, but still held me since there was only one fountain, and it was too high for me to reach. When I was done drinking we turned only to see Haley behind us and she had her arms crossed then Rachnera held me close while putting on a serious face.


Rachnera-Nice arguments and claims. Or were you just 'pointing stuff out'?

Haley-You know lawyers. They say what they have to in order to win a case.

Rachnera-Of course.

Haley-... You know you won't win this, right?


Haley-I think we both know what side the public is on, but luckily, I have the law on my side.

Rachnera-So do we.

Haley-*Chuckles* Let's see how those 'program rules' work out for you... I better get home. Yoga time, can't skip it.

(Rachnera's POV)

That stuck-up wolf in sheep's clothing is in for a ride if she tries anything and I find out about it. I went back to the girls and they got done talking to Ms. Smith and both Haley and us are gonna be under watch by the program to make sure nothing fishy happens. We're fine, but Haley has to feel the pressure. We just went home and when we got there, I gave (Y/N) to Papi and Suu to go play while we clean the house a little.

Rachnera's mind-When they find nothing wrong with our house, even if nothing is wrong with yours, (Y/N) is sure to pick us... You're not getting him.


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