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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

It was 3 days before Christmas and right now hot chocolate was being made, there was a Christmas show on the T.V., and Christmas lights made the house look pretty... At my neighbor's house. Over here my dad was hogging the T.V. for the sports he recorded, my mom was doing yoga alone in the basement, and my brother just got put on house arrest after he got in trouble with the police again. There was no hot chocolate, no Christmas shows or movies, and we only had a line of lights on the roof if you don't count the Christmas tree in the living room. I wish we did half of the things my neighbors and friends did for Christmas this year. Grandma made Christmas good, but she passed away months ago, so there was nobody to make my dad do stuff for Christmas. Nobody listens to me anyway and my brother only wants to be part of a gang now and would hit me, so it was like spending Christmas alone in my room.


(Timeskip To Night)

Mom got stuff for Christmas dinner in a few days and tonight were ordering a pizza. My jerk of a big brother now didn't want to leave his room because he was still mad that he was forced to stay inside or he would get arrested. Christmas just didn't feel like Christmas without Grandma being here.

Mom-Boys, dinner's here!

Tyron-Shut, the fuck up!

Dad-Don't talk to your mother like that!

I heard my brother and dad fighting from my door and they fight a lot now and I don't like it when people fight. I waited for them to stop before I came down for dinner and I saw my brother wearing a blue scarf or something. He likes to call himself a "Playboy Gangsta Crip" and Mom and Dad hate that. I wanted to sit at the table for dinner and try to talk (B/N) out of this because my mom said if he acts like this, he could go to jail for a very long time or even get shot and killed... My brother is just so mean now and with my dad being strict he gets mad a lot now too, so it was hard to talk with both of them and mom tried to keep me happy. It got to the point I could only really talk to her.

Dad-You better shape up before you get shot! You're not in a gang you fucking punk!

Tyron-The fuck you know about gangs!

Dad-You 16 years old, you live in a big house, and not in some ghetto neighborhood where police arrest 'REAL' gang members! You wouldn't last a day without your Wi-Fi and your phone, let alone being shot at on the street at any moment!

Tyron-Don't fucking test me!

Dad-Or what?! I should have you thrown out of here right now to see how long you last! You got no money, no skills, and no real guts! You only have your games, drug addiction, and phone!

Tyron-FUCK OFF!!!

I just took my dinner to my room and closed my door then turned on my T.V. to put on a show and block out the noise. I could still hear them fighting then my mom came in and closed the door before she sat with me on my bed with her dinner.

Mom-Sweetie, I know this family is going through a patch.

(Y/N)-Tyron is just so mean now and Dad is just so angry.

Mom-Tyron is... going through a phase, and your daddy is just trying to keep him from straying off. I don't like them fighting either.

(Y/N)-But Christmas is supposed to make everyone happy... How come since Grandma is gone, it's all bad now?... Can you talk to Dad about it?

Mom-I... don't think he'll listen right now. We were even thinking about sending your brother to a boot camp to help him. I also need to go on a business trip in 3 days for my job.

(Y/N)-But... Christmas is in 3 days. I don't want to be alone with Tyron and Dad!

Mom-I'm sorry, but I can't or I lose my chance at a promotion.

(Y/N)-Then... I wanna go with you!

Mom-Oh, Sweetie... I'll just be gone for a week then I'll be right back.

(Y/N)-What about presents and dinner?!

She only gave me a look before she kissed my head and then left my room. She was going to leave for a promotion she didn't even need and I will only have my brother and dad for a week starting on Christmas day...

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic* *sobbing*.

I didn't want to eat anymore or watch T.V., but I kept it on to block out the fighting. I curled up on my bed and then saw the doll my grandma gave me last Christmas when they were good and she was still here to make them good.


(Y/N)'s mind-Christmas is going to be bad from now on, isn't it?

I thought of everything and then looked at my neighbor's house to see through the window and how they were on the couch with a fire going. The fighting continued and... I felt so mad then looked at the Santa doll before I opened my window then threw it outside in the snow before I slammed it shut.

(Y/N)'s mind-I hate this!

(No POV)

(Y/N) jumped back in his bed to cry and punch his pillow while the snow slowly buried the doll he threw outside then the wind picked up a bit. By the time people went to sleep, someone noticed the boy's actions and was smirking when she found naughty victims forcing a child to give up belief, and a child daring to give up belief. She pushed her storm over the neighborhood and town to the point nobody was out on the streets.

Krampus-So you lose one of my warnings then it all falls apart?... Guess I'll just have to leave another. ~

(Krampus's POV)

My minions are going to love having new victims to play with, but the moment I stepped into my lair and looked at my collection of snow globes with the families in them for my helpers to play with, the tiny screams that sometimes squeak through were nice, but getting old. My workers also help me keep up on work that I don't have to do which just leaves me free time... to do more work. I looked into one snow globe to see the drunk wife-beater surrounded by my minions and holding his son behind him. They were backing up until they hit the glass then looked to see me looking down on them. I remember them all and how they got here, or at the very least the person that sent me after them then the story plays out a lot with my minion impersonating that person. For the man and son, it was his wife since he even got the son to start beating her and she couldn't take it. Call me a monster or demon all you like, but I do a lot of people favors.

Krampus's mind-I've been doing this for years without a real break... Maybe I can pick up a hobby... What to choose though?

I thought maybe one of these families could give me an idea, so I went into one of the snow globes where the family was dead for the time being. All I found were farming stuff and toys and it's not like I can grow anything at the South Pole, so I moved on to another snow globe. After 40 of them, I needed a break since nothing seemed appealing and we'll be heading out soon.

Krampus-Maybe this is just meant to be my whole life... Screw it.

I just got up and headed for my sled and when I sat in, I opened a portal that looked like a hole in the ground when we came out, we were in a nice-looking neighborhood.

Krampus's mind-Awww, I bet some of these people cherish this holiday... Too bad they didn't lend a helping hand after knowing the hardship this boy was going through with his family.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning and even when I was in bed, I was kind of cold, so I opened my eyes to look out my window and see ice on it, and it was snowing really hard outside. I left my room to see the hallway was empty and even colder. I could even see my breath turning into a fog, so I went into my room to put another layer of clothes on, some sleepers, and a jacket. I think I was the first one up until I saw a fire in the living room then looked to see it was my mom and dad getting a fire started. My mom turned to see me and then took me closer to the fire.

Mom-Stay here with your dad. I'm gonna get your brother.

My mom went to get Tyron and then came back with him only for him and Dad to look mad at each other.

Dad-Feel free to be in your room.

Mom-Derek, stop. The power is out and I will not have any of us freezing in this house.

Tyron-I can just hot box in my room for warmth.

Dad-Do you have weed or something?!

My mom tried to get them to stop fighting then I just looked out the window to watch the snow fall and it did look kind of pretty, but then I saw something on the roof across the street.


I was confused then rubbed my eyes a bit and looked again, but it was gone... Maybe I was just seeing things or it was just the chimney.

(Timeskip To Night)

We were running out of firewood and right now we were making hot chocolate while I cuddled with Mom under a blanket.

(Krampus's POV)

This neighborhood was almost picked clean before we go for the target family and some of these families were pieces of shit too. Spoiled brats that through tantrums because they couldn't get an extra cookie, arrogant husbands that are driving their marriage to the brink of divorce, you name it. This family's dad and oldest son love to fight a lot and this boy seemed to like cuddling with his mom even when she planned to leave him with those 2 on Christmas day. This bond though... He really seemed affectionate of the mom willing to leave him on the day it would matter most.

Krampus-Hmmm... I never had that before. Maybe cuddling next to a fire like them would be more relaxing than hearing people scream all day.

Maybe I do need the company since I do tend to talk to myself at times...

Krampus's mind-I guess I can give this mother thing a shoot. Well, it's almost time for their turn. Let's get this over with, so I can get this mother thing started.

My minions just finished getting everyone else now, and I have things planned for that gangster wanna-be. He's gonna wish that ankle bracelet still had service out in this storm.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My mommy was bundling me up in my room to keep me warm in the night and we had so many spare blankets in the attic that she got, so we each had 6 blankets in our beds to stay warm. She wanted this storm to end, so it didn't stop her trip and that just made me feel sad that she wanted to leave that bad. I just closed my eyes to try and get some sleep, but then...



I shot my eyes open and wondered what happened, but was too scared to leave my bed.

(Tyron's POV)

I screamed a little at that noise then I heard some kind of laughter in the ceiling along with footsteps. Just then, I heard something from my window.




I turned to that nothing was there, then thought something in the wind must've hit my window. I heard the footsteps again then went for the gun under my bed that I stole then heard a noise in my room then saw the vent cover fall from my ceiling onto the floor. I quickly stood up with my gun and then saw a toy on my bed... It was a teddy bear.

Tyron-What the fuck? *whisper*

The bear was looking at me, but I had no idea how it got on my bed. I looked around my room and had the safety off and ready to fire.

Tyron-Who's there?... Show yourself you pussy!


I quickly looked to where that sound came from and then saw that it was the teddy bear... It was growing long dirty nails and had sharp and bloody teeth. I was frozen in place before it jumped at me.


Teddy bear-*ROAR*!!!




(Derek's POV)




I shot up from bed from those gunshots in the house after that screaming and other noises. Martha and I quickly ran to Tyron's room where we just heard glass shatter before I opened the door. The window in here was broken wide open, glass and blood were on the seal, and there were a few bullet shells on the ground.





I ran to the window to look outside but could not see anything in this blizzard then I heard slithering behind us.


I turned to see Martha being wrapped in rubber snakes and I was running to her but got grabbed by a chain with bells on it. Martha was being dragged away down the hall screaming when I got yanked right out the window. I landed in the snow for a soft, yet cold landing then could not see where I was being pulled to but heard lots of people laughing in high voices.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was hiding under my blankets and crying from all those scary noises and screams. I had no idea what was going on and just hoped that this was all just some nightmare. I heard some kind of footsteps coming from down the hall before my door opened. I was too scared to look...


???-*Chuckles* The looks on the scared children never get old. ~

That was not my mommy. Her voice sounded a little deeper then she tried to pull my blanket away slowly, but I kept it over.

???-You wanna stay in there?... Alright then. ~

Just then I felt my sheet get a little loose before I was pulled up and now it was like I was in a bag. I tried screaming for my mom and dad, even my brother, but this lady kept on walking with me and ignoring my screams for help.

(Krampus's POV)

I thought his family would scream louder in my sack, but I never had a screaming child in my lap when I got on the sleigh and we were getting ready to send the family into their snow globe through a special portal. Same old, some old. They see a glowing portal with smoke and fire coming out of it, they cry, they beg, they fall, and they scream more. I even kept track of certain lines of begging, and after the mom and dad were pushed in, it was the brother's turn.

Tyron-St-Stop, please! I'll do anything! I'll do what you want! You don't have to do this!

Krampus-Wow. Out of all the lines, you pick one of the common ones. That adds up to 582.

The look on his face when I spoke to him was priceless then I waved goodbye to him before he was thrown in and the portal closed. Now for my next victim... He finally stopped screaming but was crying now, so I thought about what a mother would do, but I didn't let him out of his sack just yet.

Krampus-There, there. You're going to a much better place. ~

I snapped my fingers then my sleigh was being pulled before I opened the portal directly back home during the fall the poor baby boy clutched onto the blankets in the sheets from what I could tell. I just held him close to try and comfort him and if you get past the homemade bag... His small form felt kind of nice. By the time we landed, I got out of the sleigh and stretched before I took my child by the bag and put it over my shoulders.

Krampus-I'll be in my room for the night. Nobody bothers us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had never been more confused and scared in all my life. Those footsteps sounded like they belonged to horses with bells... sort of, and they were carrying me so easily. I heard a door open and then close before I put down on something soft then my sheets were finally opened up. I saw I was in a room with stone and rack walls, a fireplace, animal decorations, a big bed, and finally...


???-Hello there little one. My name is Krampus. ~

I couldn't breathe for a second then felt dizzy before I fell back on the bed and passed out.


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