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((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to play with my sisters in that room earlier, but now I was being questioned alone in another room next door. I wanted to be with my sisters, but 'Clover' said I had to do this part alone then I get to go back to my sisters and be taken to a more comfortable room. I felt like I was still in trouble. He asked me questions about who Cinder was and who she might be working with, so I told him about Emerald, Mercury, a scary scorpion man, a man in a suit and big mustache, and they all work for a Grimm lady named Salem. I think it sounded like a fairy tale for little kids, so I don't think he will believe me and he whispered into his earpiece probably thinking I'm lying and telling the others. When he looked back at me and had a smile on his face I just put my head down.

(Y/N)-You don't believe me.

Clover-What would you say if I did and the general and my team did too?

(Y/N)-Yeah right.

Clover-This makes you even more valuable. The place you were at is her home. Ironwood was told by Ozpin that her home is "The realm of Darkness". What's going to happen now is that our strongest and fastest team members Elm and Harriet are going to watch you and your sisters to make sure of any of Salem's minions don't try to take you back.

(Y/N)-But my mom is coming to get me in 2 days.

Clover-Then we will tell her what is going on and she can stay here with you.

I was about to tell him about her portals, but I didn't want to stay here, so I kept it a secret for me and my sisters to leave and go home.

Clover-Your sisters have already been moved and someone is coming to take you to a secure room at a base.

Just then a door opened up and I saw the girl from before walk in and I never saw a girl have her hair like that before... It did kind of look cool.


Clover-I'm sure you already met Harriet. She's going to take you to a car and get you to your sisters where Elm will be.

Harriet-Lets go kid. Those sisters of yours are furious without you around them.

I just got up from my seat and left with Harriet while Clover went somewhere else to do something. When we got outside I saw a limo waiting for us and there were 2 cars with guns on them in front and back of the car. This made me a little nervous like maybe they think Cinder or Salem found me or maybe Salem's semblance or something can see me or something.

Harriet-Relax little man, this is just a precaution. I'm sure nothing is gonna happen.

She got in the limo with me and closed the door and it looked so cool in here like we were in the future or something because this thing was floating. I looked out the window and to the ground to try and see the glowing parts where the tires should be, but I couldn't.

Harriet-I take it that this is your first time in one of these?

(Y/N)-Yeah... How is this car flying?

Harriet-Gravity dust.

(Y/N)-I learned about that in my online school. There is also fire, ice, earth, and lightning.

Harriet-Well, there's more, but you got it so far.

(Harriet's POV)

This kid kept looking around the city and got lost in his own wonderland that all the worry left his face and he looked in awe at a few attractions around here. We still had a bit of a way to go and I remember how furious those sisters of his were, even for angry family members, they were pissed and ready to fight. They are really protective of their little brother. (Y/N) looked back at me and looked over my shoulder and other ways to try and look behind me. I guess he was curious about my weapon, so I just turned to let him see it.

(Y/N)-What's that?

Harriet-It's my weapon. It goes around my arms, so I can punch harder and not lose any of my speed.

(Y/N)-My sister Ruby also has a speed semblance! Do you leave behind rose petals too?

Harriet-Rose petals?

He started to brag about his sister, but somewhere in there, I started to get lost in his eyes and then snapped out of it. Not only is this a job, he's a kid and it doesn't matter if it wasn't sexual, but any sort of attachment to him is unprofessional and will get in the way of the job.

(Y/N)-So you're a graduated Huntress? Does that mean you're on a team instead of being a part of the military?

Harriet-It's more like my team is directly under the general.

(Y/N)-Like Winter.

Harriet-Exactly... She's just a bit closer to him.

(Y/N)-Like a friend?

Harriet-Not like that, more like... A boss getting an assistant.

He just looked down and was a little sad and I remember the report of what happened last time the general put his home under watch. Just as we arrived at the secure site which was where the Winter Maiden was, so we were just added security. He suddenly took my hand and when I looked at him in surprise and my heart raced, he only looked at me while he seemed nervous about the two armored vehicles... I just let him hold my hand on the way in then took an elevator up and had him close...

Harriet's mind-Get a hold of yourself. You're on a job right now!

(Ruby's POV)

Yang and I were forced to wait in here for our brother while Elm was making sure we can't leave this room then the door opened and our little brother came running into us while Harriet held her hand out to him a little.


(Y/N)-Ruby, Yang!

Yang-Are you ok?

Ruby-You must've been so scared.

(Y/N)-I'm ok.

I picked him up and Elm and Harriet just looked at us with odd looks then I turned my brother away and at the same time, Elm's hand wavered a bit. I took (Y/N) to the bed in here to sit him down and check him while Yang blocked their view of our brother then Harriet put her arms behind her back. Suddenly their scrolls started to ring and they left the room and locked the door behind him and we could tell because the panel turned red with a lock on it.

(Y/N)-*Psst* Don't worry. Mommy will open a portal in 2 days and then we can leave, and go home. *whisper*

We did have to get out of here soon before things get worse. I never met Yang's mom before, but I don't trust the military with my baby brother, so I say we take our chances with Yang's mom if she can get us back home.

(Winter's POV)

I just got word from the general that (Y/N) was found and he wanted me back at Atlas right away, so Weiss and I were heading there now to get (Y/N) and bring him to my quarters in the base which I know the general will think that it will be safer. Weiss was reading more of the report then...

Weiss-Ruby and Yang are with him... They won't give him up.

Winter-It's a good thing we are not asking them then. Once I speak with the general, he will remember that he is the only target and we can't waste resources and risk any unnecessary exposure. We 'will' have him!

(???'s POV)

My dad was given a job by General Ironwood and he wants me to go and help improve security since this is an important, classified mission to guard a target with high-value information about an enemy. He even had me download myself into a 2.0 version of my body that had advanced features and was made of stranger material. He was said to be a child, so my dad thought my personality would help them not feel as scared and worried which could attract Grimm and he even suggested a simple walk around town. That part is currently going over with the general.

???-I never worked with children directly before... I will research common activities and habits that children are said to love while being safe them limit those to secluded areas in containment.

I believe I have this now.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Yang let me lay on top of her since there was nothing to really do in here. Not even a T.V. to watch or games to play. I liked being with my sisters, but this was so boring and my sisters didn't like it when I was sad or bored.

Yang-Can we seriously not take him out?! There's nothing for him to do here!

Elm-The general is working something out. We have another personnel coming to help watch you and your brother. Maybe this will help persuade a scheduled time you may spend outside playing with him.

Ruby and Yang were getting angry, so I tried to calm them down and then the door opened to show someone else. Ruby even looked a little surprised.




Penny-*Gasp* RUBY!!!

Penny ran over here to take my sister's hands and shake them really hard while talking to her before she looked at me still laying in Yang's lap.

Penny-This must be the little boy I have been sent to protect.

Ruby-He's my little brother Penny.

Penny-*Gasp* Even better! This means were are already friends too!

This girl was silly and it did make me smile and laugh a little then she held out her hand for me to shake, so I took it and she smiled bigger.

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N).

Penny-Salutations (Y/N), I'm Penny Pallendenna. Your big sister's friend.

(Elm's POV)

He was smiling so much at this robot now... I had to hold myself back, but this is just making me so angry on the inside. I just wanted to go over there and take (Y/n) from them by force and hold him, but I know Harriet would just report me. I looked at her and her eyes just looked so vibrant and her hands were balled behind her back before she finally turned and left the room... That was weird.

Elm's mind-Keep... Calm... Why is he smiling so much at them? I'm the one keeping him safe! Why do we need his sisters here?! I CAN WATCH HIM BY MYSELF JUST FINE!!!

(Harriet's POV)

I was no longer just gonna stand there and fight with myself over something so stupid. It was clear what my feelings are telling me, so I ran over a few things, played them in my head, and came to a conclusion. The feelings never matter and only the job matters, so to me right now, that meant that...

Harriet's mind-I don't care what those two huntresses in training think or feel anymore. I am getting a few things ready then I am taking (Y/N), and if they try to stop me, I will have them both arrested after I beat them to a pulp for endangering a highly valuable asset.

There is nothing anyone can say or do to stop me...

Harriet's mind-If the general and Clover won't listen to me... I will make them listen.


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