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((Y/N)'s POV)

Daki measured me all day to know what clothes to get me clothes tonight and she made me stay in her room and had her belts keep me tied down to her bed. My mouth was even covered to make sure I did not call for help. I'm so scared of Daki, but if I run right now, she's ranked number 6 and if a normal adult is faster than me, she'll catch me before I can even make it down the hall while hopping on one leg with ease. I remember how with the others, they can't go out in the sun, but in the morning, she's here with me.

(Y/N)'s mind-There's gotta be a way to escape.

Just then the door opened and Daki came in fully dressed and she had boxes with her and put them on the ground then got more from out in the hall before she finally closed the door when she got 8 boxes in.


The belts finally unwrapped me and let me go, but it didn't make a difference since she was here. When she opened a box she only snapped her fingers to me to tell me to come over then she got a new outfit for me.

Daki-Get those boring clothes off. I got a more appealing outfit.

I tried to get the clothes from her, but she smacked my hand again and then looked at me.

Daki-Got those rags off!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Daki's POV)

We've been trying on his clothes and I do have nice taste in fashion and beauty if I do say so myself. He looked adorable in all of his outfits then I put him back in my favorite one and laid him in my lap on my bed. He had his back turned to me while he was curled up and it made him look like a puppy, so I allowed this. I like his submissive behavior, but there's a bit of resistance that I need to snuff out which shouldn't be too hard. We only rested for a bit before I got around to starting his training for the night and I was gonna add a few things that are harder to do then silent hand signals for when I don't really feel like talking or someone is at the door and I'm talking to them. I think we should start with...

Daki-When I snap my fingers and point somewhere, that's where you're going to sit.

I snapped my fingers then pointed at the mat in the corner of my room and he went there to sit down. I did the bathroom, bed, and at my feet next before I smiled. The next command was learning to lean on the wall like he was sitting, so this way I can tire him out then I did hand commands for planking and laying to hold his legs up in the air a bit.

Daki-You're being so well-behaved already... I think you earned a treat. I'll have a few servants bring you something sweet.

I walked over to a cord in my room to pull on it and I normally do it to give to my victims at times to sweeten them up before eating them. I snapped and pointed at the small table for him to sit on and I think he knew this because he got on top for display instead of sitting next to it like a guest.

Daki-*Chuckle* Do you know what this city is, The Red Light District? What women are here?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Her question threw me off and didn't make a lot of sense, but her eyes looked like she was evilly playing with something or in this case... me. She walked over to me and changed her eyes to show her rank to me again and scare me on purpose. I leaned back, but she took my chin and gently rubbed my cheek.

Daki-In this city, women are property. Bought, sold, and then discarded. Such as the right of an owner... Now here you are, owned by a woman and already trained like you did this all your life. You have every right to fear me, but this is laughable. A young male trained by a woman... I guess it can't be helped since I am a demon and you're a human child that is beyond helpless, but 'very' lucky.

She leaned in closer to me and kissed my head and for a moment, her eyes changed and looked a little softer, but still the worst I have ever seen.

Daki-I'm going to like having you around. I might even turn you one day just to keep you on my leash forever. Not right now though... You look so helpless that it oddly makes you cute. ~

She poked my nose then soon there was a knock on the door, so she answered the door while keeping me out of view then took the sweets and closed the door after putting on an act like she was nice. When she turned to me I saw what she had and it did look delicious.


Daki-Hands behind your back and keep them there. I'm feeding you.

(Tanjiro's POV)

After I heard about the attack and a demon killed a guard before kidnapping (Y/N) I just had to help and Nezuko wanted to help too, so we left together. Mitsuri was crying in her room with worry, but after I find him and take him home she will be at ease. From the report, he was taken to the garden where I caught a faint scent of demons, 2 of them with (Y/N)'s scent. I followed it since yesterday and from what I understand, they won't hurt him. There was no scent of fresh blood when the scent got stronger and stronger then I reached a town... Where all other scents were masking the demons.

Tanjiro's mind-Damn. I'll have to be close by to pick up the scent. The drinks and smoking in this town are masking it. I'll start by asking around.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Daki wanted me to play with a belt she was holding above me like I was a cat while I was soaking in a bath with her. I already got 2 punishments waiting for me after the bath for waiting 2 seconds, but she said if I can make her enjoy this even more than she thought, she would make sure the punishments didn't hurt as much. I just swiped at the belt like a cat until we finally got out and we dried off, then she dressed me in some pajamas since it will be morning soon and that means she will want me to sleep and her eyes looked a little bored, even when she plucked some loose hairs on my head then scraped my feet while putting cream on the burned a little. After she was down she put me in bed with her to cuddle me again, but there was a knock at the door.

Man-Um, excuse me ma'am, but a few clients were wondering if they could you... We need the money. Please.

Anger flared in Daki's eyes for a moment before she calmed down, but looked annoyed still.

Daki-*Sigh*... I will do a quick walk around the block. We go in 5 minutes.

Man-Thank you, thank you!

Daki-As for you, be a good boy.

She tied me up with belts as she left her room while quickly putting makeup on. I was all alone again and the window was cracked open for me to look out of. I just lied in bed tied up, but I wasn't bored because I was too scared.

(Tanjiro's POV)

It'll be morning soon, so the demon will have to be inside by then, but I should still look all over town in the streets. Soon I saw a town gather and in the distance, I saw a woman being the center of attention and she smelled like a lot of makeup, but also a faint scent of... (Y/N).


I decided to follow her scent back to a house and I guess most of the staff was with her. I had my hand on my sword while I quickly snuck upstairs and then opened a door that had (Y/N)'s scent lingering off it. When I opened I saw (Y/N) wrapped in belts and tied to a bed while he was surprised to see me and then muffled something to ask for help.


Tanjiro-Do move! I'll get you out!

I slashed all the belts and they were pretty rough and took a few tries, but when I cut them open... They smelled a look like Muzan. I didn't have time for that now, I had to get him out of here and back home.

(Y/N)-We have to run! She'll come back and I think the other spider demons are here still!

Tanjiro's mind-She?... Was that woman a demon?... I'll send in a report right now. Getting him to safety should be my top priority.

Tanjiro-Let's get you home.

I have to hurry and get him home then get back here to slay the demons and even have my friends here to help me. We both went downstairs and snuck by a few workers before we made it outside then made a run for it.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes Till Sunrise)

(Daki's POV)

I made it back to my house with the others after gracing the town with my beauty before sunrise and I was ready to get in my room and maybe give this sleeping thing a try after so long with my new pet. I made it back to my room... only to see the door was opened when I was sure I closed it. There's no way (Y/N) could've done it, so I will find out who, and he will tell me, but when I got in... He was gone. My heart broke and this made me really, really, 'really' angry. Nobody could have any hope for cutting my belts except a demon slayer. One of them had to be here in town still looking for me after seeing something like this... I will find them.

(No POV)


Daki-There's a demon slayer in the city. Find them and if possible, capture a small boy named (Y/N) and bring him to me alive and unharmed. He's not food.

Obi belt-It will be done.

The search in the city began and after a couple of hours of search... 3 potential demon slayers or something around that caliber was discovered sending out suspicious-looking letters.

(Timeskip to Noon)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't believe that I was almost home and Tanjiro ran with me on his back all the way here. He was out of breath, but we were on my home mountain now that I missed so much. Next was my home town then when we got past it... we made it back to my farm where my mommy is.

(Y/N)-MOM!!!... MOMMY!!!

((M/N)'s POV)

Others were tending to my farm since I was so sick with worry after Tanjiro still had not brought my son back home as he promised. I had nightmares every night about horrible things happening to my baby then all of the sudden...

???-Mom!... Mommy! *off in the distance*


I got up from my bed and walked outside then looked around to see someone on the trail running up. When I could see who it clearly was my heart raced and I felt so relieved.


I started fast walking then ran as fast as I could and Tanjiro put my son down to let him run to me and my baby jumped in my arms. I was so happy that I was crying tears of joy and so was my son while Tanjiro walked up with a warm smile on his face.

(M/N)-Thank you... Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Tanjiro-I did promise ma'am. I'm just glad he got home before he got hurt and my sister did help too.

(M/N)-Pl-Please, come in. You must be exhausted.

Tanjiro-Thank you, but I have other things to be doing. Just make sure he stays safe at home.

(M/N)-I will... Safe travels.

He smiled and waved goodbye before he walked off and I watched him go to the end of the road before I brought my son back inside to his room.

(Nezuko's POV)

(Y/N) was snuggling with me under a cherry blossom tree and he called me things like 'big sis', 'sissy', and best of all...

(Y/N)-Onee-san, I'm tired... Can I sleep on your lap?

Nezuko-Of course. I know it's your favorite. ~

Just as he was about to lay his head on my lap...

(Dream End)

Crow-Caw! Caw! Urgent message for Tanjiro and Nezuko!

That bird interrupted what was about to be the best dream I ever had... Now all I could think about was ripping that crow in half and throwing it over a fire before I feed him to the animals in the wild. That was until...

Crow-Stay with (Y/N)! Demons will be looking for him! Mitsuri is on her way! Caw! Stay with (Y/N)! Caw!

Just then my heart fluttered and felt like I dodged an arrow... I ALMOST MISSED SEEING (Y/N) AND NOW WE'RE STAYING WITH HIM!!!

(No POV)

While Tanjiro turned back to head to (Y/N)'s house and follow orders... A cat was watching him in the distance before it vanished with a meow.


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