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((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Caine held me the whole flight and drive back to her house, but we were finally in her driveway. She carried me out of the limo while thinking about the driver and I think when we get inside she will put me down. The second I'm alone I will call my dad or the police to get me to my real home. When we got inside she carried me to the living room and put me on the couch before she went on her phone to text something. Not even a minute later, I started to hear fast footsteps down the hall until 'they' came in and looked happy to see me, but they were also holding something.


Alesha hid what they had behind her when they came over and Coral took me from the couch to hold me.

Coral-Thank heavens you're back home!

Kinsley-Are you hurt?! Let me check!

Alesha-Mom already checked.

Kinsley-I don't care!

They all kept on checking, holding, and treating me like a baby until their mom took me back from them and had a serious look on her face.

Ms. Caine-Now girls, did you get everything ready for him?

Coral-We got everything, set them up with the staff, added a nice selection to his closet, lamented and framed 12 rules on his wall, and Alesha has one behind her back.

(Y/N)-What does she have?

Just then Alesha had a big smile before she showed me what she had and it made me a little nervous about my plan for getting to a phone.


Alesha-Oh (Y/N). Come here. ~

Ms. Caine put me done then Alesha bent down and got the leash ready for me to put on, but when I didn't move Ms. Caine nudged me a little. I just walked over to Aleshe before she clipped the back part onto me then I saw metal buckles were on instead of plastic locks then she put on the wrist park and waved it in front of the metal locks. They beeped and made a little clanking noise to show it was locked now.

Alesha-There you go. Now it won't come off until I unlock it. ~

I did try to unbuckle them and she only chuckled at this before she kissed my head and then stood up. She walked to the hall and gave my leash a little tug. I had to follow her and the others came into my room with us and I saw that there were 6 locks on my door on the outside to lock me in then I saw how many leashes were in my closet that were in a cage with a thumbprint lock on the top of it. Coral closed my door and Alesha took the leash off me then put the leash in and closed it.

Ms. Caine-I love what you girls did with the staff.

Alesha-We also got bulletproof glass for the windows, and all these looks on the windows, doors, and leashes are titanium. We just need to add your thumbprint for the leash cage later.

Ms. Caine-I noticed some of the rules on the wall.

Coral-They are mostly mine, but Kinsley came up with some. Now we're gonna go over them.

They took me to my bed and Coral closed and even had a lock on my closet with a key. Coral walked up to what must be the rules on my wall and Kinsley took me to put me on her lap. This feels like school or at least I think so since my dad couldn't afford the gas to get me to school and still go to the casino.

(House Rules For (Y/N))

1. No leaving your room without a leash or being held at all times

2. No leaving your room without a sister or mama

3. All baths are given by a sister or mama

4. No playing online with a mic and all other players are muted

5. Every night, you must have a sister or mama sleeping with you

6. Naps can 'occasionally' be taken alone

7. No dressing yourself

8. While the room is being cleaned, you will spend time in another room with a sister or mama

9. No talking to staff or guests

10. No staff or guest is allowed to touch you and you cannot touch them

11. No feeding yourself unless given permission

12. Pens are placed in a sister's and mama's room for you to be in without a leash or being held

13. No leaving the house without 'ALL' three of your sisters and mama with you and you have a leash on

(Zoe's POV)

I was pleased with these rules for my son and afterward my daughters told me what else they got in our rooms which were pins for their brother to be in. I think we need to add some pool rules too, but I'll come up with those since my daughters did a nice job. Now speaking of the rules...

Zoe-Come on (Y/N), I'm gonna give you a bath.

Kinsley-Oh, we got some stuff for his bathroom too. Like a few extra bath toys, and an extra filter for his water to add Epsom salt. Very good for his skin, smells great, and just make him melt his stress away... I'll give him his bath.

(Y/N)-I... Can I just learn to give myself a bath?

Zoe-Have you not paid attention to the rules? No. I wanna see this too.

We all ended up going into his bathroom and it looks like they took the knob with a lock off the door and just put in a normal one. I took (Y/n) to get his clothes off while Coral got the water ready and Kinselt went into the pantry in here to grab something and put it in the tub for (Y/N) to lay on.


Zoe-What's that?

Alesha-A bath body pillow. Just to keep him off a hard surface.

This was a nice touch and when we put him in the water his cheeks were just so pink and adorable. We all had a part in washing him and I got his hair then used the shower head to rinse him off while my daughters scrubbed the rest of his body. Now we just had to let him soak in some new bath water with the Epsom salt in it and they were making him relax because he didn't look tense at all while he was nuzzled into his bath pillow.

((D/N)'s POV)

I finally got my fake gun ready and drove up to the house and I need money, and help from the state soon because I already see an eviction notice in my future. This airsoft gun took part of my rent money I already need a loan for. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell then the owl man soon answered the door again.

Owl-Oh... Sir, I'm sorry to say this, but the lady of the manor has banned you from-.

I pulled out my airsoft gun and put on a serious look hoping he would buy my bluff and then...


Owl-Sir, that's not a real gun.

(D/N)-Are you sure you wanna test that?

Owl-That's an airsoft pistol and you can tell from the orange cap, the top looks like plastic, and the clip is a part of the handle instead of something that slides in the handle which that Glock 17. does not have. I know this because we have real firearms here for emergencies, and I am trained, certified, and know self-defense techniques.

(D/N)-... Do you still want to test it?

Owl-Why not? You're already caught on camera.

I looked around for the camera and he pointed right above us and I saw it just looking down. Police were probably already called and charging in was a bad idea, so I just took off running from the door while shooting the owl man with a few airsoft pellets before he closed the door.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I was hiding in some bushes on a hill a little far from the house and the police got to the house. I had to catch my breath. I looked at the airsoft pistol and ripped the stupid orange cap off then tossed it aside.

(D/N)-Why the fuck is he trained like a fucking soldier and stuck answering the damn door?!

I can't believe this! I washed windows, but when I woman picked me up off the corner for a 'good time' I thought she meant with her, but it turns out she wanted to watch a 3 way with 2 other cat men and they were not happy when I locked myself in a bathroom, find a stack of cash under the sink then squeezed out through a small window.

(D/N)'s mind-Ok, so that owl guy is gonna be a problem here, Dixie is gonna be a problem at the casino... I need to catch this bitch while she's alone and hold her at gunpoint.

For now, I can do this with police around, so I had to hide somewhere, but I can't go home right now. I think after a few months the police will move on since it was just an airsoft gun.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was wrapped in a towel in bed after the bath while Kinsley stayed in here with me after a worker here said that there was something important that they had to see. Soon Kinsley came out of my closet and she just had some sweats and a t-shirt for me for warmth, and some boxers. She dressed me before laying in bed with me to cuddle.

Kinsley-You wanna watch something or maybe play a video game with your big sis? ~

(Y/N)-Um... W-Watch something.

Kinsley-Horror movie it is.

I felt really nervous when she said that they found a movie called "Coraline" then put it on. I tried telling her that I don't want to watch anything scary, but all she said was...

Kinsley-Then just hold me tighter silly. ~

(Kinsley's POV)

I tried telling the others earlier that (Y/N) is going to fight us in submitting to us and whine about going back to his dad that could not take care of him. I think scaring him into seeking comfort in us is the way to go since the last time he cried at night, he was nuzzling in every direction until he fell asleep. I think telling him this was a scary movie already made him too scared to look before the second we got off the title screen and he saw a hand made of needles, he buried his face into my chest and covered his ears.

Kinsley-Awwww...~ You know, maybe I don't feel like cuddling... Unless I get some kisses. ~

He quickly gave me three quick kisses on my neck and chin then buried himself back into me. I just turned down the movie and let him snuggle into me then threw the blanket over us. While we were cuddling I wondered what was so important that my mom and sisters wanted to see so badly... I stopped caring about it when my little brother peeked at the movie at the part a small doll was on screen then he hid back under the blanket while looking at me.

Kinsley-Awwww, You're like a little bunny. ~

(Zoe's POV)

Ivan told us a man that was here before showed up with an airsoft pistol and tried to trick him into thinking that he had a real gun. Police wanted to see the security footage to identify the man, but I already knew who it was...

Zoe's mind-That stubborn fucking moron!


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