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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

My mommy and daddy rented a cabin in the woods since they thought it would be quieter during summer vacation. I wanted to have an adventure during the summer and when we were done unpacking, it was almost nighttime, but I wanted to go out and look around. I asked my dad and he said to ask my mom then she said...

Mom-I want you to stay close to the cabin where we can see you. Tomorrow we will go out on a hike in the woods. There's even a lake nearby where we can swim and even take a boat out to go fishing.


Mom-Only for an hour. I'm gonna start dinner.

I ran outside to look around a little and tried to find some animals to play with, like squirrels, and even heard of something called a 'honey badger'. I think they are called that because they are as sweet as 'honey' or maybe I can find a honey bear to play with and ride around on... Oh, wait!

(Y/N)-A wolf!

I kept on looking around for a wolf to bring back home since they are basically dogs. While I was looking around I thought going a little farther would not hurt. I made it to the top of a hill where I could still see the cabin then looked out to see the whole woods to where it looked like it didn't end. Just then I saw 3 birds land in a tree, so I went down the hill to go up to it and then saw a nest. I tried to climb up the tree and for a bit, I was doing good... until I saw a black spider with a red mark on it. I know that spider had poison in it. IT WAS A BLACK WIDOW!!!


I let go before the spider could bite me, but then I hit the ground really hard and for a moment I could not breathe in. My back really hurt and I think I fell on a tree root or something. I couldn't scream and couldn't cry for a bit, but when I could I tried to be as loud as possible, so my mom and dad could hear me.


(No POV)

Meanwhile, at the cabin, the parents were dancing to some music and having a good time while (Y/N)'s cries fell upon his parent's deaf ears. The animals heard the cries of a child and one of the birds flew off deeper into the woods. They went to a meadow where a lot of other animals were and someone else was there too. They started tweeting to her after they landed on her head then she picked them up with her finger.

???-Oh my, what's troubling you?

Bird-*Tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet*.

???-A loud cry? What happened?

Bird-*Tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet*.

???-What kind of cub?

Bird-*Tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* *tweet*.

???-Like me? Do you mean a human?

The bird only jumped on her finger a bit then she stood up and sighed.

???-I think I know where the human child is. Go ahead and fly ahead to keep an eye on him and that little cabin too. The parents should be nearby and I don't want you near them if they are hunters.

The bird flew off and the lady got on a bear to ride off into the woods where the cabin was that she hadn't been to since the last owner died long ago. She knew him to be a kind man at first and even returned the gift she gave him with another gift. She still hasn't taken them off to this day even after things went bad.

???'s mind-I wonder how this family is.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

My back still hurt and now my throat did too from screaming then I ran out of tears. I tried to crawl, but that made the pain in my back hurt even more again. The sun was almost completely down, I was getting cold, and I was scared of the dark.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.


I looked at where I heard the noise and thought it might've been a monster or something, but I saw nobody. There was a light through and I thought that somebody had a flashlight then it got brighter and warmer until it went away... I felt better. I could stand again then looked does to see a splintered tree root I was laying on and it had some of my blood on it. I panicked and then took off my shirt to rub my back to check if I was still bleeding, but I didn't find any then I looked at my shirt to see a hole in it, but no blood.


I looked to where I saw the light but turned back and ran home before the sun went down more.

(???'s POV)

The poor (H/C) haired boy looked so scared and that root actually got in his spine. No wonder he was still lying there and couldn't get up. I followed him to where the cabin was and when I looked through the window I saw the boy with his parents and talking to them. I haven't been here in so long since it held good memories and then a bad one.

(Flashback Start): 109 Years ago

I noticed a human lumberjack cutting down trees to make a home which made a few birds forced to nest somewhere else. I decided to confront this human male about this since this was my favorite spot in the whole world all year long. He was sawing a log when I tapped on his shoulder then he turned to me.

???-Oh... Well hello. What's your name? ~

Terra-My name is Terra and I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave.

???-Well hello Terra. My name be Lucas.

Terra-Nice to meet you, but you need to leave.

Lucas-How come?

Terra-This is my favorite domain and if you are going to treat it like this then I don't think you should be here.

Lucas-Domain?... I do apologize if this is your home madam, but I have left my village in hopes of a better life and to start my own business.

After going back and forth with him, I was about ready to unleash bears upon him, but I do not like to harm those who are just trying to make a living. I just wanted him to go, but he insisted on staying and compromised with me. I will tell him what trees are acceptable to cut down for his cabin then he is not allowed to cut down any living trees. Only dead ones. This took 4 weeks and by the time it was done, he promised to no longer cut down living trees.

Lucas-Now that we are finished, would you like to come inside?

Terra-Thank you, but no thank you.

Lucas-I do insist. I remember you like jasmine flower tea.

Terra-... I suppose... a cup could not hurt.

He invited me in and I did like the design for what it was, but I prefer my open space and feet on the soft grass and soil. He showed me a few games called charades and a card game that was fun to play. We spent hours playing these games and this was rather nice, but when night came I really couldn't sleep here, so I had to go for the night.

(Timeskip 3 Months)

I did like spending time with Lucas since when you get to know him, he's funny, treats me like a 'lady' and when I gave him gold for a 1-month friendship thing he wanted to do, a week later he traveled to town for a few days then came back with the gold to make a necklace and crown for me then gave them to me. It was very thoughtful and he may not know and understand that I am a goddess, but he treats me like a 'lady'. Now he said he just started a business to try and get us a big house on a hill while I was just happy here with everything how it was.

Lucas-I can give us a happier life. I want to do this for you.

Terra-I just know a lot of these 'businesses' hurt the land and wildlife. Just promise me yours won't do that.

Lucas-I will be working with animals in town for a while to get started and when I come back, everything will take off. Do you trust me?

Terra-I... I don't fully understand... But I will trust you.

(Timeskip 1 Month)

I still waited for Lucas to come back I went to the cabin every day to check if he returned then today, he was finally there. He had a few wagons full of things with him, but I walked up behind him and then tapped on his shoulder to give him a surprise kiss. When I broke the kiss he only smiled at me and then grabbed my waist.

Lucas-You, look lovely. As beautiful as nature. ~

Terra-Such a charmer. ~

Lucas-I got a surprise for you. ~

He led me to one of the wagons and then hopped in one of them, but when I looked inside, I was horrified and shocked to see beartraps, weapons humans use, and flint and steel. He reached for a cloth and then pulled it off to show me what it was. A dead rabbit that was stuffed and I noticed a faint line on its neck... This rabbit was strangled by a rope.

Lucas-I know you like rabbits, I thought you could have it in your room.

Terra-Lucas... What is this business you made?

Lucas-Hunting and Butcher Shop. We find the animals for the customer, cut them up, sell them, and we can charge that much more for fresh meat that we even season for a bit extra cost.

My heart sank at how many animals he must've killed that he didn't even have to in order to feed himself. He gave me a smile while I looked at this poor dead animal... I... I...

(Flashback End)


I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed tall weeds with long thorns coming out of them and were pointed at the cabin that had been changed and modernized over the years. I was about to unintentionally strangle and pierce the family with weeds and thorns just like I did to Lucas that day to kill them for betraying my trust. I calmed myself and then noticed the lights were off in the house, but I saw the boy through the bedroom window. A couple of humans came and went, but never a family... I hadn't seen a human child in many, many years, so I decided to get a closer look. When I got up to the cabin I noticed some of it was plastic, metal, and a thing called wire for electricity. The window was not locked, so it allowed me easy access to the cabin. It did make me feel some things I did not like, but I can't lash out at an innocent child.

Terra's mind-Keep calm Terra. It was a long time ago and Lucas got what he deserved. It is done.

I remember this room used to be for guests, even when Lucas never had any, and I never slept in here. I walked up to the child and saw his (H/L) (H/C) more clearly along with his soft (S/C) skin. He was sleeping on his side so I lifted the back of his shirt to see his back and I did a rather good job healing him from a distance. It just looks a little red at some spots, so I healed those in case I missed any internal bleeding. I wondered how human society affected this family... I guess I can find out tomorrow.

(Timeskip to Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I watched a bit of cartoons after we got back from a hike before my mommy and daddy wanted me to go play outside while they took care of boring adult things inside and didn't want me to get bored from just being around it. I don't know how that works, but I guess I could go back to where I got hurt to see where that light was.

(Y/N)'s mind-How can I get bored from just them doing boring stuff around me... I thought this was supposed to be a fun vacation.

When I made it to that root that was covered in splinters somehow and had dry blood on it, I looked to where the light came from last night, but nothing was there, No lights, no crystals, nothing shiny, and not even a bit of glitter since that light was a little sparkly.

(Y/N)-What was that light?... Mommy and Daddy say magic is only in books and shows and stuff.

Just then I saw someone walking on the trail my parents and I were on earlier then she stopped to look at me.


She looked pretty and when she waved to me I waved back before she walked over to me. I looked at her feet to see that she was not wearing any shoes to keep her feet from getting dirty. When she got in front of me she bent down to me and smiled.

???-Hello little one. What are you doing out here all alone?

(Y/N)-Um... Nothing. Just playing.

???-That sounds fun. Are you staying in that cabin just over that hill?

(Y/N)-Yeah... How did you know about the cabin?

???-I used to know someone who lived there... Oh, where are my manners? My name is Terra.

(Y/N)-Hi... I'm (Y/N).

Terra-You look like a nice boy. I bet you have a lot of friends.

(Y/N)-Only two, but they're back in town while I'm here for the summer.

Terra-How do you like it? Do you have any plans?

I started to tell her that I wanted to see a few animals and the ones I told her about, she said are known to be kind of mean and they can eat me. She told me about rabbits and birds, but they weren't as cool. She only smiled and whistled a little song before a bird flew down and landed on her finger then she put the bird on my shoulder.

Terra-Don't move too much. You'll scare the bird.

(Y/N)-How did you do that?

Terra-Um... It's a talent.

(Y/N)-Can you show me how to do it?

Terra-It's not that simple. It's about building a bond with the animals and for me it just comes naturally.

(Terra's POV)

(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes lit up in awe at my ability to bond and communicate with animals. He wanted to see more, so I brought him to some very beautiful places around this area and when we got to a flower patch, he picked some flowers and then gave one to me... It was a Jasmine, like how I use it for tea.


(Y/N)-I want to take some home to put in a vase, but this is for you.

Terra-Awww, you're so sweet. ~

(Y/N) blushed when I cooed him then he led me back to the cabin and told me to wait out here while he took his flowers inside, so I took this time to focus on the flower stems he picked to quickly grow the flowers back at the meadow. When he came back out he had a small bowl with him and it had some kind of colorful dots in them.


Terra-What are these?

(Y/N)-It's candy. They're M&M's. Chocolate.


(Y/N)-You never had chocolate?! Here!

He was eager to share with me by holding out his bowl, so I took a piece and tried it and... It tasted rich in flavor and very sweet. This reminded me a bit of strawberries and wondered how strawberries and this chocolate would go together.

Terra-This is delicious.

(Y/N)-I would invite you inside, but my mom and dad were a little noisy while jumping on their bed in their room. I guess they lied to me about boring stuff to act like kids when I'm not around.

Come to think of it... His parents weren't there last night when he got hurt and could have gotten seriously infected and died... Why weren't they watching their child? Where were they? I asked him these things and he said they were dancing to music, so they couldn't hear him.

Terra's mind-Did they ever think to check on him?! It was almost dark when I healed him last night.

Terra's mind-Can you tell me what else your parents and what your home is like?

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

After being told things about being left at a place called 'school' where sometimes fires and people with weapons show up, so they practice for that to be 'safe', his parents leave him home alone a lot after he gets back from school to go to work, and this vacation is the most amount of time they spent with him in a long time...

Terra's mind-What parents have a child just to neglect them?!

The more he spoke about his parents like they were good parents after saying things like "Big boys don't sleep with mom and dad after they have nightmares" and he felt proud about it, the more I thought they were neglectful, deceitful, dishonest, selfish, and harming others... Like...

Terra's mind-Lucas.

Giving this couple the title of parents is not even worthy to be called a joke since those are meant to be found humorous... This was disgusting because I know humans raise their children for years until they are set out into the real world.

(Y/N)-Here, you can have the rest of the M&M's and bring the bowl back later. I wanna watch a show of mine and rest. Maybe later we can play if you're still around. I had a lot of fun.

He gave me the bowl and then hugged my legs at his level of height before he ran inside while I held my hand out to him. I walked around the outside of the cabin a bit and caught the couple mating and the male even had his female tied to the bed and she was loving it... This reminded me of Lucas even more and the weeds with thorns came out of the ground again.

Terra's mind-Is this how Lucas became the man he was... Did he have parents like this that didn't teach him right from wrong BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY MATING LIKE RABBITS?!?!?!... Is (Y/N) going to end up like him from his parents?

I looked at the candy (Y/N) left me and thought of how sweet and cute he acted around me, and was so well-behaved for his age... I looked back to his parents and...

Terra's mind-... No... No, no, no. I won't let him become like Lucas. I won't!

The thought of (Y/N) losing his way because of his horny parents... was unacceptable. This world has suffered too many people like them and I will not have a sweet boy be turned into another monster... There's only one way.

Terra-If you don't want to be responsible and loving parents to (Y/N)... Then you won't have him anymore... I will.



i want too


So far this is my favorite of your one-shot stories.