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(Centorea's POV)

I was carrying (Y/N) on my shoulders all the way home since he wanted to be held up high. Ms. Smith gave us papers for instructions on the stretches that he needs to do twice a day, so we might set his times to do them for after breakfast and before bed. When we all finally made it home, we saw a big yellow envelope in the crack of our front door and Miia grabbed it. There was no stamp, mailing address, or anything to tell us where it came from or who might've dropped it off. Right now, it points to it being a threat or something around that caliber to try and scare us like with Lala.

Miia-What's this?

Papi-Open it, open it!

Papi seemed excited about it just to satisfy her curiosity and when we got inside Miia opened the papers while I brought (Y/N) up to his room to push him on his swing for a while. I don't think it'll be anything we can't handle and I don't need our son being stressed out the moment he comes back home and had a few stressful days in a row.

(Y/N)-Mom, do you think we can all watch a movie tonight? I want to try to watch something scary like a big kid.

Centorea-Well, we're going to have to find one appropriate for you. I don't want you getting nightmares... Unless you might want to watch another superhero movie.

(Y/N)-Well... can we watch (F/SH/M)

Centorea-That sounds much better.

I really didn't look forward to him coming into my room with tears since he might find comfort in the mom that is a warrior. Soon the door opened and Papi and Suu came in and snatched (Y/N) off his swing to hold him close as his life depended on it.


Centorea-Papi, Suu, what is the meaning of this?!

(Y/N)-Did something happen?

Papi-Nobody is taking him! He's our baby and he's in the same program as us!

Centorea-What are you talking about?!


Miia ran in holding the papers and tried to get Papi to calm down, but now 9y/N) was starting to worry which was the last thing I wanted.


Miia-Not. Here.

I looked at the papers and took them from Miia while she dealt with Papi while I read these papers over... These were CPS custody papers. I could tell what I was about to read was not going to be good and by the time I made it to the most important part of the text, I could see that I was right.

Centorea's mind-ENDANGERMENT?!?!?!

They brought up how Papi's claws are too sharp for (Y/N) to be around and her recklessness can get him cut, Miia could accidentally strangle him with her coils if she gets too carried away, Mero being a mermaid, popular for a tragedy fetish and might hurt or kill him for her pleasure, Suu could drown him in her body and get him sick from touch, plus she's proven to be here illegally, Rachnera is believed to have poisonous venom, Lala for her cult-like behavior may 'sacrifice him to death', and me... They say I might trample him or go to extreme measures that may threaten another life because I carrying a fake sword and possibly have a real one in my possession.

Centorea's mind-WHO MADE THESE CLAIMS?!?!?!

I looked through the rest of the papers and by the time Miia gave up and let Papi and Suu snuggle (Y/N), the one who is challenging us for custody of our son is "Haley Strong".

((Y/N)'s POV)

I didn't know what exactly was going on, but I know it was bad since Centorea looked worried. I wanted to see what she was reading, but Papi and Suu would not let me go and even Suu looked sad and worried. I never saw her like this before.

Miia-Sweetie, just stay in here with Suu and Papi for a while, ok. You 3 can play while we talk about something downstairs.

Miia slithered over to us before she kissed my head and then left with Centorea. Papi held me tighter before she sat on top of me while Suu still lay by my side.

Papi-(Y/N), you know your big sister wouldn't hurt you, right?

(Y/N)-I know... Who said that?

Papi-Those mean papers.

She got up and then picked me up before she took me to my bed then put me on top of her while Suu played with some of my toys. Papi wrapped her feathers around me and they just felt so warm and with my head on her chest, I could hear her heartbeat. I loved cuddling with my moms, but now I couldn't enjoy this...

(Y/N)'s mind-Papers about me?... Is someone trying to take me? But I like it here.

(Mero's POV)

The thought of our child being ripped out of our home sounded like a tadgic fairy tale that I would love at first, but with a real chance of it happening this actually made me worry. Rachnera was on the phone with Ms. Smith and telling her about the papers, so Monako was being sent over to get them to see if they were legal papers or just frauds. It doesn't take away the worry and how Papi basically told our son. Rachnera was on the ceiling and kind of angry as she paced around, Lala was just looking out the window, while Miia and Centorea were showing just as much worry as me. We all had to wait until there was a knock at the door, so I answered it and saw it was Monako in uniform.


Mero-Thank you for coming.

Monako-Let me see the papers. Ms. Smith is sure they can't be real, but it's better safe than sorry.

Mero-They're on the coffee table in the living room.

I let her in and followed her to the papers and she checked over them for a little over 10 minutes, like she was triple checking them. She soon gave us a look that told us she was sorry, and that meant we had our answer.

Mero-I'm sorry, but this look very real to me. It's certified. Someone is challenging you for custody.

My heart fluttered, yet shattered at the same time. Just then we heard another knock at the door and I went to answer it only see a woman I never met before.


Mero-Um... Can I help you?

???-Yes, Itrust you got my papers. I'm just here to see (Y/N).

Something in me snapped when she said all of the so casually... She's the one trying to take my son from us? She's Haley. There is no way I will let her in or anywhere near my son.

Mero-My son is in his room playing with his sister figures and considering your actions, I do not feel it is in my best interests to let you in my home. I bid you a good day.

Haley-Now, now, I just want to see the boy I'm adopting.

Mero-Sorry to say this, but he already has a family.

I closed the door on her, but she only gave off a smug smile then I locked the door.

(Miia's POV)

Mero just turned and looked surprised to see us and we saw everything that just happened and who Haley way. I can't believe that woman gave off a smug smile after attempting to rip our family apart and Monako had to hold me back a bit from grabbing that thieving tramp!


Centorea-These papers can't be valid! (Y/N) is in the program with us!

Mero-Surely there is something we can do!

Monako-Please, calm down!... I will bring these to Ms. Smith and the program will have very good lawyers. Just... stay in the house as much as possible before we can get a trail date set up. Ms. Smith won't let anyone take your son away.

Monako just went to grab the papers to take with her before she quickly left and the rest of us were sick to our stomachs over what was happening and now we have to fight to keep our baby. While the others talked to each other about how much we hated this, I snuck off to my son's room then opened the door to see Suu playing with him while Papi had (Y/n) on her lap.


They stopped playing when they saw me and I guess the look on my face made my son worry.

(Y/N)-Mom?... Is everything ok?

Miia-E-Everything is fine... I was thinking about tonight... How about we all sleep in the living room together. We can watch movies, and play games. It'll be fun.

(Y/N)-Ok... Can you come play with us?

Miia-Of course darling.

Papi-Here, you hold him, my legs are falling asleep.

I went over to them and Papi gave (Y/N) to me and I guess she already forgot about what happened... It's probably for the best anyway until we get things settled. I know how much my son loves his new home and remembered the day he and I met and he was just as affectionate and lovable as he is now... Telling him someone is trying to take him away from us will break his heart, even if I think he already thinks that's what's going on... He just doesn't know for sure.

Miia's mind-Don't worry honey... We won't her take you from us.


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