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(Raven's POV)

Last night (Y/N) begged me that he wanted to see his sister and I can't believe me making him cry made me cave into his demands. Right now we were having breakfast and he was literally bouncing in place to see Ruby and Yang, but I just plan to send him through the portal. I will not be joining him and he will only have until tomorrow night. But if I sense him crying or anything like that, I'm taking him back early. This is already a bad idea in my eyes, but I can't stand it when he cries. When he was ready to go, I gave him some last-minute things.

Raven-I want you to take this symbol on this cloth. If you are messed with anywhere in Patch then this will make them back off. Also, if you still have a problem or want to come to sleep here for the night, just say 'Mama Bird' and I will open a portal to take you back.

(Y/N)-How come you don't wanna come? Yang will be so happy to see you.

Raven-It's complicated... I love you, and when you come back, we'll be making up for the lost time. Understand?

He only gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek and I was glad we were in my tent and others weren't looking. I hugged him back and gave him 5 kisses before I stood up.

(Yang's POV)

I know Weiss is up in her manor with our little brother and there's supposed to be a party in a few days after Beacon was attacked and fell, so Ruby and I plan to sneak into it to get our brother back. Right now Ruby was in the shower in our hotel room that we paid for Using Weiss's card she left back at Blake's house. Suddenly something opened up in the room and it looked bad until someone ran through then my heart raced and the biggest smile curve on my face.




He jumped into my arms as the portal closed and I caught him. I held him tightly under his lap and behind his head then covered him in so many kisses as he tried nuzzling into me over and over again.

(Y/N)-I missed you so much!... Where's Ruby?

Yang-She's in the shower... How about we surprise her when she comes out? ~

(Ruby's POV)

I just got done with my daydream about cutting Weiss's neck open and then nailing her against the wall with her weapon before I took back my brother. I stepped out of the shower to dry off and wrapped myself in my towel then walked out into the room to see Yang more relaxed than ever since we got here, and she even had a smile.


Ruby-Why are you so happy?

Yang-Whatever do you mean?

Ruby-We still haven't got (Y/N) back!

Yang-So would you be happy if he were here? Is that what you are saying?

Ruby-... I'm not in the mood for this Yang! We still have to find dresses to blend in to that party!

Yang-I'm not going to that party.

Ruby-WHAT?!?!?! What about (Y/N)?!

Yang-Why don't we ask him?

Just then I felt someone grab my leg from behind and it made me jump. I turned to see that my little brother was hugging my leg while smiling up at me then my bad rate just spiked from pure joy.




I scooped him up and held him tight feeling so relived that we had our little brother again. I flopped back onto my bed to cuddle him and he just adjusted my chest to his liking before he rested on top of me. I didn't mind only being in a towel and having the cold breeze hit my wet hair, but Yang came over and took him from me.

Ruby-Hey, he just got comfortable!

Yang-You were also getting him wet.

She laid down in her bed with him, so I got up to get dressed then he told us everything that happened to him since we were at Blake's house. When he made it to the last part...

Yang-You were with my mom?

(Y/N)-Yeah and she's my mommy too since dad adopted me. She opened that portal and said I could stay for 2 days, but you can come back with me, help me bring her to Patch, and we can all be a family together.

Yang-We'll... I'll talk with her when she opens that portal.

When I got done getting dressed I sat back down and thought about the times Yang would talk about her mom. It was rare, but I think last time she tried, dad and Qrow said it didn't turn out so good.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Yang's POV)

Looks like we were staying in Atlas since it would be pointless to travel if what my brother said was the truth, so we decided to go out and get something sweet to celebrate getting him back. He wanted cake, so we got to a bakery and they had amazing cakes, and we got a chocolate, vanilla cake with custard fulling. I had (Y/N) sit on my lap and Ruby got his slice first then got a bite ready.

Ruby-Say-. ~


Ruby-Good. ~

He took the bite and when he did, his eyes lit up from how good it was, but then I started to think about how others fed him whichruined the moment a little. If they didn't feed him properly or made him feed himself a lot, I will rip there throats out. After he was full, Ruby and I had the rest of the cake and this cake was better than any home made cake we ever made. He just had some milk, but stole glances at my boobs before he nuzzled into them.

(Y/N)-Can we go play a game next? Or maybe there's a movie place we can go to?

Ruby-How about a park? We can play tag there until you get tired then we can rest with a movie back at the room.


(No POV)

When the sisters took their brother to the park to play the cameras around the city managed to scan his face, but didn't find anything on him forbeing a resident or visiting. The system marked him and as the siblings played a staff member did some research on him to find out he was not only from Patch, but as labeled as a priority by none other than General Ironwood himself. When he found out...

Ironwood-He's found? He's here in Atlas?! How did he get here?!

Soldier-We don't know sir. There was no ticket in his name, and checking the footage when his sisters arrived, showed it was just the sisters.

Ironwood-That means...

He started to suspect that Salem might have placed him in Atlas as well as her minions, but he didn't know who, so he had to take precautions for something that was not even there.

Ironwood-Send the Ace Ops to pick those three up and bring them to me. I also want a full sweep of the city and if someone is not found as a visitor or resident, detain or arrest them until further notice. I want 'constant' updates.

Soldier-Yes sir.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I'm it right now, and chasing Yang around to tag her, but started to get tired. I couldn't catch her until Ruby grabbed me to help me tag Yang using her semblance. Yang saw this and glared at Ruby.

Yang-No semblance!

Ruby-I didn't!

Yang suddenly tagged her and we ran from Ruby then I hid behind a bush while they were busy with each other. Suddenly I was tapped on my shoulder, so I turned and saw a man standing behind me, so I got a little nervous when he had a badge.


???-Hey kid. Hiding from your sisters?

(Y/N)-We're playing a game.

???-Well, I hate to say this, but the game is over now.

I slowly backed up a little before I ran to my sisters while he just walked after me, but after Ruby and Yang saw me running to them, four more people showed up.


They had us surrounded, so I tried to hide behind Yang since she's the better fighter.

???-Team, be gentle now. These aren't ones to arrest. General ordered to have them secured.

Yang-Who are all of you?

???-Pardon the late introductions. We are the Ace Ops. My name is Clover and this is my team Vine, Elm, Marrow, and Harriet.

Ruby-We didn't do anything wrong!

Clover-Ma'am, we know you didn't do anything wrong. This is just for your safety, but we are going to have to ask you some questions after we bring you to Atlas Academy.

The team came closer and Yang picked me up to hold me before we had to walk with them and I was scared if we were in trouble and they were just lying. I never got arrested before and it's only supposed to be for bad people... I'm scared.

(Elm's POV)

This kid was the main target and we are only bringing these two students to not cause a bigger scene. We weren't told much other than to be on the look out for any of the criminals we were informed or anything else suspicious. Poor kid looked scared of us and we didn't pull out cuffs or anything, but I guess 5 strangers suddenly stepping in and taking you somewhere would catch you off guard. The boy looked at me over his sister's shoulder like he was a kicked puppy, so I tried to wave to break some tension then he waved back a little too.


We made it to the station and I was in charge of watching over the 3 of them while my team took care of the rest. Ruby and Yang passed their brother between the both of them to try and comfort them. I would like to try comforting him with words, but that might not help much or at all.

Yang-How long are we going to be here?

Elm-Just until we get things figured out. You should be out of here in no time.

Yang-Last time we dealt with Atlas 'helping out', they turned our home into a base camp.

Elm-I'm sure they had their reasons.

Yang-... I'm sure they did too.

(Y/N)-Where's Winter?

How does he know Special Operative Schnee?

Elm-I don't think Winter is in Atlas at the moment, but a case like this is something she will most likely be informed.

Ruby-Aren't we supposed to get a phone call?

Elm-You are not under arrest.

Yang-So we can leave?

Elm-... Not at this moment.

She just glared at me and (Y/N) just gave me pleading eyes. I dealt with worse looks like that and remained professional, but for some reason this was a whole lot hard. My legs even acted on their own a bit, but I caught myself and played it off by leaning on the door.

Elm's mind-What was that?


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