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((Y/N)'s POV)

I've been awake for a while, but mommy just felt so cozy while I was completely under a warm blanket in the dark while I was on top of her. We did wake up a little late last night and she got mad when she had to go tell some of her mean friends to be quiet. I didn't even have to get up to get a drink thanks to what she can do and while I was having a drink right now she scratched my head.

Mommy-Good morning. ~


Mommy-*Groan* *yawn* Alright, let's get up and go take a bath before breakfast.

(Y/N)-But i'm so warm and cozy... Can we stay in bed for a bit longer?

Mommy-Sorry. Up.

I just got off her to get out of bed and stretch then saw her stretching in bed.


I shivered at the cold air that got in the tent, so when she got up I hopped in her arms for warmth and she caught me. She just got the bath stuff we would need to go out, but I hate the walk back since it's so cold out and it's worse when you get out of the water.

(Vernal's POV)

Med bay was packed all night after what Raven did when she was in a bad mood when her son woke up from 3 guys fighting while drunk. I checked the tent to only see the two were gone, so I just went out to get some breakfast. While I ate I heard the laughter of a child then looked to see Raven and (Y/N) coming back and she was giving him a shoulder ride.


Raven is supposed to lead a raid today and I think i'll stay back this time, but I need to come up with a reason that is more convincing than just saying 'I'm sick'. After a while of think Raven came up to me then what she said next was pure luck, but understandable.

Raven-I'm heading out in a bit. Make sure nobody goes near my tent with my son inside. If he wants to leave the tent then tell him to wait until I get back. I'm trusting you Vernal.

Vernal-How long are you going to be gone?

Raven-Getting there will take until night on foot, so after the raid, I'll be using a portal to get us back. I don't want anyone so much as stressing him out.

Vernal-What do I do if that happens?

Raven-Do what you do best. Just keep him happy and cared for or the punishment fails on your head before anyone else.

I did like the sound of doing whatever I like if things get too loud for the kid, so this was a win-win situation. She went back in her tent and I went to mine to rest then heard her making the announcement about her son in her tent and how not to bother him or they answer to me then her.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mommy just left even when I asked her to stay, but she said she had to go get things like food, money, and other stuff for everybody. She also told me not to leave the tent unless it was bath time, Vernal was close by to watch me, or she gets back. I didn't have anything to do in here, so she said she would bring back toys for me to play with. Almost no time after she left, I was so bored already then the tent opened only for me to see Vernal and she looked mean.


Vernal-Hey 'kid'.

(Y/N)-Um... Hi.

Vernal-Been meaning to talk to you.

(Y/N)-About what?

Vernal-You and your mom. You two look pretty close already considering she just adopted you... Any ideas why?

(Y/N)-Well... my sister is her mom too. I guess that's why.

She didn't like that answer and walked up to me, so I backed up on the bed a little which made her laugh a little.

Vernal-Calm down. Your mom had me watch you, so that means I can't hurt you. Let's talk.

(Vernal's POV)

I tried to keep things settle as best as I could even if it wasn't one of my strong suits, but if I make this kid cry and he says a word to Raven then I'll be in trouble. I mixed in my questions about him and Raven with stupid questions like what food he likes and stuff. It did seem to work because he didn't look uncomfortable... Actually, he actually showed me a bit more energy then I started to feel butterflies in my stomach for some reason.

Vernal's mind-Why am I getting nervous? He's just a kid. I even helped destroyed small towns with small kids in it countless times.

(Y/N)-Oh, and my sisters have these friends that are on their team and-!

Vernal-Wait, stop!... Give me a minute of silence, please.

(Y/N)-... Ok.

I tried to stuff this feeling down since there is no room for it for me or this tribe, but just looking into the kid's eyes made the feeling stronger. I couldn't look away, but he could to try and find something to do. All he could find were just some rope and he just wiggled and pulled it around the ground to make it look like a snake. I normally see this as stupid, but I just...

Vernal's mind-This makes me wanna hold him?! Fuck that!

I just pulled myself out of the tent and ignored the feeling of going back in. This had to have happened to Raven then I remembered what she told me about her brother's semblance being bad luck. Rather if he liked it or not, it was there, but I never heard of a semblance like this... Or am I just being paranoid?

Vernal's mind-There is no such thing of a semblance that effects love. Does this kid even know how to produce aura?! This is stupid!

I heard a noise back in the tent of something falling over then I looked inside to see the spare rope aside from the one he played with fell on him and now he got tangled in it.


(Y/N)-S-Sorry!... I'll put it back!

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(Y/N)-Almost... and... Wait, hold on.

He is still trying to untangle himself from the rope, but all he was doing was getting out of one knot to put himself into another... My heart keeps on skipping a beat from time to time. I kept on telling myself to leave and get over it, but I couldn't leave then I soon couldn't stop myself from going up to him and finally untangling (Y/N) from the rope.

Vernal-Can you do anything for yourself? Cook, fight, anything?

(Y/N)-Well... I'm good at games with my sisters, and I help them cook and clean.

Vernal-Anything without your sisters?

(Y/N)-... They were both sick a few times and I had to do a lot of things myself, like make sandwiches, take a bath, and sleep alone with a night light.

This kids is a new level beyond pathetic. Why am I having such a hard time fighting feelings that are not even supposed to be there?! I would say I just want to hit him, but I couldn't even bring myself to do it in my thoughts. I just closed my eyes and really focused on hitting him in my head, but no matter how hard I tried, it just did not happen. After a couple of minutes I gave up and opened my eyes... only to see I was holding him.

Vernal-What are you doing?!

(Y/N)-Huh?... Y-You picked me up.


(Y/N)-Just now.

I think I was starting to lose it and tried to put him down... On the other hand... He did feel nice in my arms... NO!!! I put him down then left the tent to go get something to eat before I go back to my tent for a while.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I'm in a really bad mood just fighting over my thoughts about that boy. Almost every part of me wanted to go back to him, but I'm not some soft nanny! This is only getting harder and harder then something set me over the edge.

???-What are you looking at?!

I left my tent to see a member is causing problems at the gate with one of the guards, so I walked up to him. Raven made it clear not to allow anything to stress the kid... I'm just following orders, right? Of course I am.

Vernal-Hey! Keep it down! Raven said to not stress out the kid!

Member-Not like I'm yelling at some ankle biter! They won't give me a shot of their whiskey! I know they have some!

Guard-You're right. 'My' whiskey!

Vernal-I don't care! Put on some big girl undies and take it somewhere we can't hear you!

Member-What?! You care about this kid?! Why should he care if it's none of his business, and why do you care?! Maybe I'll go make the kid a part of this!

The second he said that my blood boiled and my body acted on its own to grab my weapons.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I hate the sound of fighting and my mommy told me to tell her if people started fighting while she was gone, so she could with them. I only covered my ears and hid in the bed under the covers. Soon, I felt the covers being pulled out from over me then I looked to see Vernal and she had a chicken leg and baked potato with her for me.


Vernal-Hey, you hungry?

She was being real nice now and even let me sit on her lap to eat while she rubbed my back and head to make me feel better. Nobody was fighting anymore, so I still have to tell my mommy when she gets back, but it still bothered me.

Vernal-Hey, did those boneheads fighting make you feel sad? ~


Vernal-Well, I had a nice talk with one of them and he won't be fighting anyone anymore.

(Y/N)-Did he pinkie promise?

Vernal-He did something better. Think of it like a pact.

As long as he learned his lesson and won't fight anyone anymore, I'm happy.

(No POV)

Meanwhile outside the tent, the members were busy digging a hole and as for Vernals weapons, they were dripping in blood just outside Raven's tent. By the time Night came Raven returned alone only to find Vernal sleeping in her bed with (Y/N).


Raven woke them up to take (Y/N) back and have him tell her about the fight, but Vernal said that she took care of it and they won't bother him anymore. Vernal was free to go back to her own tent, but she wanted to stay with her and (Y/N), but was sent to her tent anyway. When Raven got them both ready for bed and got in, (Y/N) asked one last thing.

(Y/N)-Mommy, can I see my sisters tomorrow?



I like how he calls raven mommy now, we don't get that a lot in these books.